[WIKI] Patch notes, état du serveur et infos

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Informations :

- Informations TPS réel des serveurs: http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/t...-status.47651/
- Telechargement du client : http://www.mortalonline.com/download-game-client
- Carte du monde de MO, Nave : http://www.mortalonlinemap.info/
- Wikis regroupant tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur le jeu ( craft, skill, map, magie, ressources .. ), sur le lore du jeu, et sur la beta : http://www.mortal-wiki.org/index.php?title=Main_Page

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Sois via le patcher, la solution la plus rapide. Advenant un problème, performer un scan d'intégrité via votre launcher avant le ré-installation complète.
Dernières modifications :
(Voir) 08/8/2012 15:51:41 : Artorius (Wiki et devtracker)
(Voir) (Comparer)08/8/2012 15:49:47 : Artorius (carte online)
(Voir) (Comparer)08/8/2012 15:48:54 : Artorius (Server status,)
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[Actu] Notes de hot fix:
Citation :
This is an incoming small but important hot fix patch.
Ce prochain patch correctif est petit mais important

- Librairie finalisée
- Correction possible pour les joueurs invisibles
- Correction des "joueurs volants"
- Amélioration de l'IA avec navmesh
- Les messages de "vous êtes déjà connecté" alors que ce n'est pas le cas ont été corrigés
- Les familiers et montures sont désormais plus stables et devraient écouter leur maîtres correctement. Il se peut qu'il y'ait toujours des problèmes avec les changements de node
- La lune est maintenant plus net
- La lumière ambiante a été ajustée.
- La "Spear Stance" a été corrigée.
- Les arbres corrompus de Moh Ki ont été corrigés
- "Overhead swing" ne donnera plus de bonus de dégâts sur les coups normaux
- Correction d'un bug qui faisait qu'un joueur déséquipait son arme principale quand il équipait un bouclier.
- Correction d'un bug qui faisait qu'un joueur pouvait échanger des objets avec un autre joueur dont l'inventaire était plein.
- Correction d'un bug qui faisait qu'un vendeur de maison connectait les mauvais payements à l'objet qui était en vente.
- Les nuages sont à nouveau visibles.
Patch Notes - Version

Citation :
Patch Notes - Version

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

Notice of DirectX update:
Make sure you are running the latest version DirectX to avoid issues.
Find the latest version here:

------ FEATURES ------

- Improved Animation system. Currently only implemented in Resting.

- Patches are now bundled. Both download and installation times improved.

- New cluster system that will both increase server capacity and node calculations for each player. This should improve repsonse on all actions and allow for more players to be more accurate in crowded areas. This will go live Thursday 28th ~9:00 am GMT+2 so we can monitor the server. It is simple a server-side option so there is no downloadable patch for it.

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------


- Rebuilt the system for animation feedback when hitting NPCs.

- When loggin in you should now recive a correct message if the Server is offline or disabled.

- You can now no longer keep buying book before you close the message you get when buying.

- Increased interpolation time of players for a smoother movement.

- Using max movement speed to calc when to distance sync clients that have gotten stuck or behind.

- Stun-timer for using items is now removed and replaced with a silent timer. Meaning you no longer get a full-stun when using items.

- You can now correctly build handle-only weapons again (staffs without a blade).

- Massive-LOD optimization of the north-eastern area (Fabernum, Meduli, etc.).

- Priest-beacons are no longer visible all at once but in your general area.

- Creatures should now be able to roam around and follow player better due to navmesh fixes and better usage of line tracing when moving.

- Updated server configurations to make the server send more updates to the clients for better sync.

AI & Mounts:

- The hitpoints of Molva Beasts have been lowered.

- Creatures following in battle has been tweaked and should now work better.

- Bandage and Feeding of pets will now be aborted when mounting them.

Art & Sound:

- Updated one handed sword animations.

- Updated the standard Idle animation.

- Updated wood cutting animation.

- Added generic hurt animation for NPC's.

- Terrains cast self-shadow.

- Near shadows looks sharper.

- Skydome texture changed similar to the beta version.

- More interactive bushes added.


- You can no longer charge a strike and trigger a combatmove while holding the charge.

- Getting hit by magic will now ALWAYS cancel spells the target is channeling.

