Le bar central de Spider !

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Palier des 40M$ atteint.
Pour rappel, ce pallier débloque deux nouveaux systèmes dans le jeu final, le système Kabal (qui contient des artefacts Tevarin) et le système Oretani (une colonie humaine qui a été séparée longtemps du reste de l'UEE par disparition de son point de saut)

Le nouveau pallier pour rappel fait le focus sur la recherche et le développement de la génération procédurale :

"Procedural Generation R&D Team – This stretch goal will allocate funding for Cloud Imperium to develop procedural generation technology for future iterations of Star Citizen. Advanced procedural generation will be necessary for creating entire planets worth of exploration and development content. A special strike team of procedural generation-oriented developers will be assembled to make this technology a reality."

Et le nouveau 10 for chairman :
A priori ya un vote pour le prochain strech goal : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/c...man-40-Million
Citation :
P.S., A number of Citizens have asked why we stopped giving out stretch goal rewards to backers (like the repair bot and the space suit offered early in the campaign.) The truth is, we had so many new features we wanted to discuss that the practice slipped our mind. For the next set of stretch goals, we’re going to give you in-game rewards… and we’re letting you pick what you want. Please vote in the poll below to pick the $43 million unlock reward. The winner will be described in the next Chairman post and the option with the lowest votes will be eliminated from contention!

Citation :
Q : In early stages of DFM, just how many bind-able keys are we looking at?
R : Around 100 right now.
détails : Same as above, around 100. Keep in mind these are "control actions" so while they may all have direct keybinds they will also be accessible via moves on a hat, coolie, or china switch.

Q : Will the most typical control features like auto targeting next hostile or auto matching speed and cycling weapons and all that stuff be ready for DFMv1?
R : Depending on the capabilities of your flight computer and targeting computer the functionality you desire can be had.

Q : With your total control system would we be able to use something like dual joysticks. Seeing as how there will be so many new axis of control two joysticks might be necessary. Like if I wanted to use two joysticks rather than a gamepad?
R : Yes you could use dual joystick and map one to the ship control and another to head control.

Q : What are the current planned specs for running the DFM v1? If I wanted to plan on making sure I could run it on "high" (but not ultra) settings with no less than 40fps, what sort of rig would be recommended?
R : New Haswell i7 arround the 4770k
16GB RAM @1600MHZ
GTX 680 or better
SSD hard drive
Something around that performance level for AMD or Nvidia/Intel.
Monthly repport : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/c...ort-March-2014

Extrait :
Citation :
We have designed the ships systems for cap ships, which we will be sharing with the community in the coming weeks. Hopefully this will make manning capital ships with your friends a lot of fun, as different people need to work together to manage engineering, weapons control, shields, communications, navigation, radar and our favourite so far electronic warfare…

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