[nudisme, bis]Les nouveaux détecteurs des aéroports

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Bon, a force de voir des Ben Laden partout, les américains ont mis au points une machine qui va leur permettre de voir bien des choses...

Citation :
Airport Screeners May Get X-Ray Vision

By LESLIE MILLER, Associated Press Writer

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Susan Hallowell steps into a metal booth that bounces X-rays off her skin, producing a black-and-white image that reveals enough to produce a world-class blush.

To the eye, she is dressed in a skirt and blazer in dark, business-like colors.

On the monitor, the director of the Transportation Security Administration's security laboratory is naked, except for a gun and a bomb that she hid under her outfit.

The government is considering using the technology at airport security checkpoints because the magnetometers now in use cannot detect plastic weapons or substances used in explosives.

Hallowell is sacrificing her modesty to make a point: Air travelers are not going to like being technologically undressed by security screeners.

"It does basically make you look fat and naked — but you see all this stuff," Hallowell said Wednesday during a demonstration of the technology.

The technology is called "backscatter" because it scatters X-rays. Doses of rays deflected off dense materials such as metal or plastic produce a darker image than those deflected off skin. The radiation dosage is about the same as sunshine, Hallowell said.

Backscatter machines have been available on the market for years. They are priced at between $100,000 and $200,000 and used in all sorts of security situations, from screening families of convicts visiting prisons to South African diamond miners going home for the day.

The agency is trying to find a way to modify the machines with an electronic fig leaf — programming that fuzzes out sensitive body parts or distorts the body so it is unrecognizable.

Another option might mean stationing the screener in a booth so only he sees the image, said Randal Null, the agency's chief technology officer.

Null hopes to conduct pilot programs with backscatter machines at several airports this year. A pilot project at Orlando International Airport in Florida using volunteers met with mixed results, he said.

Some volunteers were uncomfortable with it. For others, "It was a whole lot nicer than having someone pat me down," he said.

David Sobel, general counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, thinks most people will object to the backscatter technology.

"The public is willing to accept a certain amount of scrutiny at the airport, but there are clearly limits to the degree of invasion that is acceptable," Sobel said. "It's hard to understand why something this invasive is necessary."

But Rep. John Mica (news, bio, voting record), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee on aviation, thinks it is essential because of the strong likelihood that a terrorist will try to bomb a plane.

"I predict it will happen," said Mica, R-Fla. "The chances of someone bringing an explosive on an aircraft by walking through a metal detector or in hand-carried luggage are very real."

Mica pointed out that Richard Reid, convicted of trying to blow up a trans-Atlantic jetliner with explosives in his shoes, walked through metal detectors at Orly Airport in Paris several times before boarding the plane. attention, research and development and deployment of these systems," Mica said.

For now, Mica is trying to persuade colleagues to require that the transportation agency focus its research on technology that identifies items on people's bodies.

Null said the agency's major focus is already on detecting explosives and weapons at airport checkpoints.

In the end, the biggest problem with the backscatter machines may be their size, he said. One version, the BodySearch system made by Billerica, Mass.-based American Science & Engineering is about 4-feet by 7-feet by 10-feet — awfully big for an airport lobby, Null said.

Another system made by Hawthorne, Calif.-based OSI Systems is more compact.
Voilà ce que ça donne : la dame ci dessous est habillée, et cache un flingue et une bombe sous ses vêtements...


La question est : les usagers des aéroports vont ils apprécier ce genre de machines ?
Citation :
Provient du message de AdrienCoeurFeu
elle devrait faire un régime.
Si tu avais lu le document, et si tu avais posté pour autre chose que pour ajouter un post à ton compteur, tu aurai compris que c'est la machine qui donne un effet de "kilos en plus", ce n'est pas la personne qui "devrait faire un régime".

Ceci dit, cette remarque était très pertinente
Citation :
Provient du message de Bbali
Si tu avais lu le document, et si tu avais posté pour autre chose que pour ajouter un post à ton compteur, tu aurai compris que c'est la machine qui donne un effet de "kilos en plus", ce n'est pas la personne qui "devrait faire un régime".

Ceci dit, cette remarque était très pertinente
pour défendre Adrien, les posts sur le bar ne sont pas comptabilisés...

mais c'est effectivement une machine idéale pour les anorexiques
En fait ce qui m'a frappé c'est la vision qu'on a de la tête, et la taille de son bassin.

Plutot que de parler de Freddy Kruger j'ai parlé d'un fait d'actualité, le fait que la femme se doit de tendre vers un top model parfait pour correspondre aux attentes des pauvres hommes que nous sommes, vidés de cerveau par les médias.

Citation :
Provient du message de Platypus
J'ai pas lu le texte parce qu'a 5h du mat ca prend la tete, mais la methode utlisée n'est pas dangereuse pour le corps (je sais pas si c'est des rayon X ou autre...)?
Non. C'est des rayons X, mais en très faible quantité. (d'après l'article...)
Y'a plus qu'a adapté le systeme sur des lunettes de soleil, et le reve de 90% des hommes sera realisé
Finalement, Arleston et Labrosse, deux auteurs, ne sont pas loin de la vérité dans leur bande dessinée futuriste. Dans "Moréa 2 - L'échine du dragon", à la page 34, les Américains ne s'embarrassent plus de la technologie pour fouiller les gens. Tous les voyageurs doivent se présenter entièrement nus devant les douaniers avant d'entrer dans leur beau et grand pays que sont les USA.

Je vous parie que cela deviendra réalité dans quelques dizaines d'années, après une série d'attentats meurtriers contre les ricains.

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