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Le DMFI_Manager_Tool est un outil pratique qui permet aux DMs de sauvegarder des objets ou créatures préparées à l'avance, puis de les rappeler à volonté pendant les anims.
Malheureusement il ne fonctionne pas très bien quand plusieurs DMs l'utilisent sur le même module (en tout cas sur notre module), de plus il utilise la base de donnée campagne de NWN2 qui est peu performante.

Je l'ai donc modifié de la façon suivante :
- Passage sous base mysql.
- Chaque DM dispose désormais de 20 slots personnels pour stocker des créatures ou objets dans la base de donnée SQL (pour préparer ses anims par exemple).
- Ces objets ou créatures sont récupérables par le DM tant qu'il conserve la sauvegarde.
- L'interface de l'outil est inchangée.
- Attention : comme toute utilisation de la base de donnée, il y a risque de lag, donc à utiliser à bon escient.

Pour éviter de créer une nouvelle table dans la base mysql, j'ai utilisé la table que j'ai créée sur le module pour la gestion des coffres persistants en détournant légèrement son utilisation. La structure de la table est décrite ci-dessous :
CREATE TABLE `table_coffre` (               
                `CoffreID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  
                `CharacterID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,       
                `NomObjet` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,      
                `TagCoffre` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,     
                `Contenu` longtext,                       
                PRIMARY KEY (`CoffreID`)                  
              ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
La table peut être créée soit manuellement soit en exécutant la commande ci-dessus sous SQLyog par exemple.

Le script de gestion de l'outil gui_dmfi_mngrtool est modifié de la façon suivante :
Qk library scripts for the DMFI Manager tool
It controls the vector positions too
Torcafel 2011 : passage sous nwnx4, avec 20 slots par DM
#include "dmfi_inc_tool"
#include "db_inc_functions"
#include "db_inc_database"
#include "nwnx_sql"
void main(string sValue, int nObj, float nX, float nY, float nZ)
 object oPC = OBJECT_SELF;
 object oArea = GetArea(oPC);
 string sTagCoffre;
 int iCID = GetCharacterID(oPC);
 string sNameB;
 string sSQL;
 int i;
 string sSlot;
 string sName;
// if (!GetIsDM(oPC)) return;
 object oTarget = GetPlayerCurrentTarget(oPC);
 if (!DMFI_GetIsDM(oPC)) return;
 int nString;
 if (GetStringLeft(sValue,5)=="SLOT_")
  sValue = GetSubString(sValue,5,2);
 else if (sValue == "BUT_STORE")
  if ((GetObjectType(oTarget)!= 1) && (GetObjectType(oTarget)!=2))
     if (nString<1)
   SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Must select a slot");
  sName = GetName(oTarget);
  sSQL = "UPDATE " + "Table_Coffre" + " SET Contenu=%s" +
            " WHERE CharacterID=" + IntToString(iCID) + " AND TagCoffre='SLOT_" + IntToString(nString) + "'";
  sSQL = "SET NomObjet='" + sName + "'";
     DBSQLCmd("UPDATE " + gTable_Prefix + "Table_Coffre " + sSQL + " WHERE CharacterID=" + IntToString(iCID) +
           " AND TagCoffre='SLOT_" + IntToString(nString) + "'");
 else if (sValue == "BUT_PICKUP")
   object oLoc = IntToObject(nObj);
         location lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(nX,nY,nZ),GetFacing(oPC));
   object oLod;
   sSQL = "SELECT Contenu FROM " + "Table_Coffre" + " WHERE CharacterID=" + IntToString(iCID) +
           " AND TagCoffre='SLOT_" + IntToString(nString) + "'";
   oLod = SQLRetrieveObject(GetLocation(oPC), oPC);
  // SendMessageToPC(oPC,"n"+IntToString(GetObjectType(oLod)));
 else if (sValue=="READ_MNGR")
   // initialisation de la base de donnée
   if (DBRecordExists("Table_Coffre", "CharacterID=" + IntToString(iCID) + " AND TagCoffre='SLOT_20'") == FALSE)
        sTagCoffre = "SLOT_" + IntToString(i);
      DBAddRecord("Table_Coffre", "CharacterID,TagCoffre", IntToString(iCID) + ",'" + sTagCoffre + "'", "CoffreID");
   // Initialisation UI 
    sNameB = DBReadString("Table_Coffre", "NomObjet", "CharacterID=" + IntToString(iCID) + " AND TagCoffre='SLOT_" + sSlot + "'");
    if (sNameB!="")
  SendMessageToPC(oPC, "nohayui2");
Nota : le script nwnx_sql fourni avec le kit nwnx4 ne fonctionne pas pour la sauvegarde des objets. Il faut donc utiliser la version suivante :
// Name     : NWNX SQL include
// Purpose  : Scripting functions for NWNX SQL plugins
// Author   : Ingmar Stieger
// Modified : 09/12/2006
// Copyright: This file is licensed under the terms of the
//            GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2
//            Based on aps_include by Ingmar Stieger, Adam Colon, Josh Simon
/* Constants                        */
const int SQL_ERROR = 0;
const int SQL_SUCCESS = 1;
/* Function prototypes              */
// Execute statement in sSQL
void SQLExecDirect(string sSQL);
// Position cursor on next row of the resultset
// Call this before using SQLGetData().
