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Take a look at this. It's a stained glass window from Demacia.

Don't ask me how I got it. I'm going to give it back, I promise. I'm borrowing it for research, and they'll never know it's missing. Demacians never stop talking about light, so what do they really need a window for, anyway?

Look closely. See the shape in the center with the wings and the jagged sword? That's the figure I've been seeing everywhere.

This is the first artifact that really got me thinking. It's not that old, and it can't really go back more than a few generations at most. I asked around, and nobody knows what the figure is or if he has a name. They all agreed on one thing though: whoever this figure is, he's clearly someone worth remembering to be immortalized like this.

But why does he appear in so many other places? So many of these artifacts are ancient, and some are from lost civilizations so old they don't even have names.

How is that possible?
On voit pourtant bien qu'une gargouille tient une épée dentelée dans ses mains sur le vitrail et sur une image. Il y à même ce qui semblerait etre un invocateur sur la meme image (sous la loupe).
J'espere juste que ça ne sera pas un galio bis avec une grosse épée.
Un nouveau post sur la statuette:

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his statuette is from Noxus.

Yes, Noxus. You know how I feel about Noxians, but their city is full of history. It'll take more than dark magic, guards with massive axes, and a creepy bird guy to keep ME from exploring the most important places in Valoran.

Noxus is full of these kinds of statuettes. Usually, they're made as tributes to the nation's greatest heroes, but this one doesn't look like any Noxian war hero I've ever heard of. I know of plenty, too, believe me: pick up any Noxian book and it's probably a way-too-lengthy chronicle of some hero's life, conquests, and the size of their weapon. I wouldn't have looked twice at this one if I hadn't recognized the figure.

Here's the thing that's really nagging me… what's Noxus doing with statues of a figure that shows up in Demacian art, too?
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Publié par Bakuha
Encore un kikoo champ dark OP pour faire vendre, srsly riot.
C'est vrai que là ils commencent à faire chier avec ça...

C'est quand qu'on aura des champions qui respirent un peu plus la joie de vivre svp riot ?

Keyen : Non. Je déteste teemo. Mais je sais pas. Depuis genre hecarim, il y a que des champions dark. Limite il y en a eu 3 ou 4 qui, ok, ne sont pas trop dark.

Déjà que lissandra était censé être une blonde un peu comme lux et que ça devient une statue lol² dark.. Ca fait un peu chier.. On veut des boobs bordel.
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Publié par Toropicana
Tu joues depuis la beta et t'es encore en manque de PI?
Oui et il me manque 15 champions, bon ok j'ai des runes pas tres useful : spellvamp, lifesteal, quint cdr, bleu cdr etc ...
Donc oui je galère encore en PI
Sur les bouquins maintenant :
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"When I noticed the similarities between the Demacian stained glass and the Noxian statue, I had to know more. I pulled as many books as I could out of the library at Piltover's academy. There are some sections there restricted to everyone but academy graduates. I could have gotten in on my own, but I didn't want to burn any bridges, so I had Jayce help me out. Everyone loves that guy.
The smaller one is a book of Noxian war poems. Most of what's inside is standard Noxian military fare, but the blade on the cover captured my attention.

The big one right here is an old book of fables and stories. Not all of them are entirely true, but one of them caught my eye. The character in the story is an arrogant general leading his warriors into battle and winning with ease. He has the last of his enemies cornered, but… you know what they say about pride before a fall.

A great warrior—that's right, our dark figure—appears in the battle. The arrogant general's enemies, men on the verge of death, are inspired by his presence. “They rose from their knees as though he'd lit their very blood aflame,” it says.“The shamed general watched as his men were cleaved by an army that had begged for mercy just moments before. His enemies had become murderers and butchers. As they closed on him, the general could not be certain whether they were still men at all.”"
Le "pas de pieds" me donne surtout l'impression d'une sorte de démon pris dans la roche.
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Publié par Eveley
Keyen : Non. Je déteste teemo. Mais je sais pas. Depuis genre hecarim, il y a que des champions dark. Limite il y en a eu 3 ou 4 qui, ok, ne sont pas trop dark.
Question de point de vue. Perso j'en compte plutôt une dizaine (Zac, Quinn, Vi, Nami, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Zyra, Jayce, Draven, Darius). C'est pas vraiment une minorité
Citation :
Publié par Ori Sacabaf
Le "pas de pieds" me donne surtout l'impression d'une sorte de démon pris dans la roche.
Question de point de vue. Perso j'en compte plutôt une dizaine (Zac, Quinn, Vi, Nami, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Zyra, Jayce, Draven, Darius). C'est pas vraiment une minorité
Perso je compte zac, kha, rengar, zyra, (et un peu draven et darius) comme étant dark.
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