Bonjour à tous,
J'ai un souci avec des "mitaines" que j'aime porter : celles-ci comportent un script "RLV" qui fait que, lorsque je porte un "collar" RLV, celui-ci se détache automatiquement.
J'ai identifié le script des mitaines responsable de ceci, et je n'ai aucun désir que celles-ci continuent de fonctionnent avec le RLV. Je souhaiterais donc neutraliser la partie du script qui produit cette commande. Mais comment... je sèche !
Si quelqu'un avait cette compétence, cela lui vaudrait ma reconnaissance éternelle !
Un grand merci par avance
​////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ____ ______ ____ // // / __ \____ ___ ____ / ____/___ / / /___ ______ // // / / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / __ \/ / / __ `/ ___/ // // / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / /___/ /_/ / / / /_/ / / // // \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/\____/\____/_/_/\__,_/_/ // // /_/ // // // // ,^~~~-. .-~~~"-. // // : .--. \ / .--. \ // // : ( .-`<^~~~-: : ) : // // `. `-,~ ^- ' .' // // `-: ,.-~ // // .' `. // // ,' @ @ | // // : __ ; // // ...{ (__) ,----. // // / `. ,' ,--. `. // // | `.,___ , : : : // // | .' ~~~~ \ / : // // \.. / `. `--' .' // // | ~----~ // // Communicator - 170328.2 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) 2008 - 2017 Nandana Singh, Garvin Twine, Cleo Collins, // // Master Starship, Satomi Ahn, Joy Stipe, Wendy Starfall, littlemousy, // // Romka Swallowtail, Sumi Perl et al. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // // by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // // // This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this script; if not, see www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This script and any derivatives based on it must remain "full perms". // // // // "Full perms" means maintaining MODIFY, COPY, and TRANSFER permissions // // in Second Life(R), OpenSimulator and the Metaverse. // // // // If these platforms should allow more fine-grained permissions in the // // future, then "full perms" will mean the most permissive possible set // // of permissions allowed by the platform. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // github.com/VirtualDisgrace/opencollar/tree/master/src/collar // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
integer g_iPrivateListenChan = 9; integer g_iPublicListenChan = TRUE; string g_sPrefix = ".";
integer g_iLockMeisterChan = -8888;
integer g_iPublicListener; integer g_iPrivateListener; integer g_iLockMeisterListener; integer g_iLeashPrim;
integer g_iHUDListener; integer g_iHUDChan;
//MESSAGE MAP integer CMD_ZERO = 0; integer CMD_OWNER = 500; //integer CMD_TRUSTED = 501; //integer CMD_GROUP = 502; integer CMD_WEARER = 503; //integer CMD_EVERYONE = 504; //integer CMD_RLV_RELAY = 507; integer CMD_SAFEWORD = 510; //integer CMD_RELAY_SAFEWORD = 511; //integer CMD_BLOCKED = 520;
//integer POPUP_HELP = 1001; integer NOTIFY=1002; integer NOTIFY_OWNERS=1003; //integer SAY = 1004; integer LINK_AUTH = 2; integer LINK_DIALOG = 3; integer LINK_SAVE = 5; integer LINK_ANIM = 6; integer LINK_UPDATE = -10; integer REBOOT = -1000; integer LM_SETTING_SAVE = 2000; //integer LM_SETTING_REQUEST = 2001; integer LM_SETTING_RESPONSE = 2002; integer LM_SETTING_DELETE = 2003; //integer LM_SETTING_EMPTY = 2004;
//integer MENUNAME_REQUEST = 3000; //integer MENUNAME_RESPONSE = 3001; integer ANIM_LIST_REQUEST = 7002; integer TOUCH_REQUEST = -9500; integer TOUCH_CANCEL = -9501; integer TOUCH_RESPONSE = -9502; integer TOUCH_EXPIRE = -9503;
string g_sSafeWord = "RED";
//added for attachment auth integer g_iInterfaceChannel; integer g_iListenHandleAtt;
integer AUTH_REQUEST = 600; integer AUTH_REPLY = 601;
