[Marketing] A propos des bonus et Preco EU

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pour ceux qui se posent des questions :

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Borg Bridge Officer-
You will not be able to change the way she looks.
She has some special Racial Traits
She has a couple of unique Bridge Officer Skills

TOS Constitution -
Federation Player Ship, Light Cruiser Class (just like the normal starter ship)
Cannot be customized
Has one extra Engineering Modification Slot (this is a device slot)
Will have the same Bridge Choices that the normal starter ship does (There is no TOS Bridge)

Joined Trill Playable Race
Normal Trill will be available to everyone to play, However Joined Trill ads a Species Trait that gives you a few extra passive bonuses to your character.

Various Other Weapons and Armor Items -
All of these are pretty cool, they will all give you a slight advantage in PVE early on, but you will replace them with higher level items around the time you get to Lt Cmdr.

Can I use multiple Codes -?
Yes you can, however you will have to have the retail codes (the ones that come in the box with the physical media) in order to get the items.

What does this mean? - This means you can't pre-order from Amazon get a pre-order code and then cancel your order from Amazon for the actual product and expect to get the item.
Will I get extra Game Time for adding extra retail codes if I buy them? The answer is no, the extra codes will unlock the items but you won't get stacking time from the extra retail codes.

That's going to get expensive! Why is it set up like this?
We set it up like this so that there are many different options for you to choose from. It makes the items more unique and special when the entire server on day one doesn't have the exact same cool item you do. We allow people to enter extra codes because some people want that option, most people will pick their favorite offer and go with that, however some want a couple of them, and if you can afford it.. More power to you

When will I get my items?
Since the items all require retail keys you won’t be able to input those keys until you get them on launch day. This means that if you get the TOS Connie for example along with Head Start Access from Gamestop, you won’t be able to claim your ship until after the official launch. The only exception to this would be the Digital Deluxe Edition. Since that offer is packaged all in one and Digital, there are no returns or refunds for it so those items should be available for you when you log in for the first time during the Head Start program.

Are there more Pre-Order Offers Coming?
Nope, what we have up now are all the pre-order offers that I am told we are going to offer. There are still a few cool Promotional Offers we are going to announce that have in game loot attached to them. For instance the Best of DVD that has a code for Star Trek II Era Uniforms for your account.

Why no UK love?
– Honestly, I don’t really know what the answer to this is. It isn’t because we want to torture or mistreat our UK players, that I know for sure. It may have something to do with our distribution partners outside of the US, but I really don’t have any details other than that. However this will not stop you from getting someone over here you trust to purchase and send you the codes for the cool stuff. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it is a option you could consider.

Will all my items work across multiple characters on my account?
The simple answer to this is yes, unless they are faction specific of course. For instance Klingon characters won’t be flying around in a TOS Constitution, and federation characters will not get a targ.

That’s a wrap on my first bit of info for you, I’ll try to stop by the thread and answer questions when I can. Hope this helps… Look forward to seeing you all in game soon.

source : http://forums.startrekonline.com/sho...68#post1111068
J'espère que l'offre Amazon US sera également valable pour Amazon Fr. L'officier Borg sera vraiment à sa place sur mon croiseur J'espère qu'on pourra choisir son affectation (Tactique, Ingénieur ou Science)
j'aurais bien mis un officier ferengi aux communications de mon oiseau de proie !

une sorte de mascotte que les hommes pourraient frapper a loisirs pour se defouler

esperons que cela soit possible en jeu !
donc si j'ai bien pigé, pas de bonus poru les version UK ? (et donc europeene) ?

est ce qu'on pourra jouer en version FR si on chope la version us du jeu ?
Le client sera multi-langue, et comme il n'y a qu'un seul serveur d'authentification, on pourra jouer avec n'importe quelle clé d'activation en principe (je les vois mal bloquer l'activation d'un code en fonction de la région).

Pour les bonus en Europe, il faut "simplement" attendre que l'éditeur européen et les distributeurs fournissent des offres, on a pas le choix.
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Publié par kerloken
Le client sera multi-langue, et comme il n'y a qu'un seul serveur d'authentification, on pourra jouer avec n'importe quelle clé d'activation en principe (je les vois mal bloquer l'activation d'un code en fonction de la région).

