[Actu] Mise à jour de Landmark du 26 mars 2015

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Daynos de Nory a publié le 28 mars 2015 cette actualité sur le site Landmark :

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Au programme de cette mise à jour : introduction de bugs, la fin du loyer des terrains, la palette de prop, nouveauté et amélioration concernant les outils de création, ajout de props et correction de bugs...

La mise à jour de Landmark de ce 26 mars vient profondément modifier certains comportements du jeu, en particulier le loyer des terrains et la gestion des props. Et visiblement, si l'on en croit le twitter officiel, cela a posé quelques soucis, obligeant Daybreak Game à...

Une réaction ? Une analyse ? Une question ? Ce fil de discussion est à votre disposition.
Et pour les anglophones, je rajoute ici ce patch note en VO

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[Known issues:
  • if you place a prop from your inventory then hit Esc to cancel, it will be returned as resources rather than as a prop.
  • if you place a prop from the palette then undo, it returns it to your inventory as a prop instead of as resources.
  • emitters in your inventory do not have updated icons. Utility barrel is also missing an icon.
  • delete mode for the line tool is not showing in the modal bar
  • collections inventory is not sorting correctly
  • adding and removing resources from collections window can cause the changed resource to visually duplicate, although this is visual only and closing the inventory for a couple seconds will fix the display
  • prop palette docked view can be cut off on one side at lower screen resolutions
  • screenshots on claims and in the Qeynos competition are not yet showing up.
  • some characters may appear odd on the character create screen; if so don't panic, you will look fine in game and after logging in.
  • Ctrl-# is not changing hotbars, you'll have to use the arrows to switch for now.
  • The bug with chests sometimes not opening may have become more frequent.
  • Terrain issues: try deleting your cache, which will help a lot, but there are other non-cache issues also.
  • You now need to use Ctrl-mousewheel to scroll the map (not intended)
  • Several missing icons/props reports which we are fixing - thanks for reports!
  • Odd highlighting of selection box on props, and on NPCs
  • at night, reflections can show up as bright red in some biomes
  • disassembling someone else's prop sends the prop to the owner's overflow
  • Combine cobblestones MIA]
Watch this week's Landmark Live for in-game demonstrations of the new prop palette and other features. And please use this third party fan site, issuetracker, to give us details of any issues you encounter with this update!

No more claim upkeep!
  • You will receive an in-game mail refunding any copper that had been deposited towards your future upkeep but had not yet been used.

Introducing the Prop Palette
  • Pack rats rejoice! You no longer need to craft props and store them in your inventory/chests/vault. Props are now managed through a prop palette, similar to the existing material palette. You will find the prop palette at the end of your hotkey bar beside the material palette, and you can use the window icon to expand it into a larger version at the left side of your screen.
  • The new prop palette now lists all available props by category, and the resources required to make each. Simply navigate to the prop you want to place, right-click it, and place directly into the world. Your resources will automatically be reduced by the appropriate amount. If you do not have enough resources to place the item, it will be greyed out. There is also a quantity number on the icon indicating how many you can make with your current supply of materials. You can click on the item to see what resources are required (mouse over the resource icon below to see the name if you don’t recognize the icon).
  • Prop categories and subcategories are indicated by a folder style background to the icon, and the tooltip mouseover will tell you the category’s name. When you are in the expanded view of the prop palette (on the left side of the screen) you can also use the view option drop-down at the top of the prop palette to switch to list view and show full names all the time instead of just icons. There is also a search field where you can enter partial text to search for a specific prop that you want.
  • If you change your mind and don’t want a prop on your claim any more, right-click and use the “disassemble” option to return it back into resources in your collections inventory. Alternately, you can choose “pick up” and put it in your normal inventory (for example, to give to someone else). There are a couple of exception to this rule – storage chests cannot be disassembled once created, nor can movers/flingers.
  • Some special props (such as building competition trophies) are not available in the prop palette and will still be inventory items; these can be placed as before by right-clicking the item in your inventory.
  • If you use the selection volume tool to select an area of your build that includes props and use the Delete key on your keyboard, all the props in that area will be automatically converted back into resources. (If you use the delete TOOL, not the delete key, only voxels will be deleted and the props will remain.)
  • To support the new prop palette feature, props have been given a complete material cost revision. In most cases the materials were simplified down to a single type. In addition, the required quantities were updated to be in line with current harvesting amounts.
  • Props were also given a comprehensive name pass to make locating your favorite items easier and more intuitive. For example, rather than "Hanging Iron Brazier" and "Mounted Gothic Brazier" the names are now "Brazier (Hanging Iron)" and "Brazier (Mounted Gothic)" so they alphabetize together.
Minimized view:

Expanded view:
New props
  • Decorative sword, decorative axe, and decorative shield props are now available. (Under category Decor\Art & Decor\Statues & Sculptures)

Building tool improvements
  • The Add brush now has a "Fill" option! This will apply your selected texture to all non-player-placed voxels (ie air, and default terrain) but will NOT affect any voxels placed by players.
  • The add brush toggles into "Fill" mode with the "E" key; this will stay on until toggled off again.
  • This effect can be applied to a selection volume OR used with the normal add tool voxel brush.
  • Note that the fill mode simply applies the selected texture to the air, but does NOT change the shape of the voxels being filled.