- Rasied the damage on melee-dmg. (went live on Monday 25th).

- Added a new momentum calculation on the server for knockdown.

Housing & Guilds:

- You can no longer access a house chest that has been locked after the chest UI was opened.

------ BUG FIXES ------


- When buying multiple weapons from a vendor, you will now recive the correct amount.

- Looting should now stack items in a more correct way.

- Fixed some books in the library that where tagged with "Group" as category.

- Made several improvements trying to get rid of the "invis-players" some people have experienced.

- All Black wood trees are working again.

- "Common" furnaces are working again. Player furnaces in houses are still disabled at the moment.

- Missing librarians in Gaul Khor and Kranesh are back.

- Missing Tutors are back.

- Spiritist books are back.

- All tefra stones are minable again.

- Fixed an error that made vis/core materials on handles calc their weight wrong.

AI & Mounts:

- Pet follow has been tweaked to make it follow its master smoother.

- Resolved a bug which hindrered creatures to move due to no ground found.

- Resolved an issue where players with no CreatureControl skill could not feed their pet at all.

- Resolved an issue when mounting a pet where a message was sent that the pet has gone wild.

- Fixed the mount/transfer dupe.

Art & Sound:

- Fixed so that the face of a corpse hit by a blunt weapon will change into a deformed face instead of removing the head (the art for the deformed head will be changed at a later state).

- Pickables should no longer float slightly above the ground; they should now be placed solidly on the ground.


- Mercymode swings should now correctly reflect what type of weapon you are holding.

- Fixed so that corpse only get their head removed when hit by slashing weapons.

- Siege weapons now correctly take a part of the ammo rather then the whole item when loaded.

- Fixed a bug that made stamina-drain after using a bow act incorrectly.

- Fixed an error where OH-swing wouldn't calculate correctly.

Housing & Guilds:

- UI for palisade will now correctly close when moving away.

- Fixed a bug where Keeps did not know what territory they were owning.

- Some houses that were only viewable from a distance no longer become invisible when getting close.

- Fixed a bug where your own stable would charge you if you were in a guild not connected to that house.

Skills & Attributes:

- Swimming and crawling should now correctly give you a 100% boost to swimspeed when both are at level 100.

- Holding sprint while swimming should now work as intended.

- Fixed a bug that made concentration less effective than it should be.
Pas de patchnote.

En revanche, résolution des problèmes de desync + du problème de combat / out of combat modes. Ajout apparemment de nouveaux types de Molvas.

Quelques autres modifications mineures dont je ne me souviens pas le détail.
Hedecon Felagund Naerth
Conquérant et Guild Leader Naerth.

La Guerre est un Art et les Naerth sont des artistes.
Y'a aussi eu quelques mini modifs visuels (nouvelles poses a l'écran des persos et tout)

Faudrait juste régler maintenant le problème de bug taming et la stabilité serveur et zou, passons à autre chose pour à nouveau péter le jeu avec du nouveau contenu
Patch Notes - Version

Citation :

We just solved a crash bug within our new pet dupe protection system, this was made server side so you are still on the same client version. This was the crashes that occurred yesterday and should now be fixed.

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

Notice of DirectX update:
Make sure you are running the latest version DirectX to avoid issues.
Find the latest version here:

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------


- Resolved numerous dupe issues.
- You now always login with mousemode off.
- Displaynames of characters should now show at a greater distance.
- Emotes should no longer be case sensitive.
- Made several improvements to the interpolation system to make it sync up more often.

AI & Mounts:

- Horse speeds have been slightly reduced.
- It should now be possible to abandon pets across nodes.
- The effect of feeding a pet will now be canceled out when crossing node borders.
- Pet-duping-prevention handling has been implemented.
- Communications between pets and their masters have had an overall stability upgrade.
- It should now be possible for pets to follow or attack targets or its tamer across nodes borders.
- Mounts will now rotate according to the terrain they are standing on (Whilst unmounted).
- Wolves will now align with the terrain they are standing on.
- Creatures will no longer be able to flee from dead players.

Art & Sound:

- The new light will now update when night turns to day, making the nights a lot darker.
- Torches will no longer generate lightshafts.
- Rebuilt large parts of the character-select screen.
- Made a new material for the Stone-version of the characters.
- Added a "deselect" effect when a character is selected and then you select another character.
- Updated the texture-merge of armors in character-select to fix the buggy armors.
- Added a simple rotate-on-spot animation, this will be tweaked later on.
- Added new unarmed animations.
- Added new idle animation for vendors.


