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Citation :
War Machine should be ready for public test center around 10-12 working days (around mid-August).
Cable is a bit farther along that I thought he would be (VFX and design teams made a huge amount of progress on him this week), so he will get another round of alpha testing this week and then be ready for public test center next weekend, if all goes well.
A propos de la revue des drops de xdef/holosim:
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Player: What's really needs to happen is that the bosses have to drop some of their main artifacts. The ones people grind and grind and grind for. Increasing the chance of getting those at higher levels would draw players in and keep them in longer. Rare Rune and Artifact drops mandatory.

Dev: That is most definitely part of the plan.
Le tuning final de Jean Grey (et son léger nerf attendu. Mais si, ne faites pas les étonnés ):
Citation :
Jean Grey Updates for Tomorrow's Public Test Center
We are in the final changes of Jean Grey's update and are focusing on final tuning, bug clean up and animation responsiveness.

  • Make her more responsive whenever possible. This is mainly an animation timing task.
  • Fix any existing bugs that have been reported. I believe we have everything covered that has been reported, for tomorrow's build.
  • Bring down TTL and TTK closer to correct ranges (currently, she is far above and outside the tuning band in both). We'll take one stop tomorrow and evaluate again next week.
  • Fixed all reported bugs that are reproducible.
  • Adjusted animation timing to make Psychokinetic Implosion slightly quicker to use
  • Adjusted animation timing to make Mind Crush slightly quicker to use
  • Adjusted animation timing to make Psychic Lethargy slightly quicker to use
  • Inferno animation changed to be completely instant
  • Dark Phoenix damage multiplier reduced
  • Psychokinetic Implosion / Kinetic Wave damage absorb shield amount reduced
Et pour finir, quelques images de War Machine qui arrive bientôt (Costume Iron patriot et compétence de lance-flammes avec son look par défaut, "ca va chauffer" comme dirait Ben):
Miniatures attachées
Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : Jn3uLZd.jpg
Taille : 785x873
Poids : 231,6 Ko
ID : 250680   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : EzsYPwl.jpg
Taille : 888x726
Poids : 90,5 Ko
ID : 250681  
Date qui peut être soumise à changement en cas de retard, mais plus ou moins fixée:

Citation :
War-Machine: Release Date: August 28, 2015
Cable 52 Review: Release Date: August 21, 2015
Et maintenant que la review des uniques de la torche est passée live, la semaine prochaine c'est au tour de ceux de de Luke Cage.

Dernière modification par Associal ; 07/08/2015 à 23h15.
Parait qu'ils ont fusionné les 3 niveaux de difficulté en 1, on peut passer 60 en faisant l'histoire une seule fois ou c'est toujours aussi long ?

Le futur contenu c'est bien mais j'ai déjà bien la flemme de monter de nouveaux héros pour pouvoir profiter du contenu actuel.
Citation :
Publié par xkz92
Parait qu'ils ont fusionné les 3 niveaux de difficulté en 1, on peut passer 60 en faisant l'histoire une seule fois ou c'est toujours aussi long ?

Le futur contenu c'est bien mais j'ai déjà bien la flemme de monter de nouveaux héros pour pouvoir profiter du contenu actuel.
Oui, une seule histoire, qui te donne plein d'xp en faisant des quêtes, tu peux donc monter 60 en faisant que l'histoire ou presque.
A certains moments, on est un peu sous level, et il est nécessaire d'aller faire du midtown/terminal/quête légendaire ou autre pour revenir dans les tranches de niveau requises afin que les quêtes donnent bien l'xp qu'elles doivent donner. (si tu es trop sur ou sous level, les quêtes ne rapportent quasiment plus aucun xp, genre 90 au lieu de 5 000 000)
Perso, depuis qu'y a ce changement, je pex qu'en faisant ça moi. Histoire + quête légendaire quand y a besoin.
A savoir que la refonte de la campagne se fera en plusieurs etapes. L'ajout de quetes chapitre 1 a 4 et l'uniformisation, ce n'était que la 1ere etape. D'autres quetes devraient etre rajoutées entre le chapitre 5 et 9 dans les prochaines etapes. (Plus la sortie du chapitre 10 a venir, bien qu'ils ont l'air de dire que le chapitre 10 serait niv 60, donc ca ne changerait pas grand chose au pex)
Citation :
Publié par Associal
A savoir que la refonte de la campagne se fera en plusieurs etapes. L'ajout de quetes chapitre 1 a 4 et l'uniformisation, ce n'était que la 1ere etape. D'autres quetes devraient etre rajoutées entre le chapitre 5 et 9 dans les prochaines etapes. (Plus la sortie du chapitre 10 a venir, bien qu'ils ont l'air de dire que le chapitre 10 serait niv 60, donc ca ne changerait pas grand chose au pex)
Merci pour les réponses.

