A propos des down, qqs infos

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Voilà ce que l'on trouve sur le forum officiel (au passage il explique pkoi ils n'ont pas prevenu ce coups ci)

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I’d like to take a moment to talk about the maintenance we had to perform this evening. I understand it upset many of you and spoiled your plans for the evening.

We encountered a problem with one of our database clusters. This caused two problems. The first one was we were unable to inform players already logged in that we needed to bring down the clusters for maintenance. The second was for a number of minutes, data could not be saved. Unfortunately for those on affected clusters, this means a rollback lasting of about 45 minutes. Affected clusters include Bloodfin, Eclipse, Kauri, Radiant, and Tarquinas.

I appreciate the frustration of lost time here, and greatly apologize. We are working here, many of us quite past our bedtimes, trying to sort out problems as they arise and provide good solutions for you. Thank you for your patience with us.


Associate Producer
Re: A propos des down, qqs infos
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Provient du message de Euska
Voilà ce que l'on trouve sur le forum officiel (au passage il explique pkoi ils n'ont pas prevenu ce coups ci)

Unfortunately for those on affected clusters, this means a rollback lasting of about 45 minutes.

Sur UO on appelle ça le Warp
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certains concurrents devraient en prendre de la graine, suivez mon regard ...
Je sais qui c'est!
Et chez eux le patch sur une journée ils connaissent pas, c'est plutôt 1 tout les 15 jours.... et encore on leur a gracieusement remis les codes de Windows, pour pas qu'ils se plantent.

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