Sujet récapitulatif des hotfixes appliqués

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RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 3 16.02.14

Citation :
* Le chat de guilde fonctionne désormais avec davantage de fiabilité pour les guildes transférées.
* Le chat de coalition fonctionne désormais correctement sur les serveurs JcJ.
* Le service de chat pouvait tomber en panne, en raison de deux bugs à présent corrigés.
* Suite au redémarrage des canaux de discussion, un message est dorénavant correctement envoyé à tous les joueurs, afin de leur signaler la restitution partielle et totale du service.
* La fréquence d'apparition des artefacts de type Prime a été légèrement augmentée.
* Le jeu pouvait tomber en panne sur les ordinateurs dont le gestionnaire de fichiers est en 32-bit lorsque l'espace disponible était faible. Ce bug a été corrigé.


* Bonne nouvelle ! Deux Grands Maîtres tisseurs des rêves qui ont obtenu leur formation auprès de Reva Song ont quitté la Baie de la Tempête pour enseigner le tissage des rêves aux mathosiens. Retrouvez Halucinacio au niveau de la rue Bahralt à Sanctum et Imagi Song à la Manufacture de Méridian.
RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 4 19.02.14

Citation :
* Les PNJ hostiles ont cessé de s'en prendre à ceux qui voudraient ranimer leur victimes. Ranimez vos amis sans crainte d'être attaqué(e) !
* Les annonces serveur sont désormais diffusées y compris lorsque le serveur de chat est hors ligne.
* Il arrivait que le jeu tombe en panne pendant le chargement ou la lecture des cinématiques. Nous pensons avoir corrigé ce bug.
* Lorsque vous bloquez un joueur, vous ne verrez plus ses messages de type /hurler, /dit ou /emote.
* Le niveau de mentor des joueurs est dorénavant auto-calibré lorsqu'ils entrent dans un donjon via la file d'attente RdG.
* L'emplacement des joueurs n'était parfois pas correctement mis à jour en jeu. Ce bug a été corrigé.
* Les événements de zone sont désormais moins rebelles, et n'ouvrent plus que les Failles d'éléments pertinents.

* Bonne nouvelle, Élus ! Les montures récupérées dans les coffres sont dorénavant échangeables.
* Les montures récupérées dans les coffres, ainsi que les montures disponibles uniquement dans la boutique RIFT contre des crédits, sont désormais accessibles à tous les personnages d'un même compte.
- Nous déverrouillons progressivement les montures premium déjà récupérées ou achetées. Si c'est votre cas, gardez l'œil ouvert.
* Modifications des privilèges d'abonné :
- les avantages d'abonné sont dorénavant cumulables avec les autres avantages !
- les Cadeaux hebdomadaires d'abonné contiennent désormais des Caisses de provisions de Piaf, contre des Caisses de provisions de Vertécaille précédemment.
* Les PNJ de type Marchands d'événement mondial générique ont été retirés du jeu.

* Les joueurs qui participeront aux Conquêtes après leur remise en ligne recevront 100 000 points de Conquête en plus.
* Un bug permettant d'exploiter le coffre de récompenses qui apparaît lors d'une Conquête a été corrigé.

* Saga de l'Air :
- Toutes les quêtes de la Saga de l'Air affichent dorénavant la mention « Saga des cultes » au-dessus du texte de quête.
- Quête : Rite de l'âme : l'Archiviste Aristoi a cessé d'interroger tout le monde sur l'histoire du Pic de Pin de fer.
- Quête : Rien n'est perdu pour toujours : le taux d'obtention des Parchemins utiles abandonnés a augmenté de façon considérable.

* Saga de l'Eau :
- Quête : Contrer le rituel : cette quête est désormais disponible aux joueurs de niveau 5 et plus.

* Les Défenseurs des Nécrosculpteurs ne confèrent plus ni butin ni expérience lorsqu'ils sont tués.


* Certains des artefacts sous forme de pages de livres (disponibles à l'achat auprès de marchands spéciaux) ne sont plus récupérables.
RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 5 20.02.14

Citation :

Failles de raid des Feu-sanglant
De nouvelles Failles de raid sont disponibles aux Steppes de l'Infini et au Rhizome. Tentez d'arrêter «*Les insurgés de l'enfer*» ou mettez un terme à l'angoissante «*Incursion feu-sanglant*».

* Les capacités pouvaient souffrir d'un lag plus important que d'habitude. Ce bug a été corrigé.

* Saga de l'Air*: les quêtes suivantes se réinitialisent désormais avec plus de fiabilité.
- Vengeance de Yor
- Requête royale
- Course contre le vent

* Conquête*:
- Le boss final et le coffre de Conquête ont tous deux été repositionnés dans l'Œil de Regulos.
RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 6 26.02.14

Citation :

Le Carnaval signe son retour !
Pour la 3e année consécutive, Telara accueille le Carnaval des Élus ! Les festivités commenceront le 27 février à 15h30 (heure du serveur) et se poursuivront jusqu'au 12 mars.

* Les Cellules de l'Infini rayonnantes sont maintenant liées au compte !
* Nous avons identifié et corrigé un autre bug qui provoquait la mise hors ligne des canaux de discussion.
* Nous avons amélioré le canal de discussion dédié aux Conquêtes afin de le rendre plus fiable.
* Il arrivait que l'emplacement des joueurs ne soit pas correctement mis à jour. Ce bug a été corrigé.
* Nous avons corrigé certains problèmes liés aux fonctionnalités de jeu inter-serveur.
* Une petite erreur de traduction du titre « the Speechless » (« le Coi/la Coite ») a été corrigée.
* Il arrivait dans de rares cas qu'équiper un casque fasse planter le jeu. Ce bug a été corrigé.
* Si vous cherchez un Entraîneur de compétence pour le tissage des rêves, vous pouvez désormais vous adresser aux PNJ guides en ville.

* Vous pouvez dorénavant vous procurer des ensembles d'armes de raid de palier 1 dans la catégorie Équipement > Ensembles !
* Vous pouvez dorénavant vous procurer des ensembles d'armures de raid de palier 1 dans la catégorie Équipement > Ensembles.
* Les versions grandissantes des montures Coursiers eldritchs, Vaiyuus et Yarnosaures sont désormais disponibles dans la section Montures de la boutique.



* Lien de l'agonie : intercepte dorénavant 20 % des dégâts en JcJ. En JcE, il intercepte toujours 30 % des dégâts.
* Lien de la souffrance : intercepte dorénavant 15 % des dégâts en JcJ. En JcE, il intercepte toujours 20 % des dégâts.


* Lien d'Âme : intercepte dorénavant 20 % des dégâts en JcJ. En JcE, il intercepte toujours 30 % des dégâts.


* Frères d'armes : intercepte dorénavant 10 % des dégâts en JcJ. En JcE, il intercepte toujours 15 % des dégâts.


* Le Convoi Embourbé est désormais moins… embourbé de personnages.
* La portée de l'agressivité des Emplacements d'arme de la Légion de la Tempête au Convoi Embourbé a été réduite.
* La population du Camp du Talon a été réduite.

* Faille de raid « Incursion feu-sanglant » :
- La quête est désormais une quête de récupération.
- Dorénavant, les serfs disparaissent après la réinitialisation ou la mort de Korag.
- La capacité Mise à feu de l'Enragé feu-sanglant ne peut plus être réfléchie.
* Nous avons réduit le nombre de soldats de la Légion de la Tempête, de Dresseuses de liches et de technogolems à la Porte de l'Infini.
* Quête : Surchargeur : la vitesse de réapparition des Condensateurs de la Légion de la Tempête a été réduite.
* Quête : Surchargeur : les soldats qui surveillent les Condensateurs de la Légion de la Tempête ne disparaissent plus lorsque les Condensateurs explosent.

* La Faille de raid « Les insurgés de l'enfer » est désormais une quête de récupération.

* L'accès aux donjons de Storm Legion est désormais soumis à un critère de niveau.
* Nous avons ajouté un classement de type « Dominance » pour les boss de Storm Legion. Arriverez-vous à vaincre Crucia, Regulos, Ultane, Volan (Porte de l'Infini) et le Planicide Abominus plus vite que les autres joueurs ?

