SCOPE: Breaking news

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Publié par CCP Navigator
As many of you may have seen from the Scope News alert on Facebook or on the EVE Online news center, a CCP fleet has departed Polaris on a training exercise. The fleet will be appearing, possibly in a system near you, and should be considered dangerous. Well, you guys know we know nothing about EVE so maybe we are harmless. Some of you will find out if it is the former or latter which is true.

Our incursions are a training exercise for something much bigger later this year and we want players to attack us and have fun. As a result, we have rules of engagement for how the CCP fleet will interact with other players. Naturally, you guys are free to shoot us at will and you operate under no rule set outside of the normal EVE Online rules.

Please see the set of rules below:

1. CCP Devs will be flying ships which are available to all pilots so no exotic ships such as the Eidolon will be used. We want to ensure that all players have a fair chance to participate and the test environment ships are too much to handle.
2. All CCP ships will be Tech I or Tech II fit.
3. CCP Devs will attack players, generally in response to being shot at first. We may aggress on ships which are spying on us or setting up for a hostile fleet warp in.
4. CCP Devs will NOT pod players who lose a ship.
5. CCP Devs will not be able to use slash commands or any other insider tools which give an unfair advantage.
6. The CCP ships will be strong and the use of pirate implant sets or other enhanced implants will be used.
7. CCP will engage in some friendly smack but will not respond or engage in any smack which is considered obscene, racist or sexist under any circumstances.

So what is this all about? Well we want you guys to have fun. Many times we have seen requests from players for more live events which are not centered around the Sansha incursions. We are taking this opportunity to bring a fleet for you to fight, or assist if you so desire. Yeah right!

We understand that many of our players love to fight so there is every chance that you will obliterate us in quick time. If that happens, be sure to check our wrecks for some very valuable loot. There will be plenty in our cargo.

If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread and we will do our best to answer them.
Vu sur
Vu leurs experience PVP et les fitts qu'ils montrent des fois dans les exemples de fenêtres, sans compter qu'ils promettent du loot intéressant, ils vont se faire blober la tronche sévère hahahaha! Welcome to EvE, noob!
Citation :
Publié par zurtan
Vu leurs experience PVP et les fitts qu'ils montrent des fois dans les exemples de fenêtres, sans compter qu'ils promettent du loot intéressant, ils vont se faire blober la tronche sévère hahahaha! Welcome to EvE, noob!
Rien de mieux pour tester les serveurs . Il est d'actualité le Time dilation dont ils avaient parlé ?
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Publié par Selty
Où ça ?
Citation :
If that happens, be sure to check our wrecks for some very valuable loot. There will be plenty in our cargo.
Faut ouvrir les yeux mon ptit loup !
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Publié par Kypper
Faut ouvrir les yeux mon ptit loup !
Mais merde, je zappe les deux dernières phrases car je me dis que comme d'hab c'est "on est forts, like sur Facebook svp"... Et voila.

C'est une bonne idée de leur part, mais j'espère qu'ils tomberont de manière répétée sur les pires "techniques" du jeu: blob d'Abaddons + archons, blob de maelstroms artillery, etc... Histoire de leur donner une nouvelle perspective sur l'équilibrage.
Citation :
Publié par Shadowsword8
C'est une bonne idée de leur part, mais j'espère qu'ils tomberont de manière répétée sur les pires "techniques" du jeu: blob d'Abaddons + archons, blob de maelstroms artillery, etc... Histoire de leur donner une nouvelle perspective sur l'équilibrage.
C'est p'tet en partie leur but ?
Citation :
Publié par Merkhad

1. CCP Devs will be flying ships which are available to all pilots
Toi, tu n'as pas lu la dernière phra...

Hein, comment ça ça ne marche pas à chaque fois ?
Tu peux lire jusqu'au bout cette info si tu veux
Citation :
Scope news have reported that a CCP heavy combat fleet was detected leaving the Polaris system at roughly 17:00 UTC today. The destination of the fleet is unknown at this time but fragmented communication picked up on channels indicates that the fleet are on exercise maneuvers which will involve direct combat with capsuleers. It is believed that this is an initial training exercise for a much larger operation coming up later in the year. Scope would advise all capsuleers to be on high alert over the next 24 hours, especially in low security and null security areas in which CONCORD do not operate.

It is unknown at this stage of the exact time of the impending Incursion. Pilots are advised to keep a close eye on unusual activity in the local channels.

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