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Citation :
Beta 2.0
April 22nd, 2016

There is a new jump action that will allow you to jump over certain tiles, monsters and objects.
Doors can now be opened and closed. Closed doors will provide no line of sight unlike previously.
Monsters will now pathfind towards you if hostile (they will move around obstacles to get to you).
Over 20 new items added, some with unique functionality/usages.
Intermediate growth cycles for all plant life as been added. There is now an added step before plants are mature enough to harvest.
A few new higher tiered monsters added.
Tilemapping (auto-tiling) has been implemented for all world tiles including special cases for mountains, walls and flooring. No more grid-like tile graphics!
Smooth movement/scrolling and animations have been implemented across the board.
Every single graphic has been redesigned and tweaked.
Keybinding has been added (keyboard interaction only).
An animated Unlok splash screen has been added.
Support added for larger monster sprites.
Added Facebook/Twitter posting buttons on death/win.
Every item now has a unique description.
Maps now show in a separate window that can be moved, resized and closed.
There is now seeds for all grown plant life.
Added a menu/button clicking sound.
Hotkey control has been added to action and item menus (using numbers by default).
Female character added.
You can now disassemble certain items to get items returned that was used in the craft (reduces durability of items).
There is now encumbered and overburdened, two levels of the overweight status. Encumbrance simply slows down movement. Overburdened will skip turns, slow down movement, and take damage and movement.
There is now multiple save slots.
Highscores have been added (shows talent and what killed you).
Custom death messages – it now outputs what killed you (used in highscore system).
New window icons added for better support for small and big icons.
“Environmentals” are now referred to as “doodads”. Game-changing stuff indeed!
You can now find a cave easier when digging. It no longer checks that the ground below is open for movement.
Some new milestones added; ones that are more complex, and not simply counter/incremental based.
Monsters now make noise – you can hear them when they are near you.
There is now a hotkey for Milestones (defaulted to Z).
Added a visual for each hotkey on the main HUD menu buttons.
Added native support for game import/export (previously only available via modding).
You can now pick-up items from the adjacent tile with the actions menu “Pick-up Item”.
There is now sound and music sliders for changing volume.
Some monsters can damage and break down walls and other objects in their way/path.
Added a “gather” ability so tools can be used directly to gather instead of defaulting to equipped weapons/held items via the item menu.
A new chemistry skill has been added to replace alchemy and includes a lot more mixture-style recipes.
If sea water touches fresh water, it will now contaminate the fresh water source over time.
Sounds are now more normalized in terms of volume. This fixed certain sounds like crafting and failures being too loud compared to the others.
All monsters now have facing direction graphics and attack animations.
Custom mouse cursors have been implemented.
Fog of war added (black areas that you have not yet explored).
A completely overhauled interface/UI has been implemented with new art and design.
You can now move or drop all of the same quality.
You can now sort crafts by category (shows up in unique formatted listing). Many new item categories added with this change.
A new dither style of fog of war/line of sight has been added. You can toggle between the two via options.
Quickslots will now save the item you have added to them.
Text is now selectable inside the messages dialog.
You can now drag and drop to the ground from your inventory.
Walls can now be picked up from the actions menu.
You can now drag from containers/equipment to quickslots.
You can now place containers within containers.
Crafting now will look through containers in your inventory to find valid items for recipes.
Containers will now show their contained item weight in the title/tooltip.
New “Starting Quest” internal mod added (can be enabled/disabled). To be used as an early tutorial for new players that need help.
Flying monsters now have shadows and appear to fly over objects/walls, visually.
Hovering over a container window/dialog will now highlight the item in your inventory that it is.

