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Hey all, happy Monday. (Not the band.)
Wanted to give an update on this week and the rest of the year in general!

Blade had a good weekend of testing and feedback and we have lots to address today. There are some small changes that'll go to Test Center later today that were done over the weekend. Thanks again for all the feedback!

Danger Room
Danger Room's had a lot of great feedback and we're working on some pretty big changes. The difficulty is pretty far off where it should be and we're working on that, and this weekend had more bug reports to work through. This is mid-November at the earliest due to bugs and some upcoming changes that will need testing. We're dedicated to making Danger Room awesome and we know the delay will help us achieve that.

Defense Changes
This is still underway. We're shooting for mid-November, but it's a big task that'll need a solid amount of testing from you guys as well as QA. I'd like to ship this separately from Danger Room, as they may muddy the waters of each others' testing. We're very happy with how it's shaping out though, and it's allowing us to make some nice changes to systems that have been needed for a while.

Halloween Event
The Halloween Event is returning this week, along with the spoopy Avengers Tower decorations and a brand new Halloween costume and Team-Up that'll be in the store (Frankencastle). Frankencastle was actually finished last year, but we chose Brood Wolverine over him, so he gets his time to shine this year.

Deadpool 52
I've answered it a few times, but a nice central post is needed. Deadpool's 52 is currently scheduled to go live in December with Marvel Heroes 2016. It's very important to us to get him done by the release of MH2016 as he's the last review, but if players at that point feel he needs more work, he'll hang out on TC for a bit longer. As to why he's been delayed- he has a lot of new animations and powers, and we felt that getting the Defense Review done sooner rather than later was very important.

Upcoming Heroes
Magik is up next after Blade. Iron Fist is after her, with Black Cat on the thread between December and January.

Upcoming Team-Up Heroes
Agent Venom is the next Team-Up Hero to be released. He is planned to ship sometime in December.

Marvel Heroes 2016
Planned to ship in December. Just reiterating.

Costume Sale for Halloween?
Yes. <3

In Closing
Have a good week, everybody. See you out there in the streets of Midtown today. (Just kidding last time I was there I got really sick.)

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Magik Preview
Ask and ye shall receive! Magik, our first-ever winner of a community vote for playable hero, is coming at the end of this month, and the last bits of visual polish and mechanics are being developed as we speak. Since we still have a bit of time before she'll appear on Test Center, we wanted to do a small preview of some of the things you can expect from Magik's power kit, but any and all of this is subject to change based on internal iteration and approvals.
To help prepare itemization for Magik - she will deal full Mental damage, and have supporting summons for builds that choose to use them.

Mutant Swordswoman
Magik’s first power tree focuses on the Soulsword’s power, and Magik’s skill in wielding it. We’ve overhauled all of her animations and visuals from her Team-Up’s default attacks, creating some flashy new strikes and slashes.
In addition to her melee Soulsword abilities, the first tree houses several powers highlighting Magik’s mutant ability to create teleportation discs. With these, she can teleport herself, fly, or teleport her enemies towards her for easy slicing and dicing.

Limbo Minions
Having rule over Limbo, Magik has the ability to call upon its denizens to do her bidding. The Team-Up version of Magik has displayed this ability by calling on the minor creatures, and this will be represented in the playable version as well. Magik will be able to call upon many of these creatures to form a battalion around her, though they will need to be often replaced when they perish.
However, in her playable incarnation, Magik can go above and beyond the minor creatures, calling even more powerful demons and creatures. Magik can opt into summoning either of these larger, more durable, and more damaging Major creatures, instead of a larger number of the Minor Limbo creatures.
Each minion summon power can be activated again, which instructs all of those minions to perform a unique attack, transforming the summon powers into cooldown layers. Magik also has some additional summoning tricks up her sleeve involving those that she slays with the Soulsword, but we’ll let you discover those when Test Center hits...

Dark Magic
As a sorceress, Magik’s arsenal also includes an array of magical enchantments and spells. Her third power tree will include high-utility debuffs and area clearing skills, focused on enhancing and supplementing her melee combat. For example, Magik can create a portal and summon up a large Bone Wall directly from Limbo, using it as cover against ranged attackers. Other powers include a debuff that causes Magik to restore health when she strikes those afflicted, an offensive attack that causes defeated enemies to explode, a large conical projectile area attack, and much more.;file=MTkyMHgxMDgwLzIwMTMwNzA5L2JsdWUgY29taWNzIG1hZ25ldG8gbWFydmVsIGNvbWljcyBjeWNsb3BzIG1hZ2lrIHNjb3R0IHN1bW1lcnMgaWxseWFuYSByYXNwdXRpbl93YWxscGFwZXJzd2EuY29tXzIwLmpwZw==&amp;name=Ymx1ZV9jb21pY3NfbWFnbmV0b19tYXJ2ZWxfY29taWNzX2N5Y2xvcHNfbWFnaWtfc2NvdHRfc3VtbWVyc19pbGx5YW5hX3Jhc3B1dGlu