C'est pas mal tout ça, j'attendrais un peu avant de revenir mais le coup de refaire 3 fois la même histoire dans des difficultés différentes, c'était marrant dans les années 90/2000, je suis bien content que ça commence à disparaitre
Une nouveauté à venir dont j'ai fait une copie d'écran à partir du streaming de DegenTP sur la review de Cable.
Saurez vous trouver cette nouveauté ?
Cliquez ce bouton ou survolez le contenu pour afficher le spoiler
(Ceux qui répondront: "Ils ont mis un artwork de Jesus sur le tchat", ont perdu )
Miniatures attachées
Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : 1439337902-nouveaute.jpg
Taille : 1920x1080
Poids : 602,7 Ko
ID : 251255  
Gagné, Xenobia

Et sinon la 1ere itération de la review de Cable est sur le PTS:
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Cable's long-awaited Level 52 Review is now available for public testing! To proceed with testing, purchase the Cable Test avatar found in the roster for 1 Eternity Splinter.
Veteran Warrior now hosts three specializations for Cable to opt into, each of which focuses on powers from a particular tree. These specializations also come with their own detriments, so not choosing a specialization is also a valid build decision.
Cable's been outfitted with plenty of new weaponry.
Plasma Barrage is now Plasma Submachine Guns and has received new artwork.
Concussion Blast now fires directly at the targeted location rather than slowly heat-seeking.
Viper Beam and Particle Accelerator have been added as brand-new powers.
The Psimitar has been added to Cable's arsenal, and with it, his second skill tree has been retrofitted to focus on this new devastating mid-range melee weapon.
Cable's new signature, Foresight Bomb is located in the Askani'Son tree. This is a retrofitted version of his former Ultimate, Bodyslider Bomb, and functions similarly.
Chosen Psion
Cable's psychic abilities have been improved and enhanced to great effect.
Techno-Organic Virus has been moved to level 1, and many of Cable's passive affixes have been condensed into it. It's former near-death buff effect can now be activated on demand, and provides more power than ever before.
Psychic Haze now deals an initial burst of damage and immobilizes targets, merging the former functionality of Psychic Trap.
Three new psychic powers - Mind Bullets, Telepathic Illusion, and Telekinetic Overload - have been added.
Ultimate Power
Cable has received a new Ultimate power, Greymalkin Barrage. Activating this power calls upon the orbital space station Greymalkin to deliver a planet-cracking beam to your enemies. Cable can redirect this orbital beam by activating Veteran Warrior, ensuring that the beam is always focused on the most optimal location.
Please use this thread for any feedback or bug reports for Cable from today's Test Center.
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The focus for the test center patch is mainly Cable.
Later in the month, we are still on track for a new event, War Machine, Stash 2.0, Carnage, public testing of Danger Room and a few other QOL improvements to the game.
Interessant de voir qu'ils comptent faire un gros patch pour MH2016 (on avait entendu la plupart de la liste, mais pas que ca allait être compilé en un seul gros morceau, enfin pas moi en tout cas) et pour l'info sur le 3eme raid.
Merci à toi pour l'info.
A propos des Limbos (j'ai retiré les images comics parceque c'est chaint à mettre en page et ca n'apporte rien en jeu, pour les fans de comics, le lien complet est ici : ).
Pour les autres, le résumé est en dessous:

Citation :

A confrontation is upon us. A showdown with evil.
The Demon Lord N’astirh has opened a rift between Earth and Limbo. He is invading our world, causing mayhem, fear, and ruthless destruction.
N’astirh has a purpose. He seeks to establish a permanent bridge between the two realms such that he may finally conquer Earth and all her citizens.
He’s summoned allies from some of the most dangerous realms this side of Hel - striking a deal that would divide up Earth into parcels, to be ruled by the worst of the worst.
It’s your duty to stop N’astirh and his minions before their invasion succeeds. Dislodge the advance forces that are invading Earth and shut down N’astirh’s base of operations through a direct assault on Infernal Limbo itself.

