Void Expanse. DLC Le 7 mars 2017

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Void Expanse est un jeu de rôle-action dans un univers ouvert, avec un thème de science-fiction spatiale. Développé par AtomicTorch Studio, une équipe de trois personnes, l'apha est jouable au prix d'environ 7,5 euros, pour Linux, Mac et Windows.

Les éléments clefs présentés sont :

- génération procédurale des galaxies ;
- arbre de compétences étendu et personnalisation du vaisseau ;
- bataille, commerce, minage, exploration ;
- combat en temps réel, sans nivellement automatique des niveaux ;
- jouable en solo ou en multijoueur ;
- trame scénaristique différente selon les factions ;
- tous les aspects du jeu sont ouvert aux mods faction, vaisseau, équipement, histoire, graphisme, compétence...) ;

Void Expanse semble se situer à mi-chemin entre le très bon Hack'n'Slahs Drox Operative, et l'étonnant Space Ranger. Les combats sont présents mais à petite échelle, et mortel. Il ne s'agit pas de détruire des dizains ou centaines de pirates en un coup de missile à effet de zone, mais de survivre à une escarmouche contre deux ou trois adversaires. Les combats restent cependant simples et sur le mode hack'n'slash, Void Expanse étant très loin de la richesse tactique d'un Star Sector à ce niveau.


Les arbres de compétences, non définitifs, couvrent plusieurs aspects : pilotage, combat, ingénierie, relation. Chaque niveau, 10 points sont gagnés. Une compétence coute entre 2 et 20 points, en moyenne 5, et certaines ont un prérequis en niveau. Par exemple, piloter les plus gros modèles de vaisseaux coutent 20 points et demande d'être niveau 45.


On peut le voir, le jeu n'est pas terminé. Certaines compétences sont accessibles mais sans effet. Par exemple, si l'on développe une carrière de mineur, au départ on mine en aveugle, sans savoir ce que contient l'astéroide. Une compétence permet d'afficher les ressources probables, mais en réalité, en jeu, elle n'a pas encore d'effet.


La carte d'un système. Il comporte une étoile centrale de couleur variable, un ou plusieurs portails de sauts, aucune ou plusieurs stations, des ressources, des planètes... le tout généré à la volée lors de la création de la partie.


La carte de la galaxie, avec les zones d'influence des factions. En passant le curseur sur un système, on peut voir des détails : le niveau militaire et technologique du système, qui le contrôle, et s'il dispose de ressources et de stations.


L'écran des factions, le joueur au centre. En cliquant sur une faction, on peut aussi voir ses relations avec les autres factions.


Lorsque l'on entre dans une station, on peut accéder à plusieurs services, dont la boutique. Les prix varient en fonction des factions et des compétences en commerce.


Les graphismes sont agréables, l'interface correcte, l'ensemble est plaisant. On trouve quelques bugs, par exemple ici ma barre de raccourcis est vide, alors qu'en 1 j'ai un consommable pour réparer le vaisseau, et en 4 et 5 j'ai deux outils de minage. Ils sont toujours là, mais l'icone est invisible.


Ici en plein minage. Les ressources ne servent à rien sinon à être vendue et pour des missions répétables (mine X quantité de Y ressources pour un tarif plus avantageux que le revente directe). Un bug fait que ces missions sont cassées dans la dernière alpha, mais sera corrigé dans la prochaine. Miner rapporte de l'XP, et on peut passer sa vie à miner, ce qui doit être chiant, mais c'est possible. Les astéroides ne sont pas illimités en ressources, mais se remplissent lentement dans le temps, il n'y a donc jamais de rupture complète de ressources.


L'écran du vaisseau. Ce modèle accepte trois armes MK1 de type laser. On peut assigner les armes à trois groupes, qui correspondent aux boutons de la souris. On trouve aussi de quoi améliorer le radar, le moteur, la maniabilité, le bouclier, la rapidité à récupérer les conteneurs que l'on trouve parfois en détruisant d'autres vaisseaux... Certaines armes n'ont pas de munitions, d'autres si. Quand on est à court, il faut alors retourner dans une station pour faire le plein, ou utiliser un consommable. En station, on peut aussi réparer la coque (le bouclier remonte tout seul), et refaire le plein de carburant (qui diminue lentement mais empêche de rester dans l'espace indéfiniment).


Un autre exemple de station.


Certains éléments perturbent les mouvements, la vue, le radar... Ici le vaisseau est ralenti, et la vue modifiée. Dans certains systèmes, le radar ne fonctionne pas (mais la carte, oui).


En station, on trouve aussi des PNJ dans la cantine, qui peuvent donner des missions basiques (miner X ressources, apporter un objet à tel autre système, détruire des pirates...). Ici je discute avec un PNJ de la quête principale (très léger spoiler, 30 minutes de jeu si on y va directement).


