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We're still exploring exactly when they implemented, which will be based on how they are to be implemented. We know we must have them before we can do Rohan properly. It's not a question on if we will have mounts, it's a question of how and when.
Il y aura bien des montures selon Chris.

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Time will flow differently for characters, depending on where you are in the story and what region you are in.

The game will be set around the events of LOTR. All areas will be stuck at an interesting point in the timeline, so everyone will get a chance to experience the events and you won't lose out if you start late.

As you move from region to region, the time will advance at a rate to keep the areas interesting and to advance the actual storyline, which runs adjacent to the events of the book.

You will never be able to actually catch up to the Fellowship. They will always be a little bit ahead of you.

We spent a long time thinking about the various ways to handle time in an MMP based on a story. This seemed to capture all of the best elements:

* It's fair
* It's understandable (when actually playing, it's a little wonky when you think about it)
* It gives you the most interesting bits of story to play with

If you want to go back to a previous region, you can -- but time rolls back as well, sort of. You have still advanced in the story (you don't lose you place), but the region is still encased in the amber of time.

There are some details I'm not going into yet, since we may still change a few things around. But for the most part, that's how it works.

Une vision intéressante du temps selon l'équipe.

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Interesting thread. Languages were extremely important to Tolkien and played an integral part in all of his works. The MEO team understands this, and is working to use the appropriate language for race-specific items. We are currently evaluating more involved use of language in MEO, and we will update you when we have details. Just remember, Elves aren’t the only race with a unique language.

J'attend de voir ça

Et plus encore ici où un fan a noté toutes les URLs des threads où les devs parlent du jeu
Si avec ça vous floodez encore ici y'a de quoi vous occuper 2 heures au bas mot
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Provient du message de Araktis FleurduLys
Arie , tu cherches un poste au sein de l'équipe MEO ?
Nous essayons effectivement de trouver une équipe motivée pour faire des news et compléter des articles. Car sur JOL, on peut écrire des articles sans être webmestre, et en ne connaissant rien à HTML
Bonsoir à tous,

J'observe ce jeu depuis les premières rumeurs il me semble... J'espère mettre à profit mes "solides" (koike un peu poussiéreuses) connaissances du monde de Tolkien afin de densifier d'éventuels débats ici

/* Se met sur la pointe d'une colline, en Eriador... et contemple patiemment...*
C'est quoi ces vieux thread qui remonte tout seul ?

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