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Provient du message de Dabei
Il y a juste quelque mois ?

Moi presque tous les jours je reçoit des news codemaster en anglais mais rarement qui parle de DE.... Tu ne reçoit pas de lettre codemaster ?
sisi, mais attend.. *resort les mails*
début Avril 2003 j'ai reçu un mail comme quoi je pouvais participer aux premiers essais de DE... mais pour des soucis IRL je n'ai pu participer.

Aout 2003 un nouveau mail :
quelqu'un a eu ce genre de mail :
Citation :
Hello Everyone!

Well, we're in the prime of summer, and I hope you all are doing great. As many of you know we moved to southern California earlier in the year, and we're all enjoying the mild weather.

Also, as most of you know, we have changed our name. To avoid trademark infringements, we changed our name to a temporary name, and then again to our final name- Aepox Games! Unfortunately this change caused us some significant slow downs (numerous business, financial, and legal documents had to be completely re-written).

About five percent of you now have participated in the alpha. The Alpha was about what we had expected, with no real support for the game itself (only the pre-game engine). The alpha has been suspended for a week now, while we issue a massive update. The new alpha should be instituted this week, and will include massive updates, including an AI, and full support for all the game features.

Those of you wanting to learn more about the Alpha can go to our forums (, but honestly, if you have the patience, I encourage you to wait a bit. The alpha is offline right now, and is just that, an alpha. The beta will be fare more reliable.

Once we finish this update, we'll be implementing the last little cleanups needed for the beta. We'll probably let the re-release of the alpha run a few weeks, and then go strait into the beta.

Thank you all for waiting as long as you have. The alpha has showed us where we need work, and those problems are already mostly fixed. We should have the completed alpha up soon, and the beta shortly there after.

Nick Soutter
Aepox Games

Should you wish to not receive further updates, or to be removed from the beta for any reason, simply reply to this email with the word "remove" in the subject line. We've been having mail troubles due to DoS attacks. If you don't get a responce within 24 hours, please try again.
Après je n'ai plus eu le net... et quand je l'ai récupéré, bah je n'avais plus accès à ma boite
Citation :
Provient du message de Zdravo, le Petit
heu, le jeu est en béta depuis Avril 2003
La bêta 0.5 a commencé en février 2004 et c'est là que le contenu a été ajouté, avant ce n'était que la bêta 0, qui pourrait être assimilé à une alpha-test en un peu mieux !

Sinon je pense que Aniwiel voulait parler de la bêta 1.0, qui débutera vraisemblablement courant juin, où beaucoup plus de contenu sera ajouté et là on pourra parler de vraie bêta-test !
Exact, je parlais de la bêta, pas de la version alpha 0.5 où la NDA interdit de dire si on y était ou pas.

Donc je ne dirais pas que je suis sûre de faire la bêta :-)

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