[Serveur ARK] Serveur PvPvE - Dawn of the Wild Hunt

Partager Rechercher
Dernière MAJ : 176

Serveur Public
Nombre de slots : 70
Serveur PvPvE
PvP : ON
Reboot du serveur à 8h du mat quotidien - Prévoir un rollback de 15 minutes.
Changement de la gamma : OFF
Chargement des personnages : OFF

Se connecter au serveur :


Règles : On dit bonjour avant de tuer un mec, la moindre des choses, et après on peut lui faire caca desssus ! On évite de flinguer toutes les constructions des gens, à la rigueur on pète la porte mais on s'acharne pas, c'est pas le but. Et aussi n'hésitez pas à communiquer sur le canal du serveur, c'est ce qui le rend vivant, dites bonjour, au revoir, etc... Sinon aucunes règles, c'est aux joueurs de faire la police, les admins n'interviendront pas.
Toute triche ou bug abuse sera suivi d'un ban définitif immédiat sans avertissement.

Présentation :

Serveur principalement basé sur le fun, du PvP, oui, mais on ira pas casser vos constructions qui ne sont pas gênantes ni tout vous piller, c'est pas le but, on défoncera votre T Rex, on tuera vos femmes, vos enfants et dodos, mais on laissera les oeufs dans le frigo, on est pas des chiens.
A l'heure actuelle nous sommes une trentaine sur le serveur, avec quelques petites tribus d'implantées sur la carte. Nous attendons un peu plus de monde afin de se bastonner un peu plus, l'import des personnages n'étant pas autorisé vous pouvez demander de l'aide et on fera passer le message d'éviter de vous tuer.
Pensez simplement qu'Ark n'est pas un jeu safe, et que vous n'êtes en sécurité nul part.

Pour toutes questions et réclamations vous pouvez les poser à la suite de ce post ou sur le forum de la guilde DWH : http://www.guild-dwh.fr/

Tribus connues sur le serveur (yen a sans doute des cachées) :
Dragon Dinasty

Have fun !

Dernière modification par Binouzours ; 17/06/2015 à 20h18.
La mise à jour 175.1 s'est bien passée, le serveur est de nouveau en ligne.

Le patch note :
Citation :
Current Version: 175.1 -- Status: Currently Deploying across the ARK Official Server Network
- Fixed issue with being forced to "respawn". Currently redeploying to the ARK Official Server Network with pre-update data (exactly the pre-update data, no loss). Suggest player server admins use 175.1 rather than 175.0