Introducing Mystic Mayhem

Mystic Mayhem is a new event for Marvel Heroes. It’s born out of the necessity to ensure N’astirh’s invasion of Earth does not succeed and the demon’s base of operations in Limbo is shut down.
Many heroes of the Marvel Universe are coming together to help you, the Hero, defeat the Demon invasions and stop the mayhem.
In scope and size, the new Mystic Mayhem event is a cross between a regular weekly event and a Big Ten event. Mystic Mayehm will be included and return in the regular cycle of events.

Mission: Possible

Your mission, Hero, should you choose to accept it, is to defeat the Demons on earth and take the battle to Limbo itself, fighting through N’astirh’s henchman, allies and finally bring down the Demon Lord himself.
As always, should you or any of your Supergroup be caught or killed, The Watcher will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This post will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Hero.


  • 1963 Legendary Limbo Scrolls
  • From 63 to Eternity
  • Heroes Wanted
  • Asgard Supports the War Effort
  • Experience Counts
  • Finding Items - Magic and Otherwise
  • New Mission: Strike on Limbo
  • Infernal Limbo - Defeating the Demon Lord
  • Mystic Mayhem Invades
  • Bloodstone Amulets
  • Mayhem Demons
  • Mystic Achievements
  • Achievement Mayhem!

1963 Legendary Limbo Scroll

1963 was the year Marvel introduced the Marvel Universe to the legendary location of Limbo in an issue of The Avengers #2. ('63 was an amazing year for comics, featuring not just the Avengers, but X-Men, Fantastic Four, Nick Fury and Spider-Man all featured prominently)
To celebrate that first issue in which Limbo appeared, we're using the same database tech as the Vibranium Ticket promotion: There will be 1963 Legendary Limbo Scrolls to be discovered during Mystic Mayhem.
If you find a Legendary Limbo Scroll, you can open it immediately a collection of sweet icons, including something Crimson, something Blue, something Ultimate and something Legendary.
In addition, 63 of those Limbo Scrolls will be doubles, with double everything inside.
These Legendary Limbo Scrolls give in-game items and are available in all regions, with no paperwork or delay. As soon as you find them, you can open them up. They are very well marked, you can't miss 'em.

From 63 to Eternity

For the duration of Mystic Mayhem, the rare 10-drop Eternity Splinters will be joined on all loot tables with Bundles of 63 Eternity Splinters.
The drop rate of the 10-pack bundles will also be doubled for the duration of Mystic Mayhem.

Heroes Wanted

The demon hordes will not be put down easily - we'll need every hero we can get.
To that end, during the full duration of Mystic Mayhem, Hero Tokens can again drop anywhere in the world, in and out of Limbo, from any enemy.
It wouldn't be Limbo without a chance at a Hero Token.

Asgard Supports the War Effort

Asgard has a vested interest in keeping the Demon Lord N’astirh from harming the innocent people of Earth. To that end, they have entrusted the Asgardian Runemasters with helping the brave heroes who are defending themselves against this assault from Limbo.
For the duration of Mystic Mayhem, thanks to the hard work and solidarity of the Asgardians, the chance of acquiring the very rarest Asgardian Runes will be increased tenfold. These coveted ancient runes are still extremely rare and useful items, but perhaps the heroes will have a chance of acquiring one or two during this time of need.

Experience Counts

To help defeat the demons of N’astirh and stop the invasion, all heroes will receive a 63% server side experience boost throughout the entire Mystic Mayhem event.
This applies to all zones, on Earth and Limbo and will stack multiplicatively with a player’s other experience boosts.

Finding Items - Magic and Otherwise

To aid heroes in acquiring the tools they need to repel the Demon invasion, Dr. Strange has summoned as massive, powerful enchantment on Earth that will assist heroes in finding rare and special items.
Both Rare Item Find and Special Item Find receive a 63% server side boost for the duration of Mystic Mayhem.