Improvements & Changes

Wooden doors are now tile mapped to change direction based on if walls are around them.
Arrow and VI keys movement have been removed by default – you can now rebind movement to any keys that you want via the new keybinding UI.
There is now a short delay when you pick items up from the ground.
Some delays and movement timing has been adjusted for more fluid, less error-prone movement.
Text overlays now render a bit easier to see (due to shadow on text).
Field of view, line of sight, and lighting/shadows are dithered and angled to provide more graphical fidelity.
Lighting is now colored and is dithered like the rest of the new field of view system.
There is now no map borders, everything will render as if the world is one continuous area.
The minimap has been removed in favour of a player-based zooming in and out feature.
The spyglass will now allow the player’s field of view to increase slightly when equipped.
Loading games should no longer cause frozen program warnings on older/less powerful machines. Games will now load mostly asynchronous using webWorkers.
Items with high durability (like the raft) will now scale its damage (instead of only taking 1 out of 500 damage for example, it will now take 25/500).
Everything organic is now edible (including some seeds and other things that previously were not).
Seeds are now harvested or dropped on use/eating. Removed instances where they needed to be crafted.
Donation mentions/links removed.
Version now shown in main HUD.
Application now saves window size and fullscreen/windowed option.
Application now starts in fullscreen by default.
Centered modal dialogs now center dynamically if window is resized (options, help, etc.).
Crafts now show how many items you have versus need for each item/group.
Walking sound changed/improved.
You can no longer gather walls directly. You now manually pick them up via the actions menu or via carving/digging.
Removed torch stand recipe. You can now place a torch using an item action (either lit or unlit).
You can add more fuel to a lit torch in your inventory.
You can now put out a lit torch in your inventory.
Tooltip layout for items have been condensed/improved.
“Rope-like” is now “Cordage”.
You can now close item menus, action menus and the hint window with ESC (by default).
Game size option removed.
Monsters will have a chance to spawn closer to you, but never within line of sight.
Fire can now appear over doodads (environmentals) and corpses.
Wayward logo redesigned (No more “Gayward”).
Added identifiers in inventory for showing if an item is equipped or quickslotted.
Equipping or quickslotting items no longer removes it from your inventory.
Tweaked sleeping turns/cycles a bit – less based on skill, shorter maximum duration.
Fire light is now orange tinted in color.
Nights are now not as dark as they used to be (caves are still as dark).
Default player light radius added back.
Light flickering has been added to player torches.
Sandstone are no longer “rock-likes”.
Each world is now guaranteed a proper ratio of both sandstone (desert) and rock (temperate) areas. Deserts always spawn in the south.
There is now a larger dead-zone for item and action menus while they are opened, so that you hover your mouse further outside of the menu before it closes automatically.
Durability of glass bottle lowered.
Message now outputs which items were repaired, reinforced, preserved or transmogrified.
Pouring water on Fire Elementals will now cause damage.
Fires will now burn for longer.
Grass seeds will take much longer to grow now – on par with the rest of the plants.
Tweaked throwing damage scaling when throwing items with no attack value (previously used weight but allowed very high damage even from a feather for example).
Completed milestones now effect starting stats. The more you have completed, the higher the chance for better starting stats.
Food and water is now required for travelling home.
Monster spawn talent brackets have been adjusted, for a more smooth difficulty curve.
Stepping on a cactus will now injure you (depending on equipment).
Turning music back on from being off will now start the next song.
Kraken’s loot table has been adjusted so they don’t always drop a Message In A Bottle.
Increased visibility of message box (more opacity) and added a better line height setting for more readability.
Removed “modder” milestone. No fourth wall breaking here folks!
Wooden chests no longer block monster movement.
Skill have varying amounts of talent they will now give you. Combat skills will make you gain the most talent, while crafting and other utility skills will give you less. This is a balance for monster spawning talent brackets.
Messages will now show “gather” when you pick up an item using a gathering action.
The right hand is now preferred as the tool to use for gathering, but will go to left if right hand tool provides no bonuses/is not suited for task (or right hand is empty).
Damage from gathering without tools now scales with strength.
Added a message for missing black powder when firing the Flintlock Pistol.
The Archery skills is now “Archery and Firearms”.
Updated help/hints with more up-to-date information.
Medicinal water now requires two medicinal items (reduces new player confusion).
Options dialog is now larger by default and organized better.
You can now eat unprepared pemmican (but it provides less benefits than prepared version).
Dialogs will now get resized if screen/resolution is smaller than the width/height of a dialog.
You will now continue your moving animation when trying to move into an obstacle/impassable object (Pokémon style).
Parrying is no longer used to negate damage from environmental of world objects such as being burned from fire.
Parrying now has stamina reduction based on skill value (lower chance to decrease with higher skill).
Scared monster AI will now pathfind more intelligently away from you.
Order of items in inventory is now saved on game close/reload.
Sleeping long periods of time will now be faster.
Walls now require a foundation under them (flooring) to have the flooring visually reach to the wall.
All shovels now require 1 pole-like (down from 2) and 2 strings (up from 1).
Stoke fire effect now doubled for all items.
Resting/sleeping “cycles” replaced with an hourly estimation of how long you rested/slept for.
Craft recipes will now unlock if you have only a single of each item required in the craft.
You no longer discover (or unlock) other related craft recipes by crafting any longer.
Spawned houses and other templates will now overwrite any monster/items/objects already generated.
Rope now requires 4 string (instead of 2).
Hammocks now require 2 (instead of 3).
Days are now longer while nights are shorter.
Light level now effects your field of view radius (caves/night will reduce your vision).
Night time outside of caves now is brighter, but has a blue tint added.
Tattered Maps are a bit more common to drop by monsters and in treasure chests.
Ineffective/effective combat messages no longer show if you dealt 0 damage.
Ineffective/effective messages now show the damage types that were ineffective and effective.
Made sure all messages that are attached to a turn passing have the proper past tense in regards to grammar.
Items that change state (drinking water from containers for example) will replace itself in the same inventory position instead of placing it back at the end.
Special message added to aberrant loot drops.
Very long messages (like inspecting containers) will now get cut off in main message display. You can open the message dialog to get the full message.
Fire now destroys tiles overtime (tree, to bare tree, to ash).
Fires will now continue to burn as long as they have a fuel source (something burnable in or under them).
Burned containers will now spill out all the items contained inside.
Certain water containers (Waterskins) will now put out fire if burned inside them.
Snow is now part of the “water” grouping.
You can now “Drop All” in to water.
Chicken/Harpy feather drop rate reduced and will now only drop as many as can fit on a tile.
Plants will no longer grow on tiles you are standing on or where items are placed on.
You can now use items from containers inside your inventory.
Fixed some formatting issues with ranged damage, legendary and on equip properties on tool-tips.
On new world generation, more monsters will spawn in caves, and less will spawn above ground.
Dragging and dropping items is now more accurate (items push/move out of the way more smoothly).
Items that required a Lit Campfire now require any lit fire source instead.
Touch/tap control support has been improved.
Palm Leaves are now part of the Compost group.
Wayward continu de survivre, et plusieurs mises à jour sont sorties depuis. La plus importante, 2.1 revient sur l'apparence du personnage (30 juillet 2016) :