Dans l'ensemble, on sent bien que le jeu n'est pas terminé, mais aussi qu'il peut devenir un très bon jeu. J'apprécie que le côté HnS soit minoré, au contraire d'un Drox Operative qui laisse très peu de répit et envoie des dizaines d'adversaires au joueur. Dans Void Expanse, quand on croise un pirate isolé, on ne risque pas grand chose, mais un manque d'attention peut tout de même être mortel. Quand on croise un groupe (à partir de deux...), le danger est réel.

De ce que j'ai vu, le jeu qui s'en approche le plus est Drox Operative, mais avec un penchant important pour une échelle plus intimiste. Là je suis niveau 40 je crois, pratiquement pas avancé dans la quête principale, équipement minable. J'ai tout juste rejoins Freedom dans l'espoir en fait de m'approcher de la faction des illuminés pro-Alien.

A suivre ?
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
En terme de version jouable, oui le suivi est lent. En terme de développement, le jeu est toujours suivi, et la prochaine grosse MàJ doit tomber avant la fin du mois en théorie.

A venir, entre autre, une nette extension des arbres de compétences ou encore, un commerce plus étendu (offre et demande, saturation des stocks, éloignement des denrées...) afin de pouvoir faire une réelle carrière dans le commerce si le joueur le souhaite.

Version 09 !!! EXPERIMENTALE !!!

A tester si vous voulez débugguer pour la version 09 Stable, ou si vous n'avez pas peur.

Citation :
VoidExpanse is now also available for Mac OS and Linux! You can download each build in "My games and items" on our website.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.0 ===
Note: Unfortunately we had to disable couple of new additions, because there were some issues. We decided to push the update today anyway, because we wanted to release it as soon as possible. Then we will take some time and use your feedback to polish it and release a stable versions. It shouldn't take more than a few days to stabilize the build.

New features:
* Character classes are now implemented. Depending on your choice you will get completely different starting skills and items.
* Skill system is now fully implemented and includes more than a hundred skills separated into four categories: piloting, combat, engineering and social.
* New NPC types using new ships and new weapons.
* A whole lot of new weapons for all categories.
* Missile weapons were finally implemented and include a whole range of different types starting from self guided missiles to a tactical nuclear weapon.
* New space garbage types.
* A lot of new sounds are added and some existing ones are adjusted.
* New space backgrounds.
* New music, making it now a total of 18 tracks with a play time of almost an hour.
* When you target a ship the pilots portrait is now shown.
* Added more random quests.
* Screenshot format selector in options: now you are able to choose between PNG and JPG.
* Reputation changes with factions are now properly displayed.
* New trading system allowing you to finally trade and extract profit from it. As well as other changes such as random stock generation for items, etc.
* Server settings are implemented.
* New weapons models in the game, different for each weapon category.
* Mini bosses. Now you can encounter pirate "encampments" in all systems.
* New hulls for your to purchase and use.
* UI scaling is implemented.
* The game now supports HiDPI resolutions (with proper UI), will be especially important to Mac users.
* A ton of other new stuff.

* Renaming to a lot of things in the game.
* Changes and fixes to existing quests.
* New topics to discuss with NPC. For example you can ask a broker on a trade station about profitable trade routes.
* Weapons definition format is extended with new properties. Some older properties that weren't working are now implemented.
* Game performance is improved significantly.
* Music now slowly transitions.
* Rewritten cache management (textures / models / sounds), now fully asynchronous and multithreaded.
* Help window image is replaced with higher resolution to remove blurriness.
* Much better mining effects, including pieces of rocks flying away from the asteroid being mined.
* Skills are now separated into "essential" and "non essential" and are visually distinct.
* Items can now require effects instead of skills (important for modding).
* Replaced physics for ships (now much more "real world correct"). Flying feels much smoother now.
* Extended keybindings.
* Changes to some texts in the game.
* Changes to experience / character level progression.
* Civilian items are now always infinite of all stations.
* Improved all in-game tooltips. For example consumable tooltips now display full and correct information.
* Added info on where a particular item must be equipped to tooltips.
* If you try to undock and you don't have any weapons it will ask you if you really want to do it.
* A ton of other changes.

* Autosave lag.
* Bugs with quests.
* Textures disappearing.
* Weapons positions on the ship.
* Game crash after respawn.
* Incorrect models positions.
* Sun effect using too much processing time even if not visible.
* Space dust disappearing after Unity 4.5.
* Bugs with "apply" in options.
* Console bugs / crashes.
* Background screen not updating after death.
* Inventory being open after death.
* Dead players ship not respawning when savegame loaded.
* Avatars rendering quality (gray pixels on edges).
* Issues with help screen (not closed by F1, sometimes opened by F8/F9).
* All asteroids being the same size.
* Ships use side thrusters too much while docking.
* Blurred vector graphics.
* "Show on map" - shows incorrect marker.
* Music not looping, starting / stopping incorrectly.
* A ton of other fixes.
J'ai un peu laissé ce jeu de côté le temps qu'il se développe, et il se développe.

