RA pour Cabaliste

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What are Realm Abilities?

Realm Abilities are skills which you can gain by spending Realm Skill Points. Theses are gained at the rate of one point per Realm Rank level, so someone who’s RR1L8 would have gained 8 points to spend.

So what Realm Abilities should I be getting?

Unlike some other classes who seem to have an abundance of decent Realm Abilities we Matter Cabalists seem to be blessed (or is it cursed, I dunno) with only a few worth our hard earned points. Here’s what I have so far :

Mystic Crystal Lore (MCL) lvl 1
Costing 3 points this realm ability gives you a boost to your power of approximately 30% and is usueable every 5 minutes. Whilst we can recycle pets to gain back our power this isn’t always feasible. Also after being resurrected MCL gives us just the boost fo power needed so we can start recycling pets immediately and get back to full power in next to no time. MCL is a must-have ability for any casting class.

Augmented Acuity lvl 2
Costing a total of 4 points each level of this skill gives you an additional 6 points to your Intelligence. This is a required skill if you wish to train in the next little gem.

Wild Arcana lvl 3
Costing a total of 10 points this ability increases your chance of a critical hit on any DOT based attack by by 5% per level. You have a base chance of 10% as it is so with lvl 3 this will give you a 25% chance of a crit. The crtical chance is calulated on the initial DOT tick on each individual target. If it's a successful critical hit then each tick on that target will do the same higher damage figure.
This is THE realm ability any Matter Cabalist should not be without. Points permitting I’m debating whether to actually get to lv 5 in this skill it’s that good.

Useable only once every 30 minutes this 10 point ability dispels all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc. I was very sceptical at spending 10 points on something I could only use every 30 minutes at first however having played with it a fair bit I can honestly say it’s 10 points well spent. Almost everytime I’ve used Purge it’s either saved my life or helped turn the tide of a battle. I’d recommend Purge for every class in the game.

As for future points I’m undecided at present, take a look at the full list of abilities to see what else is available.

Don’t Cabalists have a unique Realm Ability like other classes?

Yes we do, our one is called Juggernaut. Costing 14 points and useable once every 30 minutes this summons a pet of your level (i.e. a “100%” pet) that lasts for 4 minutes. The pet (Arcanium Sim) is certainly impressive when cast however he’s likely to spend a large chunk of his 4 minutes of life mesmerized or rooted. If he’s not cc’d then he’ll likely be mobbed by the enemy and dispatched very quickly. As it stands Juggernaut is a waste of 14 points I’m afraid.
pour la spé dot .
Citation :
Publié par Simashu Hantori
Bonjour ,

Alors voila selon vous qu'elles seraient les meilleurs RA pour un cabaliste spé body ici même sur le pvp j'hésite pas mal et je voudrais des avis merci
Merci mais spé body moi , mais sa m'aide quand même merci

Le lien donné est parfait en fait
pourquoi tu veux pas me croire... spé simu c'est le mieux !

ps: démonstration.

Spé Body

Target is damaged, and a portion of the damage is used to heal the caster.
1 Remove Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 4 d/70% (Body) 2 power
5 Snatch Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 21 d/70% (Body) 4 power
7 Pilfer Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 30 d/70% (Body) 5 power
10 Drain Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 39 d/70% (Body) 6 power
14 Siphon Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 55 d/70% (Body) 9 power
18 Absorb Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 72 d/80% (Body) 11 power
23 Steal Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 90 d/80% (Body) 14 power
28 Seize Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 111 d/80% (Body) 17 power
35 Capture Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 136 d/90% (Body) 22 power
45 Abduct Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 174 d/90% (Body) 29 power

Et en ligne de base, tu as ça :

Target is damaged, and a portion of the damage is used to heal the caster.
1 Minor Vitality Drain Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 5 d/30% (Body) 2 power
2 Lesser Vitality Drain Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 9 d/30% (Body) 2 power
3 Vitality Drain Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 13 d/30% (Body) 3 power
5 Greater Vitality Drain Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 21 d/30% (Body) 4 power
7 Major Vitality Drain Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 29 d/30% (Body) 5 power
10 Minor Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 37 d/30% (Body) 6 power
14 Lesser Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 52 d/30% (Body) 9 power
18 Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 68 d/40% (Body) 11 power
23 Greater Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 85 d/40% (Body) 14 power
28 Major Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 104 d/50% (Body) 17 power
35 Increased Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 128 d/50% (Body) 22 power
45 Superior Essence Consumption Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 164 d/60% (Body) 29 power
50 Essence Devourer Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 179 d/60% (Body) 33 power

Donc, le DD de base est meilleur sur deux points : le sort est lvl 50 donc moins résisté, et fait plus de degats. Tu ne perds qu'un peu en lifedrain, mais 60% c'est largement suffisant pour un mage. Les autres sorts de la spé body...