key g_kWearer; //string g_sSettingToken = "com_"; string g_sGlobalToken = "global_"; string g_sDeviceName; string g_sWearerName; //list g_lOwners;
//globlals for supporting touch requests list g_lTouchRequests; // 4-strided list in form of touchid, recipient, flags, auth level integer g_iStrideLength = 4;
integer FLAG_TOUCHSTART = 0x01; integer FLAG_TOUCHEND = 0x02;
integer g_iNeedsPose = FALSE; // should the avatar be forced into a still pose for making touching easier string g_sPOSE_ANIM = "turn_180";
integer g_iTouchNotify = FALSE; // for Touch Notify integer g_iHighlander = TRUE; list g_lCore5Scripts = ["LINK_AUTH","oc_auth","LINK_DIALOG","oc_dialog","LINK_RLV","oc_rlvsys","LINK_SAVE","oc_settings","LINK_ANIM","oc_anim","LINK_ANIM","oc_couples"]; list g_lFoundCore5Scripts; list g_lWrongRootScripts; integer g_iVerify; /*integer g_iProfiled; Debug(string sStr) { //if you delete the first // from the preceeding and following lines, // profiling is off, debug is off, and the compiler will remind you to // remove the debug calls from the code, we're back to production mode if (!g_iProfiled){ g_iProfiled=1; llScriptProfiler(1); } llOwnerSay(llGetScriptName() + "(min free:"+(string)(llGetMemoryLimit()-llGetSPMaxMemory())+")["+(string)llGetFreeMemory()+"] :\n" + sStr); }*/
string NameURI(key kID){ return "secondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)kID+"/about"; }
//functions from touch script ClearUser(key kRCPT, integer iNotify) { //find any strides belonging to user and remove them integer iIndex = llListFindList(g_lTouchRequests, [kRCPT]); while (~iIndex) { if (iNotify) { key kID = llList2Key(g_lTouchRequests, iIndex -1); integer iAuth = llList2Integer(g_lTouchRequests, iIndex + 2); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TOUCH_EXPIRE, (string) kRCPT + "|" + (string) iAuth,kID); } g_lTouchRequests = llDeleteSubList(g_lTouchRequests, iIndex - 1, iIndex - 2 + g_iStrideLength); iIndex = llListFindList(g_lTouchRequests, [kRCPT]); } if (g_iNeedsPose && [] == g_lTouchRequests) llStopAnimation(g_sPOSE_ANIM); }
sendCommandFromLink(integer iLinkNumber, string sType, key kToucher) { // check for temporary touch requests integer iTrig; integer iNTrigs = llGetListLength(g_lTouchRequests); for (iTrig = 0; iTrig < iNTrigs; iTrig+=g_iStrideLength) { if (llList2Key(g_lTouchRequests, iTrig + 1) == kToucher) { integer iTrigFlags = llList2Integer(g_lTouchRequests, iTrig + 2); if (((iTrigFlags & FLAG_TOUCHSTART) && sType == "touchstart") ||((iTrigFlags & FLAG_TOUCHEND)&& sType == "touchend")) { integer iAuth = llList2Integer(g_lTouchRequests, iTrig + 3); string sReply = (string) kToucher + "|" + (string) iAuth + "|" + sType +"|"+ (string) iLinkNumber; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TOUCH_RESPONSE, sReply, llList2Key(g_lTouchRequests, iTrig)); } if (sType =="touchend") ClearUser(kToucher, FALSE); return; } }
string sDesc = llDumpList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(iLinkNumber,[PRIM_DESC])+llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ROOT,[PRIM_DESC]),"~");
list lDescTokens = llParseStringKeepNulls(sDesc, ["~"], []); integer iNDescTokens = llGetListLength(lDescTokens); integer iDescToken; for (iDescToken = 0; iDescToken < iNDescTokens; iDescToken++) { string sDescToken = llList2String(lDescTokens, iDescToken); if (sDescToken == sType || sDescToken == sType+":" || sDescToken == sType+":none") return; else if (!llSubStringIndex(sDescToken, sType+":")) { string sCommand = llGetSubString(sDescToken, llStringLength(sType)+1, -1); if (sCommand != "") llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, sCommand, kToucher); return; } } if (sType == "touchstart") { llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, "menu", kToucher); if (g_iTouchNotify && kToucher!=g_kWearer) llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"\n\nsecondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)kToucher+"/about touched your %DEVICETYPE%.\n",g_kWearer); } }