- You can now correctly get equipment hits when hitting other players weapons/shields.
- Updated combat to use the new way of sending animations to improve response.
- Further tweaked the hit-detection vs mounted players.

------ BUG FIXES ------


- Fixed a typo when manifested and running out of Kau.
- You can no longer open libraries or vendors when dead.
- Players should no longer be flagged as blue by default, when your client hasn't received the information from the server yet.
- Removed a spamming "You are to far away" message.
- Removed a idle-npc animation (looking at nails).

AI & Mounts:

- Fixed a glitch when your mount dies and you get knocked down.
- Resolved an issue that did not remove pet when abandoning.
- Resolved an issue where wrong messages were sent to player while mounting a pet.
- Resolved an issue where connection between tamer and pet was lost after node crash.
- Resolved an issue when mount died, the player mounted also died.
- Resolved an issue when player died when mounted, the mount itself also died.
- Resolved an issue where the player could not tame a new creature after mount dying while player was mounted.
- Resolved an issue when successfully taming a new creature and having a pet already, that pet would not be propery abandoned if in another node.

Art & Sound:

- Made several fixes to the new light.
- Campfires should no longer be floating above the ground.
- Siege weapons should no longer be floating above the ground.
- Buildables should no longer be floating above the ground.
- Fixed a bug that made bows end up in a incorrect spot after having a fishing poles equipped.
- All siege weapons should now correctly play sound.
- All mounts should now correctly play sound.
- Greater Kimuru should now correcly play sound.
- Further fix for placing pickables correctly on the ground.
- Fixed a timer related bug that could make pickable spawners spawn lots of pickables at once.


- Fixed a tracing bug that made it possible to hit mounted players with melee weapons from very far away.
- Fixed a bug that made it really hard to hit with unarmed-strikes from the left.
- Fixed a bug where your speed would not update correctly when leaving combatmode.
- Fixed a bug where bows sometimes fired graphically but no projectile was spawned in code, resulting in "ghost arrows".

Housing & Guilds:

- Made a fix so that destroyed houses should correctly get removed after some time.
- Fixed a bug where you could access palisade inventory from outside.
- Siege weapons will now come back in their true form after server reboot.
- Fixed a bug where you could access palisade inventory from outside.
spot réservé pour patch notes traduites. En attendant, voici en anglais:

Citation :
Patch Notes - Version
2010-11-15 (Planned to go live tomorrow 16th of November)

This is a rather small but important client update with overall performance updates and a few other goodies.

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

Notice of DirectX update:
Make sure you are running the latest version DirectX to avoid issues.



- Fledgling flag added (yellow) for new created characters. All new created characters will get a yellow flag which protects them from any player made damage or any theft. This flag will stay on the new character for 4 in game hours, after that it becomes blue. A fledgling player will still follow the flagging rules and become grey if they do any illegal actions as long as they engage in any criminal action. This is a good way for new players to get into the game during the first 4 hours.
- You can now set FOV in the launcher
- Combat moves are now also driven using the new animation-system, this should fix missing animations and reduced the cost on the server.
- The Tindrem Arena is now accessible in the game. The gates will only be opened by GMs or whenever a fighting event is going to happened. Inside the arena everyone will count as “grey”, reds won’t get stat loss when being resurrected inside the arena from the special priests. There will be more functions added into the arena later on. More information on when the arena is accessible will be posted on the forums.
- Tweaked the turn-animations node, it can now player a 10deg 45deg 90deg and 180deg animation based on how much the player rotates. This is ONLY used out of combat mode.
- Selected characters will now play a animation when they are selected in the selection-screen.
- Added command /version that will print the current version of the Mortal Online server that you replaying on to your chat log.
- Further tweak on server node performance and overall latency.

AI & Mounts:

- General navmesh tweaking for better AI navigation.
- Creatures should now hold better distances to their targets in battle.
- General distance calculations in the world done by AI should now be more accurate
- It should now not be possible to try to stable a pet which is on a different node than the tamer trying to stable it.
- Creatures will now react better to attacks from ranged and unseen targets.
- The persistent spawner (which spawns the greater Kimuru) has been revised and should now function reliably.


