L'avenir de Pside, le voilà :

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PlanetSide will soon be released, but the development team isn't resting. Check out what's on the horizon for updates and additions to the game!

Here's a peek at what you can expect in the near future for PlanetSide:

New aircraft :
Liberator - a brand new common pool bomber
Lodestar -- a vehicle transport aircraft
New vehicle:
Skyguard -- an anti-aircraft buggy
Platoons: Combine up to three squads to facilitate chat, share XP and organize and command large-scale missions with up to 30 people .
Sanctuary Strikes: Strike at the heart of your enemy. By achieving a "lock" on the three continents connected to an enemy sanctuary, launch attacks via the opened warpgates.
Quarterly Outfit Competitions: Conduct special events featuring structured competitions between outfits. Games like "Capture the Flag" and others can be played.
PlanetSide is a persistent world, constantly changing. Updates like this are made on an ongoing basis, so stay up-to-date with what's to come in regular update reports right here.

What do you think? Discuss the future plans in our forums
May 14th - Aircraft, Vehicles, and More!
Et voilà, à toutes les mauvaises langues comme on peut le lire, ils vont organiser des events, comme du CTF par exemple donc je pense qu'on est pas prêt de s'ennuyer sur Pside
Si y a du "capture the flag", alors ca change. Mais ce sont des events ponctuels à voir.

Puisqu'ils ont l'intention d'ajouter des trucs, qu'ils ajoutent un but à la prise de base. Enfin, vous m'avez compris, on va pas insister là dessus.
Ganareth, je suis venu, j'ai vu, je suis reparti.

DnL 2006
Citation :
Provient du message de Vortex
Mine de rien jen avais parlé du systeme de duel entres guildes
Allez venez les -X-
L'humiliation serait trop terrible pour toi.

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