Magik’s secondary resource, “Command”, is a dynamic system that can be spent in three ways to allow players to customize their playstyle. Command is not a traditional resource that is spent and accrued regularly in combat. Instead, most players will find they set up their Command “loadout” once, then play for a duration before changing it.
  • Command is consumed for each Limbo minion Magik controls. Smaller minions cost less Command, while the bosses cost more Command. The Command remains consumed so long as those minions are alive.
  • After summoning minions, Magik can consume them, giving her a permanent buff effect for each minion. This retains the consumed Command, effectively turning it into a passive boost for Magik herself.
  • A pair of toggled powers exist which will consume Command to directly increase the offensive potential of certain powers, granting them massive damage bonuses and cooldowns, creating new layers in her kit.
Using Command, any number of build options can exist. One player may go full Limbo minions, while another sacrifices them all for self-buffs. Another player may opt for a hybrid, using one of the extra cooldowns, and spend the rest of the Command to keep one of the Major Demons around. There are many combinations for different playstyles.

Illyana presented a unique opportunity to bring in a design I’ve been wanting to incorporate into Marvel Heroes for some time. Her powers and abilities include enchanted melee attacks, magical ranged/area attacks, and control over a host of minions. These skills were the perfect mold for a tribute and homage to a fan favorite classic aRPG class, while still creating our own interpretation of it that is balanced and supported within our game. I’ll leave it to the community and genre veterans to figure out just which class we took inspiration from once she hits Test Center...
Thanks for voting in the first community poll and bringing Magik to this year’s roster, and please join us when Magik hits Test Center later this month.
Et la review 52 de Deadpool:
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We’ve saved the best for last.
Deadpool’s Level 52 has been long-awaited, and though you’ll have to wait a little while longer, we wanted to provide a preview of what’s to come, to get your feedback and try to hold over the anticipation. For his design update, Deadpool will be receiving a host of new powers and updates to his mechanics while preserving his simplistic and straight-forward playstyle, though new options may open up for those that wish to explore them. To help preserve this simplicity, Deadpool will not be receiving a secondary resource, and will continue to use Spirit.
Spirit?! Are you kidding me?! Alright, let's try this again. To help preserve the AWESOMENESS of how great Deadpool is, he will not use any resource at all and will instead just have a cool picture of his face. Much better.

Guns, Glorious Guns!
One problem we quickly realized with Deadpool is that he needed more guns, bigger guns, and more ways to use them. We found the solution:
Okay. A big gun. That's a good start. I better get my old bazooka back.
One of the powers I’m most excited to see in action showcases Deadpool doing what he does best - he spins in circles, slicing and dicing any enemies in melee range, while also using his pistols to shoot enemies outside of melee range, anywhere on the screen. Did I mention he can move while channeling this? If ever there was a power that represented Deadpool, this is it. Oh, and it’s spammable with no cooldown. Enjoy!

What about the arrow? Don't you guys like arrows? They're in every game now! You don't even have a cool archer-type! That's me now. Deadpool. Archer guy.

Why stop at swords?
Sure, Deadpool may be known for wielding some blades in his day, but he’s got more weapon proficiencies under his belt that haven’t been represented yet in Marvel Heroes. We’ve brought in two new melee weapons for Deadpool to enjoy - a pair of Sai’s for more up-close and personal combat, and this guy to clear out packs of enemies:
Not to be outshined by his new ranged toys, Deadpool’s gaining some sweet new sword powers and animations that’ll showcase his… unique fighting style.

Whack a Hydra Agent, here I come...
Cleanup, Aisle D
With the new Deadpool, many powers have been retrofitted, upgraded, or replaced with better versions of themselves. His passives will be reorganized for better power point arrangement, and the current plan is to add specializations to further allow customization of Deadpool’s playstyle, allowing him to focus more on melee, ranged, or hybrid gameplay.
With this update, we wanted to focus more on what makes Deadpool the deadly Merc with a Mouth, as he already had several powers to represent his fourth wall breaking. However, we did set out to improve on the ones that already existed and make them more appreciated by a wider range of players. The new God Mode, for example, will include power-altering specializations to allow even more cheating. You could spec into Multiplayer to call in extra alternate-reality Deadpools whenever you use God Mode. Or, if you're more of a lone-wolf Deadpool, spec into the new-and-improved super-sized Power-Ups to really amp up your stats.
Cheating is bad and you should never do it unless it helps me.

