BWE #4 (February) Suggestions and comment Thread (French Community)

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BWE #4 (February) Suggestions and comment Thread (French Community)
Comme nous l'avions fait le mois dernier voici un sujet qui sera lu par Gaile et le reste de l'équipe de développement

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As we did last time this thread is for constructive comment on the February Beta event.
When we want to disconnect, we go to the main page and we need to log, it's boring.
So when we want to disconnect, it would be better to go to the character page to change faster the character.
- The possibility of removing a quest on the list if there is no possibilities to do it or if we don't want to do it.

*j'éditerai si je vois d'autres suggestions / commentaires*

Hello Gaile .. here are some suggestions and asking from mine

@-Trading System :
I saw it is WIP, so I won't push on this part too much.. but I feel like in add of the system you are working on already, some "market" area in the big city (ascalon city, lion's arch, henge of denravi) would be really fun, give a sense of real market with ppl talking everywhere and all, a matter of ambiance .. with merchand npc standing there also maybe ..
Of course I don't tell to force player to go to thoses area part of city, but give them the possibility though.

@-Tavern area ? :
A bit in the same way as the precedent suggestion, lion's arch or ascalon may have some separate area part, a Tavern with barman npc, maybe some musicians band and a big fire .. ppl would go there to talk freely, it may be good also to add some "in game" view of the ladder at thoses tavern for peoples to comment, and of course some new npc quest or stuff .. the opportunities won't miss.

@- Capes :
I saw you can make a guild without cape now, I must really thank you a lot for this effort, it's really appreciated by all ppl in my guild, but I suppose the cost is there is no GvG for thoses that don't buy a cape, am I right ?

What would be really cool is to have the possibility to wear it or not (in and individual term, not the entire guild I mean), and also (as I suggested two month before if you remind) different model of cape (actual, long, "with a hood" (like the elven cape in the lord of the rings movie for exemple), etc ..), this would add a lot to the variety of appearance in game.

Of course when in pvp or GvG the cape and "regular" model is enforced so that anybody ally or enemy can spot fast who is friend or enemy.

@- Chat :
I know you received many asking about this, but please, do some improvment to this chat.

Here are some Idea :

-First thing would be to add a single button for each "chan" (!all , @Guild , #party , "private) if activated or not, the chan would appear in the chat window (or not).
This way we would be able to talk conveniently (for now, if you are in ascalon or lion's arch, even when talking in guild or private chat, you miss most of the time what your friend say because there are so much talking (not only trading chat I mean).

-Implement an "perception area".
This mean in general chat (!all) you will hear only what is said in some hearing perception area (and not what ppl at the other end of the town say).

-Add a 5th channel to the chat system for trading purpose, some sort of "chout" channel where you will hear everything is said (as in the actual "!all" channel).

With thoses 3 improvment, you will get the perfect chat system wich would please everybody (everyone get what he want, and is not forced to use the chat like the other).
The main idea is in fact to give ppl the choice of how they will communicate in game, I think communication is something you cannot force on players, the best way to make them happy is to let them choose how they will play (you did it already for exemple with the moving system (one of the best I saw ever, minus one thing I will talk about later).

@- Emotes :
You dev' team did a wonderfull job on this part, but why do we have to restrain ourselve to class specific emotes when we should use them all ?
For exemple I find the necromancer dance absolutely ridiculous and awfull (sorry), so since my principal character is a necromancer, I can't use dance really.. I would love to use some other class emotes .. why not make it all avayable for everybody ?

I also hope there will be (later maybe) more and more cool emote, RP player don't need a lot of "balance" and long working improvment to be happy, the simple fact to "pretend" eating or drinking stuff, or lay on the ground for sleeping and this sort of action would be really appreciated (even if it come later in dev or even after the game is launched, your streaming system make this sort of improvment possible).

@-Jump and walk key :
A lot of people I talked with were missing something (and me too in fact), we should really have a key to jump freely, that mean jump should be a permanent function, not just an emote.
I saw in other mmorpg I tested very good implementation of the jump action, it would be really fun to be able to jump for real in Guild Wars.
The same comment for walking, it seem we could walk before, but can't anymore.
Can we have the option of walking again please ?

