MàJ 23.5 Bullroarer - notes de version

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Les notes de version :

Voici les notes de version de la MàJ 23.5 qui est appliquée sur Bullroarer ce mercredi 10 avril.
Elle présente les changements sur la classe du Cambrioleur, et à la marge le Béornide et le ménestrel.
Cette session prendra fin jeudi à minuit. (cela pourra être sujet à changement)

Bullroarer has been updated to build 2305.0061.1867.4359.

Bullroarer will be available until Thursday 6:00pm EST (04/11). Time is subject to change!

This update contains Burglar class changes, bug fixes and more! Please keep in mind that this update is still in development and this does not reflect the final state of the game. This list of changes is not meant to cover every change or issue in the game, but if you find something notable we omitted from the lists, please let me know and I will add it

  • Making store purchases on an account with no characters will no longer incorrectly tell you that it failed to deliver character items when the purchase did not include a character item. This is the case for the vast majority of purchases that can be made at character selection or during character generation.


  • Relentless maul now does ~double damage when it is traited for brutal energy, which halves its duration.
  • Beorning blue line version of Relentless Maul is now called Menacing Maul, and it's duration is no longer halved.
  • Vigilant Roar Reflect Damage legacy now correctly modifies incoming healing and is named properly.
  • Some Beorning animation changes were not properly applied to male Beornings, these have been updated.


  • Fixed Major Ballad description.
  • Improved Hero's Strike now properly increases Hero's Strike heal component.
  • Instruments should no longer get stuck in hands after certain skill plays.


  • The basic goal is to increase the Burglar's general DPS, fix some general structural issues with their skills, improve their group survivability, and streamline their play a bit.
  • Damage on MOST skills has been increased and shuffled about in an attempt to put more skills in the usable range of DPS.
  • Heals have likewise been re-balanced.
  • All melee skills have had their range increased to a minimum of 3.5
  • Most of the burglar's skills had the 'Fast' trait removed - but this only really had an effect when the prior skill had an execution time longer than it's animation time, and I fixed most of those to be the same, so in practice it shouldn't actually make much difference.
  • Subtle Stab is still 'Fast' so you can pretty easily test to see which skills are/aren't shortened by throwing a fast skill in there and can provide feedback on the change.
  • Double Edged Strike is now an immediate skill, so you can instantly roll into your crit chain the moment you land one.
  • Find Footing is now Instant.
  • Provoke now has a 15m range and an 6s cooldown.
  • Provoke provides a 20% crit chance bonus on your next attack - a lesser 'aim' effect.
  • Provoke provides a stacking (x3) self buff that halves the damage of the next attack against you. This is intended as a group play defense to help burglars build up a buffer against those large boss attacks. It's useful in solo, but nearly as much so as it is impossible to build a stack when you are the main target of attacks.
  • Provoke no longer penalizes your party's crit chance against the target by 2% (which is what it's actually been doing for a very long time...)
  • Mischevious Glee now heals for 10%, +2% per pulse
  • Self Adulation trait now adds 20% to Clever Retort healing, and +5 pulses to Mischevious Glee.
  • Both Double Edged Strike and Flashing Blades are now AoE skills (3 targets), to give burglars better DPS in group pulls, esp red line.
  • Coup De Gras no longer has a critical magnitude bonus, but does better base damage. Its cooldown has been reduced [60->30s]
  • Feint now allows you to trigger more stealth effects and bonuses of other skills, though it still does not provide true stealth's melee damage bonus.
  • Knives Out was changed substantially. In addition to its usual effects, it now has a small radius Force Taunt that lasts for the duration of the effect, followed by an agro dump that substantially reduces the burglar's agro in a similar radius.
  • Cunning strike bleeds were cleaned up. They are now short duration non-stacking bleeds that apply at 4 different magnitudes, depending on how hard you crit, +1 from stealth.
  • You can now have one gamble of each type on a target simultaneously (Red = DoT, Green = reactive heal, Blue = offensive debuff).
  • The skills Gambler's Strike, Hedge Your Bet, and Blind Bet now apply each of these gambles respectively.
  • A blue line burglar stealth surprise attack can apply a completely random gamble.
  • Gambles can no longer be tiered up or down - they simply roll a new 1-6 value when re-applied.
  • Gambles now last a base 30 seconds (blue is currently 20 seconds).
  • Cash Out eats all gambles on the target, granting a high magnitude damage effect, a self-HoT, and a Stun respectively.
  • In the future the goal is for the Magnitude of each these Cash Out effects to be based on the total value of the Gamble Dice on the target when it cashes out - this is currently waiting on a bit of tech, so the current cash-out effects can be considered placeholders.
  • Cash Out's cooldown is now base 40 seconds.
  • Note that gambles are NOT per burlgar, they are per target, so competing burglars will overrite or consume each other's gambles.
  • Gamble Icons revamped.
  • Knives Out now mitigates all forms of incoming damage.
  • Subtle Stab cooldown reduced to [3->2.5s]
  • Gamble Chance mods changed to Gamble Damage mods.

