Le DMG des armes

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Juste pour ma culture personnelle ( ne jouant pas de melees ) je me posais une question concernant le DMG des armes .

En effet, pour un spell c'est clair . 2.5 sec de cast time, pour 1200 dommages, on voit tout de suite à quoi ca correspond .

Par contre quand je vois une arme disons 14/22 , là je dois dire que c'est pas très clair .

14 en Dmg = Je doute que ce soit 14 DMG max , ou 14 DMG en moyenne ...

22 en delay = Ok mais 22 quoi ...

Bon voilà donc la question est simple : Ces chiffres correspondent t'ils a quelque chose, ou sont t'ils completement abstraits en eux memes et ne servent t'ils qu'a calculer le ratio DMG / delay ?
A chaque valeur de degats est associé un minimum et un maximum de dégats
influence par le niveau et la classe

par exemple une arme 1hs dmg 14 utilisé par un ranger lev 10 fera 20 points de degats max
par un sk lev 10 fera 19 points de dommage max
et par un warrior lev 50 fera 90 points de degats max

les chiffres en exemple que je te donne ici sont completement bidon

mais si tu regardes certains sorts de wiz sont aussi influencé
par le niveau du caster bien que pour les sorts high level
ce soit moins vrai

pour le délais j'ai jamais trop su comment ca marché
mais en gros plus le delais est petit plus tu tappes vite
et donc plus souvent

le ratio lui permet plus de comparer deux armes qu'autres choses
permetant de visualiser rapidement qu'une arme
dmg 14 delais 27 est meilleure qu'une arme
dmg 15 delais 30 par exemple
la premiere ayant un ratio inferieur a 2

c'est qu'une explication basique désolé je peux pas faire mieux
je crois avoir vu quelque part que le delay correspont a 1 dixieme de seconde

donc delay 25 tape toute les 2.5 szcondes ça correspond a peu pres a mon experience in live terrain ouhalala

domlesombre sk gnome tpoujours au contact lvl 29 euh oups 28 mais ya plus qune bulle bleue donc on va pas chipoter
voila THE THREAD , qui analyse les degats des armes en mélée.

petite mise en bouche de son analyse preliminaire :

Citation :

This is the Damage Profile of my Journeyman's Walking Stick (9/24) as wielded mostly in my Primary hand. I got this graph by logging all of my combats so far in 46th level, then going in with a text editor and removing everything but the "You crush" or "You try to crush" messages. Since my offhand weapon is a Kunzar Ku'Juch (1HSlash), this left me with a logfile of nothing but my hits with the Journeyman's Walking Stick.

You will notice that there are a few hits for Damage values from 1 to 7. These come from a few battles where I (for tactical reasons) switched hands and put the JWS in my offhand. Since the offhand doesn't get the Level Damage Bonus, my minimum damage for the JWS in the offhand is 1. There was no easy or consistent way to weed these battles out of the graph, so I just left them in. So pretend that they're not there.

The first thing to note are the two prominent peaks on the graph. The biggest peak falls at what we call the "Magic Number." The Magic Number is a Damage value that, at 28th or higher (and possibly at 20th or higher) can be calculated with the formula:

[(2 * DMG) + (Level Damage Bonus)]

The Journeyman's Walking Stick has a DMG of 9. According to this formula, my Magic Number will be [(2 * 9) + (7)] == (18 + 7) == 25.

And sure enough, the biggest peak falls on 25.

(It's called the "Magic Number" because it's the amount of damage you will hit for the most. Around 20% of your total hits will be for the Magic Number.)

The second peak falls at the Minimum Damage (aka MIN). From 28th level onward (and possibly 20th level onward), MIN can also be precisely calculated as follows:

1 + (Level Damage Bonus)

According to this, my MIN should be 1 + 7, or 8. And sure enough, the second peak on my Damage Profile is at 8.

You will notice that the majority of hits fall between these two peaks in a roughly (VERY roughly) even distribution. I say "even" because the lesser peaks between MIN and the Magic Number are almost always compensated by "valleys". In other words, there is a small peak at 12. But there's a "valley" at 9, which tends to even out the peak at 12.

Above the Magic Number, we have two types of hits. The first type are normal hits up to Max Damage (MAX).

According to the most accurate formula we have currently, your MAX can be calculated thus:

[((Weapon Skill + Strength)/100) * (DMG)) + (Level Damage Bonus)]

According to this, with my 110 STR, my max damage for the primary hand wielding a JWS should be:

[((200 + 110)/100) * (9)] + 7 == (3.1 * 9) + 7 == 27.9 + 7 == 34.9

Fractions are dropped, so my MAX with the JWS in my primary hand is 34 points of damage. You will notice that there is a small amount of hits at 35. This is because for some of these fights I had the 10-point Necro STR buff, which put my MAX at 35. But for the most part I was fighting at 110 STR, putting my MAX at 34. And you'll notice that the hits for over Magic Number on this graph are fairly evenly distributed up to 34.

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