patch du 20 decembre

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Update Notes December 20th, 2005

On Tuesday December 20th, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all U.S. and European galaxies will be taken down for server maintenance and a live update.

  • Players in melee combat should now be able to more easily hit a moving enemy.
Experience Points
  • Double Experience Points have been turned on!
  • Experience Points (XP) earned in Space will now count as Experience Points (XP) on the ground.
  • Backpacks and other containers you may have in your inventory that have items in them can no longer be sold to a junk dealer.
  • Items that have been traded to another player after the list of sellable items is displayed can no longer be sold to prevent accidentally selling prized items.
  • Loot items that can auto-stack will properly stack.
  • Rage of the Wookiees: Arena Challenge - Face Wirartu: This group quest can now be properly completed.
  • Trials of Obi-Wan: A History Lesson Part II: The NPC Skar has been moved to prevent him from falling off the platform or getting stuck.
  • Anger and Harmony: The "Twisted Creatures" will now appear in the Ruined Tusken Village on Tatooine at -7556, -1863.
  • Borvo's Side Quest: When returning to Captain Dustrunner on Borvo's quest to kill the NPC Aldalad, Capt Dustrunner will now properly appear so you can finish the quest.
  • New Player Experience: Fixed an issue where some players on Frelka's Quests were being granted the second quest in the series before the first quest was finished.
  • New Player Experience: Fixed an issue where some players who were sent to Serissu for pilot training ended up with 2 sets of space quests. Now there will be only 1 quest.
  • Sol Wintide's Quest: Players will now be able to complete this quest and get the reward.
  • The Repo Man: The waypoint given for Pah's Speeder has been corrected. The correct waypoint is -2872, 2587 .
  • Watto's Droid Head quest: Players have been deleting this quest and it is a quest that has to be completed as part of the Legacy Quest story arc. When this quest is deleted, players get stuck so this quest can no longer be deleted.
  • NPC's on Kashyyyk who were stuck up in the Wroshyr trees have been moved to the ground.
  • Dynamic Points of Interest such as Rebel, Imperial and Hutt camps that have been appearing (spawning) on players and causing them to get stuck will no longer appear.
  • All players can now comprehend the Wookiee language (Shyriiwook).
bon la traduc en francais

- les joueur melee pouron plus facilement bouger pour pouvoir ataquer les enemies

- le double xp activer pour l'espace et le sol

- les sacs looter ne seron plus vendable au junk dealer

- les items trader et qui etait non tradable et qu'on les autre joueurs ne seron plus du tout tradable ( je suis pas sur de cet traduc et si j'ai bien compri il comblent les failles )

-apres ce sont toutes les quest qui on été debuggé ou continué voir plus haut

- tous les joueurs pourrons comprendre le Shyriiwook

voila je croi que j'ai rien oublier
Citation :
Publié par isnake choaci
- tous les joueurs pourrons comprendre le Shyriiwook

Tant qu'on peut encore l'oublier, ça me va, mais je trouve ça un peu cavalier.
Citation :
Publié par LLiwon-Tsapon
mdr je viens de poster la traduc intégrale. LOL bon faut dire que je fais ça au boulot (ouh le vilain!), donc ça me prend un peu plus de temps (faut bien mériter un peu son salaire )
rofl ^^
j'aimerai bien voir ton patron

" alalal c'est bien un ecps sa toujours en train de rien faire , non mais qu'est tu croi que je te paye pour rien foutre ! "

rofl rofl rofl

sa fais 2 topic pour le prix d'un si avec ca les noob ne comprene pas je me fais une decente de rebel en pvp
( dites que vous cmprenez pas par pitiée )

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