Ce que contiendrais le patch 1.31

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(ceci étant sur les forums BioWare mais non-confirmé par un membre de l'équipe, rien ne dit qu'il s'agit de la version finale 1.31)

- Fix to database system referencing player name variables. This fix is already in Live 1.30 but will break compatibility between player-specific data between SoU 1.30 and 1.31. We apologize for any inconvienience.
- Fixed up some SoU vs. non-SoU compatibility issues.
- Fix to henchman not loading in from the database after module transition.
- Fixed Monk Glowing eyes
- Made a theoretical fix to the "body switching" bug. Let us know if this fixes it or if its still happening at nwbugs@bioware.com
- Added a new console command - "setfogdistance x" where x is the distance to set the fog. At this time, this command can only move the plane out, not back in.
- Fixed the ShowDMJoinedMessage ini server option so that it actually works now.
- Fixed a problem with ModifyNumAttacks not stacking properly.
- Removed penalty for point blank shots (firing into melee penalty).
- Made a fix to the GameSpy autologin process.
- Deflect arrows feat now works if either of you hands are free. Rather than the left hand always having to be free regardless of whether or not you have something in your right hand.
- Fixed "On Hit: Blindness" item property so that it now works again.
- You actually have to take damage from a stunning fist attack in order to get stunned by it.
- You actually have to take damage from a quivering palm attack in order to die from it.
- Put in a fix to allow henchman in the Original Official Campaign to equip unidentified magic items on loading to allow for the SoU henchmen changes.
- Item property "On Hit Knock" now actually uses it DC value.
- Fixed a bug where you always failed your concentration check for spells on a subradial menu.
- Fixed a bug where cleric always failed their concentration checks when casting a non-cleric domain spell (e.g. an Air Domain cleric casting Chain Lightning).
- Fixed the level up summary screen so that it displays the correct hit points gained if you level up when you are diseased and you CON has gone down.
- If you're immortal and you get a death effect and your hit points are below 1, they're now set back up to 1.
- You now have to have a ring/amulet equipped in order to cast spells from it.
- Fixed the "Server Description" incorrectly appearing under the "Module Description" heading in the Favorites/History page.
- Spell Resistance from items no longer stacks with the SR from a Monk's innate ability under weird circumstances.
- Fixed DC to detect traps to use a d20 on your roll, not a d10.
- Fixed Nature's Sense and Trackless step, so that they now take effect when in the proper environment.
- Fixed an issue with module switching and the character selection screen.
- Made a fix to drive mode keys while entering cutscene mode.
- Fixed autosave character portrait and character info, for when the autosave occurred as the player was in an area transition.
- Fixed double clicking on a button in the load game menu causing the screen shot to get messed up.
- Fixed a crash when you do massive damage to a non-creature.
- Fix to radial equip option on items on the ground.
- Fix to texture replacements. VFX for stoneskin, barkskin, petrify and shadow skin should stack properly now (removing one won't remove them all).
- Fixed "Server Description" scroll bars not working in the History/Favorites/LAN pages.
- Fixed trapped placeables that were spawned in through scripting were not being added to the area's trap list, so it couldn't be detected.
- Fixed up some ELC checks that weren't working quite right.
- Fixed a problem with hostile monsters being able to open doors that were trapped by the PC without setting off the trap.
- Fixed item containers in henchman inventory issues
- Fixed selling items from henchman's item containers
- Fixed Set/Disable Trap synergy bonus not showing up on the character sheet.
- Fixed some spellbook display issues.
- Fixed a crash while saving with certain malformed custom portrait .tga files.
- Fixed a crash when creature dies and DM is looking at inventory.
- Fixed crash in game options, if you quickly moved the "Overall Graphics Quality" slider when anti-aliasing was turned on.
- Fixed a rare crash when dropping gold into a container.
- Fixed a crash when calling unpossess familiar when you weren't possessing.
- Fixed a few memory leaks.
- Fixed a crash that would occasionally happen when viewing the LAN server details page.
- Fixed a crash when trying to pick up item in NULL area
- Added 7 scripting commands. Please see the script editor for more details.
void ExportSingleCharacter(object oPlayer);
void SetSubRace(object oCreature, string sSubRace);
void SetDeity(object oCreature, string sDeity);
int GetIsDMPossessed(object oCreature);
int GetWeather(object oArea);
int GetIsAreaNatural(object oArea);
int GetIsAreaAboveGround(object oArea);
- Added gender option to GetStringByStrRef()
- Objects should not default to private conversations, which means BeginConversation can now be used to run dialogs between NPCs.
- Made a fix to CreateObject scripting command for creating stores.
- Made a fix so game timers wouldn't get confused when SetCalendar or SetTime were called.
- Fixed EffectNegativeLevel so it doesn't cause a script underflow.
- Made a fix so that GetTotalDamageDealt() work with doors/placeables.
- Made a few small fixed to ActionEquipMostDamagingMelee().
- Fix to GetDamageRoll(), so that it now returns the correct max unarmed damage.
- Fixed crashes caused by scripting an area to apply an AOE spell to a location or object using the scripting command ApplyEffectAtLocation or ApplyEffectToObject.
- Added a new DM "Jump Single Player to DM" radial menu option. Also moved the DM "Examine Character Sheet" and DM "View Inventory" icons to their own examine sub-radial menu, in order to make room for the new option.
- Fixed the portrait not being saved out for DMs when the DM is hosting the game and saves.
- Fixed the <Deity> conversation token.
Citation :
Added a new console command - "setfogdistance x" where x is the distance to set the fog. At this time, this command can only move the plane out, not back in
R.I.P brandon camera hack ...
Citation :
Provient du message de Le grognon
Citation :
Added a new console command - "setfogdistance x" where x is the distance to set the fog. At this time, this command can only move the plane out, not back in
R.I.P brandon camera hack ...