FailSafe() { string sName = llGetScriptName(); if ((key)sName) return; if (!(llGetObjectPermMask(1) & 0x4000) || !(llGetObjectPermMask(4) & 0x4000) || !((llGetInventoryPermMask(sName,1) & 0xe000) == 0xe000) || !((llGetInventoryPermMask(sName,4) & 0xe000) == 0xe000) || sName != "oc_com") { integer i = llGetInventoryNumber(7); while (i) llRemoveInventory(llGetInventoryName(7,--i)); llRemoveInventory(sName); } }
MoveAnims(integer i) { key kAnimator = llGetLinkKey(LINK_ANIM); string sAnim; list lAnims; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"\n\nFetching "+(string)i+" animations from the %DEVICETYPE%'s root...\n",g_kWearer); while (i) { sAnim = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,--i); llGiveInventory(kAnimator,sAnim); lAnims += sAnim; if (llGetInventoryType(sAnim) == INVENTORY_ANIMATION) { if (llGetInventoryPermMask(sAnim,MASK_OWNER) & PERM_COPY) llRemoveInventory(sAnim); } } llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"\n\nThe following animations have been moved to the %DEVICETYPE%'s animator module and are now ready to use:\n\n"+llList2CSV(lAnims)+"\n",g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_ANIM,ANIM_LIST_REQUEST,"",""); }
UserCommand(key kID, integer iAuth, string sStr) { if (sStr == "ping") { // ping from an object, we answer to it on the object channel llRegionSayTo(kID,g_iHUDChan,(string)g_kWearer+":pong"); // sim wide response to owner hud return; } list lParams = llParseString2List(sStr, [" "], []); string sCommand = llToLower(llList2String(lParams, 0)); string sValue = llList2String(lParams, 1); //llToLower(llList2String(lParams, 1)); if (iAuth == CMD_OWNER || kID == g_kWearer) { //handle changing prefix and channel from owner if (sCommand == "prefix") { if (sValue == "") { llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"\n\n%WEARERNAME%'s prefix is: %PREFIX%\n",kID); return; } else if (sValue == "reset") { g_sPrefix = llToLower(llGetSubString(llKey2Name(llGetOwner()), 0,1)); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_DELETE, g_sGlobalToken+"prefix", ""); } else { g_sPrefix = sValue; llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken+"prefix=" + g_sPrefix, ""); } llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"prefix=" + g_sPrefix, ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+"\n\n%WEARERNAME%'s prefix is: %PREFIX%\n\nTouch the %DEVICETYPE% or say \"%PREFIX% menu\" for the main menu or say '\"%PREFIX% help\" for a list of chat commands.\n",kID); } else if (sCommand == "device" && sValue == "name") { string sMessage; string sObjectName = llGetObjectName(); string sCmdOptions = llDumpList2String(llDeleteSubList(lParams,0,1), " "); if (sValue == "") { sMessage = "\n"+sObjectName+"'s current device name is \"" + g_sDeviceName + "\".\nDevice Name command help:\n%PREFIX% device name [newname|reset]\n"; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+sMessage,kID); } else if (sCmdOptions == "reset") { g_sDeviceName = llGetObjectDesc(); if (g_sDeviceName == "" || g_sDeviceName =="(No Description)") g_sDeviceName = llGetObjectName(); sMessage = "The device name is reset to \""+g_sDeviceName+"\"."; llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_DELETE, g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName="+g_sDeviceName, ""); } else { g_sDeviceName = sCmdOptions; sMessage = sObjectName+"'s new device name is \""+ g_sDeviceName+"\"."; llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName="+g_sDeviceName, ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName="+g_sDeviceName, ""); } if (sValue) llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+sMessage,kID); } else if (sCommand == "name") { if (iAuth != CMD_OWNER) llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"%NOACCESS%",kID); else { string sMessage; if (sValue=="") { //Just let them know their current name sMessage= "\n\nsecondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)g_kWearer+"/about's current name is " + g_sWearerName; sMessage += "\nName command help: <prefix>name [newname|reset]\n"; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+sMessage,kID); } else if(sValue=="reset") { //unset Global_WearerName sMessage=g_sWearerName+"'s name is reset to "; g_sWearerName = NameURI(g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_DELETE, g_sGlobalToken+"WearerName", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"WearerName="+g_sWearerName, ""); sMessage += g_sWearerName; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+sMessage,kID); } else { string sNewName = llDumpList2String(llList2List(lParams, 1,-1)," ") ; sMessage=g_sWearerName+"'s new name is "; g_sWearerName = "["+NameURI(g_kWearer)+" "+sNewName+"]"; sMessage += g_sWearerName; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+sMessage,kID); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken+"WearerName=" + sNewName, ""); //store llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"WearerName="+sNewName, ""); } } } else if (sCommand == "channel") { integer iNewChan = (integer)sValue; if (sValue=="") { //they left the param blank, report listener status string sMessage= "The %DEVICETYPE% is listening on channel"; if (g_iPublicListenChan) sMessage += "s 0 and"; sMessage += " "+(string)g_iPrivateListenChan+"."; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+sMessage,kID); } else if (iNewChan > 0) { //set new channel for private listener g_iPrivateListenChan = iNewChan; llListenRemove(g_iPrivateListener); g_iPrivateListener = llListen(g_iPrivateListenChan, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+"Now listening on channel " + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan,kID); if (g_iPublicListenChan) { //save setting along with the state of thepublic listener (messy!) llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",TRUE", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",TRUE", ""); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",FALSE", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",FALSE", ""); } } else if (iNewChan == 0) { //enable public listener g_iPublicListenChan = TRUE; llListenRemove(g_iPublicListener); g_iPublicListener = llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+"\n\nPublic channel listener enabled.\nTo disable it type: /%CHANNEL% %PREFIX% channel -1\n",kID); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",TRUE", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",TRUE", ""); } else if (iNewChan == -1) { //disable public listener g_iPublicListenChan = FALSE; llListenRemove(g_iPublicListener); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"1"+"\n\nPublic channel listener disabled.\nTo enable it type: /%CHANNEL% %PREFIX% channel 0\n",kID); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",FALSE", ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken + "channel=" + (string)g_iPrivateListenChan + ",FALSE", ""); } } else if (kID == g_kWearer) { if (sCommand == "safeword") { if(llStringTrim(sValue, STRING_TRIM) != "") { g_sSafeWord = sValue; // llList2String(lParams, 1); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"You set a new safeword: " + g_sSafeWord,g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE, LM_SETTING_SAVE, g_sGlobalToken + "safeword=" + g_sSafeWord, ""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken + "safeword=" + g_sSafeWord, ""); } else llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"Your safeword is: " + g_sSafeWord,g_kWearer); } else if (sStr == "mv anims") { integer i = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION); if (i) MoveAnims(i); else llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"\n\nThere are currently no animations in the %DEVICETYPE%'s root.