- Short bow fire rate decreased.

------ BUG FIXES ------


- Attribute points will be re-calculated when players login to fix the "missing" attribute points some experience.
- Fixed an issue with mounted charge where it wouldn't give you the correct amount of extra damage when you hit someone with melee while riding.
- Fixed several crashes on the server.
- Fixed several issues with blending animations.
- Fixed issues with some NPC-animations.
- Pickable spawners will no longer be able to spawn pickables outside of their native zones.
- Added turning animations for players
- Fixed skinning issue on wrists seen on the woodcutting animation

AI & Mounts:

- Resolved issue where mount pets sometimes wasn’t recreated after server reboot.
- Resolved an issue where stabled pets could not be retrieved
- Resolved an issue where it was possible to retrieve a pet from stable if current pet was on a different node than the tamer.
- Rare spawners that are configured to guarantee a spawn after a certain time has exceeded, should now actually do a spawn when that time has exceeded.
- When riding on a mount, small creatures will now try to get out of your way; larger creatures will not.

Art & Sound:

- Fixed many places where you could get stuck.

Housing & Guilds:

- Houses will now receive a minimum tax of 5s each day even if the keep controlling its territory has set the Tax for that region to 0.
Gros patch :
Citation :
Patch Notes - Version



- Added support for NPCs that can hold simple objects.
- Added support for NPCs that play an animations once they are used.
- Added support for NPCs that don't turn to you once they are used.
- Added support for the new flash-talk text.
- You can no longer select starting skills, you are created naked without skills.
- Guard zones will now inform you of what zone you are in when you enter them.
- Guard zones will now inform you when you leave them.
- Guard zones should now correctly find players, even if they just mounted and didn’t move.
- Guard zones now type out the correct name of the city.
- Most skills will be learning when using them.
- The experience has been increased for all skills.
- Reading no longer has any parents.
- Skinning Knife skill under butchery added.
- Added a simple "/who" command, this will show information on your current target (only other players) the following info will be shown:
First and Surname.
Full guildname + acronym
- Added a "/whome" command that will show the information other players see when "/who"-ing you.
- As a part of the new "/who" command players will have a second chance to set their surname with the new "/fixsurname NAME"-command. This command will set their surname to NAME and can only be used ONCE.
- The following commands now need a "/" to work:
- Added support for NPCs that teach you skills (tutors).
- Tutor that teaches skills and tells you how to play the game has been added in all starting locations. Morin Khur have all available tutors.
- "F9" will now toggle all UI, making it easier to take screen-shots and record movies.
- "F10" will now take a screenshot that will be place in the "\UnrealEngine3\MortalGame\ScreenShots\" folder on your computer.
- Characters in the character-creation now have rags on when they are forged and created.
- All loot show now correctly show a name when targeted.
- All Pickables should now correctly show a name when targeted.
- Holding tab will now always update the upper-right info window, you no longer need to release tab to get that information updated.
- Dbl-tapping Tab will now lock it in tab-mode.
- Added support for Etherworld NPCs.
- added command /version that will print the current version of the MortalOnline server that you’re playing on to your chat log.
- You can now play small board games at game board tables positions around the world.
- You can now acquire board game pieces/tokens/cards to use while playing board games.
- Changed the maximum stack for bandages to 1000.
- Changes maximum stacks of all resources to 10000
- Final fishing mechanics are in place but further patch requires introducing all the new fish types and some balancing on fishing mechanics based on feedback. To fish you now need fishline, hook and bait, you set your depth choose any bait. Now you can loose your bait, rod, line or hook depending on the situation and player skills.
- Interactive fluids introduced in a few places.
- Increased view range on player houses, palisades and keeps.
- Improved LODs on player houses and palisades
- Buthery:
- Butchery is a part of the extraction system, but instead of an ore pile, you extract from a carcass.
- Carcasses drops from almost all creatures.
- A Skinning Knife will be used as workbench if you haven't targeted a workbench.
- The Skinning Knife if faster but less efficient than the Butchery Workbench.
- Workbenches:
- You must not move away from the spot where you started to use a workbench that can not process without you, if you are away for more than 10 mins you will loose the materials. During that time you can not start another extraction using the same type of workbench.
- A Workbench that can not process without you will give you the message "Don't move away, the workbench can't process the material by itself." when you move.
- A Workbench that can process without you will create a lootbag when it's done if you are not there.
- Added a better visually border on chat above players/npcs.