Les dernières mises à jour, de correctifs et ajouts de moindre importance, portent le jeu à la version 2.1.3, et signent la fin de la branche 2.1

A présent, Unlock s'attaque à du plus gros morceau, pour la version 2.2 à venir, puis poursuivra avec des versions 2.2.x pour corriger et ajouter des bricoles, etc.

Wayward semble avoir un bel avenir avec un suivi de qualité et une nette évolution du jeu au fil de son développement.
Grâce à la bonté du développeur qui m'a fourni une clef en remerciement de mes présentation, j'ai refait un tour sur la version Steam du jeu (précédemment je jouais sur l'ancienne version gratuite), et c'est bien bon !

J'appréciais déjà Wayward en 2013, et je trouve que le jeu a su très bien évoluer sans perdre son charme ni son caractère. Il propose une très riche ligne de construction qui ravira les amateurs de survie, et son système de récolte, de recyclage et d'interaction avec l'environnement est excellent. Plusieurs objets peuvent ainsi servir à des tâches similaires, du moment qu'ils sont le tag approprié. Ainsi, il ne faut pas forcément une hache pour couper du bois, par exemple un marteau ou une épée peuvent servir également, et si le résultat sera moins optimisé qu'avec un outil adapté, la chose reste possible.

Autre exemple, on peut récolter de l'eau de mer, donc salé, et la filtrer dans un appareil spécial dont j'ai oublié le nom, honte sur moi. Une pierre creusé avec un mini four intégré. On y place l'eau salé, on fait bouillir et on récupère l'eau évaporée et propre à la consommation.