New Mission - Strike On Limbo

A new permanent mission launches with Mystic Mayhem: Strike On Limbo
The mission is available from Magik in Xavier’s Institute.
You’ll be asked to help lead a strike on N'astirh in Limbo, challenging the Demon Lord himself, in his domain with his allies and henchman awaiting your challenge.
This is a new permanent, optional mission and may be completed by each hero in your roster.
Completing the mission has several awards, mostly importantly a permanent +3 Power Point upgrade and +63 Health Upgrade.
You can choose to complete this mission when Mystic Mayhem launches in the very near future, or wait until Mystic Mayhem comes around again in the event rotation. You can't keep a Demon Lord down forever...

Infernal Limbo - Defeating the Demon Lord

For the duration of the event, heroes may access a special gate to N'astirh's base in Limbo.
Infernal Limbo is his specific domain and he's recruited beings from several dimensions as guards.
You must fight through these guards and take down N'astirh before he escapes. Time is limited.
Level 60 heroes may access this gate to Infernal Limbo whenever they wish, with no restrictions.
The assault team will include up to 5 heroes, automatically matched if desired.
If a hero defeats each encounter within the time limit and defeats N'astirh himself, they are given the opportunity to complete a random follow-up mission, only available during Mystic Mayhem.
The random follow-up missions are given by Doctor Strange, Magik, Clea, Forge or Ezekiel. Each has a different series of objectives and award several Mayhem Coffers.
There is a rare follow-up mission awarded by Agent Stan Lee himself that players may encounter.

Mystic Mayhem Invades

During the Mystic Mayhem event, bosses have a chance of dropping an extra Mystic Chest of loot.
The only catch, they'll be swarming with invading Mayhem Demons. You were warned.

Bloodstone Amulets

A new Unique neck slot item can be looted from enemies during Mystic Mayhem, with the best chance from invading Demon forces (throughout the world) and from Mayhem Coffers.
Each amulet has 5 bonuses, representing the 5 souls stored inside. Heroes will decide for themselves whether to add these items to their arsenal of gear, whether to trade in several for a new one or whether to save them in their improved Stash vaults.

Mayhem Demons

Magik is all to familiar with these ferocious demons. They can appear throughout the world and in Limbo. They must be put down before they harm innocent people.
Defeating a Mayhem Demon in any zone has a chance of awarding heroes with Mayhem Demonblood, a new artifact that allows heroes a taste of Demonblood, at a price...

Mystic Achievements

With every new Mystic Mayhem event, we'll introduce a new Mystic Achievement.
The Mystic Achievement for each Mystic Mayhem will contain a clue directly in the achievements UI panel. The clue will help true detectives down the path of solving the mystic mystery.
This means every month or two, we'll have a new mystery to solve.
If at least one hero completes the Mystical Achievement for the current Mystic Mayhem event, then the 63% server-side Experience boost, SIF boost and RIF boost will carry over for an extra day into the next event (likely stacking with whatever server-side bonus the next event has, which is very much Boost Mayhem).
If zero players decipher the mystic clue and solve the achievement, then the same achievement will return for the next event, with more details added to the clue.

Achievement Mayhem!

Mystic Mayhem has a complete section of new achievements to accompany the event.
Here are a few early previews to check out:


I hope you enjoyed this preview of Mystic Mayhem, coming soon to a server near year.
There are many details of how everything works, so we'll have a complete FAQ about the event as we get closer to launching it.
The goal is to launch the inaugural Mystic Mayhem event before the end of August.
To help us prepare, we just activated Limbo on test center (right now!) - check it out in the waypoint menu and let us know how the fights feel.
Discuss this preview here:
Avec quelques compléments d'infos:

