Patch Note PTR !

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Publié par Draker
Au fait, on est bien d'accord que le healzone de Lucio c'est un cylindre infini de 10 mètres de rayon et non une sphère de 10 mètres ? On peux toujours soigner sa team en wallride à 10 km au dessus ?
Nop c'est 10m en hauteur aussi (valable pour en dessous et au dessus)
Bon bah Orisa c'est vraiment cool à jouer. Je vais certainement la poncer jusqu'à pouvoir la sortir en ranked. Le seul point noir c'est qu'elle est souvent insta pick. Je vais commencer le fameux : "Orisa or troll".
De quel droit aurais tu l'exclusivité du personnage ? Parce que tu t'estimes plus qualifié ?

Sur Orisa en "elle" meme, sympa mais très lourd dans le gameplay et aussi dépendant de ses mates que Reinhardt.
Je ne suis plus un salaud allons. Le troll va être de pick Symmetra quoiqu'il advienne et de voir le déroulement de la partie. Je joue la game sérieusement car après tout c'est aussi l'occasion de faire criser les adversaires.

J'ai arraché deux Potg comme ça. Le premier avec en plus un ultime de la Anna qui a préféré me nanoboost plutôt que la sur la dernière ligne droite d'hollywood en attaque (elle a su voir qui avait carry avec des téléporteurs bien sneaky ) et le deuxième sur Gibraltar où là par contre mon équipe m'a gonflé sur tous les points.

La Orisa puait à des kilomètres et n'a jamais switch. Je me devais de sanctionner ce comportement et donc un petit téléporteur sur le vide a été créé. Ca a pas loupé, 3 suicides d'un coup et 2 autres par la suite avec son petit lot d'insultes et de promesses de report.

Victoire des ennemis mais qui ramasse le potg final ? Bibi pour son triple kill avec un flank de symmetra sur Zennyatta/fatale/Roadhog.

Cette communauté est quand même chiante parfois, les mecs ne veulent pas switch et garder leur perso même si ils font perde la game là dessus. Merci Orisa.
dooonc, en plus de l'évent, voilà le patch
Citation :
Publié par Patch 11.04.2017

Details about each hero’s unique backstory, along with information about some of their lore-inspired skins, have been added to the Hero Gallery
[PC] The Player Report system has been redesigned, adding new reporting options and activity examples to better capture the reason for each report
In-game voice conversations for the Overwatch Uprising event can now be displayed as subtitles. This can be enabled under the “Sound” tab in the “Options” menu

Competitive Play
A tracking system has been added to Assault and Assault/Escort Maps that will allow us to break ties based on the progress that was made toward capturing the objective.

Developer Comments: To mitigate draws in Competitive Play, we're implementing a system that tracks each team's progress on the objective. This will work similarly to the system that's already in place for Escort and Assault/Escort maps, which grants a win to the team that pushes the payload the furthest. Now, even if neither team successfully captures the objective, a winner can be determined based on which team captured the largest portion.

Custom Games and Game Browser
Custom Game settings can now be saved as a preset from the game’s details page. This can be accessed by right-clicking on the map image from the Create Game page, right-clicking a game name from inside the Game Browser, or via the save button on the settings page
Players can now change weapon clip and magazine size or grant unlimited ammunition when creating a custom game

A new route has been added to Eichenwalde that connects the attacking team's spawn area to the capture point



Sonic Amplifier
Damage increased by 25%
Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50
Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking targets back

Area of effect radius has been decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters
Heal Song
Healing-per-second has been increased by 30% (also applies to Lúcio's Amp It Up ability)
Self-healing has been reduced by 25%

Wall Ride
Movement speed increased by 20% when wall riding
Lúcio now receives a burst of speed when leaping off a wall

Developer Comments: Lúcio has often felt like a must-pick due to his raw healing output and the versatility of providing a speed bonus to your entire team. The goal of these changes is to keep those elements feeling strong, but making them harder to apply to everyone on your team at all times. The end result is that he should feel stronger with teams that he can stay close to but not as strong when on teams with heroes that are often spread out (such as Pharah, Widow, Genji, etc). Much of Lúcio’s character power was tied up in his large passive auras, which caused other elements of his kit to be weakened over time in an attempt to balance him. Now that his auras are more focused it will allow them to be much stronger and allow Lúcio to be more active in his role.


The size of Orisa’s head hitbox has been decreased by 15%


Fixed an issue preventing voice lines from being played on Control maps

Competitive Play
Fixed an issue that was preventing Top 500 icons from appearing until after completing a competitive match
Fixed a bug preventing achievements from being unlocked during off-season competitive matches
Fixed a bug that forced Play of the Game highlights to be drawn from the last round of play

Custom Games and Game Browser
Fixed an issue allowing empty player slots to be displayed even when disabled (e.g. in 6v1 games)
Fixed a bug preventing the pause feature from working properly after the original host has left the match
Fixed a bug that allowed extremely long team names
Removed unnecessary customization options (e.g. cooldown options for abilities with no cooldown)

Ana no longer cocks her rifle after throwing a grenade
The brightness on Bastion's golden gun has been toned down when the BlizzCon skin is equipped
Fixed a bug causing Mei's pinky to bend awkwardly in some poses when her Chang'e and Luna skins were equipped

Fixed a bug on Eichenwalde that allowed enemy player outlines to be seen through a pile of dirt at the castle gate
Fixed an issue on Eichenwalde that allowed players to become trapped in the broken castle doors
Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations on King's Row
Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended areas on the Capture the Flag version of Lijiang Tower
Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to hide turrets in unintended locations on Oasis

Dernière modification par Draker ; 12/04/2017 à 15h37.
Patch du 03.05.2017

Citation :

Custom Games and Game Browser
Players can now disable secondary fire and secondary weapons in Custom Games
You can now disable one Symmetra ultimate while leaving the other active



Removed the attack cooldown from Genji's wall climbing ability, allowing him to engage with enemies immediately after completing a climb
Developer Comments: This is a quality of life change to make wall climbing feel better.


