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Publié par Mehara AD

y a pas moyen de cocher une option pour re-avoir jol en blanc? ça me nique les yeux, c'est horrible

Meha t'es ouik !

Encore une idée à la c.. des modos jOl pour nous faire fuir le forum

(ouf un peu plus et j'oubliais de m auto censurer !)

It's a thread that's nothing to do with DAoC itself and I made a random comment on the theme....I was having fun.

Do you not want any dev interaction at all here? Just on topic DAoC and nothing else, no fun or random interactions? Cause when I do post something DAoC related you don't believe me or belittle what I say, so I'm not really sure what you guys want.
Citation :
Publié par CarolK
It's a thread that's nothing to do with DAoC itself and I made a random comment on the theme....I was having fun.

Do you not want any dev interaction at all here? Just on topic DAoC and nothing else, no fun or random interactions? Cause when I do post something DAoC related you don't believe me or belittle what I say, so I'm not really sure what you guys want.
We want to be heard, stop listening to some BPC (Blind played character) as Kapkent and others.

But keep posting on "funny" subject

You are all heard - I read here almost every day and pass along anything needed passing and discuss things that come up. Heard doesn't mean something is going to happen, though, you have to realise that, it's common sense. Just because someone suggests something doesn't mean it'll be put into the game or changed. It's not possible - one person wants something that another doesn't i.e. someone wants Vamps removed from the game, another wants them nerfed, another wants them boosted - we hear it all, we listen, we read, we reply when we can, but we can't do all that, it doesn't make sense.

You have to trust the devs are (and they are) doing what they feel is best for the game and players. You may not agree with that, and that is perfectly ok when constructive, but the devs are not trying to kill the game or end it.
Citation :
Publié par CarolK

You have to trust the devs are (and they are) doing what they feel is best for the game and players. You may not agree with that, and that is perfectly ok when constructive, but the devs are not trying to kill the game or end it.
@CarolK : Could we have some numbers on the population in game ? I mean how many active accounts today ? How many there was one year ago ? 6 months ago ?
@CarolK : please continue to browse and write on JoL forums. Don't really get aggroed so easily

The main issue is generally not a technical issue, where you can agree or disagree, but a lack of visibility on what could/would be DAoC. Thus, such a big change like EV sounds strange to some players because it could be "bus sized" tailored.

On my side i enjoy actually the game, and EV is not my main grief. Mine is rather the structure fight is actually unreadable and lack of reasonnable challenge. Siegecraft is wonderful but never really used, and defending a keep seems a waste of time at equal numbers.

I think BS should really state about their mid term goals. It would certainly help player to renew and keep them in touch with the developpers.
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