Patchnote CBT2

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Toujours sur archeage-community, on peut trouver le patchnote de la CBT2:

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Combat Skills
+ Variety of uses (active) and maintain combat skills (passive) was added to combat skills.
+ Battle between the chain effect of technology improvements and added.
+ Meet-up at a certain level of combat skill points to learn can learn new combat techniques.
+ Combat skills instructor, held a visit can enhance combat skills.
+ If you are not within the target range immediately to prevent automated attacks has changed.
+ Knock-on effect, the battle for progressive damage to print the message has changed.
+ Parry, counterattack, avoidance of such behavior has improved synchronization.
+ Combat skills have improved synchronization.
+ Has added musical instruments to a common technology. Playing a musical instrument can be worn only in the state.

Horseback Technology
+ Horse level up and gain new skills to be used has changed.
+ Horseback jwabegi / woobegi technology to broadband technology has changed.
+ Donkey kick techniques have been added.
Has added breakthrough technology +.
+ Horse jump techniques have been added.
+ Move faster and speak a variety of colors can be purchased in stores.
+ Horse armor was added to the stats.

+ Item tooltip has been improved.
+ 950 kinds of weapons have been added.
Armor + has added more than 1,500 species.
+ Over 100 potions and food items have been added.
+ I have added more than 300 other items.
+ Armor materials have been implemented, the additional effects.
+ 50% over one thousand when you wear your clothes 10% faster movement speed and casting time reduced by 10%.
+ All parts of moving speed of a thousand when you wear your clothes 20% faster cast time reduced by 20%.
+ 50% or more when you wear leathers, faster movement speed by 5% melee attack speed is increased by 5%.
+ If you wear leather in all parts of the movement speed by 10% to 10% faster melee attack speed is faster.

Residential Systems
+ I have added new buildings and gardens.
+ Furniture has added more than 60 species.
+ Tax Payment System has been implemented. You can pay by mail
+ Taxes unpaid for a long time to demolish the house party.

Naval Warfare
+ 3 types of boats have been implemented.
+ Boat was able to create.
+ Times the object can be manipulated. (Sails, anchors, boards, guns, helm, ladder, ramp)
+ Expand or fold a sail boat you can change the turning angle and speed.
+ Boat attacked and destroyed the ship may obtain items from the rubble.

Assistant tool
+ Assistant to the other players can tell the way the tool item has been added.

Available in styles from the same camp + PVP PVP can do. (Ctrl + F)
+ PVP compromised PC can be a state that has been changed to be replaced.
+ White woods, Mariano platforms now in PVP is not possible, sipjabyeol plains, two crowns, Maha Devi, dongteulnyeok bandoman be PVP areas.
+ When you report a crime to collect evidence and a victim reported an increase in the character of the offense scores, and crime levels reached a certain score
Features the characters trapped in a prison, has been implemented.

+ Party status has improved the way you do the quest.
+ Party acquired the status of the item and the experience has improved the rules.
+ Party UI has been improved.

+ / Shout or / cry, / y, / yell, / ㅛ key to enter the chat window can be in the region of voices.

+ I have added 4 new areas. (Sipjabyeol plains, two crowns, Maha Devi, dongteulnyeok Peninsula)
In the new monster new areas, and various environmental effects, etc. You can enjoy the event.
+ Soljeurideu Peninsula
- Crescent has been added to the internal nature of the throne.
- Yiniseu islands have been added.
+ Garangdol Plains
- Garangdol Go of the plains have improved circulation.
- Tower Defense has implemented some form of content.
+ White woods
- Farewell of the garden, fragrant fields have been added.
+ Mariahnopeul
- I have added in jail.
Need a forest degree, five +
- Terrain and mobility have improved circulation.