It wouldn’t be the finale of the Level 52 Reviews without a new Ultimate power. Server Lag will become Deadpool’s signature, and despite its lower cooldown, will still be a ridiculously powerful effect for dealing with tough baddies.
The new Ultimate concept is essentially a massive version of the spinning, slicing, dicing, shooting Whirlwind-type power described earlier. Only instead of just swords and bullets, it’s... everything else. Deadpool will continue to fling and shoot anything and everything, in his arsenal or otherwise, to blow away anyone standing. Things that can be shot out of the Deadpoolnado include, but are not limited to:
  • Grenades
  • Laser beams
  • Rubber chickens?
  • Flash bombs
  • Energy bullets
  • Spider-Webs!
  • Chunks o’ concrete
  • Microdrones
  • Boomerang arrows!
  • Sentinel parts
  • Pumpkin bombs
  • Hotdog carts
  • That guy’s leg!
  • Kinetic cards
  • Briefcases full of paper
  • Missiles
  • Taskmaster’s shield!
  • Pulsars!
  • ...I’m done.
  • Ooh! Ooh! Hulkbuster squirrels!
  • ….
  • ….I'm out.
L'image de la barre de raccourcis de Deadpool annoncerait-il pas une sortie console ? (à moins qu'il ne soit déjà dispo sur console, j'avoue que j'en sais rien lol)
Car tous les raccourcis sont ceux d'une manette Xbox.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Bien vu!
Ça sera plus simple d'accéder au certains skills plus occasionnels que l'on met sur F2, F3, F4 + click droit.

De plus en plus de jeux offrent la possibilité de jouer à la manette (à défaut d'avoir une barre d'action modulable comme sur tout MMO) et dans le cas de Marvel Heroes, je me suis demandé pourquoi ça n'a pas été possible depuis le début puisque le jeu peut parfaitement être maniable avec une manette, en tout cas c'est à mon sens moins incohérent qu'un FPS à la manette

Sinon vivement l'arrivée de la Danger Room, et pourquoi pas une refonte du X-Def et de l'Holo-Sim ou encore le red raid Axis, la on se fait chier mais d'une force... Ce qui explique peut être en partie le nombre toujours plus décroissant de joueurs actifs dans la guilde JoL.
Perso j'attends le 52 de Deadpool et Magik pour revenir faire un tour ^^

Et bien sûr la Danger Room !

