[Wiki] [Practice mode] Cheats commands

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1.Comment activer les cheats commands ?

Rendez-vous dans game setup, en mode practice.


Ensuite cochez la case cheat, puis lancez votre la partie.


2.La liste des cheats commandes.

Les commandes sont a entrées dans le chat:

Aucun coût en mana et aucun cooldown sur tous les skills/objets.

-gold XXXX

-spawn creeps





Dumping the bot state



-jointeam side

-lvlup <amount>
For example: -lvlup 10
Increases your heroes' level by <amount>. Max level you can reach with this is level 25. No negative values allowed (i.e. you can't "level down").
Console command: dota_dev hero_level <amount>

Respawns your hero at the fontain (no matter if he was dead or not).
Console command: dota_dev hero_respawn

Refreshes (resets) Mana, Cooldowns, HP, ... of your hero(es).
Console command: dota_dev hero_refresh

-gold <amount>
For example: -gold 1000
Increases your gold by <amount>. Positive and negative values are allowed. Max gold is 16383.
Console command: dota_dev player_givegold <amount>

-item <item>
For example: -item item_blade_mail
Gives your hero <item>. You find the item names in scripts/npc/items.txt
I made a list here: http://typhox.net/misc/Dota_items.txt

Skips the timer to the first creepspawn.
Console command: dota_dev forcegamestart

Destroys all wards (to be confirmed)

-createhero <unitname>
-createhero Mirana
-createhero npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee
Creates a hero/unit/building <unitname> under your control at your mouse cursor position. Heroes will be taken control by a bot, so you can't buy items for them on the regular way. However, that bot is idle, i.e. he does not do anything, but buys items in the beginning.
You can't create heroes that aren't in the game yet (only in the developer version), such as Bane or Silencer.
You find the names in scripts/npc/npc_units.txt and scripts/npc/npc_heroes.txt.
There are many names that are working. For example the entry under "SoundSet" is sometimes also valid, so you can create Mirana on (at least) three ways:
-createhero Mirana
-createhero Hero_Mirana
-createhero npc_dota_hero_mirana

/!\ Certaines commandes ne sont pas implanté.

PS: Si vous en avez d'autre n'hesitez pas a le signaler/l'ajouter.
Dernières modifications :
(Voir) 16/12/2011 18:17:42 : Dallarion (.)
(Voir) (Comparer)16/12/2011 18:17:24 : Dallarion (.)
(Voir) (Comparer)16/12/2011 18:16:57 : Dallarion (.)

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