* Volan : n'inflige plus de dégâts aux joueurs après avoir été vaincu au cours de la 2e phase.

* Atrophinius
- Se réinitialise désormais s'il quitte son aire de combat.
- Flacon d'Éclat de rêve se déplace dorénavant moins rapidement.

* Deux nouveaux classements pour les tisseurs des rêves ont été ajoutés à la rubrique Artisanat !

* Vous pouvez désormais empiler vos composants d'amélioration. Ceci devrait vous faciliter la vie, mais aussi libérer de la place dans votre sac.
* Nous avons revu les statistiques des armes reliques pour tanks de la Porte de l'Infini et du Bastion des Planicides. Les versions adaptées au Guerrier et au Clerc bénéficient désormais d'une augmentation d'endurance.
* Nous avons ajouté une épée de dégâts répétés de raid de palier 1 au catalogue des Voleurs, à savoir l'Épée sublime d'Élu.
* L'Épée sublime renforcée d'Élu et l'Épée éternelle renforcée d'Élu ne sont plus soumises à l'équipement unique.
RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 7 06.03.2014

Citation :
* Les effets de particules pouvaient provoquer un plantage. Ce bug a été corrigé.
* Les serveurs de chat ont bénéficié d'améliorations supplémentaires afin d'accroître leur stabilité.
* Grande chasse : Planarche Augmur : ce boss apparaît correctement désormais.
* Chercher un genre spécifique d'artefacts n'a jamais été aussi simple ! La salle des ventes dispose dorénavant d'une nouvelle catégorie pour les artefacts, subdivisée en plusieurs sous-catégories.
* Les objets de type merveilleux pouvaient apparaître en double s'ils étaient obtenus dans un coffre de Conquête. Ce bug a été corrigé.
* Correction d'un bug rare sur la prise en charge des macros.

* Boutique :
- les Cadeaux quotidiens pour abonné du Carnaval ont été activés pour la dernière semaine de l'événement du Carnaval. Le montant des devises a été augmenté puisque nous étions en retard d'une semaine !
- la plupart des objets du Carnaval peuvent maintenant être offerts en cadeau !
- les armes pour Clercs tanks s'affichent désormais correctement dans la rubrique « Événement mondial » de la boutique.
* Objets :
- les compagnons issus des Caisses de célébration du Carnaval sont à présent bien marqués comme « Lié une fois équipé » au lieu de « Lié au compte ».
- les montures issues des Caisses de célébration du Carnaval sont maintenant échangeables.
- les statistiques de la version relique des Essences de pierre satinée limpide a reçu une 5e donnée statistique.
- la danse du Partini de Tito n'émettra plus de son de feux d'artifice une fois sa durée écoulée.
* Tous les exploits de type « Le Codex : Roue de l'Avenir » ont été déplacés dans la catégorie Héritage.
* Les Failles « Contes des Élus » fonctionnent de nouveau.
* Les piñatas-dragons dans le Pic du Pin de fer sont maintenant d'un niveau approprié.

* Les animations bugées des montures de type « grandissantes » suivantes ont été rectifiées : Vaiyuu, Yarnosaure et Valmera.
* Les Parchemins de changement de nom de guilde et de personnage étaient incorrectement donnés plusieurs fois. Ce bug a été corrigé, les parchemins ne tomberont plus du ciel !

* L'option de classement à la salle des ventes pour les Traits oniriques et le Rubans oniriques. Ces articles mis aux enchères sont maintenant répertoriés dans Artisanat -> Matériaux -> Étoffe.

* L'Épée longue en gantimite n'est plus en Équipement unique.

* Les icônes de ressources d'artisanat sur la mini-carte étaient légèrement excentrés. Ce bug a été corrigé.
RIFT 2.6 : Hotfix 8 12/03/14

Citation :

Conquête : Steppes de l'Infini
La nouvelle carte Conquête des Steppes de l'Infini est en ligne et propose de nouveaux objectifs et défis : combattrez-vous pour le contrôle des Forts Brevo et Antapo, ou bien braverez-vous vos ennemis en transportant des charges d'un fort à l'autre ?

Tous les matches de Conquête auront temporairement lieu dans les Steppes de l'Infini, histoire de donner une chance à tous d'essayer cette nouvelle carte. Après une brève période introductive, nous alternerons les lieux de Conquête entre les Steppes de l'Infini et Mornelande.

Retour de la Semaine Mécha !
Des quêtes quotidiennes à durée limitée sont désormais disponibles à Sanctum, Méridian et la Baie de la Tempête. De nouvelles montures mécaniques peuvent être trouvées dans les Coffres de flux anachroniques, disponibles dans la boutique Rift et accordés en récompense de l'accomplissement de la quête de l'événement "Que le plus fort gagne !". Un autre peut être obtenu suite à l'accomplissement de l'exploit "L'emporte-pièces". Les Aligneurs anachroniques sont eux aussi de retour et peuvent apparaître à partir des nouvelles Failles de flux anachroniques !

Mari, intelligence artificielle et intendante de l'Institut de Recherches Planaires, réside dorénavant de façon permanente au Village de Mariel-Taun à Sanctum, à l'Académie des Études Planaires de Méridian, et près du Magistrat des chartes de guilde de la Baie de la Tempête.

Une nouvelle monnaie, les Rouages anachroniques, est disponible pour acheter des objets à Mari, et est obtenue en récompense lors de l'accomplissement des quêtes quotidiennes. Des Rouages anachroniques supplémentaires peuvent être obtenus à partir des Coffres anachroniques.

Note : cet événement aura lieu entre le 13 mars à 15h30 (heure du serveur) et le 20 mars à 15h30 (heure du serveur).

Carnaval des Élus : quand il n'y en a plus, il y en a encore !
À la demande générale, le Carnaval des Élus a été prolongé d'une semaine et se terminera le 20 mars à 15h30 (heure du serveur). Pour l'occasion, une quête hebdomadaire supplémentaire a été ajoutée avec, à la clé, des Doublons de l'aurore en récompense.



* Chevaucher l'éclair : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.


* Saut plongeant : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.

* Mur d'acier : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.


* Charge du taureau : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.

* Charge vertueuse : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.

* Enfilade : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.

* Ombre de terreur : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.

* Sur la brèche : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.
* Dégager la brèche : n'immobilise désormais que pendant 1,5 seconde, et ne déclenche plus d'efficacité décroissante en JcJ.


* Les Fragments instables sont maintenant invulnérables aux effets de bannissement.

* Les récompenses de Conquête ont été mises à jour afin qu'elles soient plus en phase avec le lancement de Conquête : Steppes de l'Infini !

* Artisans de la survie et Tisseurs des rêves reçoivent désormais les bons titres lors de l'amélioration de leur niveau de compétence.
2.6 HotFix 9 19/03/14
RIFT*2.6*:*hotfix*9 19/03/14
RIFT*2.6 : hotfix*9 19/03/14


Crucia revient dans la phase suivante de la Saga de l'Air ! De nouvelles quêtes et des événements de zone inédits seront en ligne dès le jeudi*20 mars, à partir de 15h30 (heure du serveur).

Deux passages mystérieux, irradiant du pouvoir du Plan du Feu, sont apparus à Libremarche et à Bois d'Argent... Le Bastion feu-sanglant est en ligne dès le jeudi*20 mars, à partir de 15h30 (heure du serveur).


* Des corrections ont été apportées à la puissance des sorts des armes du Carnaval pour Clerc tank suivantes :
- Brandon de l'Inquisiteur
- Brandon de l'Enfer
- Brandon du brasier
- Brandon de conflagration

* Quête : Chaos : Bois d'Argent et Libremarche – augmente maintenant pour tous les membres du groupe.
* Le jeu à gratter du Carnaval n'est plus disponible sur Rift Mobile.