Et pour faire ça, il faut plusieurs étapes de construction. Un récipient pour prendre l'eau à la mer, par exemple une outre qui demande du cuir et donc de quoi traiter le cuir et également la peau d'une bestiole et donc pouvoir tuer la bestiole... De quoi sculpter la pierre, faire du feu etc...

Bref, ça peut parfois être "un peu trop" et on se perd dans toutes les possibilités, et en même temps, ça fait vraiment plaisir de se perdre, plutôt que de suivre un schéma classique pierre+branche = hache = bois.

En plus, il support les mods via le Steam Workshop. Un notamment que je conseille si comme moi vous n'aimez pas la mort permanente, c'est Reincarnate. Quand on meurt, on perd tout l'inventaire qui se répand au sol, et on se retrouve tout nu quelque part ailleurs sur la même île. Sans ça, lorsque l'on meurt, l'on perd tout, sauf les recettes apprises précédemment.

Vu la difficulté du jeu au début quand on apprend, c'est bien utile. Par la suite, le jeu est plus simple, on peut donc si on le souhaite retourner en mort permanente.

Reste à voir ce qu'il va faire ensuite. Je crois avoir compris qu'une refonte du combat était sur la liste.
Le très bon Wayward vient de passer en Beta 2.4, avec encore une fois un tas d'ajouts et corrections, présentés dans cette vidéo :


Citation :

Added over 25 new items, mostly new fruits, vegetables, seeds, and plant resources.
Added a new harvesting action that gathers fruits/vegetables/resources from plants without destroying them (like gathering does).
Added a non-permadeath casual mode.
There is now a 6-7 stage growing cycle for all plant life (including trees) with unique graphics for all stages of development.
Added four new types of trees that feature new spawn locations and biomes. Trees with berries/vines/fungus have been converted to apple/cypress/spruce trees on older saves.
Added a new “Direction Turn Delay” option.
New games will now use window positions, sizes and opened status from the last save you played in (or died in).
Added a new gardening skill for tilling, watering, and fertile soil/compost/fertilizer crafting.
Added new “kindling” group that allows use for twigs, tree bark, or new wooden dowels.
Added dismantle item images in item tooltips.
Wooden shavings are now dismantled from twigs or wooden dowels (instead of crafted directly from twigs).
Trees are now considered “doodads” and will feature a growth/life cycle similar to all plants.
Added “wooden dowels”, dismantled from wooden poles and used as kindling or as hinges in woodworking recipes.
Added a new long style haircut.
Fire starting requirements now check the tile you are starting a fire on instead of specifically needing the materials in your inventory to start it.
Added two new milestones: “Boundless” and “Talented”.
Skill reputation impact is now listed in skill tooltips.
Added a forceWaveAudio launch option for sound debugging (if audio in-game is not working for you).
Added the lively, yet hardy goat creature.
Traps will now pause creatures or you for a turn when doing damage.
Tree fungus (now honey fungus) exists on top of trees and can spread to some surrounding trees. It can also be harvested directly.
You can now rename tamed creatures.
Item quality now adds bonuses for consumables.
The stat effects for consumables are now revealed in item tool-tips (if you have used them before).


