Interface de chat : info en anglais

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Bon je vais essayer de regrouper les infos anglaises des dev afin de compléter ce qui serait déjà sur le site de JOL pour tenter de ne manquer aucune donnée. Désolé d'avance pour les posts en anglais ^^

En gros pour le chat et je cite :

Citation :
-There will be no global chat or channel.
-There will be guild-chat channels, once you have the appropriate "collective conscious"-upgrade for your guild-stone. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, as every other third-party communication-program will give you the same.
-There will be messaging (like sending a message to your friend to arrange a meeting) by sending a pigeon, but the pigeon will have a delay, making it worthless in battle or when quick communication is needed.
-There will be /whisper/tell to people nearby. But /whispers/tells may be overheard by people with good hearing skill or lip-reading skill.

Après quoi qqn demande :

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I wonder is its asking too much to be able to KILL the pigeons
Lol c'est vrai que ca aurait été plutôt cool ^^

Réponse :

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Yes, unfortunately. My first thought was that the pigeons would indeed be "real" and visible to other players. And that you could kill them, of course. That sounded very realistic and cool.

But if you think about it, the "pigeons" are magical in the way that they can be sent to any name, that they then automatically track (it's their purpose in the game) - something that real pigeons could never do, of course. Now, lets say Guild A is ambushing Guild B. All Guild B has to do is send out pigeons that automatically track the opposing guild members and thereby reveal their location. This may sound like a cool feature indeed, but it would ruin all sneak-tactics and probably be known as pigeontracking or something

We could take this further and start to think about ways to prevent this pigeontracking, like options to forbid opposing guilds to send pigeons, by radically limiting the pigeons, or that you could only send pigeons to people that have a special pigeon-item that you have given them etc. But now we are starting to think like bad designers do as that is the exact opposite of the original intent with the pigeons: To be able to send a message to anyone anywhere. Remember?

It's better to let the pigeons be magical invisible pigeons. And then perhaps transfer the tracking mechanic to rare hawks and falcons instead, that can indeed be seen and killed

J'aime assez l'idée du /whispers/tells may be overheard by people with good hearing skill or lip-reading skil.
Très intéressant, j'adore ce qu'ils on prévu de faire avec les pigeons, bien qu'ils ne soient pas encore fixés dessus, ils recherchent dans le bon sens .

Ce serai sympa effectivement que les pigeons puissent uniquement aller vers les pj ayant un objet particulier disposant d'une signature olfactive propre.

Par contre un truc sympa, ce serai que l'on ne puisse pas repérer la signature, à moins d'utiliser un sort, ou un animal particulier. Ainsi on pourrai donner une signature olfactive à un certain item, puis le trade, via un intermédiaire, pour finalement qu'il arrive dans l'inventaire ennemi. Et donc que l'on puisse repérer sa position via pigeon .

Bref je crois que j'en demande un peut trop x). Mais c'est déjà excellent si ils nous mettent qq chose du genre.

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