  • The order of operations when you hit the Escape key has been updated. Hitting Escape will now do the following in this order: cancel any tool or prop placement; close any open UI windows, and (last of all) open the game menu to access settings, logout, etc.
  • The Modal bar now includes indicator of Grid mode. Hit the "G" key to toggle this on and off. Grid mode will snap your cursor to a grid the size of your current voxel brush. This image shows how the icon in the modal bar changes to indicate on vs off:
  • Switching to another tool will now cancel the line tool, instead of leaving it stuck on screen.
  • The line tool no longer defaults to connecting to the last position you used it in
  • Fixed several issues that could prevent the line tool from drawing lines from east to north
  • You can now delete directly with the line tool. Pressing "F" will toggle delete mode on or off. The line tool will stay in the selected mode until toggled; the color will change to blue when it is in delete mode. (Known issue: the "F" option is not yet showing in the Modal bar.)
  • Deleting voxels using the Delete tool should affects their neighbours less (using the Delete key acts differently and will still affect neighbouring voxels as before).

Building tool fixes continued:
  • Pasting a selection without air causes less artifacting to nearby voxels
  • Lumicite microvoxels are now visible when pasting a selection
  • Paint tool now correctly calculates amount of resources needed, without including selected air
  • Select tool is less hypersensitive when moving sides and corners around
  • Props that have been placed then tweaked in position should no longer shift position slightly when you log out
  • Having a selection volume up should no longer interfere with dragging a trigger area
  • You can now turn on/off show trigger volumes on any claim that you have building rights to, via the claim banner of that claim
  • The linking menu on interactive props should no longer sometimes appear off screen
  • Paste with air now pastes procedural air also, so the behavior is consistent regardless of whether the selection was copied from below ground (with "deleted" air around it) or above ground (with default procedural air around it).
  • Rotate, translate, scale widgets scale up and down better relative to your camera distance
  • Placement of single voxels should now be slightly better at following your cursor
And special bonus:
  • Pretty new compass graphic!

Bug fixes
  • The in-game browser, as used in the Gallery, now has a refresh button
  • The Social media window should work more reliably
  • Combine wall sconce and combine hanging lamp should no longer turn off when you log out.
  • The above props should also now have correct tinting
  • Combine doors no longer lose color if you’re far away
  • Collision on the Combine doors is fixed
  • Gallery screenshots should now show up
  • Send Tell to friends now correctly fills in your friend's name when you click on them in the friends list
  • Claim "likes" are now consistent between gallery and claim header
  • The bow weapon will once again fire secondary or tertiary attacks even when you have a buff from its primary active
  • Wisps should be easier to hit with projectiles now
  • Repositioning a chest across a claim boundary should no longer cause window contents to disappear until refreshed
  • Template screenshots once again dim out surrounding objects
  • Gallery screenshots that were missing should be visible now.
  • Players with no access to a claim can no longer change PVP game settings
  • You can no longer equip 2 of the same accessory
  • Crafting FX no longer get stuck on the character if you run out of inventory space
  • Claim boundaries should once again be showing up against the sky for all graphic card types
  • When you activate fly mode while jumping, you should no longer drift in a random direction
  • Builder's Bauble of Flight up and down controls should now take you straight up and down
  • Intricate copper-banded door (left) links properly now
  • Demo mode cursor now displays correctly for other people, instead of appearing one voxel to the side of where it really is being used.
  • Fixed a bug with trying to remove resources from an in-game mail if your inventory was full
  • Chompers should no longer be able to spit through objects
  • Candle flames on props now rotate with the prop
  • Fixed an error in the tooltip when comparing an equipped pick to one in inventory
  • Rustic Wooden Doors now open in different directions, meaning there is actually a difference between the left and right one. Formerly they both opened the same way which mean there was no difference.
  • Fireworks on bonus boxes from the Marketplace will now display a small gold show for bonus resources, or a larger green, blue, or orange fireworks shows for more rare outfits.
  • Ongoing optimizations and improvements
Fireworks levels on bonus boxes:
Je ne suis pas râleur mais je ne peux que te donner raison Gamix.
On est presque en avril 2015 et toujours pas de communications sur EQ Next...
J'ai l'impression de revivre l'arlésienne Duke Nuken Forever. :-/
en même temps c est un peu logique et normal de ne pas avoir d infos sur EQN
vu le passage de proprio, le départ de certains membre de l équipe et le temps de réorganiser tout le projet ça peut prendre du temps .
après pour prendre exemple quand je vois un jeu comme star citizen qui est en projet depuis environ 2012 , que la sortie est prévue 2016 et vue l etat ou il en est je me dis que c est normal (pour EQN ) .
si on prend aussi élite dangerous le jeu est sorti mais il manque encore beaucoup de features mais ça progresse au fil des mois (la aussi on est dans la normalité).
enfin tout ça pour dire que c est pas parce que quelque chose est annoncé que ça doit venir dans un avenir proche et dans une versions final .
sinon pour revenir a la maj de landmark , pas mal de petit nouveauté sympas , mais ça crée pas mal de petit bugs au passage qui devrait être réglé en partie la semaine prochaine
Citation :
Publié par Mackdolphin
histoire de simplifier la communication autour du jeu, d'ailleur il en est ou le jeu ?
toujours en développement (peu pas faire plus simple et clair comme infos )
Non mais cela fait des mois et des mois (bien avant le rachat de SoE) que sur la page officielle d' EQN, ils ne parlent que de Landmark !!!
Bref, tant mieux pour Landmark qui peut devenir quelque chose de très bien et je vois qu'ils le font évoluer beaucoup mais c'est un peu frustrant de n'avoir presque pas de news sur EQN, hehe ^^

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