Citation :
- Player: Are all runes considered Asgardian runes or only the ones named after the gods themselves? If only certain runes, will Zod count in that rare bunch?
- Dev: All runes are considered Asgardian runes in this world. So, yes, even Zod.
Citation :
- Player: Are the hero tokens weighted towards being entirely random or will i have a greater chance at heroes i don't own or barring either of those will they be weighted towards the hero i am using if i have all heroes?
- Dev: The hero tokens that drop during this event are completely random.
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- Player: How many players will be in the limbo game mode instance?
- Dev: The event is tuned and designed to be enjoyed by 5 people. (added that)
The mode has automatic matchmaking.
Citation :
- Player: When you said permanent, it sounds like you mean the mode will be playable outside the event.
But later you say "You can choose to complete this mission when Mystic Mayhem launches in the very near future, or wait until Mystic Mayhem comes around again"
Im assuming the latter is true.
- Dev: You are 100% correct.
Citation :
- Player: Wait so the mode will be around for good, the mystic mayhem will just make it basically a million times better?
- Dev: No, Infernal Limbo will be around just for Mystic Mayhem, but you can do the Strike on Limbo mission for +3 power points whenever you wish (during an active Mystic Mayhem).
Basically, you don't have to rush to do all your heroes during the first time the event is active.
Citation :
- Player: I'm aware the three power points is not really that significant in the long run, but it's still a touch of power creep. Either way, my question still stands. Why is Limbo tied to an event?
- Dev: This particular section of Limbo (Infernal Limbo) was created specifically for this event.
We are definitely considering a larger version of Limbo for someday in the future, but that is much more involved and this very specifically tied to the Mystic Mayhem storyline.
Citation :
- Player: Since the FAQ mentioned that Mystic Mayhem will be a cross between normal events and Big 10, will it be on the event rotation or will it be infrequent?
- Dev: It will appear as often as Operation Omega, ARMOR Incursion, Odin's Bounty, etc. It will become part of the regular rotation!
Citation :
- Player: Also, will the Mystic Mayhem zone (Limbo) be available at all times?
- Dev: Just during Mystic Mayhem. A full Limbo zone is definitely on the table for the future, but after Chapter 10, Danger Room, Knowhere (scoop les mecs) and the new Patrol Zone are done.
Citation :
- Player: Is the Ezekiel mentioned related to Spider-Man (the one during JMS' run and the Spider-Totems and stuff)?
- Dev: Yes, it's that Ezekiel and he asks for help in collecting some totems so he can help participate in quelling the Demon invasion.

Dernière modification par Associal ; 14/08/2015 à 05h32.
Woa, c'est juste énorme... Bon, pas de bol pour moi, après le dernier week end d'aout, je risque d'avoir des difficultés à trouver beaucoup de temps pour jouer pendant 2 semaines, j'espère que l'event sera bien fin aout du coup

Les 3 points de skill en plus c'est sympa, ça va permettre de faire 8 skill complets + 9 à 1 point, aujourd'hui certains héros devaient bloquer 1 (ou plusieurs) skills au rang 19 pour prendre plus de skills à 1 point ^^
Patch PTS à venir:
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Hi folks,

As we speak, we're working on a new build for public test center that is our big "mainline" build (containing changes from 4+ weeks of development).
It will include:
  • Initial public testing of War Machine. We anticipate the usual week or two of feedback, iteration, testing, feedback, etc. , before final launch.
  • The next iteration of Cable's level 52 review. We have another couple of rounds of iteration scheduled for Cable.
  • Carnage team-up early testing.
  • Early testing of STASH 2.0. This will include the ability to rename STASH tabs, attach an icon to them (an basic icon list exists on test center for, testing), move tabs around freely and perform a basic auto-sort.
  • Testing of item affix compare. This shows how much each affix gains or loses when you are comparing items.
  • Included is also color coding of the affix roll range value (the numbers in brackets) for "how good" each roll is (blue = perfect, green = top 25%, yellow, orange and red each have a descending 25% quartile).
  • The usual amount costume tweaks and bug fixes that come with a big patch. (Lord may provide patch notes related to this if we pray enough).
  • Others things I am likely forgetting.
Estimated time of completion of the build and upload to test center is late tonight / tomorrow morning depending on how long the slaves/developers stay in the building.
Edit: En fait non, j'ai quelques heures de retard, le patch PTS est disponible au téléchargement actuellement.

Citation :
Player: So, did some of the slaves escape?
- Dev: They'd never make it past the moat anyway. Those alligators are hungry.
Ouf, aucun dev/esclave n'a été maltraité durant ce patch (ou du moins en situation d'en parler et de se plaindre)

Dernière modification par Associal ; 16/08/2015 à 06h48.
Info importante:
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Hi all,
With STASH 2.0, we've decided to upgrade everyone's Crafting Tabs to General Tabs and eliminate the idea of Crafting Tabs altogether in the future.
Crafting tabs will become less and less useful as we make tweaks to the Crafting system in the future (we're trying to automate crafting a little more and make it more intelligent, as well as remove some crafting element rarities), so we felt this was a good time to upgrade everyone.

