Patch du 14 Juillet

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Citation :
- Modified the exp curve past 50
- Modified the respawn time on Pantheon population
- 2 dots have been unlocked
- Troll Coast mobs have been unlocked
- Forgotten peninsula mobs have been unlocked
- BOD mobs are no longer locked encounters
- Removed the knockback from Kreshnikara
- APW is now a 24 man dungeon (the difficulty has not been changed)
- Fengrot, Jagund, Nerksawl, and Soleq are all now 24 man encounters (their difficulty has not been altered)
- No fly zones have been removed
- Murderous cleave and other warrior dropped books from SOD are now tradeable
- Nerksawl’s spawn rate has been increased
- Guar should now drop his class only armor on a separate loot table
- Pantheon armor recipes have had their mat amounts reduced to 1
- Fan faire attendees should now be able to claim their prize
- Faction Pegasus has been reduced in price by 100 coins
- Added an advanced logging command to help out people with log parsers that support it (/toggleadvancedlogging)
- Added new pet filters to the chat windows.
- Fix for players falling when chunking on flying mounts.
- Fixed Regen on bard songs.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to shoot hammers, shurikens, etc from your bow.
- Increased the base inventory size from 20 to 50.
- When items are enchanted, they will now automatically become NODROP if they were not already Nodrop or soulbound.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs would face east if they were unable to move and lost aggro.
- Fixed issue with hostage negotiations
- Added enhancements as a broker filter under adventuring.
- Added a message to the combat text window when you get a strikethrough hit. It will now show after the hit [strikethrough].
Increased the minimum range on bows back to 5m.
- Fix for coin cost not showing up on merchant items that also had an itemcost associated with them.
- Added seconds to the timestamp of chat windows
- Armor coin costs have been reduced
- Drop rate of echoes increased
- Level 50s can now group with 55s
- Added some tier 6 specific plant nodes to KDQ area
- Increased stack sizes for souls
- Increased stack sizes for slivers
- All enhancements are now tradeable
- A new veteran reward should be available for those who have returned and those who have been around for awhile.
Et dire qu'APW ne devait pas devenir trivial...
Après quelques jours de vacances, sympa de se connecter et d'avoir gagné 1 lvl

Je suis passé de 52 et 20% à 53.

Et pour avoir essayer de jouer un peu solo, on peut tranquillement farmer à Kojan en prenant 1% à un rythme normal.
Bonne nouvelle pour les gens comme moi qui aiment bien jouer solo tanquillou.
Et le /remove all des Flying zone.... c'est cool, ras le bol de se faire dismount au chunk!

Donc pour l'instant ça me va

Enfin apparemment le farm lvl et remplacé par le farm faction... ou comment rajouter du /play ) à pas cher.

Bienvenue dans un monde de WOW où il était quasiment obligé d'être révéré à la faction des bûcherons de monku en tuant 25000 sangliers!
Ca ne me rappelle que des souvenirs pénibles... enfin à voir!

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