casue et micro

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Qui joue avec casque et micro ici?
Si oui, utilisez-vous un soft en tâche de fond (genre AIM) ou autre chose?
A quoi servent les commandes /recvoc et /microphone d'ailleurs?

Ok c'est technique mais vu que personne ou presque ne lit ce forum, je ne pense pas que c'était une bonne idée...
C'est quand même quelque chose qui concerne le jeu lui-même et pas une bête question d'informatique.
Re: casque et micro
Citation :
Provient du message de Zatepok
Qui joue avec casque et micro ici, à Everquest pour ceux a qui çà aurait échappé.
Si oui, utilisez-vous un soft en tâche de fond (genre AIM) ou autre chose?
A quoi servent les commandes /recvoc et /microphone d'ailleurs?

si je me rappelle bien il y avait une section sur eqcasters qui expliquaient les utilisations du micro

ca donne ceci

Citation :

Activating Voice Recognition
You must already have a voice recognition engine, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, installed on your system, and have the default user (this was "Unknown" for me) trained, etc. You do NOT have to run the engine yourself, the game will do that for you.
Once in EQ, bring up the chat bar (hit enter) and type in "/voice". Make sure it gives you the message, "Voice Recognition will be *ON* the next time you run the game..." If it does, then quit all the way out of EverQuest like the message instructs you to do and re run it.
After you have done this, you should get a message in the chat box when you get back in letting you know that Voice Recognition is Enabled. You must turn the Microphone on though. Typing in the /microphone command (/mic also works, perhaps even /mi) will toggle the microphone on/off. Voice commands and dictation are ignored when the Mic is off, and the game starts up with the microphone off.
Other related typed commands:

/vrdelay - Allows the user to set how long EQ will Sleep in the main rendering loop in order to improve voice recognition response. The higher the delay, the lower framerate will be, so it is recommended that the user start with "/vrdelay 1" and go up by one each time until they are happy with the voice recognition response time. Use the lowest number that provides adequate response time.

Note that you can also dictate into the chat bar once it is up. Below are a list of other voice commands.

Voice Command
(What you say) Action
Toggles the state of the chat bar (typing mode on/off)

Brings up the chat bar with a "/" in it, just like "/" key.

Delete Line
Delete the whole line in the chat bar (if in typing mode).

Auto Run
Toggles Autorun on/off, just like numlock key.

Toggles Autoattack on/off, just like "A" key.

Considers your current target, just like "C" key.

Hails your current target, just like the "H" key.

Brings up Inventory screen, just like "I" key.

Brings up chat bar with "/tell" already typed in, like "T" key.

Use whatever is at the center of the 3d view, like "U" key (good for opening doors).

Toggles through camera modes/angles, just like F9 key.

Target Me
Target your character, just like F1 key.

Player One
Target your character, just like F1 key.

Player Two
Target Party Member 1, like F2 key.

Player Three
Target Party Member 2, like F3 key.

Player Four
Target Party Member 3, like F4 key.

Player Five
Target Party Member 4, like F5 key.

Player Six
Target Party Member 5, like F6 key.

Target Player
Target Nearest PC, just like F7 key.

Target Mob
Target Nearest NPC, just like F8 key.

Hot One
Activates the skill in hotbox 1, just like 1 key.

Hot Two
Activates the skill in hotbox 2, just like 2 key.

Hot Three
Activates the skill in hotbox 3, just like 3 key.

Hot Four
Activates the skill in hotbox 4, just like 4 key.

Hot Five
Activates the skill in hotbox 5, just like 5 key.

Hot Six
Activates the skill in hotbox 6, just like 6 key.

Brings up chat bar with "/reply" already typed in, like "R" key.

Cancels your target, & goes back one screen, just like ESC key.

Up Command
Scroll back to previous chat bar command, just like SHIFT-UP ARROW when chat bar is up.

Down Command
Scroll to next chat bar command, just like SHIFT-DOWN ARROW when chat bar is up.

Shift Hot One
Switches to the first hotbox bank.

Shift Hot Two
Switches to the second hotbox bank.

Shift Hot Three
Switches to the third hotbox bank.

Shift Hot Four
Switches to the fourth hotbox bank.

Shift Hot Five
Switches to the fifth hotbox bank.

Shift Hot Six
Switches to the six hotbox bank.

Target Pet
Targets your pet, otherwise, just targets you.

Same as typing "/assist" in chat bar and hitting enter.

Same as typing "/location" in chat bar.

Same as typing "/corpse" in chat bar.

Same as typing "/follow" in chat bar.

Same as typing "/time" in chat bar.

Pet Attack
Same as typing "/pet attack" in chat bar.

Pet Guard Me
Same as typing "/pet guard me" in chat bar.

Pet Guard Here
Same as typing "/pet guard here" in chat bar.

Pet Health
Same as typing "/pet health" in chat bar.

Pet Back Off
Same as typing "/pet back off" in chat bar.

Pet Sit Down
Same as typing "/pet sit down" in chat bar.

Pet Taunt
Same as typing "/pet taunt" in chat bar.

Brings up chat bar with "/say" already typed in.

Brings up chat bar with "/guildsay" already typed in.

Brings up chat bar with "/gsay" already typed in.

Brings up chat bar with "/vrdelay" already typed in.

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