Car j'avoue que se co pour pas faire grand chose, des events qui sont pas très utile (à force) !
je me demande comment va réagir le ciblage a la manette, si il y aura des switch possible pour la 2eme barre, etc...
et putain la mega hype pour ma part pour le 52 de deadpool.
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Publié par Nibolgomeh
Sinon vivement l'arrivée de la Danger Room, et pourquoi pas une refonte du X-Def et de l'Holo-Sim ou encore le red raid Axis, la on se fait chier mais d'une force...
En même temps, ils font exactement ce que les joueurs avaient demandés (et ici aussi sur jol d'ailleurs, je crois même qu'il doit y avoir ces discours sur ce thread même). C'est à dire, freiner un peu sur les majs de contenu et prendre quelques mois pour retravailler ce qui n'allait pas et peaufiner le jeu (De mémoire mais je peux me tromper, regarde voir du côté de l'historique jol de Sadyre, Rasetsu ou Ori, je suis à peu près sûr que 2 ou 3 parmi eux l'ont dit).
Et c'est exactement ce qu'ont fait Gaz depuis quelques mois. Alors oui, les gros joueurs comme nous commencent à tourner en rond à force d'attendre. Mais une pause fait du bien, j'en reviens, j'y suis encore en fait, et je suis regonflé à bloc pour quand le nouveau contenu va sortir.
En attendant, tous ceux qui reviendront avec la danger room ou même pour MH2016, ou bien ceux qui viendront le tester pour la 1ere fois auront bien plus de contenu et moins de pbs que nous lorsqu'on a commencé.
Ces quelques mois avant que la danger room ne sorte et que MH 2016 (le chapitre 10 de la campagne, les ladders et la nouvelle patrouille hightown,) n'arrivent aussi, il y aura quand même eu de gros efforts de faits sur l'equilibrage des persos, les qol, les majs des uniques de persos, les reviews 52 finies, la review des team ups, le jeu dispo sur Mac, la prise en main des manettes, les succes steam, l'amelioration et personnalisation des coffres, l'horloge, les comparatifs d'équipements, pouvoir respé ses compétences ou omégas en illimité sans avoir besoin de potions de respec, la campagne unifiée à ne plus faire 3 fois mais avec des ajouts de quêtes pour compenser, l'amelioration du roster pour les costumes, la refonte du dodge/defense, la refonte du craft, et une floppée de petits trucs mineurs dont j'ai oublié la teneur.
Bref, je trouve que c'est plutôt intelligent de leur part d'avoir peaufiné tout ca, avant de faire venir/revenir du monde avec leur extension, plutôt que continuer de bourrer sur le contenu comme ils avaient fait jusqu'ici et que les gens passent leur temps à gueuler derriere qu'il y a des trucs qu'ils n'aiment pas et voudraient qu'ils modifient.
Je dirais même qu'il est un peu tôt encore pour lancer MH2016 comme ils veulent le faire en décembre (et si ils s'y tiennent). C'est vrai que c'est mieux de lancer un 2016 en janvier qu'en juin (bien qu'il l'ait déjà fait ) mais il aurait mieux valu à mon sens que la campagne lvl 60, les reviews xdef et holosim, voire ultron cosmique et Onslaught red aient été finis avant de relancer la machine à buzz. Qu'ils n'aient plus qu'a se focaliser sur le nouveau contenu dès la sortie de MH2016, plutôt que d'avoir à repasser quelques mois derriere a continuer le peaufinage. Mais soit. Le taux de rétention sera surement nettement superieur cette fois ci que la précédente (ce qui a malgré tout par le passé été suffisant pour qu'ils n'aient jamais cessé de faire du nouveau contenu et améliorations tous les mois, et a un rythme assez soutenu sans aucune comparaison possible avec la concurrence, donc je ne suis pas inquiet, vu que ca devrait se passer encore mieux cette fois ci).
Zut, encore un pavé sur jol. Ca faisait longtemps. Je retourne en pause
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Last month, we gave a preview of some game-wide changes to the defensive system that would be coming to Marvel Heroes. This Test Center build is the public's first chance to test and experience those changes.
Problems with the Previous System
  • Damage Negation was an extremely potent defensive layer that could not be itemized for since it was exclusive to hero passive powers. The band-aid solution was for everyone to have it, which is equivalent to no one having it (and reducing mob damage).
  • Projectile Deflection/Reflection suffered a similar problem as Damage Negation, though the tuning of ranged mob attacks was also a factor for these particular stats.
  • Defense Rating appeared in large values on gear slots 2-5, which meant players started far into diminishing returns and could not feel appreciably tankier without gearing for prohibitive amounts of it.
  • Dodge Rating suffered a similar problem as Defense Rating except that some heroes received a large amount of it on their defensive passives, creating a similar problem with itemizing for dodge rating.
  • In part due to the above issues, Health was the dominant defensive stat to itemize for.
Changes in the New System

