Une BONNE nouvelle pour changer

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Stellerex a posté un nouveau message sur UXO Stratics, introduisant le nouveau Producteur d'Ultima X: Odyssey :

Sorry for the silence over the past couple of weeks, but as you might imagine things are pretty hectic right now. Lots of people are spending time getting ready to move, getting ready to hand off the baton to their California teammates, etc.

But at last the moment is finally at hand where I can give you a bit more information about what's going on with UXO. I've seen a lot of rumors lately about what might or might not be happening, so let me take this opportunity to give you the straight story.

First of all, UXO is still alive and well. Actually, it's probably in better shape than you might think. Last summer, we raided some of the manpower at EA to help us work on UXO. We made a point of going after a team of people who had experience with MMORPGs, and also people who know and love Ultima. There are more than a dozen of them who have been working along with us to try to deliver the best UXO we can. (And that team has been totally unaffected by the move of the Origin Studio.)

So although we have seen the recent departure of a number of the Austin devs, I'm happy to report that the "replacements" at EA are not really "replacements" at all. They are well acquainted with the direction we are headed in, know the codebase, and are every bit as enthusiastic about this game as the Austin devs have been.

You've all probably seen the bios on a couple of these guys, but let me synopsize their experience by letting you know that the California team has members who have worked on Ultima, UO2, Everquest, Earth & Beyond, and The Sims Online. These are very talented folks with more experience in the MMORPG space than you'll find on most teams making this sort of game in the country.

Over the coming weeks, you'll get the chance to meet a lot of them, but I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to the team's producer, David Yee. He uses the handle InOWis. (And if that doesn't tell you he's an old-school Ultima fan, then nothing will. Whoever's the first one out there who can tell me where that comes from wins a cookie.)

Although it's not an easy thing to step away from a project that's as cool as UXO, if I had to leave it in anyone's hands, I can't really think of anyone who would be a better choice. It's a nice feeling to think that the California team has as much talent, experience and commitment as they do.

You've all also probably seen the recent thread that notes that I am not leaving EA. For personal reasons it was not possible for me to move to California, but happily EA has studios in many places, and I'm headed to their studio on sunny Florida. Tiburon. But even at a distance of a couple of thousand miles, I'll be peeking over their shoulders and rooting them on... and I hope you guys give them as much support as you did for all of us.

Ce nouveau producteur David "InQWis" Yee s'est lui même indroduit peu aprés :

Thanks for the intro, Stellerex.

It has been both a privledge and an honor to work with you on UXO, and I'm going to miss working with all of you. Some of my fondest moments on UXO have been the debates about online games around a well-stocked table in Austin. At the same time, I completely understand and respect peoples' decisions to not move 1800 miles for life reasons and I'm glad that you're staying with us at Tiburon.

Hail UXO stratics. Sorry for being a lurker for so long, but it's nice to officially meet you and accept the baton to carry UXO onward. My team has been happy to read your welcoming posts and are looking forward to meeting you all in due time.

I know that there have been a lot of questions and rumors flying everywhere, but rest assured that we're building a team here at Redwood Shores that has a vested interest in making this a great Ultima product. And I say Ultima first, not RPG, not MMORPG, not game, because you've got a lot of old school hardcore Ultima fans working for you.

My screen name for this product is, in fact, InQWis. And it does come from "In Quas Wis" and one of my personal favorites, Ultima V. (Not only did we have to "spell" out our magic, we got to attack on an angle!) One of our engineers here has all of the Ultima music (MIDI and MP3s) and there was much celebration when we found out that we were talking about a new version of Stones.

I have a more formal introduction coming out in the UXO Newsletter for the month. So, please make sure you sign up for it.

All that said. Nice to meet you all. I'll be around answering, and asking, as many questions as I can.

La bonne nouvelle ? InQWis est également un trés grand fans d'Ultima - et son ambition première est de créer un Ultima digne de ce nom. Qui plus est et ils sont encore nombreux parmi l'équipe déjà présente à Redwood à être fan d'Ultima.

Croisons les doigts !

Sergorn Dragon
Maître ès Ultima
Découvrez La Légende d'Ultima
rassurant ?
Citation :
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d'un Responsable des Relations avec la Communauté (Community Manager), ainsi que d'autres postes clés.
Dès que nous aurons un nouveau Responsable des Relations avec la Communauté et qu'une politique de communication est décidée, nous pourrons plus informer à l'avenir.
l'équipe n'est pas encore entièrement composé
Citation :
Provient du message de Zdravo, le Petit
j'ai vu dans l'annonce qu'il manquait de rédacteur pour ici ?!

Sergorn !! présente-toi !
Amusant. J'ai faillit postuler pour bosser un site UXO sur JOL apres son annonce en fait. Puis je me suis dis "Nan je vais pas me faire avoir comme pour UO2" et effectivement si je l'avais fait, je me serais cassé en même temps que Calandryll :P

Je préférerais plutot postuler pour Tabula Rasa

Sergorn Dragon
Maître ès Ultima
Découvrez La Légende d'Ultima
N'empeche il est important de constater aussi que Ultima X est basiquement INCONNU. Vous avez un mag français faire une preview dessus ?

Il y a a du y avoir qq mentions dans Gen4 mais en général dés que c mentionné on dit que c'est un extension ou une évolutoin d'Ultima Online.

Dans son dernier numéro "Total Jeux PC" a fait un gros dossier sur les MMORPGs et les jeux en online en développement (avec des previews longues ou de brèves présentations) et au final AUCUNE MENTION d'UXO (on parle juste d'un Ultima Online X en mentionnant l'avenir d'UO - sans commentaire).

Alors si en plus Ultima X n'est pas présenté à l'E3 alors que TOUS ces concurent le sont (notament NC Soft risque de faire impression avec toute ses nouveauté), comment espéré faire connaitre Ultima X Odyssey si le jeu est absent de ce qui est certainement LE plus grand salon de jeux vidéo en occident ? Moi je crians que même si UXO voit le jour ca fasse un flop car personne le connaitra, ou pire que EA le réalise et l'annule tout simplement.

(Bien Sur les développeurs sont confiants, mais souvenez vous les développeurs d'UO2 étaient trés confiants aussi jusqu'a ce qu'on annule leur projet sans prévenir du jour au lendemain)

Sergorn Dragon
Maître ès Ultima
Découvrez La Légende d'Ultima

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