\n",g_kWearer); } else if (sCommand == "busted") { if (sValue == "on") { llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_SAVE,g_sGlobalToken+"touchNotify=1",""); g_iTouchNotify=TRUE; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"Touch notification is now enabled.",g_kWearer); } else if (sValue == "off") { llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_DELETE,g_sGlobalToken+"touchNotify",""); g_iTouchNotify=FALSE; llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"Touch notification is now disabled.",g_kWearer); } else if (sValue == "") { if (g_iTouchNotify) { llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"Touch notification is now disabled.",g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_DELETE,g_sGlobalToken+"touchNotify",""); g_iTouchNotify = FALSE; } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"Touch notification is now enabled.",g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_SAVE,g_sGlobalToken+"touchNotify=1",""); g_iTouchNotify = TRUE; } } } } } }
default { on_rez(integer iParam) { llResetScript(); }
state_entry() { // llSetMemoryLimit(49152); //2015-05-06 (6180 bytes free) g_kWearer = llGetOwner(); FailSafe(); g_sWearerName = NameURI(g_kWearer); g_sDeviceName = llGetObjectDesc(); if (g_sDeviceName == "" || g_sDeviceName =="(No Description)") g_sDeviceName = llGetObjectName(); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, LM_SETTING_RESPONSE, g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName="+g_sDeviceName, ""); g_sPrefix = llToLower(llGetSubString(llKey2Name(g_kWearer), 0,1)); //Debug("Default prefix: " + g_sPrefix); g_iHUDChan = -llAbs((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)g_kWearer,-7,-1))); g_iInterfaceChannel = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(g_kWearer,30,-1)); if (g_iInterfaceChannel > 0) g_iInterfaceChannel = -g_iInterfaceChannel; g_iPublicListener = llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, ""); g_iPrivateListener = llListen(g_iPrivateListenChan, "", NULL_KEY, ""); g_iLockMeisterListener = llListen(g_iLockMeisterChan, "", "", ""); //garvin attachments listener g_iListenHandleAtt = llListen(g_iInterfaceChannel, "", "", ""); g_iHUDListener = llListen(g_iHUDChan, "", NULL_KEY ,""); integer iAttachPt = llGetAttached(); if ((iAttachPt > 0 && iAttachPt < 31) || iAttachPt == 39) { // if collar is attached to the body (thus excluding HUD and root/avatar center) llRequestPermissions(g_kWearer, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer, g_iInterfaceChannel, "OpenCollar=Yes"); } //Debug("Starting"); }
attach(key kID) { if (kID == NULL_KEY) llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer, g_iInterfaceChannel, "OpenCollar=No"); }
listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kID, string sMsg) { if (iChan == g_iHUDChan) { //check for a ping, if we find one we request auth and answer in LMs with a pong if (sMsg==(string)g_kWearer + ":ping") llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, "ping", llGetOwnerKey(kID)); // it it is not a ping, it should be a command for use, to make sure it has to have the key in front of it else if (!llSubStringIndex(sMsg,(string)g_kWearer + ":")){ sMsg = llGetSubString(sMsg, 37, -1); llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, sMsg, llGetOwnerKey(kID)); } else if (iChan == g_iInterfaceChannel && llGetOwnerKey(kID) == g_kWearer) { //for the rare but possible case g_iHUDChan == g_iInterfaceChannel if (sMsg == "OpenCollar?") llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer, g_iInterfaceChannel, "OpenCollar=Yes"); else if (sMsg == "OpenCollar=Yes" && g_iHighlander) llRegionSayTo(kID,g_iInterfaceChannel,"There can be only one!"); else if (sMsg == "There can be only one!" && llGetOwnerKey(kID) == g_kWearer && g_iHighlander) { llOwnerSay("/me has been detached."); llRequestPermissions(g_kWearer,PERMISSION_ATTACH); } else if (llSubStringIndex(sMsg, "AuthRequest")==0) llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH,AUTH_REQUEST,(string)kID+(string)g_iInterfaceChannel,llGetSubString(sMsg,12,-1)); else llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, sMsg, llGetOwnerKey(kID)); } else llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, sMsg, llGetOwnerKey(kID)); return; } if (iChan == g_iLockMeisterChan) { if(sMsg ==(string)g_kWearer+"collar") llSay(g_iLockMeisterChan,(string)g_kWearer + "collar ok"); //new for LMV2 if(sMsg == (string)g_kWearer+"|LMV2|RequestPoint|collar") { //this message is for us, it's claiming to be an LMV2 message, it's a "Request" message, and concerns the mooring_point we specified //message structure: llGetOwner()|LMV2|RequestPoint|anchor_name if(g_iLeashPrim) llRegionSayTo(kID, g_iLockMeisterChan, (string)g_kWearer+"|LMV2|ReplyPoint|collar|"+(string)llGetLinkKey(g_iLeashPrim)); else llRegionSayTo(kID, g_iLockMeisterChan, (string)g_kWearer+"|LMV2|ReplyPoint|collar|"+(string) llGetKey()); } return; } if(llGetOwnerKey(kID) == g_kWearer) { // also works for attachments string sw = sMsg; // we'll have to shave pieces off as we go to test // safeword can be the safeword or safeword said in OOC chat "((SAFEWORD))" // and may include prefix if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 3) == "/me ") sw = llGetSubString(sw, 4, -1); // Allow for Firestorm style "(( SAFEWORD ))" by trimming. if (llGetSubString(sw, 0, 1) == "((" && llGetSubString(sw, -2, -1) == "))") sw = llStringTrim(llGetSubString(sw, 2, -3), STRING_TRIM); if (llSubStringIndex(sw, g_sPrefix)==0) sw = llGetSubString(sw, llStringLength(g_sPrefix), -1); if (sw == g_sSafeWord) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, CMD_SAFEWORD, "", ""); llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer,g_iInterfaceChannel,"%53%41%46%45%57%4F%52%44"); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY,"0"+"You used the safeword, your owners have been notified.",g_kWearer); llMessageLinked(LINK_DIALOG,NOTIFY_OWNERS,"\n\n%WEARERNAME% had to use the safeword. Please check on %WEARERNAME%'s well-being in case further care is required.\n",""); return; } } //added for attachment auth (garvin) if (iChan == g_iInterfaceChannel) { //Debug(sMsg); //do nothing if wearer isnt owner of the object if (llGetOwnerKey(kID) != g_kWearer) return; //play ping pong with the Sub AO if (sMsg == "OpenCollar?") llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer, g_iInterfaceChannel, "OpenCollar=Yes"); else if (sMsg == "OpenCollar=Yes" && g_iHighlander) { llOwnerSay("\n\nATTENTION: You are attempting to wear more than one OpenCollar core. This causes errors with other compatible accessories and your RLV relay. For a smooth experience, and to avoid wearing unnecessary script duplicates, please consider to take off \""+sName+"\" manually if it doesn't detach automatically.