Damage Reduction
There is now 1 stat named "Damage Reduction" which simply and clearly tells the player how much damage a same-level enemy hit will be reduced by. Gamers might otherwise know this term as damage "mitigation".
(For those interested, exact formulas can be found in Gameplay Guides)
Defense Rating
Previously, Defense Rating was mitigation in Marvel Heroes, and it still is a big part of the equation. Specifically, Defense Rating still converts to Damage Reduction, but there are several other methods of gaining Damage Reduction as described below. Defense Rating will no longer appear as the "white" stat in gear slots 2-5. Damage Reduction % will directly replace it in those slots. The rationale for this change is that all players will start with a baseline amount of Damage Reduction that does not push them far into diminishing returns of Defense Rating just by equipping a few pieces of gear.
Currently, gear slots 2-5 can grant up to 27% Damage Reduction with maximum roll.
Example: a level 60 player with 5000 Defense Rating will gain 11.8% Damage Reduction. Total Damage Reduction is now 38.8%.
Dodge Rating
Dodging in Marvel Heroes has had a long and storied history, and today it returns to its roots of giving the player a chance to completely avoid all damage from an incoming attack. The formula which converts Dodge Rating to Dodge Chance has been modified so that excessively high chances cannot be attained for balance reasons. Additionally, to help ameliorate the issue of Dodge being a "spiky" defensive mechanic, 40% of a players Dodge Chance will be added to Damage Reduction. For those keeping track, this used to be what was known as "8% Block/Evade". As such, the Block/Evade mechanic as been eliminated, since Dodge is the equivalent mechanic in the new system.
Example: the same level 60 player with 5000 Dodge Rating will have a 11.3% Dodge Chance and gain 4.5% Damage Reduction. Total Damage Reduction is now 43.3%.
Deflect Rating
Deflection in Marvel Heroes is now defined as a chance to reduce incoming damage by 50%. Again, for those keeping track, this is simply the old Dodge. It makes thematic sense that deflecting an attack will result in partial damage being taken. Projectile Deflection has been eliminated and in most cases replaced with Deflect Rating. Projectile Reflection still exists in a few places and in small amounts, mostly for flavor. 20% of a players Deflect Chance will be added to Damage Reduction
Example: the same level 60 player with 5000 Deflect Rating will have a 22.5% Deflect Chance and gain 4.5% Damage Reduction. Total Damage Reduction is now 47.8%.
Total Rating Multipliers
Accompanying the 3 primary stats of Defense, Dodge, and Deflect are the corresponding multiplier stats: Total Defense Rating, Total Dodge Rating, and Total Deflect Rating. These stats are very simple to understand and simply increase your base rating value.
Example: a player with 20% Total Defense Rating and 5000 Defense Rating will have a final value of 6000 Defense Rating (20% more than 5000)
The purpose of these rating multipliers is to increase the value of a certain stat to a certain hero. In every hero's kit, passive power(s) will grant 2 of these rating multipliers, which flavorfully reward a hero for gearing a specific defensive stat. Hulk has Total Defense Rating and Total Deflect Rating, while Squirrel Girl has Total Dodge Rating and Total Deflect Rating. Only Taskmaster has a smaller amount of all 3 rating multipliers!
Rating multipliers can be found on select items/omegas/team-ups, and Attributes will be the primary way for players to gain more (more below).
Damage Negation
Damage Negation has been removed as a mechanic from Marvel Heroes and is replaced by the Total Rating Multipliers mentioned above. There are still powers which reduce damage multiplicatively outside the 3 stats mentioned above, but those mechanics now use the language "Takes X% reduced damage". An example of such mechanics are the Ignore Pain mechanic of Punisher, Ghost Rider, and Moon Knight.
Melee vs Ranged
Previously, we compensated melee players for their more dangerous positioning by giving more Damage Negation. In the new system, Melee players will gain 5% more Damage Reduction in most cases. A fully Melee hero will gain it passively on their defensive passive. A Hybrid hero will need to hit with Melee powers to gain 5% Damage Reduction for a short duration.
To support the 3 primary defensive mitigation stats, 2 Attributes were modified to grant the Total Rating Multipliers. Durability now grants 2% Total Defense Rating (includes Mental, which was previously on Intelligence). In addition, the Health and Healing values have been increased. Speed now grants 2% Total Dodge Rating, 2% Total Deflect Rating, and increased damage to Movement Powers. These changes were made to ensure there is a reason to take all 6 Attributes, depending on your character's build and preference for damage vs survivability vs utility.
Pets now inherit the player's Damage Reduction instead of Defense Rating, and this inheritance no longer scales. Pets will only inherit a scaling amount of Health from the player. All pets were reviewed and their defensive stats balanced.
Health and Healing
For the most part, Health and Health Regeneration remain intact at current values on most heroes. There were a few cases in which they needed to be lowered or raised for the entire kit to be balanced. We analyzed every power of every hero to ensure that each hero had a diverse but equally effective defensive kit. This work will be ongoing in the coming months, but you can expert there to be a much, much tighter balance between the survivability of different heroes.
Future Work
We are extremely proud of the amount of work that went into this revamp, but our work is not complete. The current Test Center build still has many bugs that many of you will undoubtedly find. Please report those bugs here. There are also many balance issues that will be resolved in due time. Items and Omegas have been partially updated, but we have more updates to those systems coming even after this patch. This patch lays the foundation for many, many more tuning updates to come, which will only make itemization more fun, interesting, and balanced.
Et pour que l'info ne se perde pas, je mets les formules ici:

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The following formulas are posted here for the convenience of theorycrafters and other interested parties:
Defense (to Damage Reduction %) = .4R/(R + 200L)
Deflect Chance = .9R/(R + 250L)
Dodge Chance = .45R/(R + 250L)
  • R = Rating
  • L = Enemy Level
Damage Reduction % = Defense (from above) + 20% of Deflect Chance + 40% of Dodge Chance. There is a hard cap of 90% on Damage Reduction.
A level 60 player has 5000 Defense Rating, 3000 Deflect Rating, and 2000 Dodge Rating. In addition, s/he has 25% Total Defense Rating, 20% Total Deflect Rating, and 10% Total Dodge Rating.
Defense Rating = 5000 * 1.25 = 6250
Deflect Rating = 3000 * 1.2 = 3600
Dodge Rating = 2000 * 1.1 = 2200
(Note the UI will show your value after factoring in the rating multipliers)
Against a same-level enemy:
Defense to Damage Reduction % = 13.7%
Deflect Chance = 17.4%
Deflect to Damage Reduction % = 0.2 * 17.4% = 3.5%
Dodge Chance = 5.8%
Dodge to Damage Reduction % = 0.4 * 5.8% = 2.3%
Total Damage Reduction % = 27% (from gear) + 13.7% + 3.5% + 2.3% = 46.5%
Et aussi Magik:

Dernière modification par Associal ; 12/11/2015 à 21h02.
Rapport hebdo:

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Hi all,
Another busy week here at Gazillion (as per usual) so a shorter than preferred update. I'll be around to answer more questions all day/week.
Here's what we have this week...

