[Interview] Mark Jacobs du 11-04

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G: “Zergs” have always been a very controversial topic in RvR games. On one hand they can cause frustration for those that can’t gather sizable numbers, on the other hand it’s epic and involving (even thanks to the realm pride mentioned before) to see great leaders arise and show the ability and charisma to field and command large armies. Your engine definitely looks like it can handle some very large battles. What’s your stance towards “zerging”? Is it going to be encouraged, discouraged or you’re simply going to let players do whatever they want about it?

M: All of the above. Sounds lame and impossible, but I don’t think so. Zerging, in and of itself, can constitute a valid play style. However, if the game goes out of its way to reward it, that’s bad. If you want to take down a large structure, having the zerg come and help is a good thing.

If it’s simply running around, engaging in keep trading, etc., that is a very bad thing. Players need tools to fight the zerg – CC and other things that can discourage it as the behavior of choice. Think about how a true death penalty comes into play. If you can slow down the zerg and then whittle it down, it won’t be as awesome a choice for playing the game.
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G: Housing will be a very important part of CU. While I know it won’t just involve building “houses”, will player homes be in their own instanced housing areas, or maybe they will exist in the main shared world? Can’t say the idea of burning down an enemy village made of actual player houses doesn’t sound interesting to me… After all in Warhammer Online we could burn down their capital city…

M: There will be some limited safe areas (as per above), but housing (I really need to call this building) in the non-safe areas will be encouraged and rewarding. Burn, baby, burn. ;D

Les passages sur la mort et le zerg m'a fait pensé au jeu de vautour sur OF (ou NF quand les TP sont down): les gens qui essaient de rejoindre le bus sur le front pendant que les TF tournent autour et farment les groupes qui tentent les sorties. A la fin soit le bus finit par mourir faute d'approvisionnement en chaire fraiche, soit les TF adverses aussi viennent dans le coin et ca donne du bon 8v8 avec pas mal d'adds et de stratégie a base de back, de cc, de sos

Dernière modification par Hellraise ; 11/04/2013 à 23h27. Motif: na

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