Le Marketplace s'adapte aux Teens...

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Je viens de recevoir ce mail de la part de Monsieur Linden. En gros, il y aura trois catégories sur le marketplace (adulte, mature, pg). Sans modification de notre part, la majorité des articles seront définis comme "mature" (selon un logarithme...).

Des ajustements/corrections seront possibles.

Un copié collé, et pis dodo ^^

Vala vala.

Citation :
Important Maturity Changes in SL Marketplace

As you know, the Teen Grid officially closed last Friday, January 21st and teens are now allowed to join the main Second Life Grid. To ensure that the Marketplace is safe for all Residents, we've rolled out some changes to the Marketplace to better align the maturity settings in Marketplace with the rest of Second Life.

Recommended Actions to Listings from 1/27 - 2/1 Today, Thursday, January 27th, the Marketplace has begun to use the same maturity ratings that are used in Viewer and inworld -- General, Moderate, and Adult. Your listings have been automatically updated with new maturity ratings, based on keywords and other algorithms. Note that this automated update is currently a work in progress. If you're unable to find one or more of your listings in search or have additional questions, read the Marketplace/ Sellers FAQ.

Please follow these steps to ensure that your listings have been accurately rated:

Review New Listing Guidelines: Use these guidelines to update the maturity level on listings that may be incorrectly ranked.

Adjust Maturity Ranking of Items by 2/1: Use the new maturity level selector, on your Manage Inventory page, to adjust the maturity rating of each item. Please complete any necessary ranking adjustments, by Tuesday, February 1st.

Refrain from Flagging Items Until 2/1: As a courtesy to your fellow Merchants, please do not flag other Merchants' items until February 1st, giving them a chance to update their own listings.

Before the end of February, the Marketplace will be updated to allow setting maturity level preferences at a more granular level than is currently supported, such as allowing Residents to view moderate content without adult content included.

Thank you for helping us support the migration of teens into Second Life and if you should have any additional questions, please see this forum post.

Brooke Linden
Sr. Product Manager, Marketplace
aaaahhh donc même sujet qu'avec les sims !!

Qu'est ce qu'un objet Mature et un objet Adulte ?!

Car j'avais quelques objets en mature avant ça, mais maintenant ils sont adultes ...

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