Current Version: 175.0
- Argentavis can now also pickup characters, with a higher weight limit than Pteranodon
- Nerdry Glasses and Rex Bone Helm are now paintable
- Fixed bug where Tribe data could be lost or corrupted, and bug where players who left Tribe would still be considered as "in" the Tribe.
- Majorly reduced stalls when streaming in new area zones
- Added a radial "Whistle Wheel" that you can use to choose from among the many whistles now available. Access it optionally by briefly holding the "Whistle 'You Follow'" key!
- Only female creatures can lay eggs now. I know, this makes me sad but it had to happen ;(
- Added volume slider for voice chat
- Eliminated delays upon Dino AI finding new targets, make the AI's snappier and more lifelike. Also made tamed Dinos cancel their current movement whenever they are given a new order/AI-state, making them more pro-active.
- You can now open gates with the [E] / Use key when riding a Dino, without having to dismount
- Tribe Governance Options: Presets: Communism, Capitalism, Libertarianism, and everything in between via total customizable property, dino, & structure sharing settings. Trive Manager now has "Government" options which can (currently) only be set upon creation of the Tribe. When you are invited to a Tribe, you can now view the Tribe's governance options in the Activation menu before deciding whether to join. If you wish to change this afterwards, Merge the Tribe into a new Tribe.
- Server startup time dramatically reduced.
- More efficient RAM usage of the TheIsland zones streaming
- Improved perf on GPU particles
- Dinos now take fall damage properly
- Better dino following logic, and fixed a bug where following dinos weren't sprinting like they should have been
- Oxygen Enhancing stew is now twice as powerful
- Rockets now have gravity and drop over time, no more infinite range rocket shots
- Crops now grow at 2x speed
- High-level surface supply crates now only give blueprints, was too OP for them to give fully-crafted items
- Piranhas now spawn in larget groups
- Megalodons can't beach anymore
- Fixed a server-side PhysX crash
- New: Craftable Headlamp item
- You can now access patch notes from within the game
- Environmental Resources now replenish twice as quickly and less range required away from human structures
- You can now 'Drop All Items' from remote inventories, which drops them onto the floor
- You can now press 'D' when highlighting an item in Inventory to drop it, you can also press Ctrl-D-Num to instantly drop a slotbar item. Power-users!!!!
- Behemoth gate can now be built on non-flat ground, and all dinos can now move through Dino Gate properly now.
- Ladder Climbing can properly be activated from above in all cases now.
- Added "Go Aggressive" and "Go Neutral" ranged whistle commands. "Go Neutral" also clears aggro, so is good for quickly recalling your dinos from an attack.
- Flyers can now carry other dinos, as well as humans
- New server browser that is more akin to Steam's server browser, allows asynchronous retrieving and filtering searching from among ALL servers, not just a handful.
- In PvE you can now drag unconscious players who are logged-out. Necessary, for now, to prevent people from logging out within your base and thus permanently "occupying" your base.
- You can now activate "wander" mode on tamed dinos, which will make them wander as they normally do in the Wild. Useful if you want mild hunting or just to have them feel more natural when penned-up (gotta have that Dodo farm naturalism). Coming soon: "Hunt-and-return radius" mode
Reboot effectué à 20h pour la mise à jour 176.

Patch note :
Citation :
- Fixed remaining ladder climbing error
- You can now walk all your dinos backwards
- Removed the Dino Inventory Slot limits
- Raised the dino fall damage velocity threshold by about 33% and decreased fall damage by 33%
- Upped the Argentavis' Stamina by 150%, to better enable long-distance flight, it loses stamina when flying as the Ptera.
- Blue Supply Crates that weren't appearing are fixed.
- From the backs of dinos, only doors are now activatable. Otherwise [E] will dismount.
- Drop-All no longer drops equipped items (dino saddles etc)
Et mis à jour à 19h pour le 177.

Deux nouvelles tribus nous ont aussi rejoint et bienvenue à tous les autres nouveaux arrivants
Pour l'instant les joueurs les plus avancés laissent les autre monter avant de se lancer dans le gros PvP qui tâche. Des events sont aussi en préparation.

Citation :
Current Version: 177.0

- You can now make the T-Rex ROAR!!! with alt fire. The first of many
- New Structure: Reinforced Steel Vault, for when you gotta store a crapton of items with maximum security
- New Structure: Wood Spike Barricade, for when you just gotta build a quick defense on the cheap.
- New structure: "Bookshelf" to store mass quantities of blueprints and notes and implants
- Custom Skinned Mammoth Saddle & Sabertooth Saddles
- Storage Boxes now only use slots, not weight
- New Cosmetic: Dino Spectacles (Respawn to get them, or if necessary send them through the Steam Inventory using Obelisks)
- Major improvement to asynchronous background streaming, resulting in smoother overall performance when moving through the environment
- Can now adjust a setting for whether you want your dino to auto-collect inventory from things it kills
- Locked Doors now always accessible by Tribemates (PIN-coded doors follow the governance setting)
- fixed fall damage to never get a super high instantaneous velocity, is now time-based.
- fixed water jar blueprint
- Supply Drops now give crafted items again, albeit at adjusted rates
- Tribe governance can now be reset
- Flyers do 60% less damage to structures
- Guns/explosives are 20% more effective against dinos
- Doubled number of item slots on "Smithy", "Fabricator", etc
- Flyer-carried characters are now dropped if line-of-sight is broken, can't go thru structures
- Flyer-carried characters' inventory weights are now added to the carrying Flyer's inventory Weight
Serveur mis à jour pour la 179.2.