Turning is no longer delayed in the same fashion as actual movement, allowing you to turn more responsively, but delay your movement as much as you want (using the new Direction Turn Delay option).
Performance across the board has been improved, and CPU usage has been decreased.
Decreased first game loading times by a few seconds, possibly more on lower-end machines.
Added damage types to all non-blunt items so that throwing things like sharp rocks will now count as slashing/piercing and bone fragments as piercing for example.
The damage from traps is now revealed in their messages.
Transmogrification no longer reduces the item’s maximum durability. (Thanks Skarn22!)
All plants have been renamed to their real-life counterparts and produce more realistic resources.
There is now a growing/decay variation present on corpses, doodads (plants) and tile events (fire).
Trap door spiders will no longer move on top of water.
Creatures will no longer get stuck behind doodads and fire that would otherwise block their movement.
Fertile soil will now provide growth speed bonuses on anything planted on top of it. Plants will also have more fertility (can propagate) during their last growth stage if planted on it.
Fixed some landmass distortion near the borders of the world’s edge in world generation.
Dismantle/disassembly requirements now show in red if you do not have them.
Item weight checks are now applied to disassembly item data as well, fixing some issues where disassembling old items would result in more/less weight than original item.
You can now drop items on top of traps; however, it will set them off. Throwing items on top of traps will also set them off.
Creature health messages now reveal how your anatomy skill is effecting the analysis of their health.
The death message for dying by consuming an item now reveals which item it was.
You no longer “attempt” to drop multiple items when the attempt was successful. (Thanks cxkis!)
Added highlight effects as warning for encumbered/overweight statuses, parrying bonuses changes, and legendary equipment bonuses.
You can now gather and harvest while resources are on fire (however, it will warn and burn you).
Wooden poles can now be built into torch stands directly.
Floors will no longer clip through the end of walls, causing a visual glitch.
Reduced movement speeds will now appear less choppy visually.
Improved item border design by making them a bit more subtle with a glow and making them bit/pixel depth accurate.
Added message feedback for when you are attempting to do actions too quickly (through the action/item menu). (Thanks blay.paul!)
Grass blades are now “hay” and come from multiple plants.
Collect, gather, and harvest are now used as fallbacks when using carve/digging actions on doodads, saving players some time not needing to specify differing actions on quickslotted items.
Sharp rocks can now be dismantled into stones.
You can now purify water (as opposed to just being able to desalinate) using solar/water stills.
The click noise is no longer triggered when changing directions when the action menu is open.
Watering plants will now provide growth speed benefits instead of fertility benefits.
Stone knives are now slashing/piercing instead of just slashing.
You can now drop items on top of a solar still; however, it will no longer desalinate while items are on top of it.
Movement slowdown when encumbered and overweight is now scaled based on how close or over you are to your weight limit instead of hard values.
Improved cave terrain generation to increase their cavernous appearance. Giant cave lakes are a bit smaller and include more interesting geological formations.
Boiled eggs now require tongs instead of a skewer.
The “gather” action now applies to doodads that have resources (previously just limited to trees/rocks). “Pick-up” is now reserved for doodads that are structures/built objects.
Improved the readability of skill descriptions.
Improved the grammar of all item dropping messages.
The weight of doodads is now checked on game load to make sure they don’t go out of normal range on weight updates.
You no longer receive resources when caving in a cave entrance/exit.
Setting off traps while walking over them no longer automatically picks them up on the same turn.
Added failure messages for gathering, digging and tilling.
Improved milestone progress performance.
Doodad tooltips will now name doodads based on their growth stage.
Removed acorns, saplings and big berry items from the game. These have been replaced by other similar items.
Trampling and extinguishing fire (by pouring water/dousing with items) now increases reputation.
All game and Steam icons changed to graphic where Wayward character is not cut off/cropped.
A loading screen is now shown while travelling (instead of just a black screen with no visuals).
The actions menu is now disabled while sleeping/resting.
You now “drown” in water when out of stamina while swimming, instead of just “working yourself into exhaustion”.
The resting/sleeping interrupted message now reveals why you were woken up.
Simplified the fire making step within the Starter Quest by merging two quests together.
Equipped torches now produce ash just as built torch stands do. (Thanks GauHellDragon!)
Added a confirmation dialog for releasing tamed creatures.
You can no longer use actions while moving (which could sometimes lead to multiple turns happening simultaneously).