* Retour à Couprofond prend désormais correctement en compte l'accomplissement de l'étape « Terminer un donjon de niveau 60 en mode Expert » des quêtes « Que le plus fort gagne*! » et « Écraser la compétition » quand vous venez à bout de P.a.U.L.A.
* Parfois, les Failles de flux anachronique faisaient apparaître des créatures de niveau 1. Ce problème a été résolu.
* La version mineure de la Faille de flux anachronique a désormais une chance d'apparaître à Brunante et à Tynandra, en plus de Mathosia.

* L'outil de Recherche de Groupe (RdG) et son utilisation associée au mentorat ont subi des modifications.
* La fonctionnalité RdG ne se soucie plus de savoir si le joueur est mentoré ou non.
* Les joueurs en file d'attente pour des donjons spécifiques peuvent changer leur niveau de mentor une fois dans l'instance.
* Les joueurs en file d'attente pour les donjons aléatoires ne peuvent pas modifier leur niveau de mentor une fois dans l'instance.

Donjons aléatoires de Storm Legion en mode Expert
* Le mentorat est impossible, car les donjons sont de niveau 60.
* Les membres de groupe ne peuvent pas modifier leur niveau de mentor dans l'instance.

Donjons classiques aléatoires en mode Expert
* Le mentorat n'est possible qu'au niveau 50.
* Les membres de groupe ne peuvent pas modifier leur niveau de mentor dans l'instance.

Donjons normaux aléatoires (option « Rejoindre la file d'attente en tant que Mentor » non sélectionnée)
* Ces donjons n'obligent aucun joueur au mentorat, car les groupes sont placés dans les donjons qui ont les niveaux les plus élevés disponibles.
* Les membres de groupe ne peuvent pas modifier leur niveau de mentor dans l'instance.

Donjons normaux aléatoires (option « Rejoindre la file d'attente en tant que Mentor » sélectionnée)
* Les joueurs sont mentorés de façon adaptée, en fonction du donjon dans lequel ils sont placés.
* Les membres de groupe ne peuvent pas modifier leur niveau de mentor dans l'instance.

Donjons particuliers
* Les joueurs sont toujours mentorés de façon adaptée, en fonction du donjon sélectionné.
* Les membres de groupe peuvent modifier leur niveau de mentor dans l'instance.

Cas particulier :
* Si un groupe engagé dans un donjon particulier est rejoint par un joueur issu d'une file d'attente pour un donjon aléatoire, alors aucun membre du groupe ne peut modifier son niveau de mentor en cours d'instance.

* L'option « Rejoindre la file d'attente en tant que Mentor » a été déplacée vers le bas, étant donné qu'elle ne s'applique désormais plus qu'aux donjons normaux aléatoires.
- En cas de non sélection, la file d'attente pour donjons normaux aléatoires placera les joueurs dans les donjons disponibles aux niveaux les plus élevés, donjons de niveaux inférieurs exclus.
- En cas de sélection, la file d'attente pour donjons normaux aléatoires placera les joueurs dans n'importe quel donjon normal disponible, donjons de niveaux inférieurs inclus.



* Fureur du Protecteur : nous avons supprimé « vie » de la description d'augmentation des dégâts. La description, maintenant plus précise, décrit comment la capacité fonctionne depuis déjà quelque temps.

* Voie du vent : nous avons ajouté Moisson dans la description de la capacité. La description, maintenant plus précise, décrit comment la capacité fonctionne depuis déjà quelque temps.

* La version d'extension d'Espèce invasive n'apparaîtra plus par erreur dans les zones anciennes du monde.


* D'île en île devrait maintenant se déclencher correctement.

* Conquête : Steppes de l'Infini et Conquête : Mornelande

Conquête : Steppes de l'Infini
* Se termine désormais après qu'une équipe a marqué 10 000 points.
* L'équipe qui améliore au maximum un Écrin des rêves enlève 25 points aux deux autres équipes.
- Cette déduction de points ne peut pas se produire si les équipes ont moins de 25 points.
* Quand les Fidèles, pris au piège par des graphismes rebelles, utilisaient la capacité de Rappel pour se sortir de la panade, ils ne réapparaissaient pas du tout, mais alors pas du tout dans leur camp. Ce bug a été résolu.
* Nous avons corrigé un problème relatif à la capacité d'ouverture des coffres de sorte à ce qu'elle ne puisse pas être utilisée plus d'une fois par un même joueur.


* La Solution souveraine apparaîtra désormais sous Artisanat --> Matériaux --> Plantes dans la salle des ventes, tout comme les autres distillats de plantes.

* Les Failles d'artisanat ne peuvent plus vous piéger à l'intérieur de la forge.

* Grès supérieur de Mande-flammes chasseur légendaire : nous avons transféré une partie de la sagesse de cet objet à l'intelligence, en réponse à des commentaires d'utilisateurs du forum.
* Il est désormais possible d'empiler plusieurs composants d'amélioration.
* Nous avons corrigé les valeurs en précision du Sceptre porté par le vent.
* Les artefacts de l'ensemble « Les Profondeurs du Meurtre » ne sont plus liés quand récupérés.

2.6 HotFix11-26/03/14
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #11 3/26/14


All PVP Dimension items can now be found in the RIFT Store!

* All remaining Empyreal Sourcestone has been converted to Infinity Stones at a rate of 35 to 10.

* Zone Event: Bloodfire Behemoth: Slight increase in health and damage values.
* Bloodfire Stronghold: Corrected an issue that caused Guardian players to be sent to Meridian when zoning out of the instance.
* Burning Core Cinders will now only drop Burning Cores.

* All remaining Empyreal Sourcestone has been converted to Infinity Stones at a rate of 35 to 10.

2.6 HotFix12-02/04/14
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #12 4/2/14


The Bloodfire Army and The Power of Nightmares are now active! If you've been wondering what Crucia has been up to, now's your chance to find out...

* Substantially increased drop rates on Bounty Artifacts. More Bounty additions incoming soon!
* Fixed the rare bug where some players might still hear phantom chat from a previous map they were on.
* Private chat channels now automatically turn off announcements the first time they reach 20 members.
* The Adventure Dealer now displays Infinity Stones as his preferred currency. Infinity Stone Vouchers now display properly for each Calling without selecting all of the options.
* Relaxed chat throttling in some more private conversations; players should not experience the "You have sent too many chat messages" error as often.
* The achievements for mounting a Planar Squirrel should now work correctly.

* Bosses will now drop Burning Cores 100% of the time. Burning Core Cinders will no longer drop.
* Addressed an issue where cross-faction groups would sometimes send players to the wrong location when exiting the instance.
* Level 15 and 30 bosses will now drop level-appropriate currencies, as well as reduced Infinity Stones. Level 60 bosses drop the same currency as before.


* Fixed a rare whoa, double rift in Stonefield. Thanks to shockwavelol for the report!

* Added an alternative upgrade path to Myrmidon gear, which uses a Depleted Infinity Cell rather than a Radiant Infinity Cell.
* Depleted Infinity Cells can be made with 550 Depleted Infinity Shards. These items are Bind-on-Pickup and not Bind-on-Account.
* Rank 80 and above players will now receive Depleted Infinity Shards for completing the following weekly quests: Guns for Hire, Victory in Conquest, and Conquest Carnage.
* Rank 80 and above players will now receive a Depleted Infinity Shard for completing their random warfronts with charges.

* Fixed an issue with players sometimes entering forced-mentor instances at the default level.

* Volan: Sterilize will now properly trigger Volan's Outbreak ability.

* Inyr’kta: Now drops a Heart of the Planebreaker.

2.6 HotFix13 09/04/2014
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #13 4/9/14


A crashing conclusion is in store for the Ascended as the Air Saga Finale is now live!


Budgie Week is back, and this time it runs from 3:30pm server time April 10th until 3:30am server time April 17th!

This time, the Umbral Budgie mount can be acquired from Limited Edition: Umbral Budgie Troves, available on the Rift Store. You can also earn a Limited Edition: Budgie Trove by completing the achievement Chicken Run, which has a chance to drop the Frosty Budgie mount.