Des réglages sont en cours d'étude dont une augmentation de la difficulté générale sur le serveur.

Citation :
- Fixed a client and server-side crash involving foliage

- Only Wood, Thatch, and Stone required for Stone Walls/StoneFoundation now
- Fixed problem connecting to various servers, was a silly data networking mismatch
- Fixed issue with player growing... large... upon falling unconscious from dino such as Turtle (very amusing
- Spawn Point UI will no longer improperly list buttons for beds that are on cooldown
- All pipes are now considered "foundation" and will not fall apart if a piece is destroyed
- Server admins can now adjust the following values:
* The Amount of overall dinos
* The damage & resistance of tamed vs untamed dinos respectively
* The relative weight of each dino species and maximum caps of each dino species per zone
* The speed of taming
* The speed of harvesting and a multiplier for how much resources are earned (overall, not per resource yet)
* The amounts of player and dino stamina draining respectively
* The amounts of player and dino food draining respectively
* The amounts of player water draining
* The speed of player and dino natural health recoveries
* The time of Structure open-demolish on PvE (soon this will be per-structure class, but currently is global)

- Fixed size of new bookcase model

- Fixed issue with player stats increasing upon rejoining the game (server-side fix).

- Official PvP servers one-time Clearance of all old unequipped items (with the exception of blueprints, eatables, notes, and quest items), to ensure fairness after Item Duplication bug exploit. Server admins can enforce this once if they run with this command argument (will only work ONCE on pre-update save games):

ShooterGameServer.exe theisland?listen -ClearOldItems

- Demolition Item Duplication bug fixed
- Argentavis HP reduced by 30%
- Notes now display the first 30 characters of written text as the title of the Note, once something is written on them
- Plesiosaurus preparation...
- C4's now attach properly to structures in some cases where they couldn't
- Reduced probability of Spinosaurus spawns by 30%
- Explosions now do +200% damage to dinos and +50% damage to players
- Sarco and Turtle now dive/climb in water at properly quick speeds (making full use of their move speed)
- Player-hosted servers can now maintain a whitelist of SteamID's who are admin cheat-authorized, and those accounts will automatically be able to use cheats without having to enter enablecheats. When utilizing this feature, no cheat password is utilized.
- Compass Engram moved to level 10, & no longer requires Smithy (is hand-crafted)
- There is now a dedicated keybind for accessing the whistle wheel, which will soon be expanded with emote animations
- Sarco now swims up and down much faster
- Dino Specs now allow painting all saddle color regions, and the specs look thicker
- Steel Vault now has 50% more storage slots
- Rex roar now has a large attenuation range
- Rockets do about 50% more damage
- Spinos no longer lay bronto eggs
- Turtles now regen stamina in water
- Fixed an exploit with accessing inventories over great distances
- Spikewalls can no longer be built nearby enemy core structures
- Fabricators, etc, now show craftable resource counts from their own Inventory even when they are not powered-on
- "Your thing killed something" messages are now in yellow to avoid scaring you
- Server perf resolved, finally! (and an overall perf benefit for everyone). Major PhysX system change. Expected gains of >33%+ on Server in some cases.
- New Structure: Metal Water Tank, stores 500 water and is metal tier.
- New Structures: Stone Walls/Fence Foundations (the first of a potential stone tier)
- Fix for Engrams not appearing on characters in some cass
- Notes can now be written at any time not just upon crafting
- "All Passive" whistle
- Vault now will drop rather than be destroyed if its floor is destroyed
- You can now hurt your own unconsciously-taming Dinos in PvE
- Fixed case of invisible campfires
- Toggle key for Running
- Cosmetics now all weigh 0 KG
- Admin can now kick/ban/list players by SteamID
- Major memory reduction on dedi server (multi-GB reduced)

- Player-Hosted Server control of day-cycle length, and relative lengths of Day & Night respectively! Who wants a 24h real-time RP server? ME!!!!!!!
- Player-server options for which engrams/blueprints are available on a server, how much they cost, what their level-requirements/pre-reqs are, how much XP is earned & level XP thresholds for players and dinos, and how much damage players & dinos & structures do & their resistances respectively. Your primitive-only worlds are now possible
Info here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110...1545178117961/

