[Tests] Quel type de personnalité avez-vous ?

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Publié par Votre pseudo ici
Et voici les aveux.
Mais lol ! Jvoulais dire que c'est pas évident que son patron puisse nous connaitre forcément bien mais là si quoi (oui c'était une blague je sais...!)

Citation :
Publié par Sorine
Tu veux dire qu'ils n'étaient pas strictement intéressés par l'alcool, le sexe et la fête?.
Bein, s'il y a une négation, c'est à cause du "que", que-ne quoi... Enfin je me suis posée la question en me relisant et ça me semblait correct ! Vous avez compris quoi ! ... Si tu as une règle précise à m'expliquer MP ! Merci!

C'est quand même nuls les métiers (enfin à mon sens) que proposent ce test quoi, c'est ptêtre aussi, peu de choses que j'aimerais faire en fait... 'fin bon...
Mmmm, le test vient de me dire que je suis INTP. J'ai été voir sur le site 16types.Free.fr, je trouve qu'ils font carrément mouche dans leur analyse...
Le portrait du ISTP
(Introversion, Sensation, Pensée, Perception)

Les personnes de ce type sont logiques, pragmatiques et terre-à-terre; tranquilles, modestes et autonomes; réalistes et réservées; impulsives et curieuses; flexibles et débrouillares; objectives et peu émotives.
Les personnes de type ISTP ont à coeur la liberté d'acte et de parole; ils se laissent souvent guider par leurs instincts.
Carrières idéales pour les ISTP
Voici quelques carrières généralement valorisantes pour les personnes de type ISTP:
  • Programmeur informatique
  • Pilote professionnel
  • Téléphoniste en centre d'urgence
  • Policier
  • Développeur de logiciels
  • Directeur de services conseils en informatique
  • Parajuridique
  • Technicien-ambulancier
  • Graphiste
  • Détective privé
  • Pompier
  • Physiothérapeute
  • Pharmacien

J'en ai fais qu'un, l'autre est trop long xD.
Citation :
Publié par Turgon
Mmmm, le test vient de me dire que je suis INTP. J'ai été voir sur le site 16types.Free.fr, je trouve qu'ils font carrément mouche dans leur analyse...
Je trouve que dans l'ensemble, sur ce site, c'est plutôt bon.
Ah ouais en fait en lisant ton commentaire Soir, j'y suis retourné et je suis allé sur la page qui décrit vraiment le type et...ben j'avoue, c'est très proche
Y a toujours cette exagération sur le côté émotif et sensible qui est censé être absent par contre, du coup ça colle pas vraiment.
Ah par contre je viens de capter qu'il avait juste traduit les profils INTP et INFP, c'est con pour les autres
Si vous êtes aussi un INTP, avec une touche de INFP, avec une hypersensibilité, vous êtes peut-être surdoué parce que ça correspondrait à ce profil mixé ^^
Je ne suis qu'un modeste INTJ. http://www.personalitypage.com/INTJ.html

Sinon le commentaire du 1er test me dit ça :

For INTJs the dominant force in their lives is their attention to the inner world of possibilities, symbols, abstractions, images, and thoughts. Insight in conjunction with logical analysis is the essence of their approach to the world; they think systemically. Ideas are the substance of life for INTJs and they have a driving need to understand, to know, and to demonstrate competence in their areas of interest. INTJs inherently trust their insights, and with their task-orientation will work intensely to make their visions into realities.

Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition it is the contingency planning or entailment organizing role that reaches the highest development in INTJs. Entailing or contingency planning is not an informative activity, rather it is a directive one in which the planner tells others what to do and in what order to do it. As the organizing capabilities the INTJs increase so does their inclination to take charge of whatever is going on. It is in their abilities that INTJs differ from the other NTs, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other NTs: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population. Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. They are the people who are able to formulate coherent and comprehensive contingency plans, hence contingency organizers or "entailers." INTJs will adopt ideas only if they are useful, which is to say if they work efficiently toward accomplishing the INTJ's well-defined goals. Natural leaders, INTJs are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however, INTJs are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. In a sense, INTJs approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff, and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity. To the INTJ, organizational structure and operational procedures are never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and can be changed, improved, streamlined. In their drive for efficient action, INTJs are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. INTJs are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them. They are also alert to the consequences of applying new ideas or positions. Theories which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the INTJs. On the other hand, INTJs can be quite ruthless in implementing effective ideas, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy.