// - Leave the parameter empty to advance to the next row.
// - Pass "NEXT" as parameter to fetch the first row of the
//   next resultset (for statements that return multiple resultsets)
// returns: SQL_SUCCESS if there is a row
//          SQL_ERROR if there are no more rows
int SQLFetch(string mode = " ");
// Return value of column iCol in the current row of result set sResultSetName
// Maximum column size: 65KByte
string SQLGetData(int iCol);
// Deprecated.
// Return value of column iCol in the current row of result set sResultSetName
// Maximum column size: 65KByte
// Only for compability reasons. Use SQLGetData instead.
string SQLGetDataText(int iCol);
// Return the number of rows that were affected by the last 
// INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation.
int SQLGetAffectedRows();
// Return a string value when given a location
string SQLLocationToString(location lLocation);
// Return a location value when given the string form of the location
location SQLStringToLocation(string sLocation);
// Return a string value when given a vector
string SQLVectorToString(vector vVector);
// Return a vector value when given the string form of the vector
vector SQLStringToVector(string sVector);
// Set oObject's persistent string variable sVarName to sValue
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
void SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sValue, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent integer variable sVarName to iValue
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
void SetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, int iValue, int iExpiration =
                      0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent float variable sVarName to fValue
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
void SetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, float fValue, int iExpiration =
                        0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent location variable sVarName to lLocation
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
//   This function converts location to a string for storage in the database.
void SetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, location lLocation, int iExpiration =
                           0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent vector variable sVarName to vVector
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
//   This function converts vector to a string for storage in the database.
void SetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, vector vVector, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent object with sVarName to sValue
// Optional parameters:
//   iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwobjdata)
void SetPersistentObject(object oObject, string sVarName, object oObject2, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwobjdata");
// Get oObject's persistent string variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: ""
string GetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent integer variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
int GetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent float variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
float GetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent location variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
location GetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarname, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent vector variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
vector GetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent object sVarName
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where object is stored (default: pwobjdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
object GetPersistentObject(object oObject, string sVarName, object oOwner = OBJECT_INVALID, string sTable = "pwobjdata");
// Delete persistent variable sVarName stored on oObject
// Optional parameters:
//   sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
void DeletePersistentVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Replace special characters (like ') in a database compatible way
string SQLEncodeSpecialChars(string sString);
// Execute statement in sSQL using SCO/RCO
void SQLSCORCOExec(string sSQL);
//Store object in DB using SCO hook
void SQLStoreObject(object oObject);
//Retrieve object from DB using RCO hook
object SQLRetrieveObject(location lLocation, object oOwner = OBJECT_INVALID, string sMode="-");
/* Implementation                   */
void SQLExecDirect(string sSQL)
    NWNXSetString("SQL", "EXEC", sSQL, 0, "");
int SQLFetch(string mode = " ")
    return NWNXGetInt("SQL", "FETCH", mode, 0);
string SQLGetData(int iCol)
    return NWNXGetString("SQL", "GETDATA", "", iCol - 1);
string SQLGetDataText(int iCol)
    return NWNXGetString("SQL", "GETDATA", "", iCol - 1);
int SQLGetAffectedRows()
    return NWNXGetInt("SQL", "GET AFFECTED ROWS", "", 0);
// These functions deal with various data types. Ultimately, all NWN specific
// information must be stored in the database as strings, and converted back to 
// the proper form when retrieved.
