"God of Vicles" - 16-09-2021

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"God of Vicles" - 16-09-2021

Writing this just to let people know what's going on.

[ http://jolstatic.fr/forums/jol/images/icons/jol.gif Modéré par Ilhya Ark : T4C-JOL's forums won't become a defamatory area. Please make sure to always respect free speech without controversy.
On évite la polémique sur les forums de T4C-JoL. La liberté d'expression est garantie sous réserve d'éviter la polémique.

They denied it and the GM said it was "impossible" to hack, even daring us to try it and see it for ourselves.
We sent them this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VngrX24Bmio

Seeing it was possible, they now claimed it was impossible to do it for more than 15 seconds. We sent them this other video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvvRbChrgQY

Shortly after, we got account-banned and IP-banned.

We are aware that the T4C community is very small and there aren't many other good server options out there, but, in our opinion, this is why the game is basicly dead.

[ http://jolstatic.fr/forums/jol/images/icons/jol.gif Modéré par Ilhya Ark : defamatory. diffamatoire. ]

Everyone is their own, so play as you wish, many still play because of nostalgia anyways.
Either way, good luck.



[ http://jolstatic.fr/forums/jol/images/icons/jol.gif Modéré par Ilhya Ark : ce sujet est important en ce qu'il aidera chacun à redoubler de vigilance, à commencer par l'encadrement responsable. ]

Dernière modification par Ilhya Ark ; 18/09/2021 à 12h49.
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Citation :
Publié par Faust -GoN
Anyway, I think we told each other everything.
I agree, but this message is not for you. We are talking to the community, feel free to not engage.
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Message supprimé par son auteur.
[ http://jolstatic.fr/forums/jol/images/icons/jol.gif Modéré par Ilhya Ark : Bonjour à tous, il est clair que le serveur mérite une protection technologique complémentaire ou ta présence iG derrière certains joueurs Faust. Je ferme ce sujet et le nettoierai tout à l’heure, après une bonne nuit de sommeil]
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