- The following skills can now be learned simply by using them, also you will gain XP by using them rather then reading:
- Footspeed
- Breathing Technique
- Controlled Riding
- Swift Riding
- Diving
- Momentum
- Feint
- Blocking Endurance
- Combat Techniques
- SkillSurvival
- Damage Assessment
- Mana Regeneration
- Mental Focus
- Knockback Resistance
- Balance
- Rebuilt the calculation for how much XP you gain from reading books you now get a higher penalty when you have a very low INT.
- Extraction rewritten.
- Some workbenches can process the material even if you leave.
- You can use multiple workbenches at the same time.
- If a device finishes when the player is not there, it will create a lootbag, flagged for the player who extracted.
- Skinning Knife works as a default workbench when you have no workbench targeted.
- You no longer have to add a catalyst in order to process.
- Some workbenches will not let you process materials where you won’t get anything out of it, while others always destroy the material.
- Magic Studies renamed Vitalism
- Agility renamed Athletics
- Books now only have one "level" and give from 0 to 70 in skill.
- Old books have been translated, and more advanced books now give 0 to 100 but can no longer be bought.

AI & Mounts:

- Added librarian animation.
- Added priest animation.
- Added utility vendor animation.
- Added additional fishing animations.
- Safer server side activation of creatures.
- The Greater Kimuru's attacks have been tweaked to be positioned more correctly.
- Spawners that have objects above them (trees, cave roofs etc) should no longer risk to spawn on top of them.
- Creature movement should be safer on the server side with regards to collision.
- Roaming creatures should be less likely to walk on top of cave sections (mainly Risar dungeon).
- Addressed an issue where creatures could fall through the ground when syncing position to catch up movement.
- Creatures should now increase their speed to catch up with their server position when they are behind.
- The Greater Kimuru should now be able to drag in players that attack it from a greater distance.
- Overall attack damage of Greater Kimuru has been slightly decreased.
- Siege weapons can now damage Greater Kimuru.
- Constructs like siege weapons, can now take collateral damage from attacks from Greater Kimuru.
- Greater Kimuru should no longer target Siege weapons for its portal attack.
- Movement of Greater Kimuru has now been activated.
- Greater Kimuru may now choose to move to targets, instead of using portal attacks.
- Creatures should now face their targets better.
- Vendors have been optimized on the client side and should run more cheaply.
- Pet owners should now automatically gain some creature control skill experience over time whenever pets are with their pet owners.
- Taming attempts on creatures will now be aborted if the target creatures are hit by any kind and damaged.
- Distance handling to creatures when attempting tame, has been tweaked and should work better.
- Changed to a more fitting message when pet owner get message at login that pet has died/ been lost.
- Abandon message is now only sent to tamer if abandoning of pet was successful.


- Made is so that our animator has more control over how the Combat-Trace is done. This means that melee-combat-tracing should feel even more accurate.

------ BUG FIXES ------


- Fixed the broken Subsisting skill, it should now correctly give you more HP once you have come back from mercymode.
- Fixed so that constitution and psyche now correctly influence the amount of HP you get back from mercymode.
- Solved memory leak in known issue areas
- Fixed the slow-mo fall from being knockeddown/off a horse.
- Fixed a uncommon servercrash.
- Fixed the compass so that it now correctly turns as a compass would.
- Fixed a possible exploit in the armor-calculations.
- Fixed the issue with corpse that made them "freeze" in the air for 1 sec.
- Fixed a bug in Resistance Swimming that made it almost useless.
- Increased the impact of Resistance Swimming.
- Updated the "auto-fill" list on the chat.
- Removed the default "bag" from all loot-bag objects.
- Fixed a error when building a siege-weapon/catapult without having the skills for it.
- Tephra lore skill fixed.
- Molarium lore skill fixed.
- Fabricula skill gain fixed.
- Material Coal and Catalyst Coal are still different items, byt they both work for extraction.
- Fixed the "double-animations" issue you would sometimes see when looking at somebody who were swinging.
- Fixed an issue where if you were to ram a person while on your mount but without the right stamina to do so, the mount would move backwards.
- Fixed a client-sided crash related to "bad" weapons.
- GUI issues when using the (C) compass have been fixed.
- Toxai is now more optimized.