Manque plus qu'ils en fassent une fonction de script
moi, j'apprecie ca aussi :

- You now have to have a ring/amulet equipped in order to cast spells from it.

- Added a new DM "Jump Single Player to DM" radial menu option. Also moved the DM "Examine Character Sheet" and DM "View Inventory" icons to their own examine sub-radial menu, in order to make room for the new option.

- Fixed EffectNegativeLevel so it doesn't cause a script underflow. (en esperant que ca regle le bug des HP infinis..)
Citation :
Provient du message de Le grognon
R.I.P brandon camera hack ...
Non moi je continuerais de l'utiliser car ct pas pour voir a une distance infinie les monstres/donjon (car monstres de toute facon poppent assez pres de soi) et justement je suis content que ce fog soit gerable par le jeu et pas en hard coded...
Enfin bon, si c pour rajouter du fog dans tous le serveur ou l'enlever de la meme maniere...bof, il faut du fog selon les maps moi je dis
Citation :
Provient du message de eMRaistlin
moi, j'apprecie ca aussi :

- You now have to have a ring/amulet equipped in order to cast spells from it.
J'aurais preferé le fait qu'on puisse choisir ou pas de le porter pour lancer le sort. Car des objets peuvent lancer des sorts sans etre portés.
La il passe d'un solution a une autre sans reflechir au fait qu'on pourrait faire marcher les 2 conjointement...
Citation :
Provient du message de Dolanor
J'aurais preferé le fait qu'on puisse choisir ou pas de le porter pour lancer le sort. Car des objets peuvent lancer des sorts sans etre portés.
La il passe d'un solution a une autre sans reflechir au fait qu'on pourrait faire marcher les 2 conjointement...
Pourrais tu s'il te plait me donner un exemple, parce que là je ne vois vraiment pas.
Citation :
Provient du message de Dolanor
J'aurais preferé le fait qu'on puisse choisir ou pas de le porter pour lancer le sort. Car des objets peuvent lancer des sorts sans etre portés.
La il passe d'un solution a une autre sans reflechir au fait qu'on pourrait faire marcher les 2 conjointement...
pareil j'aimerai avoir des exemples ?

Le seul objet qu'on peut excuser de ne pas etre portée (quoique pour les classes qui ont les deux main prises ...) c'est les baguettes.
Citation :
Provient du message de Fanley
Pourrais tu s'il te plait me donner un exemple, parce que là je ne vois vraiment pas.
Peut etre que je me base trop sur D&D 3, mais comme Bioware se dit de respecter les regles du mieux qu'ils peuvent, alors qu'ils le fasse.

Par exemple l'amulette des plans dans le guide du maitre ne precise pas que l'amulette doit etre portée pour que l'utilisateur se transporte lui et son groupe sur un autre plan
Autre objet, l'amulette d'ambre des vermines (traduction made in Dolanor vu que j'ai le bouquin en anglais ) ne precise pas non plus que l'amulette doit etre portée pour invoquer la vermine contenu dans l'ambre... Elle precise juste que le morceau d'ambre doit etre cassé pour liberer la vermine contenue dedans. A part eclater l'amulette contre une surface dure (et donc de le briser a la main) je ne vois pas le casser quand on le porte autour du cou (a moins d'etre Hulk et de pouvoir casser un morceau d'ambre entre ses doigts )

Mais il est vrai que je me suis un peu emporté vite fait et que ce n'est pas tres courant (je n'ai toujours pas trouvé d'anneau dans ce cadre d'utilisation, mais je cherche... )
Enfin bon, voila, ca leur aurait couté une variable booleene et c'est tout
hum c'est un peu long et je ne suis pas assez doué en scripts pour avoir le vocabulaire

Citation :
Added a new DM "Jump Single Player to DM" radial menu option. Also moved the DM "Examine Character Sheet" and DM "View Inventory" icons to their own examine sub-radial menu, in order to make room for the new option.
Ca ca va quand même bien simplifier la vie des MD...
Citation :
Provient du message de Ormus
+ une modification de l'interface
Vi enfin ct compris dans ce que je disais...Je pense pas que rajouter une checkbox soit si dur...si ?

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