Pour les bonus en Europe, il faut "simplement" attendre que l'éditeur européen et les distributeurs fournissent des offres, on a pas le choix.
mais :

Are there more Pre-Order Offers Coming?
Nope, what we have up now are all the pre-order offers that I am told we are going to offer. There are still a few cool Promotional Offers we are going to announce that have in game loot attached to them. For instance the Best of DVD that has a code for Star Trek II Era Uniforms for your account.
Donc si il y a des bonus, ça ne sera pas en précommandes, et j'ai pas envie d'attendre après la sortie "au cas ou" il y ai une offre intéressante après la sortie du jeu
ok, isl se contredisent :

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Just to make sure it's restated: We're working on a web page on the STO site, which gathers all pre-order options. Right now, we started off with the US/CA partners, as these are already set and sorted.

EU sadly will take a little bit longer, but we do plan to bring the same kind of page to you guys there as well. Hang in there, I know it took longer than anyone involved would have wanted, but we're going to build the same for the EU folks.

donc a mon avis, l'annonce comme quoi il y aura pas d'autres sources de précommandes est juste pour les US, ça arrivera en Europe un jour

Ils ont annoncé tous les bonus américains et le fait qu'il n'y ait pas d'autres bonus. On peut donc imaginer que les revendeurs européens auront les mêmes bonus reste plus qu'à savoir qui choppera quoi. (Amazon à le Borg c'est obligé !!!!!!)
A priori, ça chauffe bien sur le forum officiel... et les infos tombent au fur et à mesure.
Nous devrions avoir des éléments concrets concernant le sort des EU d'ici la fin de la semaine. (Petite pensée à nos amis Australiens)
Pas sûr, s'ils nous sortent le bon vieux 1USD <=> 1EUR commander aux US, ajouter les éventuels frais de port et la TVA ne revient pas forcément plus cher.

Pour l'instant je me tâte, mais la digital deluxe me tente bien ^^
Citation :
Publié par Torme Hextar
donc si d'ici la fin de la semaine pas de news on peut ce permettre de prendre au ricain xD
Attendez quand même un peu, cela ne saurait tarder,... d'ailleurs avec nos contacts chez Bandaï et Atari, on essaie aussi d'en savoir un peu plus au sujet du plan pour l'Europe (et comme précédemment dit... ils ne vont pas nous oublier !)
le bazar sur le forum officiel a réveillé le big boss de Cryptic qui essaie de venir faire le menage...
les precedents messages sur les bonus ont été retirés car contenant quelques erreurs et ils promettent des infos dans la journée

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I woke up extra early this AM (well, not really, my youngest son wakes up at 4:15AM every day) and decided to skim the boards...

I saw a ton of EU preorder issues - so I started digging into that. We'll have a list of the countries, the retailers, the offers, as soon as I can get it.

If you've got a question about preorders, PLEASE just reply here. I'll answer things as I can.

P.S. For those of you who don't know who the heck I am, I'm Jack Emmert, the Cryptic COO. I manage all game development (including STO).

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Quick update:

I've got a meeting to go over STO economy stuff at 4pm PST. As soon as that's over, I'm coming back to my computer, compiling all the questions, I'll type up the answers, and I'll post before I go home for the night.


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Here's what happens when a company grows past 200...

Lots of people are working hard and it's easy for something simple, like confusion over preorders, to get lost in the shuffle. There's an assumption that someone is handling it.

Now, in this case, I have inserted myself in the exclusives stuff (which isn't my domain really) because there was a ton of development confusion with Champions. So internally, I've controlled the flow of exclusives.

Unfortunately, everyone thinks "Jack's too busy for X" and no one tells me that there's a raging inferno about preorders. I know why - everyone thinks someone else is on it and no one wants to get me involved (to say that my reputation is rather like Darth Vader would be an understatement!).

Et du coup ajout des bonus pour la France !

et là, les differents bonus des magasin US sont éparpillés entre UK et FR, mais je suppose que d'autres viendront (notament pour la Delux)

par contre, hmv qui fait a 18 £ ? (donc 20 euros donc 30 dollars) c'est étonnant

si c'est pas une erreur (sur les 2 sites?) je prendrai là, tant pi pour les bonus
Ho ho !

Clairement ceux qui ont le Constitution et le BO Borg ont été pistonnés.
Je suis pas sur qu'il y ait foule sur les autres préco.

Perso je m'en fous je preco jamais (c'est un truc marketing et c'est contre mon éthique, d'etre pris pour une buse).
Quand aux bonus ... Dans le genre moisi, mais bon si le coeur vous en dit de relancer la consommation avec vos deniers, vous génez pas pour moi
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