  • Magik spent her first weekend in Test Center and it was pretty darn good, I think. Lots of good feedback and the final 'assassinate' power should be in tomorrow. Today's TC build won't have too many changes since the weekend build had all of the Friday changes.
  • @PsiLocke is iterating on this constantly thanks to your bug reports and feedback (along with the overall mob changes from @MichaelMayhem). The more you post, the more we can fix ASAP!
Danger Room
  • Lots of tuning and tweaking to come for difficulty and rewards this week. Release date TBD, we're focused on making this fun. Lots of meetings this week about feedback, so please keep delivering it. We'll be doing dedicated play sessions this week that we'll announce the schedule for (like a smaller Play with the Devs). @Asros will be announcing that soon!
In Development
What's next?!
  • Iron Fist already has many of his animations in-game and hooked up. Once Magik ships, we'll dedicate a post to his mechanics just as we did for Illyana & Deadpool.
  • Deadpool 52 already got his write up and we're still reading your comments over there so if you have concerns, speak now, etc. He's under way as far as development goes and keeps telling us to make sure he gets finished before the holiday break. We're working on it Wade, you can stop sharpening your sais.
  • We're working on designing the next Omega System tab this week and finalizing some details of the upcoming changes to the overall system. Once those are worked out, we'll share the plan with you guys. @MichaelMayhem in particular is excited about that.
  • Item Enhancement/Starktech 2.0: @Asros has been meeting with the engineers on the progress for this. If you don't know, it's a Starktech system for Uniques and perhaps other item slots that will do things like allow you to customize Any Hero Uniques to suit your build/etc. It will not just be "+1 to X Power", that's just the current iteration of it for Artifacts.
  • Crafting Changes: In engineering now. As I've said before, we're reducing the number of tiers for each type to 1, and have some other highly requested QoL changes. This is "phase 1" of the changes to this system with more to come, but we think it's important to get these out. These are looking to be launching in December as planned.
  • Secret Invasion: Well under way and nearly ready for testing. The enemies for this mode are shaking out to be the best yet, I think. The waypoint names snuck their way onto Test Center, but you guys haven't seen anything yet.
  • Black Cat is also coming along, with her powers fully estimated and ready to enter the pipeline. I think her level of fun will surprise people.
  • But what about the next characters? Well you already know about Angela, and it's not too long now until you know about the plan for next year. Be patient, my friends.
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Team-Up Synergies are definitely happening, we just got ahead of ourselves on other features. @MichaelMayhem will have a post about them in the coming weeks speaking to our design goals and philosophy, as well as the general direction they're taking. We'll want feedback on all of that before implementation kicks off.
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Q: Didn't say there would be more Omega points, just that they were working on the next tab.
Dev: Why not both?
Etat au 1er décembre des infos sur les contenus à venir:

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When is the Marvel Heroes 2016 release going to happen?
We have decided to move to release out of December and into January.
Two reasons for this:
  • Quality! We've gotten feedback over the past year (and before that, even) that we should take more time with important content and features and not be afraid to delay them to make sure they're great. We agree with that. We think that delaying things to make the game better and less buggy is super important. Our schedule has been too aggressive in the past for us to focus on things that matter most and in 2016, we aim to put the spotlight on quality and improvements.
  • Holidays! Marvel Heroes 2016 will be a major release with a new character, a new story chapter, and more, and if something is wrong with any of these features, it will be much harder to respond to them due to the holiday schedules.
What will be coming out in December then?
Coming out in December separate from the 2016 release will be:
  • Iron Fist
  • Danger Room (Before the Iron Fist patch but still relevant)
  • Crafting Rework Phase 1
  • Winter Event/Sale
  • Howard the Duck
What about Deadpool?
Deadpool's 52 Review will be on Test Center this month. The release date is to be determined by your feedback.