On the Store this time are the Ashen and Frosty Budgie mounts, which can be purchased with Bird Seed. Bird Seed is obtained from the Limited Edition: Budgie Trove and Limited Edition: Umbral Budgie Trove, and by completing new daily quests in Silverwood (Guardian Only), Freemarch (Defiant Only), Pelladane, and Cape Jule!

* Due to popular demand, the currency caps on end game currencies have been lifted! (See above due to popular demand – but note that this is a test and we may revert it :P)
* Fixed an issue with certain marvelous recipes not being able to be sold to a merchant.
* Dramatically increased the drop rate of Relic cape recipes in the wild! ...But, they're still pretty rare.

* Redder than RED, the new exceptionally Crimson Dye is now periodically available on the RIFT store!



* Ashen Defense: Corrected an issue that allowed proc'ed damage effects such as Shifting Blades to be increased by Ashen Defense.
* Crumbling Resistance: Corrected an issue that allowed proc'ed damage effects such as Arc to be increased by Crumbing Resistance.

* Destructive Growth: Corrected an issue that allowed proc'ed damage effects such as Shifting Blades and Arc to be increased by Destructive Growth.

* Inferno: No longer affected by the global cooldown, and now deals additional damage.
* Cinder Burst: No longer shares a cooldown with Fulminate.
* Fulminate: No longer shares a cooldown with Cinder Burst.
* Pyromancer's Armor and Pyromancer's Aegis: Buffed the procs that reduce the cast time of Cinder Burst to 0 so that they now also cause Cinder Burst to no longer trigger a global cooldown on cast.


* Burst Synergy: Now makes your next burst ability have 3 charges instead of a single one. This replaces the functionality of granting 2 additional Attack Points when an Attack Point was gained.
he cast time of Cinder Burst to 0 now also cause Cinder Burst to no longer trigger a global cooldown on cast


* World Bosses – Corrected an issue that would cause the Dendrome weekly quests to permanently leave Lady Nessie's talisman in the player's quest log.


* Brothers of Life and Death
- Successfully completing the criteria of "Island Hopping" will reward a bonus chest containing additional Frozen Eclipse Stones and a Heart of the Planebreaker.


En gros, modifs sur Archonte, Chloro et Pyro du mage, Seigneur de Faille du War.
Ah oui, début de la "semaine des perruches": du 10 au 17 avril (avec la fameuse monture associée!)
Rift 2.6: Hotfix #15
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #14 4/16/14


Travel back in time to aid legendary heroes in their quest to imprison The Blood Storm. Delve once more into Greenscale's Lair and the depths of Hammerknell-- but first, be sure to gather your fellow Ascended, as mysterious and powerful forces seek to ensure that Telara's fate is rewritten.

* The following older, outdated dungeon-related currencies can no longer be earned in-game:
- Plaque of Achievement
- Mark of Ascension
- Greater Mark of Ascension
- Infernal Mark of Ascension
* In the future, a currency conversion will be applied to remove the above currencies from your inventories.
* Any gear that could be purchased with any of the above currencies is no longer available on the Store.
* The amount of bonus power granted to players with high tier equipment while mentoring has been reduced.

* Depleted Supply Crates are now available on the Store! These are new, PVP centric lockboxes that can be purchased with either Warlord's Marks or Credits.
* As a new tier of raid gear has been released, raid 2 armor and weapons are now available for credits on the Store under Equipment>Bundles!
* As tier 2 raid gear is now on the Store, the credit price of raid 1 armor and weapons has been reduced.



* Cadence: Increased damage by 10%.
* Verse of Agony: Increased damage by 20%.
* Cadenza: Increased damage by 20%.
* Riff: Increased damage by 20%.
* Power Chord: Increased damage by 40%.
* Coda of Wrath: Increased damage by 50%.
* Coda of Fury: Increased damage by 50%.
* Virtuoso: Now has a 2 minute cooldown.
* Virtuoso: Removed a slight delay before the effect goes off due to the issues it was causing with Rogues spending their combo points.

* Twin Shot: Fixed an issue that caused it to stack oddly when used by multiple Rangers.
* Twin Shot: Increased damage by 26%
* Ace Shot: Increased damage by 15%

* Keep an eye out for Unstable Artifact Thieves during the Unstable zone events! If you can figure out a way to catch them you might get some of their ill-gotten gains.
* You now have an additional 60 seconds during Stage 4 of the Apothecary Rifts to complete the objectives.

* Bloodfire Stronghold: Fixed a bug with Charr'Denor that caused the NPC not to reset correctly when fighting the LV30 version.
* Bloodfire Stronghold: Fixed a bug with Renak Ladne that was preventing Roaring Flame from resetting if players wiped to the encounter.
* The issue with NPCs spawning at the incorrect level during the Bloodfire Army zone event in Silverwood has been fixed.

* When entering edit mode in a dimension, if you have a PVP scoreboard in your quest tracker, the quest tracker will no longer be automatically hidden.
* Fixed the minimap for the Castle Fortune dimension.

* Token Tablets and Patron Token Bonuses now affect the gain of Frozen Eclipse Stones, as the new top level currency, Fragments of the Ward, has been introduced.
* Upgrade paths have been added to the following items, which will allow them to become Raid 2 equivalents:
- Defense of the Dusk
- Band of Darkest Dawn
- Signet of Rolling Thunder
- Ring of the West Wind
- Band of Deft Deflection
- Ring of the Raging Storm
- Spiked Bone Loop

RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #15 4/17/14

Note: EU will get this update bundled together with Hotfix #14. NA does not get this update until the morning of 4/17.

* Fixed hit on Raid 2 Store weapons – the Despoiler weapons have 78 hit for 1h and 156 hit for 2h.

* PvP equipment from the Depleted Supply Crate now works as intended in Warfronts and Conquest.
* Increased the power of Warlord Essences dropped from Depleted Supply Crates.


Dernière modification par de Gaschfacy ; 17/04/2014 à 09h34.
RIFT 3.0: Hotfix #9 12/10/14

EU: 11/12/14 @ 03:00

Citation :

Fae Yule is Back in Telara!
Seek out Stuttk Fyrirthig in Flargle Plaza and pick up a new weekly quest Faelight Sparkle for some amazing rewards!

Conquest Returns for Level 65!
Both Conquest: Stillmoor and Conquest: Steppes of Infinity are making their triumphant return! They now award level 65 appropriate currencies, as well as a very rare chance at a Heart of the Frozen. The first match will occur later today-- keep your eyes peeled for the notice!

* Players will now retain the water surface high jump ability granted in the Plane of Water while dead.
* Tidal Aura in the Plane of Water now applies to dead players.
* Some rewards given out via the Minion system have been brought in line with the intended payouts.
* Unsocketing bind-on-equip planar essences now gives back a soulbound planar essence instead of another bind-on-equip one.
* Improved how the in-game mail spam filter works.

* Underwater Mount Training is now available for purchase in the RIFT store!
* New Patron Perk: Increased Weekly Cap!
- Patrons now have a higher weekly cap on currencies. Non-Patron caps remain unchanged.
* The Weekly Patron Currency Cap is now:
- Raid: 5,400
- World: 42,000
- Expert: 15,000
* The Weekly Non-Patron Currency Cap remains:
- Raid: 4,500
- World: 35,000
- Expert: 12,500



* Ward of Flame: Updated the animation.


* Final Breath: Updated the description to help clarify how the Mastery works.

* Soothing Waters: Now heals for 7.5% of Maximum Health at 100 Charge consumed.

* Updated the stacking priority of Archon Auras. They should no longer be overwritten by weaker or equivalent buffs.

* Boon of Life: Stacks now also affect Healing Torrent.
* Natural Conversion: No longer affected by the global cooldown.
* Living Shell: Reduced the cooldown of Living Shell to 30s. It no longer restores mana and is not affected by the global cooldown.

* Contaminate: Fixed an bug causing this ability to reduce the Charge cost of the Dominator's Lightning Wall to 0.


* Energy Manipulation: Can no longer miss.

* Debilitating Dart: Can now be applied to the same mob by multiple Assassins.

* Necrotic Core: No longer interrupt actions after the first damage tick.

* Life Insurance: Can now only target players.


* Power Manipulation: Can no longer miss.