Known Issues:
  • Instances are currently displaying some debug information in the chat window
  • Some Burglar Legacies need to be updated due to skill changes (Riddle Range Provoke Critical Chance Debuff, Mischievous Glee, Gamble Chance) .
  • Burglar - Lucky/Gambler's strike needs to be updated based on gamble changes.
  • Burglar - Even the Odds trait is not currently working properly.
  • Burglar - Sharp eye buff icon is appearing after critical hits regardless of spec.
  • Burglar - Damaging gamble Cash Out is healing target
  • Burglar - Cash out is not working properly on blue and green gambles when multiple burglars are in a fellowship.
  • Burglar - Some skill descriptions still need to be updated to reflect the new changes (Mischievous Glee, Coup de Grace).

Télécharger Bullroarer

Client PC : ici
Client Mac : ici

Dernière modification par Kaels ; 10/04/2019 à 20h34.
L'augmentation de porté des compétences au CAC est en effet un énorme boost. Par contre, je me pose quand même quelques questions
Le changement de la provocation me rend perplexe. Est ce qu'elle utilise toujours la feinte lors de son utilisation ? Comment fonctionne son debuff de dégâts qui est cumulable 3 fois ? Si on compare a la lame d'Elendil du capi un coup auto d'un mob l'utilise ? (dans ce cas la je ne vois pas comment on peut la stacker 3 fois).
Je trouve que c'est dommage de perdre le stacking de l'attaque sournoise (et donc une perte de dps).
L'augmentation des dégâts des compétences est de combien ?
Quelle sont les autres effets que la feinte déclenche ?
Citation :
Publié par Mavelic
Alors, les cambriol'hobbits, qu'en pensez-vous de cette nouvelle mouture ? (Skro ?!)
Va falloir voir².
J'avais pas mal investi sur les saignements (et leurs cumuls) donc leur modification va me forcer à revoir ma position (ou pas, hein, ils peuvent taper bien plus fort), j'espère que les compétences en zone ne vont pas voir leur dégât par cible diminuer (sans compter qu'après 10+ ans de pur monocible, va falloir se souvenir qu'on démezze sur une chaine critique )

Pour les bonus de la ligne bleue, je sais pas dire, j'ai jamais joué en bleu.

Après, ça va être surtout du number-crunching, parce que je n'ai pas non plus l'impression qu'ils aient changé tant de trucs que ça (même s'il me semble qu'il va falloir revoir certains legs et traits et que ce n'est pas marqué dans le texte)


²ndlr: pas tout de suite, mon BR est cassé et ne veut pas télécharger la MàJ
Citation :
Publié par Kaels
Oui cette session était programmée pour durer jusqu’à jeudi minuit.
merci de l'info par contre c'est vraiment moyen pour test le cambrio....

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