What will the Marvel Heroes 2016 release contain?
Here are the things current scheduled for that release:
  • Secret Invasion Story Chapter
  • Leaderboards and Tournaments
  • Black Cat Playable Hero
  • Omega System Update
  • Agent Venom Team-Up
  • Controller Support
  • First set of Visual Updates for characters and costumes
Just wanted to give a full update and breakdown on our schedule and what you can expect.
And yes, I know you're waiting to hear about 2016 heroes. We're working on that!
Et preview d'Iron Fist:

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Iron Fist

Hey all! It's time for another hero preview - one of (if not the) most anticipated for me personally: Danny Rand himself, the Immortal Iron Fist. He brings a rare opportunity for us to do a true classic Martial Artist, and we've gone all out with his animations to accurately represent his skills. On top of incredible animations, Iron Fist also has an alternate primary resource, and a unique mechanic that will make him play unlike any hero to date.
Chi - New Primary Resource

Iron Fist commands a new Spirit replacement known as Chi. Chi is directly associated with Iron Fist’s stances - activating a Stance Opener completely fills Chi, and that Chi can be spent so long as the stance buff is active.
Each Stance Opener grants Iron Fist a new fighting style and buff effects, and also enhances a specific cooldown power - the associated Stance Combo. For example, the Good Fortune Thunder Kick is a fine cooldown power on its own, but if used after entering Crane Stance via the Crane Kick power, Good Fortune Thunder Kick also deals Area damage on impact in addition to its other effects. Finding a rhythm of using the appropriate Stance Combo powers after the correct Stance Opener will be the key to unlocking Iron Fist’s full potential.
In addition to the martial arts punches and kicks that become Chi-enhanced, Iron Fist can also directly channel his Chi into blasts for taking out larger groups of enemies.
Finally, each stance also augments Iron Fist's single target Chi spender to have completely new animations based on the fighting style of the Stance. You can expect high kicks in Crane Stance, and arcing claw-palm slashes in Tiger Stance.

Leopard Stance - Diving onto his prey and opening with a wide arc uppercut, Iron Fist uses the Leopard Stance - an agile fighting style with increased speed.
Crane Stance - Opening with a powerful pair of kicks, Crane Stance offers health restoration as the core to its buff effects.
Dragon Stance - Backflip kicking with incredible strength allows Iron Fist to enter Dragon Stance, a defensive and more resilient fighting style.
Tiger Stance - Iron Fist attacks twice with open-palm strikes before entering Tiger Stance, an incredibly aggressive stance offering increased critical bonuses.
Snake Stance - Opening with a two-handed outstretch jab, Snake Stance causes Iron Fist to strike at specific weakpoints within his enemy, causing extensive internal damage over time.
Iron Fist Punch!

There could be no other appropriate Signature power for Danny than the aptly named Iron Fist Punch. This massive single punch, if it connects with an enemy, delivers a huge shockwave of force behind the initial target. Additionally, Iron Fist Punch changes in its effects depending on which Stance you currently have active. Dragon Stance offers a short duration invulnerability effect if you activate Iron Fist Punch, where Tiger Stance ensures it will critically hit.
I hope you're as excited to play the master martial artist as much as I am! His design is simple in terms of the total number of powers, but has depth within those powers to create many different player builds. I can't wait to see the debates on which Stances are best for which situations, and those brave enough to try single stance builds.
Iron Fist will be available on Test Center hopefully within 1 week, but may slip to next weekend.
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Publié par allensan
une question , c'est moi ou les licensiements chez gazillon ont vachement ralentis leur cadences de patch et leur contenus ?
Non, c'est plutôt moi qui ait pratiquement stoppé la mise à jour des infos sur jol, et qui ne met plus que les gros trucs. Et encore quand j'ai envie, pas toujours.
Sinon il y a toujours autant de boulot de leur part et toujours des patchs toutes les semaines.

Ils ont juste freiné ces dernier mois sur le nouveau contenu (Façon de parler car ils ont continué de faire un nouveau perso et un nouveau team up chaque mois, la danger room est toute fraiche de ce mois ci et l'extension MH2016 et le contenu associé le mois prochain), mais depuis cet été ils etaient plus dans une politique de refonte et d'améliorations des systèmes existants.
Les tunings de persos, la review de tous les uniques, la fin des review 52 (avec deadpool qui arrive) et surtout la review de la dodge/defense avec tout ce que cela comprend (tous les passifs de tous les persos, pratiquement tous les équipements, et certains omégas) ont été un tres gros morceau et représentent un travail considérable. Et cela prépare le jeu pour le reste à venir (la danger room c'est fait depuis, mais aussi red onslaught, cosmic ultron, la review de xdef/holosim, le pvp out of beta, etc...) surtout. Ces changements étaient une étape obligatoire.