* Lower level zone events should now award Notoriety Tokens to level 61+ players if they mentor down to the appropriate level for the zone event.
* Inscribed Sourcestone is now just called Sourcestone.
* Anything that previously awarded Corrupted, Cursed, or Vile Sourcestone now awards Sourcestone.
- An upcoming update will convert these currently held lower tier currencies to Sourcestone.
* Rare Planar Good gear costs have been revised to focus on the unified Sourcestone currency.
* Instant Adventures should reward much more consistently appropriate to the players level.
* Various rare rewards now sometimes appear in the Instant Adventure caches from every zone.

* Nightmare Rift tooltips on the map now list their tier and stage.
* Potentially fixed an issue that would occasionally cause Nightmare Rifts to not to hand out caches--an especially notable occurrence on stage 20.
* Players should no longer be teleported by Nightmare Rifts that have already closed.
* Nightmare rifts now rewards much more Planarite.
* Kills within the Nightmare Training Shoal instance no longer update the Nightmare I: Waking Terror daily quest.
* Reduced the price for Lure: Nightmare V Instance Duo.

* Sea of Ladon Raid Rift:
- Reduced the range of the Shockbite’s Death Stare to 15 meters.
- Arcane and Electro Shields no longer block line of sight.
- New VFX for The Slibberjacks' Nexus Dart and Quogon’s Nexus Demise.
- Removed the Slibberjack from Stage 3.
- Increased the Shockbite's HP.
- Reduced the HP of the other bosses.
* Quest: Captive Breeding: The Coastal Sharks are now actually sharks.

* Quest: Secrets of the Leviathan: Fixed an issue that would cause Kivankor to teleport players to nightmare rifts.

* The Bloodfire Stronghold instance will no longer show up in the Looking for Group dungeon list.
* Reduced the difficulty of expert dungeons. Trash now hits for 20% less, and bosses auto attack less frequently, reducing the tank healing requirements.

* Fixed a bug causing Skylla to let down Lord Arak more than usual, and let the ascended just waltz past him.

* Fixed a bug that could let players skip Hound Master Kytus.

* Arc is no longer super effective on Manifesting Darkness. It is now just effective.

* Fixed a bug causing the Three Kings were giving their death buffs to lowly minions.

* Rage of Storms bubbles will no longer path out towards the docks.
Ungolok: Fixed an issue allowing one Bloat Gump to absorb damage from two Pressure Bursts.
o Finric: Rage of Storms bubbles will no longer path into Absorption Vats.

* Guild Quest: Battles Old and New: These quests have been adjusted to the new level 65 level cap.
* The weekend warfront version of level 65 Port Scion now properly points to level 65, rather than level 60.
* Adjusted the effectiveness of Dodge in PvP.
* Increased the healing penalty for PVP at level 65 to 77.5%, up from 75%.
* The following old PVP curenncies have been converted to Platinum, at a rate of 1 Platinum per 100 Marks:
- Freelancer's Mark
- Warlord's Mark
- Mark of Conquest
- Myrmidon's Mark
- Warlord's Mark of Conquest
* Conquest: Every 100 kills made in conquest earns you 1 Void Stone.
- Note: Next week, this will be bumped to 10 Void Stones.

* Increased healing for Fish Sausage.
* Fixed the upgrade on Monk's Pyrestone essence.
* Fixed an issue with the appearance for Dreambreaker and Ephemeral Chestguards.

* Added new sound to Lamb critters.
RIFT 3.0: Hotfix #11

EU: 17-18/12/14 00:00 GMT+1

Citation :
* PVP: Winning A Very Fae Yule Whitefall should now award a Marauder Supply Cache at level 65.
* The Gift of Giving achievement has been moved to the Legacy category.
* Merry Mink bells now have more jingle.
* The Fae Yule Grand Cape should now have the proper appearance for Mathosian females.
* The burning of Lumps of Coal should once again grant small amounts of Snowflakes.
* Quest: Lost Traveler: The Candle will no longer be removed from inventory prior to quest completion.
* The World Event window now links to the Fae Yule Achievements.
* Game maps now include markers for Fae Yule content.
* The Fae Yule companion pets (Goose, Mav and Ice Bird) should no longer aggro other NPCs.
* Nightmare rifts now count towards the completion of the daily quest "Rift Closed!"
* The Merry Mink mount is now properly flagged to zoom at 155%.

* Quest: Faelight Sparkle:
- The quest now displays the purple World Event quest icon.
- The quest now appears in the Fae Yule section of the quest log.
- Players can no longer accumulate more than 500 Faelight Sparkles at once. Any Faelight Sparkles above 500 are removed on turn-in.
* Completing Warfronts and Dungeons with no charges now grants 4 Faelight Sparkles, up from 1.
* Completing Dungeons and Warfronts with charges now grants 6 Faelight Sparkles.
* The Conquest Chest now grants 10 Faelight Sparkles.
* Faelight Sparkle payouts are no longer blocked by the Conquest blocker on accident.
* The Faelight Sparkle payout items now apply the ability to users even if they are dead.
* Added Small Faelight Sparkle caches to the following level 65 quests:
- Daily Raid Rift quests
- Weekly Nightmare Rift quest
- Weekly Instant Adventure quest

* The Fae Yule Tree Staff and Snow Globe now have credit prices. (They can also be gifted!)
* Removed Radiant Infinity Cells as a requirement to upgrade the level 60 Necklaces in the World Event category.
* Level 65 Necklaces are now available in the World Event category.
* Boosted the power of the level 65 essences in the World Event category.
* Updated the text on the Fae Yule Bonus Boxes to more clearly reflect what can be expected when opening them!
* Fixed an issue with dropped and purchased Snow Ki Rin being 100% less Bound to Account then they should have been.

* Revamped Fae Yule Promotional Adventure Rewards!
* Fixed the Fae Yule minion adventures that were not displaying the correct reward art while the adventure was in-progress.
* Yulogon has gained expertise in assassination! Yulogon, Ivory and Atrophonius from the Fae Yule minion pack have become hardier and had their Stamina values improved.

* Fishing Artifacts from Nightmare Tide should now appear in the Auction House in the Fishing Artifact category instead of Normal.
* Artifacts from the Depths of Murder set should now appear in the Other Artifact category, instead of Quest category.
* Nightmare Rift artifacts should no longer have flavor text from Death Invasion artifacts.
* New Minion achievements have been added for completing additional adventures.

* The Typhoon Edition of the Nightmare Tide Collector's Edition is now available in the RIFT Store for credit purchase.



* Divine Favor: Fixed an issue where Divine Favor was not recalculating its healing values when it procced additional heals.

* Mass Reversal: No longer affected by the Global Cooldown.


* Reflective Presence: No longer affected by the Global Cooldown.
* Haunting Pain: The damage over time effects now count as cast time effects, rather than instant effects.

* Possesion:
- Reduced cooldown to 60 seconds, down from 120 seconds.
- Reduced duration to 15 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
- Abilities gained from Possession no longer replace the caster's ability bars, and instead appear in the temporary ability bar, to be used alongside most of the caster's abilities.
- Now prevents pet-summoning abilities from being cast.
* Putrify: No longer affected by the Global Cooldown.


* Planar Rejuvenation: Fixed an issue where Planar Rejuvenation was not correctly affecting Necrotic Core after the hotfix.

* Poison Mastery: The bonus Weapon Damage and Attack Power have been increased to 3% per point, up from 2% per point up to 3% per point.

* Achievement: Harmony of Heroes: Removed the experience requirement. Level 60+ players will now be able to close rifts in Mathosia, Brevane and Dusken without issue.
* The Golden Devourer: The Golden Mark now contains more information on the effect and lasts for 1 hour.

* Quest: The Goddess: Viewing the Visions of Fate will no longer knock players out of stealth.

* Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons: Players must now kill at least one boss in a dungeon before requeuing.

* Various bug fixes.

* Fixed an issue where several Cleanse effects were not triggering the damage from Threngar’s Conduit of Martrodraum.
* Freezing Void can no longer be reflected.