string SQLVectorToString(vector vVector)
    return "#POSITION_X#" + FloatToString(vVector.x) + "#POSITION_Y#" + FloatToString(vVector.y) +
        "#POSITION_Z#" + FloatToString(vVector.z) + "#END#";
vector SQLStringToVector(string sVector)
    float fX, fY, fZ;
    int iPos, iCount;
    int iLen = GetStringLength(sVector);
    if (iLen > 0)
        iPos = FindSubString(sVector, "#POSITION_X#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fX = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iCount));
        iPos = FindSubString(sVector, "#POSITION_Y#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fY = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iCount));
        iPos = FindSubString(sVector, "#POSITION_Z#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fZ = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sVector, iPos, iCount));
    return Vector(fX, fY, fZ);
string SQLLocationToString(location lLocation)
    object oArea = GetAreaFromLocation(lLocation);
    vector vPosition = GetPositionFromLocation(lLocation);
    float fOrientation = GetFacingFromLocation(lLocation);
    string sReturnValue;
    if (GetIsObjectValid(oArea))
        sReturnValue =
            "#AREA#" + GetTag(oArea) + "#POSITION_X#" + FloatToString(vPosition.x) +
            "#POSITION_Y#" + FloatToString(vPosition.y) + "#POSITION_Z#" +
            FloatToString(vPosition.z) + "#ORIENTATION#" + FloatToString(fOrientation) + "#END#";
    return sReturnValue;
location SQLStringToLocation(string sLocation)
    location lReturnValue;
    object oArea;
    vector vPosition;
    float fOrientation, fX, fY, fZ;
    int iPos, iCount;
    int iLen = GetStringLength(sLocation);
    if (iLen > 0)
        iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#AREA#") + 6;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        oArea = GetObjectByTag(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
        iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_X#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fX = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
        iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_Y#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fY = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
        iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_Z#") + 12;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fZ = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
        vPosition = Vector(fX, fY, fZ);
        iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#ORIENTATION#") + 13;
        iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
        fOrientation = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
        lReturnValue = Location(oArea, vPosition, fOrientation);
    return lReturnValue;
// These functions are responsible for transporting the various data types back
// and forth to the database.
void SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sValue, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    sValue = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sValue);
    string sSQL = "SELECT player FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
    if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS)
        // row exists
        sSQL = "UPDATE " + sTable + " SET val='" + sValue +
            "',expire=" + IntToString(iExpiration) + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
            "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
        // row doesn't exist
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + sTable + " (player,tag,name,val,expire) VALUES" +
            "('" + sPlayer + "','" + sTag + "','" + sVarName + "','" +
            sValue + "'," + IntToString(iExpiration) + ")";
string GetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
    if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS)
        return SQLGetData(1);
        return "";
        // If you want to convert your existing persistent data to SQL, this
        // would be the place to do it. The requested variable was not found
        // in the database, you should
        // 1) query it's value using your existing persistence functions
        // 2) save the value to the database using SetPersistentString()
        // 3) return the string value here.
void SetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, int iValue, int iExpiration =
                      0, string sTable = "pwdata")
    SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, IntToString(iValue), iExpiration, sTable);
int GetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
 if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS)
        return StringToInt(SQLGetData(1));
        return 0;
void SetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, float fValue, int iExpiration =
                        0, string sTable = "pwdata")
    SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, FloatToString(fValue), iExpiration, sTable);
float GetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
 if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS)
        return StringToFloat(SQLGetData(1));
        return 0.0f;
void SetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, location lLocation, int iExpiration =
                           0, string sTable = "pwdata")
    SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, SQLLocationToString(lLocation), iExpiration, sTable);
location GetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    return SQLStringToLocation(GetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, sTable));
void SetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, vector vVector, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwdata")
    SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, SQLVectorToString(vVector), iExpiration, sTable);
vector GetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    return SQLStringToVector(GetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, sTable));
void SetPersistentObject(object oOwner, string sVarName, object oObject, int iExpiration =
                         0, string sTable = "pwobjdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oOwner))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oOwner));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oOwner));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oOwner);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "SELECT player FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
    if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS)
        // row exists
        sSQL = "UPDATE " + sTable + " SET val=%s,expire=" + IntToString(iExpiration) +
            " WHERE player='" + sPlayer + "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
        SQLStoreObject (oObject);
        // row doesn't exist
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + sTable + " (player,tag,name,val,expire) VALUES" +
            "('" + sPlayer + "','" + sTag + "','" + sVarName + "',%s," + IntToString(iExpiration) + ")";
        SQLStoreObject (oObject);
object GetPersistentObject(object oObject, string sVarName, object oOwner = OBJECT_INVALID, string sTable = "pwobjdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    object oModule;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
    if (!GetIsObjectValid(oOwner))
        oOwner = oObject;
    return SQLRetrieveObject (GetLocation(oOwner), oOwner);
void DeletePersistentVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
    string sPlayer;
    string sTag;
    if (GetIsPC(oObject))
        sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oObject));
        sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
        sPlayer = "~";
        sTag = GetTag(oObject);
    sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
    string sSQL = "DELETE FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
        "' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
// Problems can arise with SQL commands if variables or values have single quotes
// in their names. This function encodes these quotes so the underlying database
// can safely store them.
string SQLEncodeSpecialChars(string sString)
    return NWNXGetString("SQL", "GET ESCAPE STRING", sString, 0);
void SQLSCORCOExec(string sSQL)
    NWNXSetString("SQL", "SETSCORCOSQL", sSQL, 0, "");
void SQLStoreObject(object oObject)
    StoreCampaignObject("NWNX", "-", oObject);
object SQLRetrieveObject(location lLocation, object oOwner = OBJECT_INVALID, string sMode="-")
    return RetrieveCampaignObject("NWNX", sMode, lLocation, oOwner);
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