AI & Mounts:

- Resolved issue where Portal attack of Greater Kimuru, drew in several target. Should now only draw one target at a time.
- Resolved issue which caused some creatures never to attack back, when being attacked.
- Resolved issue with creatures losing ability to move. They should now regain automatically regain movement if that happens.
- Resolved issue where follow command did not work straight after pet attacking.
- Resolved issue where failed to tame message was sent twice to the tamer.
- Resolved issue where pet was recreated at tamerlogin, even if it had died, when tamer was offline.
- Resolved issue When attempting taming trough quickbar used a shorter distance check than when using /tame.

Housing & Guilds:

- Fixed a bug where newly created guild could inherit the wars of a newly deleted guild.
- Fixed LOD on player palisades

Known issues:

- The lighting is still broken and will not interpolate correctly when going from day to night and vice versa
Citation :
Publié par rackam77
Gros patch :
En effet, et ça fait plaisir. C'est peut-être LE patch tant attendu par beaucoup

Pour ma part, je retiendrai tout particulièrement l'apparition des mini-games, par le biais de tables de jeux disséminées à travers le monde. Ca peut paraitre anecdotique pour certains, mais c'est important à mes yeux car symbolique de la volonté des devs de faire de leur jeu autre chose qu'une simple arène pvp. Espérons qu'ils continuent sur cette excellente lancée.

Maintenant, il faudrait que le prochain patch apporte du contenu plus conséquent en terme de mobs, et ça sera tout bon.

GG SV pour ce patch prometteur
House of common 17 février 2011
Citation :
<@Maerlyn> Any chance that development on combat could be lessened or even postponed after the rubber banding is fixed and most of the dev power could be put towards professions, skills, dungeons and social features?
<@HenrikNystrom> Right now the main focus are on the coming content published on our website "under dev section" but tweaking here and there in current sysstems such as combat and movement is still something that goes along with content development.

<@Maerlyn> What changes are we likely to see to archery and when, many players wish archery to get a nice boost but be more skill based and hard to use but with less randomness.
<@HenrikNystrom> We are gathering feedback, and we are also trying archery for instance on our own atm to see what we need to change, but we wont rebuild any combat systems for now as that kind of development is put on other areas atm.
<@HenrikNystrom> We dont have a current time line for when we actually change in archery, other than small tweaks.

<@Maerlyn> question - what sort of things can be cooked? Will this lead to a hunger system, or primarily just wounds? Will special equipment be needed for cooking, can campfires be used?
<@HenrikNystrom> Cooking is tied to many different areas, that will give more purpose to other systems and we think its a valuable feature to add.
<@HenrikNystrom> you can either pick items, butcher for meat, fish for different animals to use in cooking
<@HenrikNystrom> it will be a very dynamic system where its up to the players to create the food, its also similar to alchemy
<@HenrikNystrom> where each ingrediance have many different attributes both positive and negative ones
<@HenrikNystrom> its up to the players to find the effect they are looking for, with possible least negative effect
<@HenrikNystrom> so cooking is the key component to finilize a few other systems we have in game right now, such as fishing
<@HenrikNystrom> it will get a wider point to fish
<@HenrikNystrom> and use work tables and fire camps for instance
<@HenrikNystrom> And it is also tied to the long term wound system
<@HenrikNystrom> cooking will be very complexed the day we put it in
<@HenrikNystrom> as there is no req that restrict us there
<@HenrikNystrom> At first we are looking at food will heal most wounds
<@HenrikNystrom> when we add some other proffesions we will possible move some of the wounds to be healed by one of those new proffesions which we wont mention just yet in details, but its similar to swg mind heals
<@HenrikNystrom> Fishing was a bit hold back due to the meaning behind fishes could not be put to use without cooking for instance
<@HenrikNystrom> so even we had those hundreds of diff fish types etc they would only mean a resoruce to sell
<@HenrikNystrom> with cooking they will be used for cooking and food for animals pets and healing wounds
<@HenrikNystrom> so you can see how they are all tied in some different ways