* Exiting the dungeon after completion and re-entering no longer grants rewards.

* Fixed an issue causing the instance to not reset at the objective "Investigate below the monastery" after a soft reset.
* Fixed an edge case where players would not increment the chronicle quest.

* Corrupted Stave now upgrades to Corruption's Nerve.
* The Dreamsource greater essence now only works with single target damaging abilities.
RIFT 3.0: Hotfix #12 12/10/14

EU: 08/01/15 @ 03:00

Citation :
RIFT 3.0 Hot Fix #12 – 01/07/15
* Fixed the text description of Sourcestone currency.

* Artifact adventures loot tables have been adjusted so that the likelihood of getting duplicate drops has been significantly reduced!
* The new adventures completed achievements have been fixed, affecting 10,000 completed adventures and above.
* Yulogon has gained expertise in assassination! Yulogon, Ivory and Atrophonius from the Fae Yule minion pack have become hardier and had their Stamina values improved.



* Divine Favor: Now recalculates its healing values when it procs additional heals.


* Soul Steal: Hemophilia now correctly increases Assassin damage while active.

* Coda of Jeopardy: Now a static value equal to Corroded Defenses and Illuminate.

* Dancing Steel and Untangle now work effectively against debilitate effects.


* Deliberate Strikes: No longer increase channeled and cast time ability damage. This was a leftover from its original design.

* Spotter’s Call: Is now a static value equal to Corroded Defenses and Illuminate.

* Death Touch: No longer deals a variable amount of damage.

* Fester: Can now be applied to the same mob by multiple Warriors.
Dire Corruption: Now affected by Precision Strikes

* Blade of the Ascended: No longer purgable.

* Water rifts in the Plane of Water should no longer have a chance to have a rare spawn of a Planarch.
* The Golden Devourer: Fixed a typo in the ability description of The Golden Mark.

* Epic and higher quality Nightmare Caches now always contain at least 1 Illusory Mote.
* The chance to get more motes remains unchanged. However the quantity of motes you get in this situation has been reduced.
* Overall, this is a decrease in randomness of Illusory Mote acquisition, and a slight increase in overall Illusory Mote acquisition.

* ZE: Horns of Doom: Aroksus and his friends have reluctantly agreed not to vacation in Draumheim during this event.
* Raid Rift: The Plane Crawler Project: The Plane Crawler once again heals itself to full health after every stage.


* Fixed a number of Mount Sharax loot drops that were missing the ability to trade them to other raid members for a limited amount of time.

*Finric’s damage absorption shield now persists for the duration of Sacrifice.

* Weaponsmith: Changed the recipe for Coral Whetstones to be more in line with the materials needed for Coral Oilstones.
* Apothecary: Storm Legion and Nightmare Tide critical hit potions should now correctly override the Tempest Soul ability Focus Fire.

* The absorb proc from Wall of Frost now only affects the character with the shield equipped and no longer benefits allies around them.
* The Cleric weapon “Ekor Ira, Hand of Threngar” now has Spell Power instead of Attack Power on it.

* Marauder Supply Caches have had their chance to grant usable equipment considerably increased.
* Blighted Antechamber: Capturing a Flag will now award your team 100 points, up from 50.
* Crafted buffs in conquest should work again once more.
Citation :
Publié par Jeliel
"Marauder Supply Caches have had their chance to grant usable equipment considerably increased."

Ça c'était juste honteux...
Quoi ? c'est un up du Maraudeur? !!!

Miss c'est pas le bon jeu
Rift 3.1 – 28/01/15
Citation :
rift 3. 1: Storm at sea

== features ==

a new zone: Tyrant’s throne
discover the storm legion’s secret island lair in the dreaming seas. Reveal the dread experiments that the exiled crucia commanded her armies perform upon the forbidden horrors of the plane of water, and prevent the storm queen’s conquest and destruction of the planes. With 5 new story quests and much much more, the tyrant’s throne is waiting for you.

Three new zone events
three new zone events have been added!
* the ravenous devourer: Fight a ravenous cephalopod that threatens to devour all life in draumheim!
* leviathan: Attempt to vanquish the monstrous akvan that exists between the folds of reality. The mighty yrlwalach has broken free and threatens goboro reef and beyond!
* aphogglach: The ancient demon aphogglach has risen from the depths of nightmare tide to terrorize the calceron sea!

New nightmare raid rift
from beyond the veil of sanity comes the new raid rift the darkest magic. Nightmare beings both evil and strange are tearing their way into draumheim, and only the ascended can stop the madness before it takes over.

New chronicle: The rhen of fate
wondering what would become of finric had you never stepped foot in the planes? Relive the action of the first nightmare tide sliver in a new 2-player the rhen of fate chronicle.

Minion updates
* minion adventure cards now have a shuffle button above them that you can use to cycle a new adventure card. A shuffle can be purchased for either aventurine or credits.
* minions can now have their stamina recharged through a lightning bolt button on the ui! Each minion can only be recharged once every 24 hours.
* another minion slot is now available.
* 6 new minions have been added!

Dimension ui improvements
we’ve given the dimensions ui some love!
* personal and guild dimensions how have special permissions that allow you to give permissions to individual characters on a per dimension basis!
* you can now also ban individual characters from your personal or guild dimensions.
* new free movement camera for editing dimensions.
* improved the +1 ui for visitors.

Crafting ui improvements
we have added a crafting favorites category to the crafting window!
* you can now flag recipes as your favorite from any of your crafting professions and they will all display when you select favorites from the crafting profession dropdown.
* a new checkbox has been added that takes you to your crafting favorites when right-clicking on crafting workstations if you have a recipe in your favorites that uses that crafting station.

Planar attunement level increase
we’ve expanded planar attunement and added 3 new nexuses! These are steam (fire/water), dusk (life/death), and dust (earth/water). Each of these require that you have completed all 3 tiers of both the base planes that make them up.

== game update ==

* you can no longer fish while a loot window is open to prevent the loss of loot.
* fixed nightmare tide rare mobs to give kill credit for the appropriate leaderboard category.
* auction house: The level and stack column headers on the bid tab of the auction house are no longer reversed.
* auction house: Fixed problem when creating auction buy orders from crafting recipe chat links. It should now correctly create a buy order for the recipe and not the item the recipe makes.
* porticulums at friendly hubs are now unlocked when a player discovers the area near the porticulum – there is no longer a need to talk to the npc to unlock it!
– if the porticulum is a part of an unfriendly hub, then players will still need to click on that porticulum master to unlock that porticulum.
– players that have already discovered an area containing a porticulum, but have not yet unlocked that porticulum, will still need to talk to the npc to do so.
* adjustments have been made to the amount of experience gained while mentoring and sidekicking.
– mentoring experience gained from kills has been increased.
– sidekicking experience gained from kills has been reduced.
* guild quests: The following quests no long require targets of specific levels to count for credit, only that they grant experience or favor:
– war on many fronts
– battles old and new
– planar desperation
– plagued by the planes
– destroy the machineborn
– upping the ante
– greatest threats
– kill us some guardians
* fixed a rendering bug that could cause distant objects show up as white.
* fixed a client combat issue that sometimes caused players to automatically target a dead npc.

Rift store and services
* molten thresher supply crates are now available on the store!
* you now have access to your bank within your dimension. Find the bank vault item in the rift store within the dimensions > interactive section.
* expert and raid practice dummies for level 65 have been added to the rift store! Get them now in dimensions -> interactive section.
* hovering over a currency icon on a purchase button in the store no longer prevents you from clicking it.
* fixed the skill profession filters in the store under the crafting/reagents category. The toggle button now also works for the skill profession checkboxes.
* the planar squirrels are now available in the trophies section of the store.
* the chest o shinys dimension item is now available on the trophies store as requested.

Ui and settings
* changing your portrait frame and turning on the portrait rare icon have been moved out of the options window, and are now part of the portrait menu you get when you right-click your player portrait.
* the in-game teleport to shard menu will now show a description of the server type after the name for special servers such as oceanic, rp, and pvp.
* fixed problem with chat console tabs not being clickable.
* fixed nameplates being visible through objects with some combinations of render settings.
* fixed a problem with renaming bank vault 8.
* bank vault names now allow numbers in them.
* improved the look of the planar focus background ui.
* fixed /reloadui causing your bagbar icons to disappear.