Removed the attack cooldown from Hanzo's wall climbing ability, allowing him to engage with enemies immediately after completing a climb
Storm Bow
Increased charge speed by 10%
Charged arrows now maintain their charge after climbing a wall, provided the button is continuously held
Developer Comments: Decreasing Hanzo's draw time gives him more overall DPS, while also letting him fully charge an arrow and more quickly return to full movement speed when needed. And, like the change to Genji's wall climbing, this is a quality of life change that will make climbing feel better.


Fusion Driver
Damage reduced by 15%
Protective Barrier
Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds
Developer Comments: To help Orisa maintain the front line for her team, we're reducing the cooldown of her Protective Barrier. This change also helps her reposition the barrier more easily when needed. To compensate for this new defensive strength, we're reducing her Fusion Driver's damage, as it felt too high.


Wraith Form
Ammo is now entirely refilled when Wraith Form is used
Developer Comments: Wraith Form is typically used as an escape ability after firing. This change gives Reaper a fighting chance if an enemy chases him down as he uses it.


Effective height has been lowered from 3 meters to 2 meters
The height threshold of objects that Earthshatter can "climb" has been lowered from 3 meters to 2 meters, making Earthshatter less likely to climb tall objects as it "crawls" along the ground.
Developer Comments: Earthshatter tended to climb unexpectedly high, frequently hitting targets that were significantly above the ground. These changes help the ability stay more grounded.

Soldier: 76

Heavy Pulse Rifle
Bullet damage decreased from 20 to 19
Developer Comments: Soldier:76 is in a much better place lately, but his damage output was making him a must pick, compared to similar roles.



Fixed an issue that prevented voice lines from being heard during the Play of the Game
Fixed an issue causing shields to display the wrong team color during the Play of the Game
Added new Kill Feed icons for environmental kills and a number of abilities
Fixed a bug causing the introduction before 1v1 Mystery Duels to be interrupted
Fixed a bug that allowed bots to become stuck around the well on Ilios
Fixed a bug that caused Lucio's healing and speed song auras to be inaccurately projected
Fixed a bug that prevented Orisa's Fortify from blocking the alternate fire from Lucio's Sonic Amplifier
Fixed a bug that prevented Orisa's Protective Barrier from deploying in certain situations
Fixed an issue that affected some graphics cards, causing an inaccurate ammo count to be displayed with Pharah's Mechaqueen and Raptorion skins equipped
Fixed a bug that could prevent two charging Reinhardts from being able to kill each other
Fixed a bug that prevented Winston's Primal Rage ultimate from restoring his health when hit by Ana's Biotic Grenade
Fixed a bug that caused Tracer to move oddly when she first appeared in the tutorial
Fixed an issue causing asymmetry between pillars on the Ruins capture point on Ilios
Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations on Watchpoint: Gibralta
Le buff de hanzo est useless, le buff de genji est incomprehensible tellement il le rend fort, le nerf de soldat est bienvenue mais on a rien pour remplacer un dps constant contre les shields.
Srx jvais reellement etre obligé de train genji ?

Le buff de reaper est anecdotique de ouf.
On va devoir repasser surement sur une compo triple tank + dive.
Le nerf de soldat est mérité et mesuré je trouve, genji c'est pas la folie non plus mais était-ce necessaire? Hanzo c'est cool même si je sais pas si ça suffit a rendre le perso viable. Le nerf du KD est pas mal non plus parce que ça allait vraiment haut.

Pour Orisa je sais pas quoi penser, le shield qui passe de 12 a 8s de recharge est un bon up mais le nerf dégats
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Je sais pas quoi dire pour Reaper... Les mecs buff quoi au juste, sa capacité a tué un type qui le traques ? Généralement le reaper qui fuit n'a pas forcement besoin de munition mais de ... vie ? Il aurai du faire un regen, comme pour Mei, pendant l'escape... Je sais pas. Je comprend pas l’intérêt réel de cette ajout. Ou c'est un ajout pour dire "Hé les gars zinkiété pas on l'as pas oublier lui lawl".

Dernière modification par Seak ; 04/05/2017 à 13h29.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Citation :
Publié par Charlouf
c'est pour que ca devienne autant un outil offensif que defensif.
Pour qu'il soit vraiment considéré comme offensif, il faudrait vraiment qu'il soit cancelable comme celui de Mei. La en l'etat tu vois un vieux arrivé, t'a le temps de lui mettre des tête dans tout les sens. Ca tiendrai qu'a moi, je réduirais le recovery de son TP aussi .
C'est utile uniquement à bas level, car avant il suffisait de lancer l'animation de recharge et directement de lancer le spell. Ca marchait tout autant.
Oui c'est ultra anecdotique pour Reaper, une augmentation du gain de vitesse aurait été plus intéressante, autant pour battre en retraite que chase. Là c'est juste... inutile ?

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