Void Expanse sort de l'Alpha pour passer en Beta : http://atomictorch.com/Post/VoidExpanse-Goes-Beta


Citation :
VoidExpanse officially goes beta! Though, it is mostly just a name change. The game has been stable for many months already, we just didn't feel the need to change the status, since it really doesn't matter. But now that the official release is fairly soon we felt it is time to finally do so. So, the next small patch will transition the game into "Beta" state with the subsequent release on Steam shortly after that and getting a "gold" (released) status.(...)

But some of you might also ask "but what about the future of the game?". And it is really simple, actually. We would definitely like to continue working on the game even after the release! For as long as people are interested.
Le jeu est sortie et il est pas mal du tout, manque juste une traduction FR pour les anglophobes et ça sera parfait

Pour info les derniers patchs notes :

Citation :
=== VoidExpanse v1.2.0 ===
* Improved master server connection handling
* Improved welcome screen (link with AtomicTorch.com)
* Faster ping measurement
* Online users list now works on Stations

* Various UI-related issues (updated to NoesisGUI 1.2.2)
* Merchants spawning
* Laptop (especially Macbooks) overheating issues should be resolved (Make sure you use 30fps limit)
* Too many artifacts removal notifications when trading them to the science points
* OpenGL rendering issues (black stars on galaxy map, black sun, etc)
* Mac/Linux: UPnP port forwarding
* Sun effect not works on in OpenGL ("black screen issue")
* Factions and stars not rendered on Galaxy Map in OpenGL
* Issue when firing from projectile weapons transferred from one player to another
* Game not running in OpenGL mode on Windows
* Various crashes and freezes
* Loading freeze/hang

=== VoidExpanse v1.2.1 ===
New features:
* Added ability to connect to servers running previous version of the game (if the server uses same network protocol version).
But you should still update ASAP! This version especially, as it addresses a lot of important issues!

* New balance for most weapons. Generally projectiles are more powerful.
* Made chat more readable
* Corrected descriptions of some things to make it more clear
* Scurvy is now properly removed after quest is done (important for MP)
* More signposting to make it easier to find certain things.
* New repair price calculation. Now doesn't take ship price into account.
* Other balancing changes.
* New drop lists for all ships depending on their level!

* "Save and quit" not working
* Loading screen freezes. (we still need your feedback on this, please!)
* Projectiles not rendered (OpenGL/Mac/Linux)
* Local server crash on Mac
* Quit game freezing
* Fixed chat issues
* Price of refuel from space merchants
* Fixed Fanatics faction achievements
* DirectX 9 / 11 issues
* Game saving bug
* Can't sell item ("can't find empty slot")
* Several other server related issues

=== VoidExpanse v1.2.2 ===
New features:
* Added TCP protocol for the Master Server connection, so the issues when the game is unable to connect with the Master Server should be fixed
* If VoidExpanse can't find server exe - it will report about ANTIVIRUS issue!
* Added protection from infinite loops in user scripts

* Added image validation to Mod uploader
* Escort quest temporary removed until we can make it better
* In auto-rotation mode the player's ship now rotates to fully match the cursor position
* Rebalanced asteroids and mining boosters

* Join faction quests
* Command "debug_topic_tutorial_complete player_name" in Multiplayer
* Chat command npcs_list
* Linux server CRASH
* Navpoint added by "Enter" click doesn't save it's name
* Various other issues, including crashes

=== VoidExpanse v1.2.3 (STEAM EXPERIMENTAL) ===
To install this build, open the Steam Client, right click on the VoidExpanse in your library, select Properties, open "Betas" tab, enter the password is "AllTheeHailTheVoid" (without quotes). And then you can select the beta program "experimental".

This release features reworked threading system to fully utilize all of the CPU cores and resolve multithreading issues reported by the players.

* Game freezes on the loading screen with 6+ cores CPU's.
* Various freezes/hangs issues (including most of them on Mac and Linux). However, we need more feedback about the loading screen freeze.
* Sprites (plasma balls, muzzle flashes, etc) rendered through the other objects.

=== VoidExpanse v1.2.4 (STEAM EXPERIMENTAL) ===
* Improved sun rendering
* Certain ships now have omni-slots (weapon hardpoints!)