To outsiders, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know. INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type: INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake. INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play, as INTJs can be unsparing of both themselves and the others on the project. Anyone considered to be "slacking," including superiors, will lose their respect -- and will generally be made aware of this; INTJs have also been known to take it upon themselves to implement critical decisions without consulting their supervisors or co-workers. On the other hand, they do tend to be scrupulous and even-handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and have a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice. In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know". Typical INTJ career choices are in the sciences and engineering, but they can be found wherever a combination of intellect and incisiveness are required (e.g., law, some areas of academia). INTJs can rise to management positions when they are willing to invest time in marketing their abilities as well as enhancing them, and (whether for the sake of ambition or the desire for privacy) many also find it useful to learn to simulate some degree of surface conformism in order to mask their inherent unconventionality. Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel. While they are capable of caring deeply for others (usually a select few), and are willing to spend a great deal of time and effort on a relationship, the knowledge and self-confidence that make them so successful in other areas can suddenly abandon or mislead them in interpersonal situations. This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :-) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness. Probably the strongest INTJ assets in the interpersonal area are their intuitive abilities and their willingness to "work at" a relationship. Although as Ts they do not always have the kind of natural empathy that many Fs do, the Intuitive function can often act as a good substitute by synthesizing the probable meanings behind such things as tone of voice, turn of phrase, and facial expression. This ability can then be honed and directed by consistent, repeated efforts to understand and support those they care about, and those relationships which ultimately do become established with an INTJ tend to be characterized by their robustness, stability, and good communications.

Functional Analysis

Introverted iNtuition INTJs are idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable. Whatever the outer circumstances, INTJs are ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Others may see what is and wonder why; INTJs see what might be and say "Why not?!" Paradoxes, antinomies, and other contradictory phenomena aptly express these intuitors' amusement at those whom they feel may be taking a particular view of reality too seriously. INTJs enjoy developing unique solutions to complex problems.

Extraverted Thinking Thinking in this auxiliary role is a workhorse. Closure is the payoff for efforts expended. Evaluation begs diagnosis; product drives process. As they come to light, Thinking tends, protects, affirms and directs iNtuition's offspring, fully equipping them for fulfilling and useful lives. A faithful pedagogue, Thinking argues not so much on its own behalf, but in defense of its charges. And through this process these impressionable ideas take on the likeness of their master.

Introverted Feeling Feeling has a modest inner room, two doors down from the Most Imminent iNtuition. It doesn't get out much, but lends its influence on behalf of causes which are Good and Worthy and Humane. We may catch a glimpse of it in the unspoken attitude of good will, or the gracious smile or nod. Some question the existence of Feeling in this type, yet its unseen balance to Thinking is a cardinal dimension in the full measure of the INTJ's soul.

Extraverted Sensing Sensing serves with a good will, or not at all. As other inferior functions, it has only a rudimentary awareness of context, amount or degree. Thus INTJs sweat the details or, at times, omit them. "I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts" could well have been said by an INTJ on a mission. Sensing's extraverted attitude is evident in this type's bent to savor sensations rather than to merely categorize them. Indiscretions of indulgence are likely an expression of the unconscious vengeance of the inferior.
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pour le premier test je suis un INTP et pour le 2nd un INFP, les deux ont des gros point commun avec moi mais comment on fait pour savoir lekel on est vraiment
J'suis un ENTP, selon les deux tests.

Citation :
Le portrait du ENTP
(Extraversion, Intuition, Pensée, Perception)

Les personnes de ce type sont amicales, charmantes et sociables; spontanées, énergiques et parfois effrontées; ingénieuses et créatives; curieuses, flexibles et imprévisibles; logiques et critiques.

Les personnes de type ENTP admirent la créativité et aiment accumuler les nouveaux défis.