@-FPS View :
While the actual system is good, it would be really appreciated to have a key shortcut to shift between the actual system (freecamera when pressing the right mouse button) and a permanent fps mode.
(if it exist already, my appologies)

@-Macro :
The way you mad the interface configurable is really excellent, but in the same point of view, I would love a macro system.
I have in mind this sort of thing : In the option window, a button that would make possible to bind any command (emotes or whatever will come later) to any key.

@-Guild and Friend List :
The new guild and friend list windows are better, but it lack some shortcut for now, could we have the possibility to bind key to open guild and friends windows ?

@-The "tutorial" area (Past Ascalon) :
I found it awsome, beautifull .. damn, it's really gorgeous !
The forests of Regent Valley are in fact the best forest I ever saw in any game (mmorpg or others).
This lead to some disappointment in fact, after the tutorial we won't see such beautifull forest area anymore, so I'm asking you, may we have some area like thoses somewhere in the "present" please ? (not necessarily in the Ascalon area, in fact it would be best to find it in other area since Ascalon is considered wrecked by Charr ritual)

@-Parties number :
Everybody seem to complain about the same thing, first areas party are too little.
I understand you try to keep the game balance, but if I agree with that for the "scenery missions", why keeping low number of members in party for exploration areas ?
If ppl want it to be really easy it's their problem, but enforcing the low number of party number this way, you stop ppl to play with friends.
Since the first time I tryed the game with friends, we alway were stoped to have fun in real party because of that, for exemple we had friends that were left alone, and forced to find random party instead of playing with their friend, or they would wait and some of us had to go back and do the exploration area again with our leftover friend so that everybody could meet in a whole at the next "station".
I understand you Dev try to keep the game difficulty balance and use the lowest server power possible, but it work well with 8 players in the latest area, why do we have to separate in the first area ?

I think this is a very important point, I even thought sometime that 8 party members were a bit low sometime.

So please reconsider the party number limitation, at least for the explorations area, players will play the way they fell right, if they want challenge they will do little party, if they want to have fun in group they will play at 8 party numbers (or even more if you permit it).

Exploration area really doesn't need this limitation (while missions party may need it I admit it).


I think that's all for now (I don't talk about other idea forum mates gived already, my post is already too long I think).
I hope you will take some of thoses suggestions in consideration.
Thank you for your hard work, and congratulations

(and sorry really if I mispelled any word .. you can ask any precision on my idea if one of them seem interesting to you, I will reply with pleasure)
Vous pouvez leur demander de mettre des coffres pour les comptes (un par compte pour faire passer l'équipement d'un de ses perso à un autre de ses perso) ?

Can you create box for account ? Player will be able to "transfert" his equipement to another character of his account.

C'est ça ?
Training in the Guild Hall :

It will be a great improvement to have the opportunity to fight against others members of the guild for training.
With it, we may test some combinations of skills before using them in Guild versus Guild battles.

It's a bit advantageous to discover that a combination is useless before an important battle.
In english :

I agree with Kor Ae'Reen, could you put a chest only usable by his owner. Some like to make collections of armors, weapons, and we could also let all the crafting materials in it.

Could you also enable the player to write some notes on the map, it could be of use for the quests or to point a direction that hasn't been explored yet.

En français :

Je suis d'accord avec Kor Ae'Reen, pourriez- vous mettre un coffre uniquement utilisable par son propriétaire. Certains aiment faire la collection des armures, armes, et on pourrait aussi laisser tout le matériel de création.

Pourriez-vous aussi permettre au joueur d'écrire quelques notes sur la carte, cela pourrait être utile pour les quêtes ou pour indiquer une direction qui n'a pas été exploré encore.
The old ascalon is so beautifull, it s a great idea to start the game here.

But the old straigth forward tutorial was more efficient to explain the main features of GW.

A lot of friend was started GW last BWE. And i was overflood by questions. Other guys who has started in previus events didn't have problem to start playing..

The questions was about :
- how to attack
- combat feedback
- skill data : delai, energy cost, casting time.
- managing items (inventory and type of NPC)

One of the main problem, is that they want a lot of data quickly.

? : why not a introduction to the introduction?

Ps: the key 3 problem on french keyboard was not solve ?

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