Murray vient diner ce soir... par CODI

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en mega avant premier, Murray l'illithid et ses compagnons sont parmis nous... grâce à "City Of Door Initiative"

le module de test/ mini aventure/hack/erf qui comprend 5(+1) illithid models, 20 nouveaux placeables , et 1 2x2 tile group pour les cavernes.

et des photos

fais gouter ta memoire..

on est pas beau ?

tu va voir ce que je vais te mettre !

Citation :
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

version 1.0

Models, Textures and modified Animations by TheBatInTheHat
Scripting by Shkuey, NamelessOne, and Jazael
Portraits by Sporeboy!
Writing, Design by Papermonk
Special Thanks to Kuhrak, Steck and all the staff at CODI who took the time to help in the Quality Assurance effort with Murray.

Brought to you by

----Your Friendly Neighborhood City of Doors Initiative----
Bringing Planescape and Planar Content to Neverwinter Nights

Files Included
murray1.erf - this is the erf containing all appropriate creature, placables and script instances for 1.30 (non SoU versions)
illya.mod - this is a quick run through we used for testing the combat. Feel free to give em a whack!
dinner2da.hak - this is just used for the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" mod.
illithidpack1.hak - this is where all the juicy goodness is stored.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.mod - A small module

Included in this Package:
5 Mind Flayers(+1)
19 New Placables
1 New Cavern Group (the Pit)

Ah, yes, I'm sure you're all excited to tear into this. Please do!

Please, also, play the module, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, first. It's only a few minutes, but shows very well what this model is capable of. Also, there is a small module called "illya.mod" which is a quick way to actually fight the illithids. I'd go in with at least a 12th level character. I'm sure you'll be pleased. Also, please note we will be releasing this content 'standalone' for easy finding on the vault, etc in a few days. So we'd appreciate if no one else repacks this until then. Thanks.

Known Issues:
-The brain suck animation won't line up every time. It just won't. The pathing, etc in NWN just doesn't allow it to be an exact science. It's MUCH better to do via cut-scenes were you can control the variables better.
-There is a big "pause" for most users when the illithids first appear. A similar thing can be seen when you see the Driders used. This is because the game is loading a massive amount of animations. We're looking into solutions.
-These are set up on the palette as 'Miscellaneous' instead of Aberrations for SOU users. You can fix this fairly easily.
-The flip-top head placable does not currently work "OnUsed" This will be fixed.
-There is sometimes a 'pause' for the illithids when they begin an action and their pathfinding gets blocked. This isn't a very major bug and will be fixed in an update.
-Some people are reporting that after the 'implantation' the module ends. But it's not been reproducable so we've been unable to fix it. If this happens, start over and you should be fine.

The illithids are set up to use a modified version of NamelessOne's AI.
With some exceptions. Obviously, the scripting takes into account both their mind blast and their Extraction ability. And the illithids will try to daze someone with a mindblast then extract their brain.

If you find any troubles with the scripting, the mod, or the models themselves - please go to and report the bug here. Reporting a bug as a comment or on the boards will not get them into our system. Thanks.

The work here is all copyright their perspective authors. This content can be redistributed for non-profit use for NWN modules and hakpaks but should keep this readme with the files. Any profit or other game use is prohibited except via express written permission of the authors.

Portrait art shall not be edited or modified in any respect without permission of the creator (Sporeboy! )
Original portrait art by sporeboy! © 2003 Atomic Incorporated

Come by The City of Doors

If you're interested in joining our team, we're always looking for solid people.
toutes l'histoire ici :

le module inclus : CODI-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.mod est HILARANT !
Je trouve les illithids bien faits surtout le second celui de la deuxième image en partant de la gauche.
Ils ont scripté le décervelage ?
Un petit pourboire, si 'ou plaît.
marche pas avec la 1.29
J'ai po envie de passer en 1.30 béta, même pour voir ces têtes de pieuvre de plus près...

Je me demande par contre si ceux de Bioware seront mieux dans HoU...
Citation :
Je me demande par contre si ceux de Bioware seront mieux dans HoU...
Très bonne question. Normalement BioWare utilise les dessins des suppléments D&D pour les monstres (par exemple la manticore). Or le deuxième Illithid en partant de la gauche ressemble à celui du Manuel des Monstres D&D 3.
Si on suit la logique de BioWare, ils vont prendre ce dessin pour faire l'Illithid de base, mais comme CODI les a devancé, les joueurs vont râler "parce que BioWare utilise le travail de la communauté au lieu de faire des trucs nouveaux".

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