* Shields not rendered in OpenGL on some GPU's
* Errors on server (especially on Linux/Mono)
* NoesisGUI crashes
* Freeze on loading screen

=== VoidExpanse v1.2.5 ===
New features:
* Sort by online players count in the multiplayer public server list
* Server version displayed in multiplayer server info
* Mono is now not required for running the game on Linux and Mac (Need your feedback on that. If you have any issues please remove *Bundle* file from the Server_Mono folder)

* Console up/down arrows keys sometimes double
* Game cannot unpause

Dernière modification par lolox ; 12/04/2015 à 17h35.
La première extension payante (5€) pour Void Expanse arrive le 7 mars 2017, ainsi qu'une grosse mise à jour gratuite pour le jeu originel.


Nouvelle faction jouable avec un scénario plus long que ce que le jeu proposait déjà
Artisanat avec la possibilité de construire des modules avec les ressources minées
Gestion légère des stations et constructions de défenses statiques
Nouveau métier : industriel
Nouveaux vaisseaux et modules, dont des Capital Ships

Citation :

VoidExpanse 2.0.x Update patch notes.

Detailed list of changes:
* Added crafting system. You can use the ore you mined or purchased to produce "components". Generally if you have high level of manufacturing it is more profitable to sell components, than raw ore. Some times you can even make profits by purchasing the ore (if it's sold for cheap) and selling the components back. You can find manufacturing terminals on certain station types (for example mining station).
* Added manufacturing skills: basic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, expert manufacturing, optimized production, optimized resource use.
* Added components (which you craft from ore): electronic, composites, control, mechanical, power and structural.
* Added 3 tiers of Station defense turrets that differ in defenses and offenses, offering better protection against pirates.
* Added station management function. You can talk to any station commander in order to enter the management menu. Currently you can spend "components" in order to upgrade station defenses (turrets).
* Improved scripts of different in-game features such as active ship devices, NPC patrols and much more.
* Improved galaxy generation.
* New character class: Industrialist that starts with several manufacturing skills.
* Improved droplists with more variety.
* A lot of bugfixes all throughout the game, including quests. We addressed everything that was reported or that we were able to identify ourselves.
* Added expansion menu to the main menu. With your help we can add more expansions and not just Pariahs' Bane
* Improved voice handling. Now instead of specifying each and every voice file it is simply enough to specify a folder. Though file names must correspond to the voice events.
* It is now possible to set up unique computer voice for each ship. Currently we use this functionality in the expansion to add unique voice for the capital ship - Revenant.
* Improved networking! All thanks to shared codebase with CryoFall. Now it's top notch!
* Improved the ability to connect to a server inside the same sub-network where you are. Before it might not have been possible due to NAT configuration of certain networks. But now the game will know the internal IP-address of the server and try to connect to it instead of "punching-through from outside".
* Improved connection and synchronization speed. Incorporated special algorythms of dynamic stabilisation of connection (again, thanks to CryoFall!). Now if you have unstable ping that goes up and down or big packet loss you will still be able to play reasonably well.
* Added new methods to Scripting-API: topic.EnableMonospaced & topic.DisableMonospaced() which could be very useful for stylistic purposes during dialogues with NPC, such as when the player uses a terminal.
* You can now provide a host name for your public game server (see <public_server_host_name> in SettingsServer.xml), by doing that people will see the host name in server list, rather than IP-address.
* Fixed a bug that stopped music playing after Alt+Tab and did not resume upon returning back to the game.
* Fixed text rendering: "Click on the map to add a new <cut>" (the text was cutting midway, now it's displayed properly).
* Fixed issue when NPC ship was firing homing/guided weapons while not locked on the target.
* Fixed a bug with server console commands processing (important for save & quit console commands).

The update to the game is released now! In preparation for the release of VoidExpanse: Pariahs' Bane expansion on the 7th of this month!


Pariahs' Bane expansion overview:
Since this is a new release, rather than a patch I won't go into details, as otherwise I would have to literally list everything that exists withing this Expansion. But I still want to give a general overview of what this expansion is about, so I will name several important features below.

* New playable faction - Pariahs with their own star system, new station, new characters, new quests and everything.
* Completely new storyline that is about twice as long as any given storyline in the original game. This storylines runs in parallel to the original story, so you are completely free to choose what to do first. This time we also tried to approach quests a bit differently to make it a bit more interesting. There are more unexpected encounters, more humor and quirky character. It also has quite an interesting twist at the end! I really hope you will like this!
* New ships, new items, new stuff in general. But speaking of ships - we heard you and we added our first capital ship to the game!
* New music from the same great composer who created tracks for the original game!
* And more!

What is the focus of this Expansion in general? This is of course the new storyline! The Expansion adds quite a bit of new content, but our main focus from the very beginning was to create a new complete and self-contained story with a unique and unexpected ending!

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