Bon ok, je sors du mode feignant et allons y pour une ou deux news de la semaine alors:
(en plus de gros changements pour rogue, uniques comme pouvoirs, et 2 pouvoirs volés de plus via Iron fist et Howard, dont je ne mets pas les screens car cela n'est pas définitif et encore en cours de développement)
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ID : 258355   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : q6HtQcQ.jpg
Taille : 1296x1228
Poids : 388,3 Ko
ID : 258356   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : Z2GAqcK.jpg
Taille : 1920x1080
Poids : 287,0 Ko
ID : 258357  

Dernière modification par Associal ; 14/12/2015 à 17h40.
Le planning des events pour la fin de l'année, le nouveau team up de Magik par les achievements et les nouveaux uniques de Rogue:
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Hello all!
I wanted to give a quick update and let people know which events will be running over the course of the next several weeks. Here is the current plan.
Dec 18-31 - Winter Event(Will run at the same time as A.R.M.O.R. and Mystic Mayhem)
Dec 18-24 - A.R.M.O.R. - The Duck Arrives!
Dec 25-31 - Mystic Mayhem - Without Midtown Demons since that requires a patch and we will not be patching that week.
Jan 1-7 - Operation Omega
For the duration of the Winter Event, we will be running 100% server side bonuses for XP/RIF/SIF instead of the normal ARMOR and Mystic Mayhem amounts as well as the double cosmic prestige bonus!
As was done last year, there will be daily login gifts during each day of the Winter Event this year. Those will be announced very soon!
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Nom : Gzd1BCN.jpg
Taille : 396x563
Poids : 90,0 Ko
ID : 258553   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : AnuJTm2.jpg
Taille : 399x585
Poids : 90,4 Ko
ID : 258554   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : CXpXH3l.jpg
Taille : 397x651
Poids : 104,8 Ko
ID : 258555   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : EUbt6ba.jpg
Taille : 405x605
Poids : 97,3 Ko
ID : 258556   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : rKamRMP.jpg
Taille : 397x561
Poids : 88,0 Ko
ID : 258557  

Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : oXGOPp4.jpg
Taille : 941x730
Poids : 71,2 Ko
ID : 258558  

Dernière modification par Associal ; 17/12/2015 à 14h32.
For the duration of the Winter Event, we will be running 100% server side bonuses for XP/RIF/SIF instead of the normal ARMOR and Mystic Mayhem amounts as well as the double cosmic prestige bonus!

J'ai un peu de mal avec cette phrase, ça veut dire 100% xp serveur en plus des bonus xp des armor et mystic mayhem event, en même temps qu'un bonus xp doublé pour le prestige cosmique ?
Ca veut dire qu'il y aura +100% (pas de changements pendant l'Armor) mais +37 % (car 63% en temps normal) pendant la semaine mystique, ainsi que le double prestige cosmique (qu'il n'y a pas normalement pendant ces deux events ci).
- Valeur totale des deux semaines = +100% pendant les deux semaines + double prestige cosmique pendant les deux semaines aussi.
- Plus le buff de l'event noel, buff droppable sur les mobs qui demandera de tuer certains boss pour une explosion de loot (2 semaines aussi)
- Plus les cadeaux journaliers à la connexion qu'ils vont rajouter, dont on aura la liste et la durée plus tard.
- Et probablement des soldes.

Dernière modification par Associal ; 17/12/2015 à 16h04.
Liste des bonus quotidiens en se connectant au jeu pendant cette période de fin d'année:
Ne loupez pas les boites de heros/costumes/teamp ups, pets gratuits
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14 Days of Festive Favors!
- Fri, December 18 Currency Explosion! Log in for a currency gift that includes Eternity Splinters, Odin Marks, and more!
- Sat, December 19 Log in for a Classic Green Dr. Doom Team-Up!
- Sun, December 20 Log in for a Mk1 Fortune Card!
- Mon, December 21 Patrol Boost! Log in for a free Patrol Boost to help with Midtown Monday!
- Tues, December 22 Log in for a Blue Omega Box that contains one of many rare Boss-specific Uniques!
- Wed, December 23 Log in for a Cosmic Penta Rush Boost!
- Thurs, December 24 Log in for an ice cold Snow Flurry Visual Artifact!
- Fri, December 25 Log in for a Holiday Groot Team-up! NB: (ceux qui l'ont déjà, l'echangeront contre un ultimate upgrade token)
- Sat, December 26 Log in for a Festivus Pole Artifact!
- Sun, December 27 Log In for an Ice Golem pet!
- Mon, December 28 Log in for a Random Costume Box!
- Tues, December 29 Log in for a free Winter Wonder Boost! This boost grants 200% RIF/SIF/XP, 2X Eternity Splinter Drop Rate, an Increased Odin Mark Drop Rate, and lasts for three hours!
- Wed, December 30 Log in for a rare Mysterious Crimson Box that contains one of many rare Boss-specific Artifacts!
- Thurs, December 31 Random Hero Box! Our final day brings a Random Hero!
Et il y a une solde sur les G pendant le week end. +15% à l'achat.

Dernière modification par Associal ; 19/12/2015 à 11h08.

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