serveur down ?

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Citation :
Publié par Sioux
tu voies ces infos ? comment tu le sais ?


Je sais qu'il est down depuis 22H30 parce que ma femme c'est fait jeter a partir de cette heure la, apres s'ils ont fait un patch ils ont du sans doute envoyer un message system sur tout le serveur pour dire qu'ils patchaient.

Autrement la seule chose a faire c'est d'aller consulter le forum officiel afin de voir s'il y a un patch de prevu ou alors relancer de temps en temps le jeu et de voir s'il y a un patch. Si tu vois que le scan file commencent a mettre 2 plombes c'est qu'il y a un patch a la clé =)

Je viens de dl le patch mais toujours pas de serveurs up à l'heure actuelle.

Et en avant-première, le patch notes qui va avec :

Citation :
Vanguard Build 01648 Patch Notes 1/6/2007

- Flagged all mundane gear (armor, weapons, etc.) as bindable.
- The temporary teleporters have gone through some changes, however, they are still active fairly tempermental. Temporary Tempermental Teleporters (TTT)

- Cleric - Lowered the cast time of Anathema to 2 seconds
- Druid - Berries should be tradable again.
- Psionicist - Fixed amplifying returns with Thought Pulse. It should now act more appropriately.
- Psionicist - adjusted the mana regen on Union of Thought and Acumen down a bit.
- Sorcerer - Particle effect on 'Feedback' portion of arcane spells has been removed.

- Grodek now offers the blacksmith apprentice quest to blacksmiths instead of outfitters.
- You can now study the book for the Thestran Initiate Outfitter quest.

- Vulmane diplomacy. Players should be able to hail trainer and begin line.
- Vulmane Diplomacy: Players should be able to finish "Rock and Roll" quest now.
- Vulmane Diplomacy: Fixed to make sure players get to keep rewards at end of line.
- Vulmane Diplomacy: Fixed spectral "Aspect" models on hill. Now in line with what's available in Thestra.
- Varanjar Diplomacy: Should be able to now beat Bartender Ogrash and Speiglesprock Greenfield in parley.

- The Lomshir Horsethief quests have been reworked slightly.
- The Vaelwyn Plot: the area in which the distraction can be use it slightly larger. Still much smaller than the distraction itself.
- The quest, "A Fine Opportunity" should now make a lot more sense.
- The quest, "A Fate Worse Than Death" should now make a lot more sense.
- The quest, "Lost Daughter" should be a little clearer.
- Players taking the quest, "Village Scouting" should now know which directions to scout in.
- Fallen aukfruit should now look like what they're supposed to, as should pristine aukfruit and rotten aukfruit.
- The totems of Krigus in the temple of Vol Tuniel should now look like statues of flies.
- Removed floating name, "Smuggler's Cave" under Karibasa, as that it does not exist.
- Farzeen in Khal no longer thinks he is Abad.
- Investigator Trenkle speaks correctly now.
- Callie Potter, in Tursh, no longer stands inside tables.
- The group quest, "Failings of the Mayor" is now marked as group.
- Added several signposts throughout Dahknarg to assist with a new quest progression we just added.
- Fixed a signpost in 'Spirit's Rest' so new players don't have a sign pointing to their starting area that reads "DANGER!"
- Implemented 5-part progressive quest line to help move new players out of Dahknarg all the way up to Lake Carlsson
- Players should find most of the quests now have accurate Travel Journal Entries
- Edited multiple quests to clarify/add directions to the various objectives. Should be much easier to understand now
- Adjusted spawn timers throughout the starting areas to give more players opportunity to finish their quests
- The Tuatiren lizardman complained about it being a little cold outside, so we gave them something to wear
- The Tuatiren lizardman now have guardians watching over their egg nest
- Quest in Temple of Dailuk: Abduction: will now give a map location when you accept it
- Sirens population in the water is a bit more reasonable
- Maera encounter is now working as intended
- Quest rewards in Mekalia, Khal, Martok, Caiel'Brael and Tanvu have been adjusted.

- Fixed a bug causing chat name links (click to /tell) not to work correctly.
- Fixed a bug with /openall not working when you don't have bags equipped.
- Fixed a bug causing hotkey macro saving and editing to not work on hotkey banks 2-10.

- The F key is now bound to /assist by default. Some adjustments have been made to the reaction keybinds to compensate.
- Your settings and keybindings will be reset to the defaults. If you've heavily customized your settings, you may wish to make a copy of VGClient.ini and User.ini before you enter the game. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

~The Vanguard Team
Ben je suis un peu en retard ça vient juste de télécharger le patch chez moi.
En tout cas c'est clair que les serveurs sont bien instables en ce moment, heureusement d'ailleurs avec la foule dessus !

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