Le Conseil - Progrés et calendrier des évènements

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Source: http://forum.fomportal.com/showthread.php?t=42319
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Hello Everyone!

As I said before, your patience will be paid off. The Council is moving along smoothly as it prepares for its first RP event to take place.

Originally we intended to hold one this coming weekend to celebrate the Memorial Day - Summer kickoff of FoM, however due to unexpected issues pertaining several things, we have pushed that off, but I will shed the light off and let you all in on the scoop.

Our first RP event will be big. It will last several weeks, starting this weekend and culminate sometime in Late June or July, during it we will be using various resources (Including NPCs, PNS, the forums, and of course, RP Events ingame)

We have a lot of resources now on our hands, and you will soon see them in usage, be sure to start watching NPCs, who may start to hint rumors of our upcoming events http://forum.fomportal.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I don't want to spoil the Roleplay ahead of time for everyone, but I will admit our first RP event will be fun for everyone, and involve every one of the factions. It will involve a man known as "The General," The original and iconic leader of the Mercenaries of The Blood, whom used his own elite cell to give the MoTB the power necessary to create their faction in the Face of Mankind. Although, centuries later, the original General is no longer with us, he and his fellow cell members have continued to exist as an secret, almost unknown group, known to take on only the most expensive and deserving of operations. Though he no longer holds the leader position in the MoTB, "The General" still maintains a powerful grip in the Face of Mankind.

I will also note this RP will be far from linear. We will be publishing along with it content that explains the Face of Mankind Canon in detail. For example, a virtually unknown side of FoM, the lower class, will be explained and brought into the lime light in our RP. The lower class are the NPCs you see walking around FoM, working as our receptionists, maintenence workers, and other basic services, who cannot afford cloning nor risk membership in a faction. They live life on the edge, just trying to get through it.

I hope you enjoyed my tidbits on our upcoming RPs and below is a planned calendar of events,

Most RP events will take place around 3 to 4 PM EST in popular worlds, specifics will be outlined when the days of these events come closer to actually happening.

May 30th - First PNS Issue. Will set background story

Week of - Forum Storyline Posts and Plans outlined in Forum Events

June 6th - Second PNS Issue. Will set RP story

Week of June 11th - First RP event ingame

Happy Memorial Day Week and Weekend! http://forum.fomportal.com/images/smilies/usa.gif
"Le Conseil" a été créé dans le but de faire avancer la storyline de Face of Mankind à travers différents évènements, il est composé de joueurs dévoués et de GM.

Le premier évènement commencera bientôt, il sera apparament amusant pour tout le monde et toute les factions seront concernées. Ce ne sera pas un event RP "linéaire" comme on a pu en voir dans la beta et il utilisera le nouveau système de PNJ de FOM. Les PNJ représentent la classe inférieure de FoM qui ne peux pas se permettre d'acheter des clones et de se risquer à prendre part aux conflits entre factions.

La plupart des events RP prendront place entre 3 et 4h de l'aprés midi EST. Ce qui fait entre 21h et 22h chez nous. Des horaires spécifiques seront donnés à l'avance.

Voila le calendrier:

30 Mai - Premier numéro du PNS (les infos de FOM). Cela mettra en place l'histoire de l'event.

La semaine suivante - Il y aura des posts sur le forum storyline & events ce qui fera avancer l'histoire.

6 Juin - Second PNS Issue. Will set RP story Deuxième numéro du PNS. Cela mettra en place l'histoire RP.

Semaine du 11 Juin - Premier event RP InGame.

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