[Realms of Torment] News - Système du jeu (en Anglais)

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Après la lettre des développeurs et une description très sommaire du jeu postées ici il y a quelques jours, voici les informations mises à jour portant sur le système du jeu.

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Six player races: Avian, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Human, and Troll; with sub-races that will emerge as the game world evolves.

A full skill based system for all trades, melee, and magic systems that allows players to create a character in nearly any fashion desired. Tied to the skill system is the degrading system, where skills not used will slowly degrade. Players can advance and learn additional skills and abilities through the Master-Apprentice system, where a Master of a skill works with a player (the Apprentice) to teach the desired skill.

A magic and melee system that allows the player to create nearly any spell or style desired with hundreds of possibilities.

A large variety of general and trade skills give players a choice in what profession to take on in life, from leadership skills to masonry, to riding and map making.

An armor and equipment system set up to be usable based on a characters abilities and attributes, where items slowly degrade in quality over the life span usage of the item. Customizable colorization of armor, as well as nine layers of armor types for 26 visible armor slots allowing players to create unique armor styles.

A political and social system that allows players to create a variety of organizations, from player orders to empires, where players can ally to create factions to defend or expand territories by social means or by force.

A player vs player system that ranges from single player vs. player to kingdom vs. kingdom wars, from town vs. town to guild vs. guild, giving unlimited possibilities to forming social and political alliances. This system, tied with the skill based system, allows players to participate in PvP at an early stage, without the usual wading through many levels to be able to enjoy this aspect of the game. Characters with high leadership skills will have the privilege to make use of a commander console, which allows that player to direct and partially or fully control entire armies during a war.

A City building and a realistic sieging system in Realms of Torment allow players to change the geography of the game world. Player organizations can build cities, setting the laws and the enforcement of them, and can hire NPC's to guard the land or lay claim to an existing player city by taking it over with force through war and sieging.

A player driven economy where the finest items are player crafted, and a unique auction system that uses special NPC's to create sales or trades, as well as player made quests or bounties.

A unique blood-line system exists to create many role playing possibilities, and adds to the expansion of the permanent death situations feature of the game allowing for truly epic gameplay situations. Players no longer are forced to stay with one character through out the game. Here they can have an entire blood-line or lineage, where the founding character of a line is born into the world carrying the name that all characters born there after of that line will wear. With this feature comes the ability to marry, have children, and in the case of permanent death, the player continues living in the game world through his or her child as a playable character and receives the benefits that come with that characters existing blood-line.

An accountability Player vs Player system called Fame that tracks a player's good and bad actions, and is inherited by each character of that player's blood-line. With the Fame system comes benefits to those players that play the game within the rules, completing quests, fighting along side their realm mates or even for pleasing their chosen gods. Players with a low Fame count are held accountable for their actions by other players.

A large geography gives players an immersive and detailed world to explore, including undergrounds (dungeons), woodlands, mountains, ice lands, swamps and more. As the world evolves and secrets are uncovered, the world size will grow.

Aside from player driven quests, there are NPC and game master quests that give players the chance to advance their character or their player organization, to gain favors or gifts from the gods, and to discover the hidden secrets of the world of Krel.

Realms of Torment offers a unique game story that is one massive mystery for players to discover. Through player interaction, the hidden storyline will slowly reveal itself, giving gamers control over the evolution of the world of Krel.

A large variety of AI fantasy creatures populate the world, allowing for player interaction and more challenging player vs. environment situations.

La beta 4 va bientôt commencer, vous pouvez aller ici pour vous inscrire

[Edit : lien beta]
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Provient du message de Moia
C'est le système de mort permanente qui vous laisse froid ?
Le problème c'est surtout qu'il y aura bientôt plus de MMORPG que de joueurs en fait, entre Star Wars, Star Trek, Les Schtroumpfs online battle, Warhammer, Warcraft, Mario supermarché online etc. On sent à peine que c'est le truc juteux du moment...
Top là Sevoth, c'est ce que je disais lors d'une discussion animée sur messagerie instantanée avec un gus de ton genre ^^