* nightmare tide artifact sets from fishing and nightmare rift now give nightmare tide level rewards instead of storm legion level rewards.
* the various artifact tracking vials now work more consistently with each other.
* the normal tracking vial now lasts 30 minutes and tracks normal artifacts only.
* the twisted artifact tracking vial is back and also last 30 minutes. It track only twisted artifacts, and also casts a version of either omen sight or quantum sight so you can see them.
* the unstable tracking vial remains the same and tracks only unstable artifacts.
* the patron artifact tracking ability tracks all three types. However, it does not automatically cast omen or quantum sight. These will need to be cast separately if you want it to track twisted artifacts.
* level 61-65 invasions can now, very rarely, drop artifact items.

Extra life donators
* we’ve begun implementing some of the awards for people who donated to our devs during extra life. If you don’t see your reward here, rest assured that they’re still on their way!
* there is a new artifact set celebrating some of the heroes from the recent extra life event! It is a 17 artifact set with the required artifacts dropping in every zone, although even the common ones are quite rare.
* goodwill ambassador npcs can now be found in telara’s capital cities!
– lady seralena, sharpshooter rhyladri, and sir mikko “killer” konnat can be found in epoch plaza in meridian.
– sir llewellyn lionheart, myrmidon allizboon and sister faerugue can be found on thontic row in sanctum.
– sir stan the lesser and lady emmrin can be found in plaza aurentine in tempest bay, attending the royal court.

* you can now link your minions to the chat window directly from your minion window! All you have to do is have a text input open in the chat window and shift-click on a minion.
* attanium has been pulled out of the 5 and 6 star rewards for dimension adventures. Instead, it will now be looted alongside said boxes.
* evil finric has been renamed to morid finric.
* all minions should now have flavor text.
* adjusted some existing minion flavor text.
* the small minion stamina status tooltip will now show you the time it will take to gain a stamina point if your minion is low on stamina.
* adventure cards that are part of a chain set will display a chain icon on them.
* the minions window will now show a reminder of the time duration for in-progress and completed claimable adventures.
* you can no longer claim minion rewards while the loot window is open.
* all achievements relating to claiming x adventures should automatically complete for all your characters upon log in.
* max level minions now have a new frame which replaces the minion leveling bar.

* when using a preset that has mastery points spent for you, you can now click ‘spend soul points’ to spend your mastery points as you level up.
* updated some soul descriptions.
* fixed an issue that could occasionally cause damage from power manipulation, arcane manipulation, and energy manipulation masteries to fizzle on targets at extreme range.


* soothing stream: Removed the reference to healing decreasing over time from the buff tooltip.


* healing exigency: Now also reduces the cast time of mass grave by 100%.
* healing exigency: The range increase now also affects the range of the necromancer’s essence link.

* has received a sizeable rework! Please see the next post for details.

* swift corruption: Now correctly affects ethereal abilities as indicated.

* internalize charge: Now has a 3s cooldown.


* mastery choices are now included in talent presets for roguesabove level 60.
* ascended biology:
– now increases the range of your damaging non-melee abilities by 5m. Does not stack with keen eye.
– no longer increase the range of codas.

* when unequipping the older assassin synergy crystals that buff poison damage, they will remove all poison buffs.

* all codas: Now have a 35m base range.
* chord of inspiration: No longer adds healing but adds an absorb shield equal to 3/6/9% of attack power. Number of affected party or raid members increased to 10.
* improved motif of regeneration: Now karine’s requiem. Increases damage done by coda of wrath and coda of fury by 30% while the target is under 30% health.
* invigorated soul: Now targets 10 party or raid members instead of 5.
* motif of regeneration: Now affects all party or raid members by default.

* has received a sizeable rework! Please see the next post for details.

* enhanced weapon enchantments: Now 20% per talent point, down from 30%.
* heat retention:
– now 1/2/3% per talent point invested per stack of heat retention.
– now has a 100% chance to apply on a combo point generating damaging ability being used.
– internal heat no longer removes stacks of heat retention, and is 10/20/30% bonus damage to finishers per talent point invested.
* living flame: Increased range to 10m, up from 5m.

* fleeting instincts: Now persists through death.
* keen eye: No longer increases the range of codas.


* mastery choices are now included in talent presets for warriors above level 60.
* resonating strikes: Updated the description to indicate the absorb shield it applies is equal to 3% of maximum health instead of 4%. This is a correction to the description only, and does not affect how the mastery functions.
* dying breath: Fixed an issue where the hot was being removed by the buff blocker.

* call of kinship: Can now crit. Significantly increased the amount of healing done.

* a good defense: Corrected tooltip so that it now reads: Increases damage of abilities that generate attack points and healing done by 2/4/6/8/10%.

* has received a sizeable rework! Please see the next for details.

* long range training: Does not stack with the range increase granted by planar attunement.

* decisive strike: Increased damage.
* everything is a weapon: Increased to 20%.

Zones and events
* classic and storm legion zone daily quests to close rifts now require only 2 rifts closed.
* the number of kills needed for most carnage quests in storm legion zones has been reduced by approximately 33% on average.

Instant adventures
* all instant adventure rewards have been reworked to consistently reward in a manner appropriate to a player’s real level, no matter where the adventure takes place.
* planar attunement xp crystals have been removed.
* zone chase items from shimmersand, stillmoor, and ember isle are no longer zone specific, and can rarely appear in any adventure cache.

* fixed an issue with the gutter in bottomtown that could cause both the character and the environment to go invisible.
* margle palace, flargle plaza, and the crafting area of choreburg are now designated as pvp safe areas.
* misty rayne in flargle plaza now offers a daily to complete a random level 65 chronicle.

Ember isle
* ember isles rares should now give achievement credit even if one-shot by a max-level player.

Goboro reef
* extended the season copse scene to the east and south to include more of the coastline.

Moonshade highlands
* hero’s unrest lures should now work in this zone.

Tarken glacier
* daily quest: Roll the bones: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the anvil fire effects to not be visible.
* carnage quest: Dalendel the reanimated: Dalendel will now actually reanimate! We’ve fixed the issue with his respawn mechanism.

Dungeons and instances

return to iron tomb
* a bonus loot event has been added to the crypts of the iron tomb.

Mount sharax
* the path to threngar will no longer kill you after the platform has assembled unless threngar has been aggroed.
* the platform is now more likely to be there for players summoned to the top.
* a few achievements have been made legacy, as we felt were not in the spirit of what achievements are all about.
– guardian? Defiant? I’ll just be over here… – take one for the team – attention doxy – you had one job – so… uh… i guess we win? – harbinger of the yrlwalachalypse

pvp and warfronts
* marauder supply caches no longer drop equipment with 3 stat rolls.

Blighted antechamber
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.
* increased scoring for kills to 3 per kill.
* increased scoring for capturing a stone to 150 per capture.

Domination: Karthan ridge
* increased all scoring mechanisms.

Domination: The black garden
* increased scoring.

Ghar station eyn
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.
* increased scoring for kills to 4 per kill.
* increased scoring for using a station to 2 per use.

Karthan ridge
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.

Port scion
* the max time limit is now 20 minutes.
* increased all scoring mechanisms.

The black garden
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.
* increased scoring for kills to 3 per kill.

The codex
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.
* increased scoring for kills.
* increased scoring for control points.

Whitefall steppes
* the max time limit is now 15 minutes.
* decreased the amount of time until the first stormstone spawns.


* fishing achievements should now be sorted in a much more meaningful way.
* we’ve added ten new fishing achievements including one with a new title!

