Le reshuffle de l'été 2016

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Publié par Pugz
mdr secret
Apparemment good game agency (maison mère de alliance et EG) a fermé ? D'après leur twitter
Ouais, le boss alex garfield avait démissioné/kick il y a quelques jours. Et la on dirait qu'il y a du remue-ménage


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S4 will not remain in the new Alliance. New Alliance will restart with 2 members of old team. Official announcement tomorrow
OG( non officiel) : notail, s4, bulldog, fly, jerax

EDIT2: Zai out de chez EG

EDIT: résumé de l'interview de misery

Citation :

  • Interview happened after Moon move.
  • A little stressed but everything is fine.
  • Misery happy with TI performance and his best TI experience thus far.

  • Month before TI we had just qualified for TI and were already qualified for Nanyang, Starladder, and Summit from before hand. We had to play all three tournaments in the same month beforehand. We took it as practice for TI but it's hard to be calm and look at it as practice when you aren't doing well. We had three tournaments and they were really shit for us. We ended up learning a lot about ourselves as individuals. I learned to be a better leader too. But those were hard on us and very stressful because we went to the man were last place in all of them.

  • Every time Misery went to TI it was on a team that was formed on a very short notice with people that weren't meant to be playing together.
  • Misery has learned not to give up hope. TI is a ridiculously painful experience when you watch your team fall apart and you cannot do anything. Misery used that experience to get others motivated to push through the pain and outperform so that they don't go through that disappointment.

  • DC were doing terribly in scrims as well as tournaments before TI. Hotbid spoke to Misery after the Summit and Misery was very depressed.
  • DotA is a roller coaster of emotions - you lose, feel bad, talk about it, feel better, win some, lose, feel bad, etc etc. This is how it is for all players.
  • Pajkatt said, "Once you lose enough times you start doubting yourself."
  • The success of winning majors, coming second place in two majors, and winning several LANs with Secret made Misery realize what it took to win. That was something he didn't have before. That wasn't there in Misery's old games.
  • Misery has yelled at people and it's inevitable at times. It was definitely justified. "You're shit!" It was because they were not taking scrims seriously at all. Sure they were at the computer but they didn't give a shit about what was going on clearly. Someone had to tell them to get their head out of their ass.
  • Misery had to give several motivational speeches. Those helped a lot.

  • No one had lost their faith in DC despite lots of losses.
  • Loomdun was personal coach and Pajkatt was draft/replay coach.
  • Complexity's loss was surprising to Misery because they were ridiculously powerful in scrims
  • In group stage MVP were really hard to play against but most teams played really safe which made it easier.
  • Some teams were choking in group stage such as Fnatic who had consistently beat DC previously.
  • Regardless, the group was super super strong.
  • Playing at TI was just different. No one was making stupid mistakes. Everyone was motivated. We weren't playing 80% DotA but 100%. We began to 2-0 teams we would go 0-2 against.
  • DC and Liquid scrimmed quite a bit leading up to TI and those didn't go well. Even in officials Liquid always beat Misery.
  • Misery got triggered when they lost a game to VGR and he told everyone to step it up.
  • In the match vs EHOME Misery picked Meepo to see if the hero is good or not. But then after the game her realized that "nah, this hero is actually just shit."
  • Regarding the team's tweets "just this, nothing more". It was done because the group stage was getting to their heads and Misery wanted to humble them.
  • When DC played vs Wings in the upper bracket they choked completely, were overconfident and underprepared. But it was healthy to lose so early in the tournament because it allowed for there to be a conversation about not being cocky and overconfident.

  • Misery was so furious that they had lost. He wasn't angry at anyone in particular but he was just really angry at himself for not trying their best. In the evening they had a chat about it and it helped a lot. It was easy moving forward from there.
  • Beating LGD was awesome because it secured top 8. It was messy but a win is a win.
  • Xiao8 is Misery's buddy so he had no feeling of pride in beating him. Rather, the pride was in getting top 8.
  • Against TNC they played really poorly in the first game, perhaps because it was so early in the morning. But later on they picked Alchemist twice which gave DC two wins.
  • In game 1 of DC vs EHOME in Lower Bracket Misery picked Naga first to make them think that it was a core but then they pulled a support Naga which hasn't been a thing for a really long time. That really broke EHOME's morale and spirit.
  • No one knows how tanky Venge is as a core beause no one ever plays Venge carry.

  • Misery knew that EHOME would do a Lanm hero in the offlane with Eleven and they picked similar and consistent heroes. EG however, were very unpredictable. But they won't cheese you and first pick Naga or something so they picked slower.
  • First game DC had Naga support vs Void and it countered Chrono way too hard. Chrono->Sleep->Ravage->GG.
  • Second game there was the Jakiro pick. They had practiced it for a while and it seemed like a good pick. It was a winnable game but DC made one crucial mistake where they chased too far and got cleaved by Sven and died.
  • In game three DC's nerves began to come out. They made huge plays and then followed it up with lots of mistakes. They weren't afraid of making mistakes but there were definitely some questionable ones.
  • Misery said that in game 3 the only way EG could win was by going straight down mid. It was very stressful and tough.

  • It was hard for DC to get so hyped with a 3 hour series against EG but then they had a lot of down time and it was tough to get hyped again.
  • They found that hype again with the Skywrath game but Wings kept giving them PotM in later series and we kept picking it without thinking about it. DC were all out of ideas and energy and that made it hard. Perhaps things would have been different if DC had a day of rest but Wings were very strong regardless.
  • The feeling of losing the Finals was similar to the feeling of losing against Wings earlier. Misery thought that they didn't give it their all. They didn't choke but could have played better dota.
  • "It's sad to get to TI finals and lose it. But I don't think we expected to be in the finals in the first place."
  • The support DC got through Twitter was a huge morale boost.