<@Maerlyn> Any news on basic alliance features or improved features for keeps to make them more like player cities (message boards, stables, inn's, siege works etc being build in keep house spots for example)
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, one step to expand that is some new house types and functions, such as plan for storage and different structures
<@HenrikNystrom> so players can build their own cities that provide most things a current npc city give them
<@HenrikNystrom> The next step would be to work on the actual territory functions to give it more meaningful to own a territory

<@Maerlyn> What new houses and functions can we look forward to in the coming patches?
<@HenrikNystrom> We will add a smaller cheaper house that is more easy to buy and build for solo players or small groups, we will add a storage for players to use within the guild, similar to storage in npc cities.
<@HenrikNystrom> We may add guild powers to allow travelers to use their bank storage for a small fee.
<@HenrikNystrom> you will be able to build a guard post that can allow some guards
<@HenrikNystrom> upgradable walls and gates

<@Maerlyn> Please can we have a status update on Tindrem?
<@HenrikNystrom> We need more time before we will opend Tindrem, due to same reasons we mentioned before, We dont want to add just a new npc city for you to visit.
<@HenrikNystrom> We want to show you Tindrem with patroling guards, dynamic npcs, different services within the city, along with the sewers under Tindrem.

<@Maerlyn> The recent wars have proven that there's easy destruction of assets but no proper defences - What's your plans regarding this?
<@HenrikNystrom> We are listening to these kind of feedback, such as how to defend, and how to handle gates etc, but we dont want to rush major changes here as its not clear for all players what rules we should apply.
<@HenrikNystrom> We have planned defence weapons for players to add on walls, gates and keeps however.

<@Maerlyn> What sort of plans do you have for the prediction system? Do you still feel as if it needs tweaking or what, it seems as if you managed to get the prediction pretty good at one point, but now it feels a bit awkward again, any comments on that?
<@HenrikNystrom> Well based on player made comabt videos and when we monitor the players, things looks very good. We are aware of that it doesnt work perfect in all cases and it differs for players. We still notice some rubberbanding which we will improve further.
<@HenrikNystrom> So there are still room for improvement for sure, at the moment Fredrik is focusing on giving "stop" moving commands as effective as start movign commands, as we noticed those packages differs a bit, which causes unnecessary rubberbanding
<@HenrikNystrom> Before the new movement system players were always a few seconds on where they are on the server, which caused 10m hits and strange combat. Now we have the same position all the way and predict movement with fast updates to keep you in corret position on all sides. But right now stop moving is getting a bit slow to other clients in some cases, which we will improve.

<@Maerlyn> Will you ever consider making guild/group storage raidable by other parties?
<@HenrikNystrom> The rightful owners of the storage will have a cooldown period when they can try to retrieve items most likely, we are not sure about the deails here and we would appreciate feedback on it.
<@HenrikNystrom> when its destroyed that is

<@Maerlyn> What is dynamic mount system? Could you give us some clue of it?
<@HenrikNystrom> the under dev note is the next content patch we will deploy
<@HenrikNystrom> the dynamic mount system is a very cool system that will totaly replace the mounts we have today to something much better, With Anthony on the team he brought us what we needed to make this happen, and its a great feature that gives other areas value
<@HenrikNystrom> so the mounts will look a bit better than they do today mesh wise, each mount in the world will more or less be unique visually
<@HenrikNystrom> for instance, different patterns colors, different muscles that you can see, so you know that horse is trained for sure
<@HenrikNystrom> we are using a similar animation tree that shadows of the collosus used, that game have one amazing horse system
<@HenrikNystrom> so just riding on a mount will be enjoyable
<@HenrikNystrom> much more fun and a great feeling
<@HenrikNystrom> you will notice the horse is a live and its an individual with their own reaction to the game world
<@HenrikNystrom> for instance it aint to easy to ride straight into a wall, the horse will try to avoid damage
<@HenrikNystrom> the next step to this, allow us to add breeding
<@HenrikNystrom> do create diff type of mounts with unique stats and unique visuals,
<@HenrikNystrom> there will be age on animals, so you do want to find a breeder/tamer that got some adult mounts, you dont want to ride a phony
<@HenrikNystrom> so care mounts will be more important for those interested, sure you can still just buy them right from a tamer and go on from there
<@HenrikNystrom> but there will be a lot more to it than we do have to day
<@HenrikNystrom> please note that breeding is not coming in this patch, but this patch opens up for us to actually add that as well the way we want it

<@Maerlyn> There are a few problems with the torches in town in night. Are you aware of this and are you addressing this issue?
<@HenrikNystrom> Please report that in our bugtracker our QA guys should cover it asap.