Carrières idéales pour les ENTP

Voici quelques carrières généralement valorisantes pour les personnes de type ENTP:

* Entrepreneur
* Banquier
* Investisseur de capital de risque
* Conseiller en réinsertion
* Consultant en gestion
* Correcteur d'épreuves
* Animateur à la radio/télévision
* Politologue
* Promoteur immobilier
* Acteur
* Planificateur stratégique
* Président d'université
* Motivateur
* Spécialiste du marketing Internet
* Directeur de la création publicitaire
Bon le premier test est pas mal (pour un test), le deuxième est trop général et j'arrive pas à répondre, il faudrait un truc entre les deux.
Résultat du premier: INTJ
Introversion 5
Intuition 4
Pensée 5
Organisation 3

Bref rien d'extrême dans les valeurs. Bon plus qu'à aller faire mon horoscope maintenant. J'aime bien le paragraphe sur l'arrogance...
EIPP Ce test est plutôt réussi, je dirais même que c'est le plus exact auquel j'ai accordé du temps .

Les E vaincront §§ En même temps je ne suis pas étonné de la majorité Introspective ici

INTJs have a tremendous amount of ability to accomplish great things. They have insight into the Big Picture, and are driven to synthesize their concepts into solid plans of action. Their reasoning skills gives them the means to accomplish that.
Citation :
Publié par Celinora
Bein, s'il y a une négation, c'est à cause du "que", que-ne quoi... Enfin je me suis posée la question en me relisant et ça me semblait correct ! Vous avez compris quoi ! ... Si tu as une règle précise à m'expliquer MP ! Merci!
Pour moi la négation ne se présente pas sous la forme du "ne...que" mais du "Première chose donc : Oubliez ces tests à la cons pour vous dire qui vous êtes !" qui semble impliquer que le test "avait tort" sur ce point (par contre moi j'ai oublié le que quand je t'ai quote)

ps : je ne t'ai pas MP car j'ai l'impression que tu a cru que je critiquais la forme de la phrase (nan en fait je voulais MP et j'ai post a la place -_-)
Citation :
Publié par Sorine
Pour moi la négation ne se présente pas sous la forme du "ne...que" mais du "Première chose donc : Oubliez ces tests à la cons pour vous dire qui vous êtes !" qui semble impliquer que le test "avait tort" sur ce point (par contre moi j'ai oublié le que quand je t'ai quote)
En même temps "pour toi", ce n'est pas vraiment la réalité tu sais.

INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type: INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms.

This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake.
J'ai comme l'impression que depuis le début je suis la seule INFJ, serait-ce un type de personnalité super rare ? Kewl je suis quasi unique

edit : apès recherche :

Citation :
As an INFJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system.

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

INFJs place great importance on havings things orderly and systematic in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in their lives. On the other hand, INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. They are usually right, and they usually know it. Consequently, INFJs put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and may result in the INFJ not being as organized as other Judging types tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.

INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, most INFJs are protective of their inner selves, sharing only what they choose to share when they choose to share it. They are deep, complex individuals, who are quite private and typically difficult to understand. INFJs hold back part of themselves, and can be secretive.

But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress.

Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ stubborness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. They believe that they're right. On the other hand, INFJ is a perfectionist who doubts that they are living up to their full potential. INFJs are rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around them. They believe in constant growth, and don't often take time to revel in their accomplishments. They have strong value systems, and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. In deference to the Feeling aspect of their personalities, INFJs are in some ways gentle and easy going. Conversely, they have very high expectations of themselves, and frequently of their families. They don't believe in compromising their ideals.

INFJ is a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective. They make loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their offspring. They have high expectations of their children, and push them to be the best that they can be. This can sometimes manifest itself in the INFJ being hard-nosed and stubborn. But generally, children of an INFJ get devoted and sincere parental guidance, combined with deep caring.

In the workplace, the INFJ usually shows up in areas where they can be creative and somewhat independent. They have a natural affinity for art, and many excel in the sciences, where they make use of their intuition. INFJs can also be found in service-oriented professions. They are not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks. The INFJ will either avoid such things, or else go to the other extreme and become enveloped in the details to the extent that they can no longer see the big picture. An INFJ who has gone the route of becoming meticulous about details may be highly critical of other individuals who are not.

The INFJ individual is gifted in ways that other types are not. Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ, but they are capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement.
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Comparons nos courbes d'INFJ.
Voici la mienne.
Sorry tu fais erreur, tu es INTJ si on en croit le graphique man, en anglais, sentiment c'est feeling, donc F, et pensée c'est Thougt, donc T


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