Serveurs Down ?

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Citation :
Publié par K0uds
Depuis la maintenance je n'arrive plus a parler sur les differents canaux de discussion ( region / langue ... etc), suis-je le seul ?
Même chose pour tout le serveur apparemment ce matin....:/
Citation :
Publié par Yunneï
Impossible pour ma part de me conecté en ce moment je reste bloqué sur la page de login c'est normal svp ?? merci de votre aide
essaye plusieurs fois c'est des time out que tu te prends, sûrement du a la surcharge du serveur d'authentification.
au bout d'un moment tu auras la charte a accepter encore...
Bah tu t'attendais a quoi pendant une beta ? un serveur operationnel? oO
encore heureux qu'ils y a des update, ca prouve qu'ils travaillent.
Patch Note

Citation :
Open Beta Notes

Login and server select lag should be resolved. This is one of the major reasons for pushing this update to ensure it is resolved for live.

1. The mouse will now turn the character (not the camera) when holding down both mouse buttons.
2. Territory specific files are now in place to prepare for multiple languages. Please ensure your launcher is set to the correct territory under settings.
3. Updated support and errors links throughout the game.
4. Servers are now labeled appropriately for their region or language.
5. Our language filter is now fully operational. ******in’s can now freely talk about their cl***
Citation :
Publié par apocrim
heureusement et avec les coupure pendant l'open beta ils offre une journée supplémentaire? lol
quelque heure supplémentaire seulement :x

fin de l'open lundi a 9h du mat
Patch note Patch Notes - 09/12/09 bt_edit.gif

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The Open Beta Patch Notes will be Coming Soon!

Open Beta Notes

Login and server select lag should be resolved. This is one of the major reasons for pushing this update to ensure it is resolved for live.

1. The mouse will now turn the character (not the camera) when holding down both mouse buttons.
2. Territory specific files are now in place to prepare for multiple languages. Please ensure your launcher is set to the correct territory under settings.
3. Updated support and errors links throughout the game.
4. Servers are now labeled appropriately for their region or language.
5. Our language filter is now fully operational. ******in’s can now freely talk about their cl***

Rien de plus pour l'instant et donc rien de nouveau
Citation :
Publié par Nuddu des Anges
un site accessible propose le patch note svp ? car la impossible d'y acceder )

Citation :
Login and server select lag should be resolved. This is one of the major reasons for pushing this update to ensure it is resolved for live.

1. The mouse will now turn the character (not the camera) when holding down both mouse buttons.
2. Territory specific files are now in place to prepare for multiple languages. Please ensure your launcher is set to the correct territory under settings.
3. Updated support and errors links throughout the game.
4. Servers are now labeled appropriately for their region or language.
5. Our language filter is now fully operational. ******in’s can now freely talk about their cl***

arf grillé 2 post plus haut XD

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