<@Maerlyn> What plans are there on creating an economy in game. It's more efficient to just farm wisents to make money than anything else, most items just get vendored and then gold spent to buy gear. A popular suggestion is to add a reasonable use to every mat and then take out npc vendors completely; of course all items sold by vendors will need to be made craft able.
<@HenrikNystrom> our vision is to have it all fully player driven, as soon as this works, we will most likely get rid of those npcs.
<@HenrikNystrom> we will start by adding trading tools to communicate your wares and your stores to other players

<@Maerlyn> When will the next content patch be released and what can we expect to see in it?
<@HenrikNystrom> I dont like to say a date this early on, but we need about a month more developing from this day, and then a lot of testing on the new features. We wont rush this one out, we want it to be fully functioning as in no place holder and of course without any major critical bugs.
<@HenrikNystrom> this doesnt mean we wont have any minor patches at all during this time.

<@Maerlyn> Can you give specifics on what functions will be added to player housing?
<@HenrikNystrom> Sounds like I answered that 3 times now or am I just getting tired? heh... some minor functions on house/keeps for player controll usage for players, storage was one of the most wanted feature for player cities, so that will be in.

<@Maerlyn> When will the South-East Spider cave be finalized?
<@HenrikNystrom> Not sure actually, Im not that super up to date when it comes to specific locations in the game atm, we will try to increase the interest points and finilize myrland over time as well, we are looking for some lvl designers atm as well.

<@Maerlyn> Are there any current plans to give to us any new tips to in game lore areas and secrets? - At the moment we don't know much about MOs past and things like that. At the moment we only really have guesses.
<@HenrikNystrom> Right, lore have not been released as much as we wanted to, due to various reasons, not having enough resources to actually translate and work the text. Unfortunately these are the areas that gets a bit less prio when we dont have the resources we wish we had.
<@HenrikNystrom> As soon as we get enough players increasing we will expand areas, this is one of those.

<@Maerlyn> Will it be possible to have noticeboards in town, where people can advertise goods, services and contracts. Perhaps using the flash UI?
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, this is actually a feature we plan to get along with the trading tools we mentioned before.

<@Maerlyn> Is there enough space in the map to support more houses? I don't think it would look right if there was houses all across the map.
<@HenrikNystrom> world size, one of the challenging parts when making a mmo like this, which is totaly different from other mmos that are instanced and have loading. Also counting with a few restrictions you get when using UE3.
<@HenrikNystrom> The houses we have today was suposed to be our first small house types
<@HenrikNystrom> but they are pretty huge actually, spec in tier 3
<@HenrikNystrom> we will add those small houses, that will be easier to place in the world
<@HenrikNystrom> we also have a breakthrough when it comes to how to place houses. as in we are one step closer to allow players to place them exaclty where they want, not using pre slots. Please note this is not going live any time soon because we need so solve the calculation on the actual placement
<@HenrikNystrom> there are many things that make you place a house in a bad location.
<@HenrikNystrom> we noticed that there are more and more hosues being built, indeed, and there are less slots in a few areas.
<@HenrikNystrom> we will continue to add a few slots every now and then
<@HenrikNystrom> right now there shouldnt be a problem size wise, but sure, when population goes up the world start shrinking..

<@Maerlyn> What are the plans for a religion system?
<@HenrikNystrom> we are not working on that system at all at this point, since we had to change some areas in our schedule. We will be able to discuss that feature closer after we have delivered some of our highest prio features.

<@Maerlyn> Are there any plans to make Nave look more alive? Like flocks of birds that land on or arround sausage lake, or bugs flying or crawling arround in the jungle?
<@HenrikNystrom> Yes, we do think we need to add alot more live into Nave for sure, when the AI and systems related to mobs are as stable as we want them we will start adding a lot more creatures and mobs over time, this really wont stop.
Source: http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/5...ml#post1106407

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