- Texture Resolution settings no longer affect Terrain geometry quality
- You can now optionally specify administrators for a server by numeric SteamID, so that only certain specific steam users can have access to the admin commands, and these users do not have to enter an admin password
- If there are multiple bed/sleeping bag points overlapping on the same area on the respawn UI, upon clicking one you will now get a popup list to choose between them more easily.
Mise à jour du serveur pour la 180.1.
- Augmentation de la puissance des dinosaures non domptés.
- Légère augmentation de la durée de la période de jour.
D'autres ajustements à venir.

Citation :
Current Version: 180.1
- Fix for Supply Crates sometimes spawning at the World Origin, which would likely also would mess up players' ability to move
- Fixed inability to harvest certain resources
- Fixed inability to find "nearby foundations" when building sometimes
- Changed bullet/projectile damage multiplier on flyers to 4x rather than 6x
- Unversioned Hotfix: Decreased Mountain & Underwater Crystal Resources amounts by 50%

- Flyers now take approximately 6x damage from bullets and ranged projectiles.
- Fixed a missing value in thatch & wood structure settings, now effectively thatch and wood about 2.5x as resistant to damage as they were before.
- Fixed Swimmers (i.e. Megalodon) and Flyers dive/climb speeds -- they no longer leave the "sprinting" speed when diving/climbing
- Particle FX on activated structures now appear correctly after reloading in singleplayer
- Water Taps connected directly to intakes now work
- Stone wall is now colorizable
- Wild AI Targeting Range on Megalodons is reduced by 50%
- Added the unique Phiomia and Carnotaurus saddles
- Can't build signs near enemy foundations anymore, was used to grief people by wedging them into their homes etc
- Structures in PvE now have per-structure PvE allowed-demolish time, by default: 4 days for thatch/small utility structures, 8 days days for wood, 12 days for stone, and 16 days for metal
- Fixed hidden player hands when wearing gloves while riding a dino in FPV
- Explosions no longer damage structures thru walls/obstructions
- PvE now shows a "Anyone Can Demolish" timer on structures
- Can no longer... place sleeping bags/structures thru other player's/team's structures
- Can no longer melee attack people thru walls
- Can no longer place doors of multiple tiers over each other.
- Massive async level load/unload hitching reductions
- Fixed exploit with getting flyers underneath the World. If you do this, they will die. Also you can't pull-grab targets through the World either.
- Four new "PvE Hardcore" servers for North America, Europe, and Oceania -- each.
- Major map update: new resources (including summit and underwater Crystals), better visuals, better optimization, and WIP areas completed
- Approximate 15-20% server and client CPU perf gain!!!! combination of link time code generation and opcode optimizations

- 3GB+ RAM reduction for servers, ~1GB RAM+ reduction for clients. For serves over 50% memory savings!!!!!!!! Basically we've converted all our foliage structures to use data primitive types rather than "Objects"

- PhysX Bug fix: no more super-slow servers

- Client side GPU perf improvements: foliage batching rewrite
- New Server gameplay options exposed to the Host Game UI
- Fixed issue where foliage would sometimes respawn on your base or on your dinos
- Can no longer damage players through walls with pikes/grenades etc
- Can no longer strafe while prone
- Can no longer pull characters through ground with flyers
- Spear-killing a fish will now also instantly grab the fish so that you can stay out of the water
- Flyers no longer get into a bad flying state when saved while flying (work-around before v180: whistle for them to follow you , then whistle for them to stop after they start flying)
- Can no longer place structures if line of sight is broken by enemy structure
- Stone wall properly colorizable
- Crop plot saving issue fixed

- Fixed an item dupe issue... recommend server admins upgrade their servers to 179.5 at their opportunity

- Fixed Spawn Point UI issue, you can now always select spawn points properly
- Fixed some sounds that lacked attenuation (harvest sound, etc)
- Fixed simplified sky rendering, not all black anymore
- Function Keys (F1-F12 etc) now work when bound to inputs

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