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where tamed creatures would not defend you properly.
Fixed an issue where you could parry the burning damage from lava. (Thanks Yenwood!)
Fixed a bug where travelling away did not give a reputation boost. (Thanks blay.paul!)
Fixed an issue that prevented ore veins from being any larger than two connected ores. Slightly re-balanced ore spawning with this fix.
Fixed a bug that prevented doors from saving their orientation (when placed vertically).
Fixed pirate ghosts not being able to fly over mountains.
Fixed a bug that removed any item thrown/shot on to a stack of 12 or more items. (Thanks sechsauge!)
Fixed a bug where players could set down a chest, collect it, then continue to put items in the chest, deleting all items on close. (Thanks Xech!)
Fixed cave entrances having a lowered rate for caving them in when digging on them. (Thanks sechsauge!)
Fixed an incorrect reputation value for clay walls and flooring (changed from -25 to +25). (Thanks sechsauge!)
You can no longer exploit/spam the use of actions from the action menu faster than should have been possible.
Fixed an oversight that resulted in shot ammunition not triggering lava effects when landing into lava.
Fixed sorting crafts by unlocked time not working. (Thanks GauHelldragon!)
Fixed a very obscure edge case where animated doodads/tiles could animate to an incorrect graphic. (Thanks the rift!)
Fixed a layout issue that caused the scrollbar in windows to shift items around in the window when it appeared/disappeared. (Thanks the rift!)
Fixed a sorting/item dragging issue where you could not accurately drop the item to the bottom of the container/inventory on occasion.
Fixed a rare bug where you could start without a starting skill.
Fixed cases where a map might not show the red damaged border after using it.
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t drop items on the same tile as an open wooden gate.
Fixed some instances of creatures not facing the proper direction when moving left to right or vice versa.
Fixed an issue where some items (found as loot) would disassemble to the wrong amount of items.
Fixed Open Broadcaster Software not rendering Wayward in Game/Window Capture modes.
Fixed worm meat not being grouped as “insect”. (Thanks sechsauge!)
Fixed an issue where at noon and midnight the sundial would result in a message stating “It appears to be around zero o’clock.” (Thanks Xech!)
Fixed an issue with where giant rat graphics were improperly positioned when moving west.
Fixed an instance where creatures could become invisible due to a misalignment of position.
Fixed a bug where multiple items/UI elements were not being highlighted while going through the Starter Quest steps.
Fixed container sorting (for tile chests/containers) not saving when “Keep Sort Active” was enabled. (Thanks wayfarer!)
Fixed an issue where using certain actions from quickslots would trigger the clicking noise.
Fixed skeletal remains removing itself and “returning to life” even though it never did when the tile was blocked.
Fixed various typos in doodad and item descriptions.
Fixed an issue where highlighting effects would not properly fade out and abruptly cut the animation short before ending.
Fixed the outdated skeletal mage description text.
Fixed a bug where changelog buttons had an incorrect font size when using the alternate font. (Thanks Monkeys!)
Flying creatures will no longer make splash particles when flying over water.
Fixed a bug that loaded the wrong changelog versions after importing an older save game (or moving up versions).
You will no longer go the same seed/map when traversing the sea/sailing to civilization when not moving/passing a single turn in between. (Thanks blay.paul!)


Tweaked the abundance of needles by reducing durability of animal claws, making the dismantling of bone fragments only return one bone needle and reducing the chance of getting animal claws from some animals.
You now require to be holding an item in each hand to get the defense bonus from your parrying skill.
Reduced lumberjacking and mining malignity (reputation decrease) rates slightly.
Gardening endeavors now gives more reputation over all actions (tilling, planting, watering, etc.).
Increased the time it takes for plants to grow in maturity.
Desalinated water now provides a bit more thirst and health benefits over purified water.
Leather armor now has fire resistance.
Lava can now burn away in rare instances.
Anatomy use now increases your reputation/benignity.
Slightly reduced skill bonus for consumable items.
Significantly reduced the malignity gained from gaining metabolism and stamina.
Inksticks are no longer consumed fully when drawing maps (some durability is just removed).
Reduced starting malignity slightly when playing daily challenge mode.
Hurting your hands can now cause bleeding rarely (based on anatomy skill).
Increased chance of gathering items without tools, but also increased chance of hurting your hands.
Decreased the benefits of coconuts and reduced the amount of coconut trees that spawn in the desert (due to new tree changes causing imbalance).
Decreased max attack of giant rats and claw worms slightly.
Gathering no longer gives you resource amounts exactly matched to your tool attack, but rather it will now be used as a maximum item amount (based on skill).
Dead bushes no longer give you a branch (replaced with more twigs).
Increased the chance to trample (extinguish) fire by walking onto it.
Creatures will be tamed for longer with lower taming skill values (fixing the issue where some creatures would be tamed for 1 turn with 0% skill).
Item dismantling can now return lower quality items based on skill (and item’s base quality).
Added more tools to the list of possible starting tools for new games.
Swamp tiles can now be used to grow more types of plants.
There is now a success/failure state to gathering plants/fungi (like gathering from trees/rocks previously). Based on botany/mycology depending on type.
Increased difficulty of starting a fire slightly (based on camping skill).


