[Origins] Le serveur Anashti Sul, arrive en beta !

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We’ve been keeping a sharp eye on all the buzzing and excitement since the announcement of the Origins Server in the April Producer’s Letter. We have more information to provide you as we get ready for Beta to open on May 2, 2024.

The name of the Origins Server will be Anashti Sul. And just like her, we’re bringing something back from the great beyond! This server will start in The Shattered Lands era (no expansions unlocked), and you’ll get to experience the look and challenge of the classic world of Norrath. Systems will seem less complex, stats and gameplay will be reflective of the 2006 era, and there will be more focus on grouping with that old school MMO feel! If you missed out on the 2006 version of EverQuest II, you should check out the redux of it in 2024 on Anashti Sul; it’s going to be mind-blowing!

Adventure and Tradeskill Leveling for this Beta will be on a schedule. May 2nd through May 15th of the Beta will allow for adventure and tradeskill leveling to level 12, May 16th through May 22nd will go to level 22, and the remaining time will see the cap at level 32. Beta will end on June 13, 2024.

Need help getting ready for Beta? Check out THIS GUIDE on it! Get ready for an old school adventure! We’ll see you in-game soon.

Other information:
  • There will be no spell research.
  • Krono will not be able to be consumed, traded, or sold on an Origins server.
  • There will be a 6-week Beta to ensure we cover a wide breadth of testing.
  • Attributes have restored secondary functionality, agility will help avoid melee attacks, intelligence will increase ability potency, strength will increase melee damage, and wisdom will grant extra resistance.
  • All bosses will be original stat/buff packages.
  • No weight. It could not be restored.
  • Unlocks have not been decided yet, however we do have new forums, and we will be able to poll and discuss unlocks before we launch.
  • No holiday events.
  • There will be a marketplace, but it will be very limited.
  • It will not be free trade.
  • This server is on its own design depot.
    • This is the first time for this type of separation for EverQuest II.
    • It cannot be affected by Live design updates, and vice versa.
    • Code and Art are still across all server types, for a variety of reasons. For example, connections to external or shared resources such as Database, Authentication, etc. have completely changed over the years.
  • Freeport and Qeynos are back to old school, in both appearance and functionality.
    • Livable neighborhoods, and their quests, are back! With the scope of the changes, these will need a lot of testing.
  • No persistent instances.
  • No tradeskill subcombines.
    • The current build is right after subcombines for crafting were removed.

Dernière modification par Pantero Greenleaf ; 10/05/2024 à 08h15.

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You must be an All-Access member to participate in this Beta and to access Anashti Sul.

  • Origins will work like EU, where characters on that server are separate from US. So, if you have 10 slots (membership + purchased), you could have 10 chars each on US, EU, and Origins.

Dernière modification par Eldarion Greenleaf ; 01/05/2024 à 17h33.
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Publié par vladvudak
Ok merci pour les infos, suis vraiment curieux et impatient de profiter de ce retour aux sources. Ca va rappeler de bons souvenirs à beaucoup d'entre nous (surtout les vieux).
La nostalgie est présente c'est sur, mais c'est aussi un bon moyen pour découvrir le jeu, ou re-découvrir le jeu

Dernière modification par Eldarion Greenleaf ; 01/05/2024 à 17h33.
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Publié par Golgotha
Ah quel heure il ouvre heure française ?
Pas d'infos pour le moment. (surveille le Discord ou le forum officiel).
La bêta dure 6 semaines donc ca va .....

Sûrement pas loin de la maintenance du forum ….

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The forums will be down for an update to fix the issue with avatar and images not showing up properly.

Maintenance Start: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 9:00 AM PT*
Maintenance End: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 11:00 AM PT*

*Convert to your local time
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DenmumToday at 2:21 PM

tomorrow after noon Pacific, you will use the Version dropdown in the upper left corner of your launcher to access Beta

Dernière modification par Eldarion Greenleaf ; 02/05/2024 à 04h47.
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Publié par Golgotha
Ah se que j'ai compris pas avant 22h heure française super pour ma part je verrais sa demain vue l'heure d'ouverture ��
Tu as le temps de tout tester, surtout que ca sera bloqué par paliers. (je miserais plus sur un 21h)

Dernière modification par Eldarion Greenleaf ; 02/05/2024 à 14h59.
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It’s time to jump onto Beta!
Today is the big day! The beta for Anashti Sul, the Origins Server, is opening today! It’s time to get your Beta on and test all the things! Just to rehash a few things, Adventure and Tradeskill Leveling for this Beta will be on a schedule. May 2nd through May 15th of the Beta will allow for adventure and tradeskill leveling to level 12, May 16th through May 22nd will go to level 22, and the remaining time will see the cap at level 32. Beta will end on June 13, 2024.

Read all the details by visiting THIS LINK.

Need more information on how to Beta? We’ve got you covered!

To patch and get into the Beta server:

  • Open your LaunchPad.
  • In the top-left corner, click the 'Version' link which will open the 'Select Game Version' panel.
  • Choose 'Beta' in the drop-down menu, and then hit 'Apply' to begin patching.
  • Hit 'Play' once patching has completed.
Other Important Information:

  • Beta installs into a sub-folder that takes about the same space as your live game version.
  • Remember to set the 'Version' back to your regular setting to access your normal server.
  • The Beta server may not always be accessible as patching and Beta server maintenance will occur whenever it’s necessary.
  • The Beta server is wiped periodically, meaning Beta characters may be deleted with or without notice.
  • Anything you do on a Beta server is exclusive to the Beta server and will not affect your live characters.
During this Beta test, you may run into some unintended issues. Please make sure to report them HERE! Let’s get to Beta testing this one-of-a-kind Origins Server!

See you on Anashti Sul!

Dernière modification par Pantero Greenleaf ; 10/05/2024 à 08h14.
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  • Updated many spellscrolls classifications to add broker sorting.
  • Updated many houseitem classifications to add broker sorting.
  • Added a success skill to the Sergeant's Scimitar
  • Updated player housing to function on an Origins server.
  • Repopulated Deathfist Citidel
  • Corrected an issue with Qeynos Tradeskill zones that prevented them from populating crafting devices.
  • Added doors to the Forest Ruins
  • Added revive junctions to The Caves, and the Down Below
  • A Missing Husband: The missing Marv is now less missing, so he can be found while he is missing.
  • a dead explorer may now be found in Fallen Gate
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Publié par Golgotha
C'est quand qu'il débloque les lvl il me semblait que c'était toute les semaines on pouvait passer de +10lvl 12 a 22 ?
Citation :
Adventure and Tradeskill Leveling for this Beta will be on a schedule. May 2nd through May 15th of the Beta will allow for adventure and tradeskill leveling to level 12, May 16th through May 22nd will go to level 22, and the remaining time will see the cap at level 32. Beta will end on June 13, 2024.

Dernière modification par Pantero Greenleaf ; 13/05/2024 à 18h39.
Ok faut que j'attends le 16 pour continuer à monter bon en attendant récolte et artisanat lol

Dernière modification par Golgotha ; 09/05/2024 à 18h57. Motif: Auto-fusion

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