+ Race Quest
- Nuyian race has added more than 50 quests.
- New nuyian race them, but has added quests.
- 13 new quests have been added Elf race.
- Quest race them, but has added a new elf.
+ Local Quest
- Sipjabyeol on the plains more than 80 quests have been added.
- Dongteulnyeok Peninsula has added more than 50 quests.
- Soljeurideu Peninsula quest of more than 10 dogs have been improved.
- Soljeurideu Peninsula quests have been added 5.
- Need for degree, five changes of the forest, while circulation has improved to 15 quests.
- Garangdol change of the plains, while copper has added more than 20 new quests.
- White Forest has over 10 additional quests.
- Mariano platforms, or about 40 additional quests have been improved.
- Maha Devi has added about 40 quests.
- Duwanggwane has over 60 additional quests.

+ 40 species, has added a new monster.
+ Flying to move and move underwater monster has been implemented.
+ Monster invulnerable to revolve been modified so that they have not received any attack.
+ Monster has more far-reaching changes to track.
+ Monster can not fight back so that the state could gain the experience has changed.
+ The monster's vitality has been reduced to the amount recovered.
+ Monster drops the United States to receive what has changed.

+ BGM have added.
+ Various hwangyeongeum and monster sound and have improved further.
+ Walking and jumping and the sound tracks have been added to the context.
+ Sound output synchronization has been improved.
+ Life changes according to the Spirit and moans will be the output.
+ Crit Hit the city has added sound effects.
+ 30 levels of combat before the sound of all abilities have been added.
+ Add Stagecoach and the ship was sound.
+ UI sounds have been added and the system message.

+ Main Quest that automatically record journal (quest journal) has been implemented.
+ Quest for navigation has been implemented.
+ UI skin has changed
+ 577 icons have been added.
+ The login screen has been improved.
+ Character creation and selection screen has been improved.
+ Pat has been related to complement the UI.
+ Font has changed.

+ Can not grow crops to be planted where the trees, so that has been modified crops.
+ Enough space for the survival of crop trees should be planted so that has changed.
+ Increase the skill level of interaction technology has introduced rules and reduce the cast time.
+ Using the interaction force levels decreased.
+ Maximum force levels have been changed to 100.
+ Private trading system has been implemented.
+ Underwater breath gauge has been implemented.
+ Go in the water has improved. (Jump - rise, X keys - falling, yidongki - while maintaining the current moving water)
+ I have added a variety of emotions. (Joy, surprise, crying, loneliness, campy, say, ridiculous, bewildering, anger, apologies, applause, loyal, soninsa, laughter, fear, denial, well, boo , Dorval, bukkeu, mureupkkulgi, cough, bow, things cycle)
+ You can use a given camera viewpoint. (Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn)
beaucoup vont y trouver leur compte

patch du 05/11/10:
Citation :
- 전투 애니메이션과 동기화를 개선하였습니다.

- 특정 상황에서 전투 상태가 끝나지 않는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 부활을 받은 후 움직일 수 없는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 가랑돌 평원에서 출몰하는 비정상적인 NPC를 삭제하였습니다.

- "마상 활공격"의 툴팁과 재사용 대기시간이 보이지 않는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 타인의 말에 합승한 후 내리면 액션바를 사용할 수 없는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 로그아웃 후 재접속하면 말의 경험치와 레벨이 초기화하는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 배가 부서지면 다시 불러낼 수 없는 문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 아이템 "길잡이 문", "길잡이 지도"에서 [제거] 기능을 삭제했습니다.

- 가방 슬롯이 부족해 개인 거래가 실패하면 상점 거래가 불가능해질 수 있는
문제를 해결하였습니다.