\n"); llRegionSayTo(kID,g_iInterfaceChannel,"There can be only one!"); } else if (sMsg == "There can be only one!" && llGetOwnerKey(kID) == g_kWearer && g_iHighlander) { llOwnerSay("/me has been detached."); llRequestPermissions(g_kWearer,PERMISSION_ATTACH); } else { // attachments can send auth request: llRegionSayTo(g_kWearer,g_InteraceChannel,"AuthRequest|UUID"); if (llSubStringIndex(sMsg, "AuthRequest")==0) { llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH,AUTH_REQUEST,(string)kID+(string)g_iInterfaceChannel,llGetSubString(sMsg,12,-1)); } } } else { //check for our prefix, or * if (!llSubStringIndex(sMsg, g_sPrefix)) sMsg = llGetSubString(sMsg, llStringLength(g_sPrefix), -1); //strip our prefix from command else if (!llSubStringIndex(sMsg, "/"+g_sPrefix)) sMsg = llGetSubString(sMsg, llStringLength(g_sPrefix)+1, -1); //strip our prefix plus a / from command else if (llGetSubString(sMsg, 0, 0) == "*") sMsg = llGetSubString(sMsg, 1, -1); //strip * (all collars wildcard) from command else if ((llGetSubString(sMsg, 0, 0) == "#") && (kID != g_kWearer)) sMsg = llGetSubString(sMsg, 1, -1); //strip # (all collars but me) from command else return; sMsg = llStringTrim(sMsg,STRING_TRIM_HEAD); if (sMsg) { if (kID == g_kWearer && llToLower(sMsg) == "verify") { llOwnerSay("Verifying core..."); llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS,LINK_UPDATE,"LINK_REQUEST",""); llSetTimerEvent(2); g_iVerify = TRUE; g_lWrongRootScripts = []; string sName; integer i = llGetListLength(g_lCore5Scripts) -1; do { sName = llList2String(g_lCore5Scripts,i); if (llGetInventoryType(sName) == INVENTORY_SCRIPT) g_lWrongRootScripts += sName; i = i - 2; } while (i>0); return; } //Debug("Got comand "+sMsg); llMessageLinked(LINK_AUTH, CMD_ZERO, sMsg, kID); } } }
link_message(integer iSender, integer iNum, string sStr, key kID) { if (iNum >= CMD_OWNER && iNum <= CMD_WEARER) UserCommand(kID, iNum, sStr); else if (iNum == LM_SETTING_RESPONSE) { list lParams = llParseString2List(sStr, ["="], []); string sToken = llList2String(lParams, 0); string sValue = llList2String(lParams, 1); if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"prefix") { if (sValue != "") g_sPrefix=sValue; } else if (sToken == "leashpoint") g_iLeashPrim = (integer)sValue; else if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"DeviceName") g_sDeviceName = sValue; else if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"touchNotify") g_iTouchNotify = (integer)sValue; // for Touch Notify else if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"WearerName") { if (llSubStringIndex(sValue, "secondlife:///app/agent")) g_sWearerName = "["+NameURI(g_kWearer)+" " + sValue + "]"; } else if (sToken == "intern_Highlander") g_iHighlander = (integer)sValue; else if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"safeword") g_sSafeWord = sValue; else if (sToken == g_sGlobalToken+"channel") { g_iPrivateListenChan = (integer)sValue; if (llGetSubString(sValue, llStringLength(sValue) - 5 , -1) == "FALSE") g_iPublicListenChan = FALSE; else g_iPublicListenChan = TRUE; llListenRemove(g_iPublicListener); if (g_iPublicListenChan == TRUE) g_iPublicListener = llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llListenRemove(g_iPrivateListener); g_iPrivateListener = llListen(g_iPrivateListenChan, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } } else if (iNum == TOUCH_REQUEST) { //str will be pipe-delimited list with rcpt|flags|auth list lParams = llParseStringKeepNulls(sStr, ["|"], []); key kRCPT = (key)llList2String(lParams, 0); integer iFlags = (integer)llList2String(lParams, 1); integer iAuth = (integer)llList2String(lParams, 2); ClearUser(kRCPT, TRUE); g_lTouchRequests += [kID, kRCPT, iFlags, iAuth]; if (g_iNeedsPose) llStartAnimation(g_sPOSE_ANIM); } else if (iNum == LINK_UPDATE) { if (sStr == "LINK_AUTH") LINK_AUTH = iSender; else if (sStr == "LINK_DIALOG") LINK_DIALOG = iSender; else if (sStr == "LINK_SAVE") LINK_SAVE = iSender; else if (sStr == "LINK_ANIM") LINK_ANIM = iSender; if (sStr != "LINK_REQUEST") { if (!