[ACTU]Patch de mai

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C est pas encore en mai ke les dev d ac2 vont plancher sur les lulu.

C est toujours les meme classes k ils retouchent/modifient

Mais les raiders, jugg, zerk et competences 2/5 de mer... des lulu ca passent a la trappe (les competence de FI sont passés de 5 min a 30sec pour des buff comme ca fo pas deconner a quand berserker a 30 sec a quand fureur a 30sec ...)
pour les hivekeepers j ai trouvé ça !

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Tumerok Hivekeeper

We aren't considering changing the Hivekeeper's role, just increasing the power of its skills to make them more effective in the currently role, which is to deal out damage and control crowds.

Revised Skills
Agitate Nest - We are going to try to have this skill show whether it hits or misses its target, since it's only when the attack hits that the Wasp is summoned to attack the target.

Drone - This skill will do additional damage when the target is vulnerable, similar to "Penetrate" in the Tumerok Missile tree. Daze - This skill's mesmerize effect will be revised as mentioned in the General Skill Changes section above.

Honey Drop - We are planning on reducing the recovery timer on this skill from 12 seconds to 7 seconds, and reducing its Vigor cost from 340 to 1 Vigor point. Protect the Queen - Instead of an effect that only lasts through one pet attack, the skill will add an effect to the target that increases the damage done by the pet for as long as it is on the target. The duration will be extended and the pet’s damage bonus will be dramatically improved. The skill will also do more direct damage to the target.

Wax Statue - The health of the statue is going to be significantly increased, as is the strength of its monster taunt. We also hope to have the wax statue look exactly like the Hivekeeper that created it, although it will have a pasty, white texture. Finally, we are considering adding a combat-speed debuff to targets that attack the statue, although we aren't sure of that yet.

Crawling Skin - Currently this skill has a chance of applying a disease effect on an attacker. It will be changed so that it will reflect a portion of the health damage done to the Hivekeeper back to the attacker as Vigor damage.

Impregnate - We are going to give this skill an increased chance of hitting the target. Along with the wasp it summons to attack the user, it will also do direct damage to the target immediately upon hitting it.

Release the Swarm - This skill will apply a percentage-based damage over time effect on the target(s). At the highest skill ratings, it will be able to drain 8% of the target's maximum health over 30 seconds. This attack stacks with other damage-over-time attacks. After being hit, the target will be immune to additional Release the Swarm attacks for 2 minutes.

Vampiric Swarm - We want to change this skill dramatically. We are currently thinking of making the Swarm a permanent pet (which you can issue pet orders to) and its hit points will be significantly increased, so that it will survive longer than a few seconds. Most of its attacks will just do ordinary damage to the target, although that damage will be higher if the target has the "Protect the Queen" effect on it. In addition to its normal attacks, the Swarm will occasionally perform a vampiric drain (hence living up to its name) which will steal health from the target and give it to itself. Finally, the explosion aspect of the Swarm will be entirely removed; it will never explode again. While this won't appear in May, at some point we want to change the Swarm from a single Wasp into an actually swirling swarm.

Seeping Hives - We will change this skill into a percentage-based damage over time effect. At the highest skill ratings it will be able to drain 10% of the target's health, based on its maximum health. This attack stacks with other damage-over-time attacks. After being hit, the target will be immune to additional Seeping Hives attacks for 2 minutes.
source: ici
quelqu un peut traduire en francais les changement du hive ?

d apres ce que j ai compris ( mais je suis vraiment pas douée en anglais ) les changement reste mineur , les skill sont légèrement plus puissantes c est tout
En vrac dans les questions/réponses qui suivent :

Laché par Citan, de la live team d'AC2 (page 2)

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Let me speak on Sages for just a sec. We will eventually change the Personal Saviour and Saving Graces skills to have shorter reset times. But when we do, we will probably make them other-only; that is, you won't be able to use Personal Saviour on yourself. This will be a nerf to some Sage playstyles, and before we make a skill nerf we like to take time to make sure we're doing the right thing. For instance, there may be other things we can tweak to offset some of the change, that sort of thing. This is why we're trying to switch to doing class-by-class changes instead of skill-by-skill changes that we were doing earlier.

One of the big advantages of Sages is their large number of group-oriented skills. This lets them mash out a vigor heal to everybody every 7 seconds and still keep all their concentration on what is going on in battle... they can even be good tanks because of this.
Rajouté par Yew :
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It's a multiplayer game. The most effective mode of play will (or should) include grouping with others. Does that mean that players shouldn't be able to solo and have fun? Not at all. But making skills like the healers be self-castable just means diminishing their role as a group healer and making them more of a solo powerhouse (especially with melee hybrids.) If those vigor skills were self-castable then many players would take the Healer spec tree not because of the power it gives them in a group, but because of the power it gives them all by themselves.

In AC2, multiplayer gameplay should be most fun when there are a variety of roles to choose from and the roles compliment each other. The whole group should be more than the sum of its parts. That's the point of other-only skills.
Donc, les classes groupes pourront de moins en moins soloter.

Ecrit par Keth :
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might just be a complete reset for everyone in May. Or there might not be one. It is really too early to answer that (since we haven't even completely decided on April yet), but we know where you are coming from and are going to discuss it.
Et peut-être pas de reset pour mai.

Par Citan :
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So in conclusion, we currently have no plans to change the Feral in May. The pet stuff comes in April, though.
Rien de nouveau pour le defenseur de la nature.
Ouai c'est gentil et c'est pratique....enfin ce serai pratique....

Ben ouai j'ai reperé des erreurs en lisant la traduc donc je te conseil de revoir ca et je conseil a tout ceux qui le peuvent de voir ca en anglais le tps de la correction.(le prend pas mal c'est juste pour pas que ca ouinouinne a tord)

je ne fait que pour le HQ:

-dans le shema, ruche suintante ne permet pas d'avoir liberer l'essain , c'est chair infecté qui le permet
-dard acere: j'ai pas trop compris moi non plus en anglais mais le sort a toujour visé un mob donc la traduc est a verifeier
-chair infecté: les dommages sont renvoye sous forme de pertes en vigor
-nuee vampirique: plus d'explosion(c'est a noter sa quand meme) et pv "normaux" pour un pet
-ruche suintante: comme l'ancienne mais sans doute en plus fort (pas de zone comme liberer l'essain->je m'avance un px la dessus mais je pense que c'est ca)

et finalement aussi pour le healer:

-remede: skill credit passe de 3 a 2 (-1) (a verifier)

tout ce que j'ai trouvé et je connais pas asse les humain pour les faire

En esperant que ca serve et en te remerciant de la tradustion et surtout des shema bien utiles...

(ps: desole pour l'orth )
j'ai prit note et ai modifié mon article en conséquence, merci de tes remarques judicieuse (surtout l'erreur dans le shéma , il est bizarre cet arbre j'y suis allé un peu vite là)

Pour les skills j'ai modifié un peu ma traduction.Je ne joue pas de HK donc j'ai un peu de mal à saisir toutes les subtilités (mais je pense que ruche suintante sera comme libérer l'essaim mais en plus puissant, et que les deux seront cummulable)

Pour remède je n'est pas encore trouvé de réponse bien précise...
Oki, pour liberer l'essain, le truc c'est que c'est un sort de zone et que je ne pense pas que ruche suintante le soit mais vue que je ne l'est encore jamais utilisé je ne peux pas etre sure.....

Par contre si des joueurs des autres classes (humaines) concerné pouvaient vérifier de leur coté sa eviterais des erreures parsque en effet c'est dure de traduire pour des trucs qu'on ne connais pas.....et encore merci

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