- 노동력이 부족한 상태에서 제작을 시도하면 제작은 실패하지만 재료는
사라지는 문제를 해결하였습니다.
Traduction du PTCBT2 05/11/10:
- L'animation et la syncronisation des combats a été améliorée.
- Dans certaines circonstances l'état combat ne se terminait pas à été résolu.
- Ne pas pouvoir bouger après une résurrection à été résolu.
- Garangdol inhabituelle errant dans les plaines de l'APN a été supprimé.
- "À cheval hwalgonggyeok" l'info-bulle et temps de recharge qui ne permettait pas de le voir a été résolu.
- Sur hapseunghan les actions pour descendre non activable par la barre a été résolu.
- Après deconnexion le fait de ne plus être en phase avec le niveau d'expérience du cheval à été résolu.
- Résolution du problème lié à l'écrasement.
- Item "Assistant Moon", "orientation" et la fonction associé ont été supprimée.
- Résolution des problèmes de sacs entre les transactions individuels et de marchand.
Vraiment très détaillé tout ça merci beaucoup, et juste pour souligner car cela semble faire débat sur un autre topic, on voit bien que le système de PvP semble s'activer grâce à CTRL+F, il serait donc possible qu'il n'y ait aucune instanciation et on peut donc PvP ou l'on veut et quand on veut, avec le nombre que l'on veut ( néanmoins trop de joueurs, donc sans doute + de 100, ca risque d'être injouable pour le moment, car ils ont préciser que l'optimisation se fera plus tard, vers la release).

Néanmoins comme vous pouvez le voir je n'affirme rien car la encore c'est juste un Patchnote, ça détail mais sans plus concernant le PvP.

En tout cas 950 sortes d'armes ajoutées, ça paraît énorme dit comme ça xD !!
Ce patch note semble corriger pas mal de points critiqués dans le Q&R, c'est de bon augure pour l'avenir. Espérons qu'ils ne s'arrêteront pas là.

Sinon, concernant le PvP, je ne pense pas que le "(ctrl+F)" fasse référence à une macro d'activation du mode. Ce serait très décevant, connaissant leurs promesses (monde ouvert, libre,...), en plus d'aller à l'encontre du système de prison. (Si le PvP doit être consentis, il n'y a plus de notion de Pk.)
Ha non je ne parlais pas de système à la TERA ou chacun doit être d'accord pour se taper dessus mais je parlais d'un système comme pour L2 ou tu devais simplement appuyer sur CTRL pour taper le joueur que tu voulais sans que celui le veuille ou non ^^ . ( désolé si je me suis mal exprimé)
il existe un bouton nonpvp effectivement:

par contre j'ai cru comprendre que dans certaines zones le pvp serait activé automatiquement, et d'autres ou les joueurs auraient le choix, mais j'attend encore la confirmation officielle.
Citation :
+ 950 kinds of weapons have been added.
Armor + has added more than 1,500 species.
C'est diffcicile à évaluer. S'ils comptent dedans les différents degrés de bonus qu'une arme ou une armure peut avoir. Je penses aux "Commun/Rare/Unique" etc... mais utilisant un skin identique, si évidemment ils utilisent un système de ce type. xD

En tout cas ça parait un bon début.
Citation :
Publié par rackam77
Devait pas avoir grand chose dans la CBT1 vu le nombre d'items qu'ils ont rajoutés pour cette CBT2.
Il n'y avait même pas de musiques sur la CBT1 ! Pas de sons pour le saut et la marche à pieds, pour les skills des 30 premiers levels, et j'en passe. C'était un MMO muet
Bah comme ils le précisent eux même, c'était un lancement test cette CBT1, c'était beaucoup brouillon et balancé comme ça sur le tas ^^ et d'ailleurs je trouve ça judicieux, comme ça ils peuvent mettre tout en place correctement comme ils l'avaient prévu pour les prochaine phase de test + corriger et ajouter des trucs sur la demande des testeurs.

Bref j'espère qu'ils continueront dans cette écoute et dans cette évolution en tout cas !
"When you report a crime to collect evidence and a victim reported an increase in the character of the offense scores, and crime levels reached a certain score
Features the characters trapped in a prison, has been implemented."

Visiblement il y a un systeme de criminalité avec prison ... j'aime
Les pk en prison

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