~llListFindList(g_lFoundCore5Scripts,[sStr,iSender])) g_lFoundCore5Scripts += [sStr,iSender]; if (llGetListLength(g_lFoundCore5Scripts) >= 10) llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } } else if (iNum == TOUCH_CANCEL) { integer iIndex = llListFindList(g_lTouchRequests, [kID]); if (~iIndex) { g_lTouchRequests = llDeleteSubList(g_lTouchRequests, iIndex, iIndex - 1 + g_iStrideLength); if (g_iNeedsPose && [] == g_lTouchRequests) llStopAnimation(g_sPOSE_ANIM); } } //needed to be the same ID that send earlier pings or pongs else if (iNum == AUTH_REPLY) llRegionSayTo(kID, g_iInterfaceChannel, sStr); else if (iNum == REBOOT && sStr == "reboot") { if (llGetInventoryType("oc_relay") == INVENTORY_SCRIPT) { if (!llGetScriptState("oc_relay")) { llSetScriptState("oc_relay",TRUE); llResetOtherScript("oc_relay"); } } llResetScript(); } }
touch_start(integer iNum) { //Debug("touched"); sendCommandFromLink(llDetectedLinkNumber(0), "touchstart", llDetectedKey(0)); }
touch_end(integer iNum) { sendCommandFromLink(llDetectedLinkNumber(0), "touchend", llDetectedKey(0)); }
run_time_permissions(integer iPerm) { if (iPerm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) g_iNeedsPose = TRUE; if (iPerm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llOwnerSay("@detach=yes"); llDetachFromAvatar(); } }
timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); string sMessage; if (g_lWrongRootScripts) { sMessage = "\nFalse root prim placement:\n"; do { sMessage += llList2String(g_lWrongRootScripts,0); g_lWrongRootScripts = llDeleteSubList(g_lWrongRootScripts,0,0); } while (g_lWrongRootScripts); } if(sMessage) sMessage += "\n"; integer i; integer index; list lTemp = ["Missing Scripts:"]; do { index = llListFindList(g_lFoundCore5Scripts,llList2List(g_lCore5Scripts,i,i)); if (index == -1) { if (llSubStringIndex(sMessage,llList2String(g_lCore5Scripts,i+1)) == -1) lTemp += [llList2String(g_lCore5Scripts,i+1)]; } else sMessage += "\n"+llList2String(g_lCore5Scripts,i+1) + "\t(Link# "+llList2String(g_lFoundCore5Scripts,index+1)+")"; i = i + 2; } while (i<10); i = llGetLinkNumber(); if (i != 1) sMessage += "\noc_com\t(not in root prim!)"; string sSaveIntegrity = "intern_integrity="; if (llSubStringIndex(sMessage,"False") == -1 && llGetListLength(lTemp) == 1) { g_lFoundCore5Scripts = llListSort(g_lFoundCore5Scripts,2, TRUE); if (llListFindList(g_lFoundCore5Scripts,["LINK_ANIM",6,"LINK_AUTH",2,"LINK_DIALOG",3,"LINK_RLV",4,"LINK_SAVE",5])) { sMessage = "All operational!"; sSaveIntegrity += "homemade"; } else { sMessage = "Optimal conditions!"; sSaveIntegrity += "professionally made"; } llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,LM_SETTING_RESPONSE,sSaveIntegrity,""); llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_SAVE,sSaveIntegrity,""); lTemp = []; g_lFoundCore5Scripts = []; } else { if (llGetListLength(lTemp) ==1) lTemp = []; sMessage = "\n\nCore corruption detected:\n"+ llDumpList2String(lTemp,"\n")+sMessage; if (i == 1) sMessage += "\noc_com\t(root)"; llMessageLinked(LINK_SAVE,LM_SETTING_DELETE,"intern_integrity",""); } g_lFoundCore5Scripts = []; if (g_iVerify) { g_iVerify = FALSE; //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,LM_SETTING_RESPONSE,sSaveIntegrity,""); llOwnerSay(sMessage); } }
changed(integer iChange) { if (iChange & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); if (iChange & CHANGED_INVENTORY) FailSafe(); /* if (iChange & CHANGED_REGION) { if (g_iProfiled){ llScriptProfiler(1); Debug("profiling restarted"); } } */ } }