Plus d'informations sur UXO sur IanStorm

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Well, i tried to do this last night, but my laptop decided otherwise.

We all had a great time last night at the first night of events. And my head is still killing me from it :P

But, without further adue, here are a few highlights of what we found out last night about, Ultima X: Odessy.

There will be 55 zones.

You can travel from zone to zone by use of public moongates.

If you have a friend in your buddy list, who just so happens to be on the other side of the world, you can teleport right to his location. (They have to be on your buddy list to accomplish this)

There are all different types of landscapes. Sand/desert areas, Forrests, Snow ect.

There are 6 playable races:
# Orc
# Pixie
# Gargoyle
# Elves
# Human
# And somthing whos name baffles me, all i can remember is rick saying thier similar to "Fuzzies" from Ultima 3.

There are 4 main starting skills:

# Way of the Sword
# Arcane
# Nature
# And unfortunatly, i can't remember the name of this last one (Blame it on the mead!)

There will be pvp, but not the kind where you can just go around and slash whomever you wish to.

There will be private areas. Private areas is an area you pick and make into your own little private hunting grounds. This could be used for if you yourself, or your guild wish to fight creatures with out anyone else interupting you. Or if you want to do a pvp fight in private, without the fear of someone hurring up and sneak looting your or something.

As for creatures in game, this statment was made to us a few times "If you can find it in a zoo, it won't be in UX:O"

This is not an extension to UO, it is a sister product to the game. So all those rumors you heard about being able to transport your current uo characters to this game, is false.

IT IS AN MMORPG, for all those that kept thinking it was a single player, or a console game :P

There will be no theifs or use of the stealing skill.

This is all i can think of at this time. Keep an eye out for a full report from us all later on today.

Also, we will have some screenshots posted for you soon. And beleive me, i took a bunch of em!!!!
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There are 6 playable races:
# Orc
# Pixie
# Gargoyle
# Elves
# Human
# And somthing whos name baffles me, all i can remember is rick saying thier similar to "Fuzzies" from Ultima 3.
Huh mouais. J'espère qu'il va être sérieusement travaillé leur background parce que bon

Sergorn Dragon
Maître ès Ultima
Découvrez La Légende d'Ultima
Tiens, j'ai aussi des doutes de ce côté là...

J'espère qu'ils seront assez intelligents pour créer un jeu qui aura quand même un minimum de rapport avec UO.

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