Debuff (Combat Speed)
Reduces the target's combat speed, which will cause it to be considerably less effective in melee combat.
47 Inflict Greater Excruciation Enemy 0s/1m 52s/5s Rng: 1500 -19% slow (Body) 24 power

Inutile d'avoir le dernier sort de la liste. Le seul interet est d'interrompre...

Target suffers a disease which lowers its Strength and movement speed slightly, and also halves the effect of any healing spell cast on it for the spell's duration.
3 Cursed Vigor Enemy 3.0s/1m/0s Rng: 1500 -7.5%/-15% (Body) 3 power
Sort niveau 3, donc accessible quelque soit ta spé...

Disease (AOE)Target suffers a disease which lowers its Strength and movement speed slightly, and also halves the effect of any healing spell cast on it for the spell's duration. This is an "Area of Effect" (AOE) spell which can affect multiple targets in the spell's radius.
15 Cursed Spirit Enemy 3.0s/1m 30s/0s Rng: 1500 Area: 250 -7.5%/-15% (Body) 9 power
24 Cursed Soul Enemy 3.0s/2m/0s Rng: 1500 Area: 300 -7.5%/-15% (Body) 15 power
34 Cursed Vitality Enemy 3.0s/2m 30s/0s Rng: 1500 Area: 350 -7.5%/-15% (Body) 21 power
44 Cursed Essence Enemy 3.0s/3m/0s Rng: 1500 Area: 400 -7.5%/-15% (Body) 28 power

En s'arretant a ce sort ci, tu ne perds que 50 de rayon. Ca suffit amplement...

Life Transfer
Damages the caster. A portion of the damage acts as a healing spell on the target.
4 Shift Health Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 2 h 8 power
6 Shift Vigor Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 3 h 12 power
9 Shift Essence Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 4 h 16 power
12 Shift Vitality Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 5 h 21 power
16 Shift Spirit Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 7 h 27 power
21 Transplace Health Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 9 h 34 power
27 Transplace Vigor Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 11 h 41 power
31 Transplace Essence Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 13 h 46 power
36 Transplace Vitality Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 15 h 51 power
46 Transplace Spirit Friend 3.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2000 19 h 61 power

Encore une fois, un soin moyen sera suffisant, voir même meilleur que le plus gros soin qui te fera trop de dégats...

Etre spé majoritairement body n'apporte donc pratiquement rien, alors que la spé simu t'offre :

- Un pet blindé
- Un AE snare
- Des débuffs de dégats, dont surtout le débuff qui te permettra de caster beaucoup plus fort qu'un spé body
Citation :
Publié par Aloiris Dooley
pourquoi tu veux pas me croire... spé simu c'est le mieux !
Oui sûrement pour xp mais je suis trop pas déçue par la spé body donc je garde

PS: j'ai tester spé simu mais j'ai respect body c'est plus marrant de 2 shoot les magos jaunes/oranges a distance

Aloiris HS je demande des RA
ayant joué un cabaliste spé dot-body

je te conseil la RA

surcharge de pouvoir 3 ... qui augmente le nombre de critique au blast (quand tu peu 1shoot un mec au blast c'est tjrs jouissif)
Purge (pour se demez)
Maitre de l'art (augmente la vitesse de cast de ton Mage) jOr tu cast ton blast en 3sec ... bas avec le cape dext + dext2 (RA) et MA bas tu peu caster ton blast en un temp record 2sec ou 1.5sec je sais plus ... ce qui est plutot plaisant pour chain les kill

en ce qui concerne ta spé ... met qqs pts en simu pour le KIll-Simu c plutot utiles quand oom et SCM cramer

t'as plus cas trouver l'équivalent en anglais ^^

(ca fait 5mois que mon caba est delete donc je pense que c'est tjrs valade comme RA )
_scm (indispensable en spé body)
_acuité 2
_wild power 2 (tres pratique)
_acuité 3
_MoC (vraiment indispensable surtout spé body qui te permet de drain les gars au cac donc de sortir vainqueur de beaucoup de combat mal engagés)
_Purge (bien pratique aussi a utiliser contre les tank shield ou furtif etc)

ou si tu préfère jouer rapidement en RA active

_acuité 3

ensuite tu te concentre sur les RA passives wild power, maitre of the art etc

bonne chance
Citation :
Publié par bhaltor
maitre of the art etc

Maitre de l'art 1
Surcharge de pouvoir 1
Maitre de l'art 2
Surcharge de pouvoir 2
Maitre de l'art 3
Surcharge de pouvoir 3

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