Bonus Items TOA

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Certains item de l'armure ocean ont des bonus du type, +3 compétence de mélée.
Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si la compétence bouclier en fait partie ?
car j'éssaye de refaire ma SC au boulot et je ne peut pas logger mon perso pour vérifier
Calvert, Palouf 50 spe bouc
Flechter, Thauma 50 spe glace

Le Cercle de Lumière
Citation :
Provient du message de Wardead
il me semble meme que ca fait
2 mains

en tout cas pour mon MA
mais je me souviens plus bien

par contre bouclier et parade non

dans l'avant dernier grab bag (20 février) Sanya expliquait :

Q: I have rolled a berserker and have 2 items on from TOA that add +3 to all melee skills. However, I have NO pluses to my Left Axe ability. Why is Left Axe not considered a melee skill?

A: From the Item Mistress: ” The Melee Skill All bonus is intended to increase a weapon skill when training in one usually excludes the others. For example, players are unlikely to be trained in both Sword and Axe and therefore will really only receive an effective bonus for one skill. However, training in Axe does not preclude training in Left Axe or Parry, since the player is likely to use both or all at once. If we had included any of the dual wield skills, we would have been giving those players a double bonus. A player trained in Left Axe always has another weapon trained, so increasing both was not a viable option.”

parade non, donc bouclier doit suivre la meme regle.

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