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The Chips Cola is recruiting
Following the latest attack on the Engeance on our Chipa Cola factory, will visit a Forean village to recruit some inhabitants for Chips Cola's plant due to the lack of workers.
Once the recruitment period ended, the Chipa Cola Manager (CCM) will return to the base with his escort.

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[Report of the Intelligence Service of the AFS]
From : CDO Avatea - SWAT Leader
To : AFS-HeadQuarter
Priority : CODE RED
Subject : Important activity of Engeance on the planet Foreas
Area : Valverde
Sector : Descent
Request reinforcements

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For those who do not know the Chip-Cola © indutries and fabulous drink, you can go there , there or there to learn more benefits.

Each team will be with a referee who will not take part in the fighting to ensure fairplay.)
The teams will be composed of characters from lvl 49-50.
=> A-team must escort the ChipaColaManager (CCM) to point B
=> B-team must eliminate the escort to capture the living Manager Chip Cola, the secret of Chip Cola is jealously guarded and raises everyone's desire.
If the ChipaColaManager get killed by Engance the A-team loses the game. The ChipaColaManager is not part of the group escort.

A: Chipa Cola Manager Starting spot -> Village of Fortuna
B: Chipa Cola Manager Arrival spot . -> Camp Cato
C: Players Hostil Group -> Virgil base
B-Team (PHG) must do it all the way to A-Team (CCM+escort), his target : kill the VIP escort.
ChipaColaManager will not run, he will walk from point A to B
Estimated Travel Time (ETT) : 10 min
WARNING! For CCM bodyguards (A-Team)
- No restriction class or expertise
- Use of personal WP allowed
- AFS Base WP are forbidden
WARNING! For Gank Squad (B-Team)
- No restriction class or expertise
- Personal WP forbidden
- AFS Base WP allowed
For more information or update go there

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