Items and vendors

* fixed an issue where effects which increased damage or healing from nightmare tide weapon procs were not increasing those procs.
* danew yoder in tempest bay once again sells synergy crystals.
* all 3 types of adventure caches now stack to 99.
* added new world gear merchants to sanctum and meridian to sell all the same gear found on the classic rare planar goods vendors from the various pre-50 zones.
* transplanar crystals are now bound to account.
* rift consumables– such as salvaged tablets, renewing pods, and petrified barnacle runes– no longer share a cooldown with other consumables such as health potions. Instead these now have a shared cooldown with all levels of the same planar type of rift consumables.(ie. Rift tablets of all levels share a cooldown.)
* ascended powers are no longer auto-consumed on pickup, and are bound to account.

Progression updates
* various changes to the level 65 gear progression are in progress. These changes are intended to create a smoother and more enjoyable gearing experience for players. Additional changes will be made in upcoming hotfixes.
– rebalanced the cost of level 65 gear available on the store for in game currencies – these are all reductions in cost.
– rebalanced the upgrade cost for many level 65 items, including abyssal gear, lockbox gear, and marauder chest gear – these are all reductions in cost.
– void stones now have a weekly cap of 47,000 for patrons, and 40,000 for all other players.
– abyssal crusader marks now have a weekly cap of 20,000 for patrons and 15,000 for all other players.

* reduced the illusory mote requirements of the final greater essence upgrade.
* reduced the illusory mote requirements of most lesser essence upgrades on the store.
* low level lesser essences are now bound to account.

* block values for ephemeral and dreambreaker shields have been reverted.

* boosted the expert trinket drop rate. Thanks, livestream viewers!

* lots of love for relic weapons from mount sharax:
– two handed weapons now proc for more damage.
– boosted the proc rate for totems and the offhanded dps proc.
* fixed an issue with the frost reap proc on the fixed point. The resists provided by the buff is now correctly reflected in the character sheet while the buff is active.
* damage for the proc on rakure re has been corrected. Thanks meph1111!
* dreadwind, the stormbringer has had its proc reverted to a healing proc. Thanks warfyre!
* fixed renderable on dead dreams and call of the stormbreaker. Thanks razzle!
* shij ir, the gatherer of shadows and ekor ira, hand of threngar will now drop with a damage oriented proc.
* fixed upgrade on alison the 4th so that it will no longer lose block from upgrade.

Necromancer update
* bone armor: The damage bonus now affects the caster’s pets as well.
* bone frenzy: The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds.
* corpse explosion: Corpse explosion has been reworked.
– casting plague bolt on a target affected by your corpse explosion now causes a pulse of damage to up to 5 targets within 7 yards.
– enemies who are affected by your corpse explosion debuff will trigger the debuff’s explosion if they take damage from another corpse explosion. This effect can only occur once per application of corpse explosion.
– the duration on corpse explosion has been reduced to 15 seconds, down from 20.
– the cooldown on corpse explosion has been removed, down from 10 seconds.
– corpse explosion is now restricted to one stack per target for any given mage.
– corpse pile now gives corpse explosion a 50%/100% chance to spread to up to 5 enemies if hit by grave rot, in addition to its previous effects.
* deadly plague: Now also applies to corpse talon.
* empty the crypts: The cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute, and the charge cost has been reduced to 50.
* essence link: The spellpower scaling component has been increased by 36%. The internal cooldown on the heal proc has been increased from .5 seconds up to 1 second. The tooltip has been clarified to explicitly state this internal cooldown.
* improved soul purge: Has been reduced to heal 10/20/30% of damage done.
* last gasp: No longer re-applies itself to a healed target if that target already has 5 stacks of last gasp.
– now deals death damage each time a target receives a heal if that target has 5 stacks of last gasp.
* loyal minion: Now sacrifices 25% of your pet’s health and gives the mage a shield equal to 15% of the mage’s max health. The duration of the control immunity effect granted by loyal minion has been reduced to 5s.
* mass grave: The cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute, and the duration has been reduced to 15 seconds.
* plague bolt: Can now trigger the velocity buff from elementalist. The spellpower coefficient has been increased by 25%.
* soul purge: Now requires only 4 seconds to channel its full effect, and its spellpower scaling coefficient has been increased by 51%.
* symbiote: Now increases healing from essence link by 25% per point.

Marksman update
* barbed shot:
– has changed places in the talent tree with ranged combat mastery.
– now deals minimal instant damage and applies a 15s bleed afterwards, with no movement required.
– while bleeding, it increases the chances of the target being critically hit by marksman channeled abilities by 10%.
* free recoil: No longer a short term combat buff. Now a 1h self buff that persists through death. New description is: Rapid fire shot consumes a max of 2 combo points. Cast time of deadeye shot is reduced by 0.5s.
* decoy: Has been removed.
* new ability: Calculated shot: Replaces decoy. Instant cast, 12s cooldown ranged physical damage. Removes movement buffs provided by swift shot and hasted shot. If a movement buff is removed, cooldown is set to 0. Awards 1 combo point.
* lightning fury: Now has a 12s cooldown, with the armor debuff lasting for 30s.
* ranged combat mastery:
– has changed places in the talent tree with barbed shot.
– now a 1hr self buff with a 10s cooldown and 10 energy cost.
– increases ranged and channeled damage by 5%.
* quick reload: Now a passive that awards a combo point every 3s while the rogue is out of combat.
* rapid extrication has been removed. With its removal, all marksman abilities with cooldowns have had their cooldown timers reduced.
* new talent: Flawless precision: Has been added in place of rapid extrication. Now increases the damage of swift shot, empowered shot, lightning fury, sentry battery and rapid fire shot by 10/20%.
* sentry battery: Increased damage done, and lowered the channel time from 4s to 3s.
* shoot to kill: Fixed an issue where this ability was not affecting sentry battery.

Reaver update
* the default range of all reaver abilities is now 30m.
* deadly reach: Now increases the max enemies hit by your desecrating blow, rancid cleave, and explosive infestation by 1/2/3.
* plague bringer: Now affects up to 7 additional targets instead of 4.
* new ability: Desecrating blow: Acquired at 20 points in the root. 30m ranged aoe finisher.
* dire blow: Now a ranged attack with 30m base range.
* fester: Now increases all damage types.
* flesh rot: Now has a 10s cooldown. Damage has been increased to compensate.
* from the shadows: Now reduces damage taken by the reaver by 2/4/6/8/10%.
* intense training: Now increases all damage types.
* necrotic wounds: Increased damage.
* pestilence: Changed from a passive talent to an activated self buff.
* planar attunement: Now also increases range of ranged attacks by 1/2/3/4/5. Range increase does not stack with long range training.
* rancid cleave:
– now a ranged attack with 30m base range.
– removed the default damage bonus for reaver dots on rancid cleave.
– now affected by shadow strike.
* ravaging strike: Now a ranged attack with 30m base range.
* reaping touch: Now affects desecrating blow.
* shadow strike:
– lowered bonus damage added by shadow strike from 33% to 25%. – capped out the max contributing reaver dots to 3.
– now affects desecrating blow and rancid cleave.
* shadow warp:
– no longer a targeted teleport, but a 15m blink in front of the reaver.
– now removes all crowd control effects when used. Cooldown reduced to 20s.
* soul sickness: No longer has a cooldown.
* walks with death: Now increases damage over time effects by 2/4/6%.
* viral stream: Corrected the description to be more accurate of the damage done.
* shadow of dread: Cooldown lowered to 15s.
RIFT 3.1: Hotfix #1
EU: 30/01/15 @ 03:00 GMT+1

Citation :
* Fixed an issue affecting players who have more than 1283 total Planar Attunement points. If you're still experiencing trouble, please contact CS.


* Raid Rift: The Darkest Magic: Silenek’s Cower Together can no longer be reflected.

* Certain Shaghi of Ghadaul Tundra will no longer respawn instantly upon death.

* Adjusted the placement of some harvesting nodes that were trapped under terrain.
* ZE: Leviathan: Fixed an issue that was causing Crucia to spam her broadcasts.


* Fixed an issue that inadvertently disabled the following Chronicles: Hive Kaaz'Gfuu: Queen's Gambit, Infernal Dawn: Laethys, and Planebreaker Bastion: Aftermath.

* The Captive Terror’s Vile Spit damage is now back to normal.

* Risarian Minim should drop from resource nodes much more frequently again.

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