Any Crafting Tabs that you own when STASH 2.0 launches (around end of August) will be automatically converted to General Tabs.
This is probably the closest to a STASH sale that we'll see anytime soon. (Buy Crafting tabs today, get General tabs converted automatically).
We're also doing testing and iteration of STASH 2.0 - if you have feedback, please check out the official test center thread and place your comments there. (Not in this thread, since the UI team needs it in one place)
(Note, Hero Tabs will stay exactly the same and play a useful role in organization)

Et à propos des limbos et de cette partie notée dans un post plus haut...

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Bloodstone Amulets

A new Unique neck slot item can be looted from enemies during Mystic Mayhem, with the best chance from invading Demon forces (throughout the world) and from Mayhem Coffers.
Each amulet has 5 bonuses, representing the 5 souls stored inside. Heroes will decide for themselves whether to add these items to their arsenal of gear, whether to trade in several for a new one or whether to save them in their improved Stash vaults.
... Voici la même chose mais en images:
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Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : bascrn.png
Taille : 471x387
Poids : 212,4 Ko
ID : 251563   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : DqHzV07.jpg
Taille : 389x317
Poids : 42,5 Ko
ID : 251564   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : cEP9rBH.png
Taille : 382x320
Poids : 68,9 Ko
ID : 251565  

Dernière modification par Associal ; 18/08/2015 à 06h52.
Warmachine a l'air vraiment génial, je l'attends avec impatience. L'event limbo a l'air très complet, j'espère que le taux de drop des héros ne sera pas trop bas. Les prochaines mises à jour semblent très complètes.
Tuning Corner:
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Gambit's internal metrics show him below ideal tuning range, so the team is working on correcting that as we speak. He will be fixed next week for the War Machine patch.
Same with Panther and Bucky who also also slightly under correct tuning range and will be receiving buffs to get them into the proper tuning range.
Et à propos de ce passage ci:
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1963 Legendary Limbo Scroll

1963 was the year Marvel introduced the Marvel Universe to the legendary location of Limbo in an issue of The Avengers #2. ('63 was an amazing year for comics, featuring not just the Avengers, but X-Men, Fantastic Four, Nick Fury and Spider-Man all featured prominently)
To celebrate that first issue in which Limbo appeared, we're using the same database tech as the Vibranium Ticket promotion: There will be 1963 Legendary Limbo Scrolls to be discovered during Mystic Mayhem.

If you find a Legendary Limbo Scroll, you can open it immediately a collection of sweet icons, including something Crimson, something Blue, something Ultimate and something Legendary.
In addition, 63 of those Limbo Scrolls will be doubles, with double everything inside.
These Legendary Limbo Scrolls give in-game items and are available in all regions, with no paperwork or delay. As soon as you find them, you can open them up. They are very well marked, you can't miss 'em.
.... Voici la même chose en image:
Miniatures attachées
Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : XpCjmsh.jpg
Taille : 387x590
Poids : 28,3 Ko
ID : 251632   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : n4XvQMQ.jpg
Taille : 391x582
Poids : 30,0 Ko
ID : 251633  
Enfin, pour finir, à propos des récompenses pour mettre une raclée à N’astirh dans son domaine (5 joueurs), ainsi que pour ca...
Citation :
Mayhem Demons

Magik is all to familiar with these ferocious demons. They can appear throughout the world and in Limbo. They must be put down before they harm innocent people.
Defeating a Mayhem Demon in any zone has a chance of awarding heroes with Mayhem Demonblood, a new artifact that allows heroes a taste of Demonblood, at a price...
... Voici la même chose en image (existe en tout type de dégâts, mental, mais aussi physique et energie):
Miniatures attachées
Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : ERkcW0A.jpg
Taille : 386x457
Poids : 55,8 Ko
ID : 251750   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : C6X0IM1.jpg
Taille : 387x400
Poids : 58,8 Ko
ID : 251751   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : bEXF6ll.jpg
Taille : 385x400
Poids : 62,6 Ko
ID : 251752   Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle

Nom : KSwGNwi.png
Taille : 337x351
Poids : 155,6 Ko
ID : 251753  

Dernière modification par Associal ; 21/08/2015 à 04h37.

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