Ressources en général

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J'ai pensé à une petite base de données regroupant les diverses ressources du jeu, ainsi que les schémas.
Le but est simple : le joueur dit quel objet il veut faire, et un script donne les ressources qu'il lui faut au mieux.

Mais j'aurais voulu savoir une chose : vu que les emplacement des ressources semblent changer, est-ce que leurs caracteristiques aussi ? entre 2 planetes ? 2 filons ? 2 periodes de temps ?
je ne peux pas te dire personnellement si deux filon différents changent de çaractéristiques.

Par contre, ce que je sais, et qui risque de contrarier tes projets, c'est qu'une ressource peut être amenée a disparaitre définitivement.

Dans ce cas, une nouvelle ressource apparait, avec des caractéristiques tirées aléatoirement.

De ce fait, t'a base de donnée nécessiterai une constante remise a jour, avec l'effacement des ressources disparues, et le remplacement par la nouvelle ressource, avec les nouvelles caractéristiques.

Voila ce que j'en sais, si ca peux t'aider a te faire un avis

PS: j'ai déjà vu un thread sur le même idée, mais je ne sais plus si c'était ici, ou sur le forum swg-fr
Je ne pense pas que cela pose problème.

Si plusieurs mineurs s'y mettent, on peut très facilement rajouter les nouveaux minerais trouvés, et virés les minerais non vus depuis longtemps.
Citation :
Resource turnover

I've seen a lot of confusion on this issue, so I thought I'd post a little something on how and why resources turn over so that everyone knows how this works.

Resources are not infinite. They do run out, and for any given resource, it takes between 5 and 8 days or so. Resources come classified into types, as you know, and when a resource expires, we generate a fresh resource of that type. After a resource runs out, there might be a period of scarcity before a new resource of that type is discovered.

New resources might not be of the same quality as the old one. In other words, at any given time, you need to keep an eye on the resource market and make sure that you know what's out there and how available it is. There is room in the system to do a bit of market speculation on old resource types that are no longer available.

When you make a manufacturing schematic, it calls for a precise recipe. That means that it calls for exactly the type of resource that was originally used to make that schematic. Resources running out will therefore result in manufacturing schematics becoming obsolete. This creates a demand for new experimentation and manufacturing schematics, of course, as well as fueling a market for old resources. Over time, we expect to see some resource types that expired long ago but haven't been fully used up become especially valuable commodities.

Resource turnover also, of course, encourages an ongoing need for exploration to find new veins or hot spots for new materials.

Now, I know many of you are concerned about the turnover gating you. The first thing to know is that at higher levels, it is assumed that you will in fact need to travel or do interplanetary commerce in order to obtain the resources you want. You should also be aware that periods of scarcity are built into the game intentionally.

That said, we do have safeguards in place to make sure that people are not completely gated for any length of time. So here's a bit of info from the designer working on the crafting system, so that you can get a sense of the numbers here:

Minerals are always the things we hear about people not being able to harvest, so here's some numbers pulled from the current Resource Tree setup file.

There will always be between 16 to 70 types of mineral resources in the galaxy, with between 16 to 210 pools of these resources spread among the 10 planets.

Of the various metals,

There will always be at least 2 types of steel, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 20 types)

There will always be at least 2 types of iron, with each type existing on at least 2 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 20 types, with up to 3 planets per type)

There will always be at least 2 types of aluminum, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 12 types)

There will always be at least 2 types of copper, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 18 types)

Of the various ores,

There will always be at least 1 type of Extrusive Igneous ore, with each type existing on at least 1 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 10 types, with up to 3 planets per type)

There will always be at least 1 type of Intrusive Igneous ore, with each type existing on at least 1 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 10 types, with up to 3 planets per type)

There will always be at least 1 type of Carbonate Sedimentary ore, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 10 types)

There will always be at least 1 type of Siliclastic Sedimentary ore, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 8 types)

Of the various gemstones,

There will always be at least 1 type of Amorphous gemstone, with each type existing on at least 1 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 10 types)

There will always be at least 1 type of Crystalline gemstone, with each type existing on at least 1 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 8 types)

And that's a quick summary of the mineral portion of the resource tree. Hopefully, that will give people a little bit better feel for why things behave the way they do.

Also, another thing players ask about a lot is polymer resource. Without breaking down the rest of the chemical portion of the tree...

There will always be at least 2 types of polymer, with each type existing on at least 8 of the 10 planets. (you could have up to 5 types)

So there you have it. Hope this clarifies things for people!

-Raph Koster,
Lien vers le post sur le forum officiel

Voici ce qu'en dis Holocron ( Raph Koster ) , mais suite a cet éclaircissement sur le "turnover" des ressources , il y a eu de nombreuses plaintes ...

- Il arrive que certaines ressources disparaissent actuellement en moins de 24 heures .

- Certains ont leurs extracteurs bugges et ne peuvent pas y accéder ( il me semble que cela est fixé maintenant )

- Sur certains serveurs , il semblerait que certaines ressources n'ai pas été disponible du tout ...

D'une manière plus géneral , extraire de manière correcte et efficace est quais impossible et cela prends beaucoup de temps de jeu . En effet, on ne peut pas approvisionner les extracteurs avec beaucoup d'énergie , ni payer un coût de maintenance pour un temps de plus de deux jours , sous peine de perdre cet entretien lorsque la ressource auras disparue .
Un autre problème : lorsque vous créez un produit usinable vous devez pour l'usiner et en sortir plusieurs copie , utiliser les ressources qui ont servie a crée la schematic , si celle ci disparaissent en a peine deux jours en moyenne , cela devient réellement problématique ...

D'un autre coté , il ne faut pas oublier que les devs prévoyaient le metier de mineurs il n'y a pas si longtemps encore . Le problème à mon sens est que leur système semble plus adapté à cela qu'à la réalite actuelle ...


Pour conclure Juliunus , je te conseillerais d'attendre un peu avant de te mettre sur ce projet , que les choses se soient un peu éclaircies et que le système définitif fonctionne normalement .
Je pense que tu as raison, avec les bugs actuels, et les probables optimisations à venir, il est plus sage d'attendre.

Mais dans un futur proche, je pense que lister les minerais disponibles jour par jour est intéressant.

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