Added a player argument to the OnTurnComplete hook.
Added a player argument to the ProcessInput hook.
Fixed some instances where mods could corrupt saves with items. (Thanks Driko!)
Added a OnQueueSoundEffect hook.
Fixed itemManager.removeContainerItems() missing the first item in the container for removal. (Thanks Amax!)
Added a GetNextMusicTrack hook.
Mods can now add new music and sound effects via addSoundEffect and addMusic.
The “compatibleMinorVersions” property of the mod.json is now required for mods to be enabled.

Developer Tools

Added a “Travel Away” debug button that bypasses requirements.
Noclip no longer corrupts randomness when enabled.
Toggle tilled will now work on facing tiles (like all other interactions).


You will no longer spawn on top of a doodad when reincarnating.


Wayward has been upgraded to use WebGL 2.0.
Wayward is now backed by WebAssembly technology.
Wayward has been updated to TypeScript 2.4.
Additional errors and logging are now available when the game save files exceed the maximum limit.
TileEvents can now exist as multiple distinct types per tile and can feature unique functionality.
Replaced tile.xId with tile.x (creatureId to creature, doodadId to doodad, corpseId to corpse, tileEventId to tileEvent).
Wayward has been upgraded to Electron v1.7.4.

Ayé, la 9e mise à jour majeure est disponible pour tout le monde.
Les parties commencées sont retro compatibles, pas de soucis.

Monde persistent et illimité, composés d’îles aux biomes diverses (enfin presque, trois types tempéré/froid/chaud, il travaille à en ajouter des nouveaux pour plus tard).


Dernière modification par Tchey ; 26/07/2020 à 13h30.
Le jeu poursuit sa route vers la domination du genre roguelike survie artisanat, avec la mise à jour majeure "Seafarer+" :


Citation :
It's that time again! Time for a major Wayward update to be released into the wild. And into the wild, you shall go. A harsher wild this time around, one where you are not only surviving your bodily needs, but now also surviving the elements with the introduction of temperature in this update. Temperature is only a taste of what is to come as this update is one of the biggest ones we have ever released. A few notable changes include:

  • Added a new temperature system, along with three temperature-related status effects, a new "insulation" property for equipment and containers, and more!
  • Added a new "Mastercrafted" item quality, only obtained through high-skill and efficacy crafting.
  • Treasure hunting has been completely redesigned.
  • Added tin ore, a lightweight but very soft and low durability metal that can be used in blunt-only weaponry, tools, armor, or mixed with copper to create bronze.
  • Added the powerful bronze metal, an alloy crafted with copper and tin and to be used in late-game weaponry, tools and armor. Iron can still outclass bronze in certain regards relating to blunt resistances and blunt-based tools.
  • Added tool use properties/values (and quality bonuses) for reinforce, start fire, repair, carve, dig, gather, rest, and more. Learn more about this by inspecting items to see their action information.
  • Magical item properties (previously called legendaries) are no longer tied to a certain quality and can exist on multiple quality types now and are no longer restricted to a single property per item.
  • Added lots of new content to ice cap biomes including new wall/floor types (ice/snow), items, equipment, creatures, plants, and more!
  • Added multiple new creatures, some with unique mechanics and items.
  • Added in attack animations for each damage type.

* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
Après la mise à jour majeure "Horizons" fin 2021, qui ajoutait plusieurs îles et un tas de trucs, la prochaine se nomme "Next".

"Next" ajoutera les chemins de fer avec des wagons, qui serviront à se déplacer rapidement et d’inventaire mobile (tout comme les bateaux). L’inventaire et les menus d’action seront revu, on pourra ouvrir un coffre sans le poser au sol par exemple, et les raccourcis claviers seront stabilisés et non plus contextuels. On y trouvera d’autres améliorations d’interface, de nouvelles options de monde, de réglage des bestioles etc.

Plus de détails : https://store.steampowered.com/news/...50462918506193

"Horizons" :

Aperçu de "Next" :
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

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