Sigonyth: Desert eternity annulé

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Le studio polonais New Desert qui développe depuis plusieurs années son MMOG futuriste/fantasy Sigonyth: Desert eternity vient d'annoncer qu'en raison d'un manque d'investisseurs financiers, la création du jeu était abandonnée.
Cependant, le communiqué indique qu'ils continueront de travailler sur l'aspect design du jeu en attendant que le marché soit plus propice pour eux.

Citation :
Time for a farewell

New Desert team would like to inform all interested parties that "Sigonyth: Desert eternity" project has been put on hold.

This situation is a result of lack of investors to fund further project development - we have reached stage when continued development of an MMORPG without financial support is simply unfeasible.

We would also like to emphasize that "Sigonyth" will not be completely abandoned - we will continue to develop the design part of the game and await changes on the market that will allow us to revive the project.

We would like to sincerely thank every person that shown interest in this project for all the comments, ideas and support during last three years. For all our commited fans (but not only them) we present a last few samples of our work from tests commenced at the beginning of this year.

Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3

Greetings for everyone and see you.

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