  • DC went to the After Party and chilled out. Disappointed but they realized that they were really fatigued.
  • Misery plans of staying with DC as long as possible. He is very happy with everything.
  • If Misery had to pick a dream team without any DC players he would pick people like Kuroky, PPD, Cr1t, Zai, etc. Strong characters that he hasn't played with before.
  • Misery doesn't like captaining but it seems to be working out so he's continuing doing it.

  • DotA takes so much of Misery's time but if DotA wasn't there then Misery would probably go into business or something hard.

  • "It felt good to have Slacks as backup because we were so shitkappa ."

  • Some people understand why they are kicked others don't. Misery went from being kicked to kicking others.
  • "Obviously it does not feel good to be trashtalked like this. At all. Ever. But I feel like this time I had a lot of talks about it and I had a lot of time to think about it and we made the decision as a team completely. So I feel like this was the decision we came to and we are just going to have to stick with that. I know what the fuck I've been through before. People call me hypocritical and stuff and I was already aware that all this shit was coming because you know... I know this community, I've been in it for a long time, and I know how people react to stuff like this so it was just something that I had to just stick with. But it was a fucking difficult ass decision that took a long time."
  • "That guy, [Moon], is good. He was so fucking good in OG all along. When we started talking about potentially doing something [about the roster] then the only player I could see potentially replacing Moo would be Moon because I would not want some super high profile player. At the same time I felt like Moon was the opposite of Moo because he played more traditional offlaners and initiation heroes. He would be a really down to earth and chill dude. So then I kind of wrote to him and felt the waters to see what his plans were. At the time I didnt know he was kicked from OG. I didn't know anything. It was just that before we discuss anything about this [issue of kicking Moo] then we need to know if the one player that I know could be an improvement to the team is even available. Then I wrote to him and we had to talk about it more for multiple days because it was not easy."

Dernière modification par Ze_HailD ; 27/08/2016 à 22h22.
Plusieurs sources confirment :

1. Liquid.Matumba
2. Liquid.M1racle
3. Liquid.Mindcontrol
4. Liquid.Bulba
5. Liquid.Kuroky

On savait pour miracle, et les rumeurs cette après midi/ce soir autour de bulba ont explosées.

Si c'est vrai ( 95% probable), je vais rager. POURQUOI BULBA. POURQUOI? C'est la meilleur team européenne sur le papier avec miracle et tu fous le vieux bulba en support? POURQUOI? Bordel, même funn1k aurait été mieux. Tout sauf ça. Acheter zai, ou même sexybamboe ou demon, je m'en fous, mais par pitié, pas bulba.
Mdr Liquid le fail de l'année ce shuffle. Ils prennent Miracle ça a l'air au top et puis pouf en fait non lol, on va plutôt prendre Bulba pour perdre toutes nos games. D'ailleurs Miracle n'a toujours pas quitté OG sur le site de Valve, a man can dream. UN retournement de veste est vite arrivé Kappa. Liquid.S4 et on garde Miracle, please Gaben.

Bulldog a dit sur son ask.fm qu'il rejoignait pas OG. C'est peut-être un troll mais je vois pas l'intérêt vu que c'est pas très drôle. Pour ceux qui savent pas, les gens posent des questions qui sont masquées et la personne (ici Bulldog) choisit celles auxquelles il répond et qu'il rend public, du coup c'est sûrement legit? J'en sais rien.

Secret aussi je m'y attendais pas. GGA wtf? PANIC.
gga :

Et la team de rtz+ crit ( voir zai, on parle de mss aussi à cause de son tweet mais à mon avis c'est juste un troll) sera probablement C9.

Un autre stack teamless est ee+svg+1437.( et très probablement aui et 747).

Ppd a annoncé que sa nouvelle recrue jouait meepo.

EDIT: rumeur de dernière minute. L'arrivée de miracle chez liquid ne serait pas fait. La team de rtz essaierait de le chopper pour former ça:

Dernière modification par Ze_HailD ; 28/08/2016 à 06h47.
Mdr Miracle a flairé l'embrouille quand la rumeur Bulba est arrivée.
J'espère qu'il reviendra chez OG parce que les rumeurs pour nous c'est pas fameux mdr. Entre les mecs d'Alliance, Attacker et Moo pls help. On a gagné 2 majors quand même, où est le respect?

La team TheBoys que t'as posté, ou toutes les rumeurs autour, il y a que des bons joueurs mais 0 capitaine / drafter, je les vois pas dominer du tout.
Citation :
Publié par Hark²
Oh putain Alliance

Bon, tant qu'il reste Loda ça passe, S4 était moins au niveau j'ai trouvé.
Ca va être le bordeeeeeeeeeel §

Loda, pire joueur compétitif tout court, ez.
Un peu perplexe devant toutes ces révélations....

Miracle chez Liquid, mouai. J'aime Fata et ça me saoule de voir qu'il se fait encore torpiller. Mais bordel, Bulba !!! Puté, le mec passe chez EG c'est la cata, il enchaine chez Secret, c'est la cata. Il y a un truc que l'on ne doit pas comprendre nous spectateurs. Ces mecs là ne sont pas des cons PPD, Puppey, Kuroky, et si ils integrent Bulba c'est qu'il y a une raison et cette raison, ben on ne la vois pas.
Citation :
Publié par Max²
le classique kick d'egm incomming ?
HAHAHAHA. Ce shuffle ne fait aucun sens.

PS:akke chez liquid à la place de bulba svp

A non, akke coach en fait.

Dernière modification par Ze_HailD ; 28/08/2016 à 20h56.

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