C'est vraiment dommage de voir que c'est toujours la même rengaine..
C'est quand même un des MMORPGs les plus avancés par rapport à sa date de sa sortie (nov-dec 03, qui va entamer sa phase beta 4) et je vois pas beaucoup de monde ici en parler.
Dommage ça me semble plus réaliste de parler du développement de ce jeu que MEO par exemple qui lui n'est vraiment qu'à ses balbutiements .
C'est un petit peu le phénomène de '' tout nouveau tout beau''.
MEO commence à peine à balbutier, mais c'était la même chose pour d'autres MMORPG.
Lorsque les bétas seront terminés et que le jeu sortira, il y aura à nouveau un relancement ^^
Enfin, c'est ce que j'ai pu constater certaines fois.
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Provient du message de Moia
C'est le système de mort permanente qui vous laisse froid ?
C'est totalement nier je trouve l'attachement que le joueur peut avoir avec son avatar.
La perma death, qui plus est associée à un vieillissement, et donc une mort, inéluctable, est pour moi une très mauvaise idée.
Qui plus est, 500h... c'est une durée ridicule, un peu plus de 20j de played... quel dommage.

Non, vraiment, je suis tout, sauf intéressé par un jeu dans lequel je pourrai totalement perdre un avatar que j'ai mis longtemps à faire évoluer, tuer son histoire... ça ne sintègre pas dans mon idée de ce que peut, et doit être un jeu.
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Provient du message de Moia
C'est quand même un des MMORPGs les plus avancés par rapport à sa date de sa sortie (nov-dec 03, qui va entamer sa phase beta 4) et je vois pas beaucoup de monde ici en parler.
Si tu crois que ce jeu va sortir en 2003, tu rêves...
Aratorn : ce n'est pas juste un système de perma death, ce système est couplé au blood line. Sans quoi ce serait stupide il est vrai. Si tu parles au niveau Roleplay, je trouve que cette idée est plutôt bien pensée.

Je remets ça pour vous éclairer un peu plus :

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How do blood-lines and permanent death situations work?
Realms of Torment places heavy emphases on clan and community as a way to live and play in the game. Many aspects of Realms of Torment reflect real life, from the effects of terrain on traveling to the degradation of weapons. We are attempting to give players one of the best arenas for role playing ever.
The blood-line system is your way to live through your descendents upon old age and eventual PermaDeath. In order to have a bloodline, you need to create an NPC child. Children come from:

Your character marries another character and produces an NPC child (or several children). Presently, children produced this way receive the benefit of learning the same skills of his/her parent at a faster rate. (Gender outcome can be influenced.)
Adopt an NPC child from your clan or village.
Parenting an NPC child of a friend.
Through divine intervention you might receive an NPC child. (Gender outcome can be influenced.)
The blood-line child is your prime's replacement in the case of PermaDeath. It is the character that you will play when your prime dies. There is consideration being given to allowing parents to play along side their child (the child being an NPC type).
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Death and PermaDeath. What is it?
Death happens whenever your character is killed by a monster, NPC or player. This is not a permanent death situation, but rather one that returns you to your bind point.
Permanent death of the character
Forced PermaDeath is a rare happening and usually will come about after the user chooses to place him or herself into a situation that can bring about PermaDeath. It can come about in a number of ways such as battles with gods or going on quests that have the risk of PermaDeath associated with them.
Characters will age. After an estimated time of 500 hours (this number being subject to change), a character will be considered "aged" and die of natural causes.Factors such as critical wounds received in battle over the character's lifetime will effect a character's life span. After PermaDeath, if your character cannot be resurrected, you have the option of creating a new character or playing your blood-line child as your new prime character.
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Provient du message de Moia
Aratorn : ce n'est pas juste un système de perma death, ce système est couplé au blood line. Sans quoi ce serait stupide il est vrai. Si tu parles au niveau Roleplay, je trouve que cette idée est plutôt bien pensée.

Je remets ça pour vous éclairer un peu plus :
J'ai bien lu ces passages ( sans quoi j'aurai évité de me prononcer sur le sujet ), et ça ne change pas mon opinion au sujet de la perma death, qui est pour moi un non sens du point de vu gameplay.
C'est un jeu conçu pour le RolePlay, quand tu t'y abonne, il faut prévoir faire une bonne dizaines de persos, tu les fais évoluer dans l'age ca peut-être intéressant, pour le RP, c'est pas fait pour monter un perso XP ou je ne sais quoi...
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Provient du message de Butloch
C'est un jeu conçu pour le RolePlay, quand tu t'y abonne, il faut prévoir faire une bonne dizaines de persos, tu les fais évoluer dans l'age ca peut-être intéressant, pour le RP, c'est pas fait pour monter un perso XP ou je ne sais quoi...
Oui sauf que Realms est un jeu dont le background tient sur un timbre poste. Un gameplay en désaccord avec l'univers donc...

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